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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. For you, no! You asked for an update of the trial license on 31st May 2022, so you have been using the (trial) licensed version for over 6 months. I provide a trial license for users to see if FSUIPC7 is suitable for their needs. If you are still using FSUIPC7, you should buy a license, not continually use the trial license provided. As people are now doing this, I will be leaving longer periods where a trial license isn't available, to prevent such practices. John
  2. What is PF3? I do not have the time or knowledge required for this. Another million? No where near making the first one....! I will look into using RC4 with MSFS at some point, but I am afraid that this is low priority. I am currently spending most of my time on support issues, and find it difficult finding time to add new functionality to the existing products I support.... John
  3. By the way, you posted in the main support forum. There is a specific sub-forum for FSUIPC7 / MSFS - I will move this topic there. Please use that forum for all FSUIPC7/MSFS issues. John
  4. No, but it sounds like a timing issue - you have to wait a 20-30 seconds (or longer for complex aircraft) for everything to initialise and start-up. Everything will be ready once the message in the FSUIPC7 main window changes to indicate the number of lvars, hvars and presets available. If that is not the issue, then I will need to see you FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files, the latter generated with logging for Buttons & Keys as well as Events activated, Load an aircraft, reproduce the issue, exit FSUIPC7 and then attach those files. Note that there are some changes to key handling in the next version of FSUIPC7, which will be released once I have had time to update the documentation. I have attached it below if you would like to try this version. John FSUIPC7.exe
  5. Attached is the latest beta, 7.3.16b, which is basically the version I will be releasing once I have time to update the documentation and installer. You can try this if you like - just download and drop it into your FSUIPC7 installation folder: FSUIPC7.exe John
  6. The problem is usually caused by the previous aircraft loaded. When you load a new aircraft, many lvars from the previous aircraft are still present, To get around this problem, when you change aircraft it is better to restart MSFS. This also applies when you initially start MSFS, as the last aircraft used will be loaded automatically, so if you are not going to use that, load the aircraft you want to use and then restart MSFS. John
  7. How many lvars do you see? The current limit is 3066 lvars. If you have not reached the limit, you can issue a reload command to re-scan for lvars. If all lvars are not picked-up on the initial scan, you can set the WASM ini parameter LvarScanDelay to delay the initial scan until the lvars you want to use have been created. See the FSUIPC7 Advanced User Guide for details on the WASM ini parameters and how to use. John
  8. Is there an FSUIPC6.log and FSUIPC6.ini file in your installation folder (C:\FSUIPC6\)? If so, please show them to me. If the menu entry is there but the FSUIPC main window isn't being displayed, I can only think that it is being displayed outside your screen coordinates. Can you see it if you hover over the P3D task-bar icon? If you have a size/position instruction in your FSUIPC6.ini, which will be the ini parameter Window under [General], then remove that and try again. John
  9. Well, the FSUIPC documents folder, but you can ignore this, and you can ignore the registry. Really you should just make a copy of the FSUIPC7.exe of the 7.3.8 version, as well as the fsuipc-lvar-module folder in the Community folder (although the latest WASM may be compatible with 7.3.8, not sure...). Please do not ask for support if not using the latest version - the first thing I will ask you to do is update. John
  10. It is not a problem, those messages can be ignored.
  11. I have updated the title of this topic to something more appropriate to your issue. The WideClient.log file shows an initial successful connection: Although subsequent connection attempts seem to be failing, using both and (check your log!). I suggest you try re-starting WideClient if you start getting continual failures (again, check the log). Also, you could try setting the ServerName or ServerIPAddr WideClient ini partameter - and maybe the Protocol parameter, to see if that helps. See the WideFS User Guide for details. Also, as it looks like it is sometimes connecting, maybe check your cabled connection, and look for any windows network events/errors on both the client and server machines, to see if they indicate any problems.
  12. No - profiles are difficult to share. People can share there assignments, or help you with specific buttons or axes. Aircraft, especially complex add-ons, are a lot more complex to control in MSFS. You should start by looking into the presets available for the aircraft you are configuring - and use profiles as the set-up will be different for each aircraft. See the MobiFlight HubHop website (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/) for a searchable list of available presets on vendor and aircraft. All (or most) presets should be available in FSUIPC7. Not sure what you mean by "the z axis isn't working" - do you mean the axis isn't registered in FSUIPC7, or the assignment to that axis isn't working? There are also many posts already for various issues with the PMDG 737s and the Fenix A320, so try searching this forum. Otherwise create a new post for any specific issues not already addressed. John
  13. ...and I won't be increasing this. Too many changes would be needed to support more, especially considering WideClient....I am afraid you will be limited to 9 virtual devices for external triggering. John
  14. Ok, I have now looked into this. Offset area 0x7F00 is badly documented, and is for real joysticks not virtual ones. Basically it is a copy of the facilities provided at offset 0x03C0, but for joysticks with up to 128 buttons, not the facilities for virtual joystick buttons provided at 0x3340. I will correct the documentation. So, for your original question: For virtual device access via offsets, it is only 9 (64-72) and via offsets 0x3340 and 0x29F0. This provides access to 288 virtual buttons. Sorry for the confusion, and the time taken for me to look into this. Regards, John
  15. Ok, I have now looked into this. Offset area 0x7F00 is badly documented, and is for real joysticks not virtual ones. Basically it is a copy of the facilities provided at offset 0x03C0, but for joysticks with up to 128 buttons, not the facilities for virtual joystick buttons provided at 0x3340. I will correct the documentation. John
  16. This is that bgl from my installation which is up-to-date - it is only 516KB so zipping not required: APX46170.bgl John
  17. Please attach your InstallFSUIPC7.log file. This is essential for all installation issues. John
  18. @Luke Kolin Attached is the latest beta, 7.3.16b, if you would like to try with this: FSUIPC7.exe I checked offset 0x6C8E here and that looks to be holding the correct value for AircraftModel (3 for the 737-700 BW). John
  19. Who is "they"? Where is this version? Have you tried that with FSUIPC7? Have you tried this? What was the result? Development of what - ShowText? As I said, I currently know nothing about this - it is new to me. I took a break over Christmas/New Year, and now have quite a few support requests to look into, as well as a new version of FSUIPC7 to release. I will look into this further when time permits, but any additional information (links to new version for example?) would be useful. John
  20. I don't think your issues will have been due to the latest FSUIPC version. And if they are, then that will need investigating. Only the latest version of FSUIPC is supported. So you should update to the new version regardless. I don't think so, but that depends on what has changed. I am not going to look into this, but you can check the provided History document to see if there are any relevant changes. John
  21. Yes, of course - 7.3.16 is nearly ready to go, it just got delayed due to the festive season. I have a few things I still need to check, and the documentation needs updating, but I hope to get the new version out at the weekend or early next week. John
  22. That is for the PFCcom64.dll driver. The hid driver has no such menu/interface. They are hardcoded. However, they can be overwritten by adding a macro to a file called PFC.mcro. This is explained in the PFChidDLL User Guide. Not sure why this is - try using FSUIPC's logging facilities to see if the correct events are being sent. If it was previously working perfectly, and now its broken, it sounds more like they have broken this than fixed it....have you asked about this on PMDG support? John
  23. First, you ran the installer from within the zip file: This invariable causes issues. You need to extract the contents of the zip file first, before running the installer. Then, when you install, please choose a non-windows protected folder, so not under Program Files (where you installed) and not under Documents - as I said above: Try uninstalling FSUIPC6 before installing again (after extracting!), using the uninstaller in the FSUIPC6 installation folder: C:\Program Files\FSUIPC\uninstallFSUIPC6.exe John
  24. Thats good. However, looking at those files, it looks like you didn't copy/move across your files to the new installation location, so you will have lost your current assignments. You should do this before anything else (e.g. adding new ones). John
  25. Sounds strange....do you have any assignments in MSFS? Does the log show anything (with Event logging activated)? I don't have the 737-800, but I can check in the 737-700.....However, this won't be until next week now, as I have a lot of support requests to catch-up in after the holiday period. Cheers, John
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