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John Dowson

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Posts posted by John Dowson

  1. 8 hours ago, Marty said:

    I now have the  BUO836A interface back but still missing the throttles I will post the file.

    Ok,  if the throttle is distinct from the  BUO836A interface ignore my last comment. So just the throttle not being seen now? Can you post your log and joyscan.csv files.

  2. 8 hours ago, Marty said:

    but no throttle it is connected as it is registering in windows as input device game controller called Buo836a interface

    If the throttle is now registered as Buo836a, then change these lines

    T=G-Throttles << MISSING JOYSTICK >>


    T=BU0836A Interface

  3. The text between the '-{..}-' characters are comments to make the ini file more readable. As you are not changing the controls, the comment is being re-written to the specified control. You just need to change the actual controls, so it would be:

    24=P1,15,C70600,0     -{Custom control: <70600>}-
    25=U1,15,C70600,1     -{Custom control: <70600>}-
    26=P1,15,C70601,0     -{Custom control: <70601>}-
    27=U1,15,C70601,1     -{Custom control: <70601>}-
    28=P1,16,C70602,0     -{Custom control: <70602>}-
    29=U1,16,C70602,1     -{Custom control: <70602>}-
    30=P1,16,C70603,0     -{Custom control: <70603>}-
    31=U1,16,C70603,1     -{Custom control: <70603>}-

  4. Click your start menu, in the search box, type 'command' - the top option will be 'Command Prompt' (or something similar, depends on Windows version and what you have installed). Select the 'Command Prompt' option. A window should open. In that window, type 'cd <your install directory>', whatever your install directory  fore WideClient is, use that (is it 'C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\WideFS'? Are you running from your download directory?).

    When you are in the directory, type 'dir' to get the folder contents.

    Anyway, its really a lot easier using Windows Explorer. Did you try changing your folder options to see hidden file types?

    Google is your friend in these matters!


  5. 10 hours ago, Marty said:

    I can’t read user guide it comes up with just numbers and symbols so a little blind.

    That strange - are you using a text editor/viewer rather than a pdf viewer? Try opening it in your web browser (as that should have support for viewing pdfs).

    If you ares till having issues with this, I can post you another copy, but I doubt very much your files have been corrupted...

    6 hours ago, Marty said:

    In the fsuicp.ini folder it says the is sim being used is Microsoft flight sim but I’m using prepar 3d v 4.5 I

    I guess you solved this as your FSUIPC5.ini has the following:

    5 hours ago, Marty said:

    FSVersionUsed="Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v4",


    5 hours ago, Marty said:

    i re calibrated controls in windows. Not sure if controls should be calibrated in prepar or just fsuicp im guessing just oneor the other as they would conflict? any ideas on how i can read the user manual?

    First, try and sort out your problem with the user manuals - you really need these!

    For axis assignments, you need to decide whether to assign in P3D or FSUIPC. If you assign in P3D, you can still calibrate in FSUIPC. But if you decide to assign in FSUIPC, it is better to disable controllers completely in P3D. Anyway, I see you are using ProSim which I believe has its own calibration system - probably best to wait for Pete to return and help you with this (as he is a ProSim user). 

    Your FSUIPC ini file shows that your previously assigned devices are no longer used, due to the change in GUIDs. You therefore need to update your ini file to correct this. As you have two sets of yoke/pedals, I'm not sure which way around your assignments go, but as the assignments to each seem to be similar, it shouldn't matter too much. You do have one device missing - your throttle (G-Throttles) - is this not connected?

    Try replacing this section:

    T=G-Throttles << MISSING JOYSTICK >>
    B=BU0836X Interface << MISSING JOYSTICK >>
    R=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals << MISSING JOYSTICK >>
    S=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals << MISSING JOYSTICK >>
    1=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
    2=737YOKE-LE by ACE
    3=737YOKE-LE by ACE
    4=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
    0=BU0836A Interface

    with the following

    T=G-Throttles << MISSING JOYSTICK >>
    B=BU0836X Interface
    R=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
    S=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
    Z=737YOKE-LE by ACE
    Y=737YOKE-LE by ACE
    1=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
    2=737YOKE-LE by ACE
    3=737YOKE-LE by ACE
    4=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
    0=BU0836A Interface


    Let me know how you get on.


  6. Hi Tasso,

    knob's usually send controls. In this case, its the 'Attitude Pitch Trim' which *should* (I guess) send controls for 'Attitude Bars Move Down' and 'Attitude Bars Move Up'. However, whether and how these work or not is completely dependent upon the aircraft implementation.

    For example, in A2A's Cherokee, you can get/set this value (i.e. the trim value itself) using the Lvar 'AttitudePlane', e.g from https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/443151-a2a-piper-pa-28-cherokee-180-module-version-11/ , here's a couple of lua function that controls this knob for this aircraft:

    function A2A_Pitch_Att_inc ()
        local PAtt = ipc.readLvar('AttitudePlane')
        PAtt = PAtt + 1
        if PAtt > 7 then PAtt = 7 end
        ipc.writeLvar('AttitudePlane', PAtt)
    function A2A_Pitch_Att_dec ()
        local PAtt = ipc.readLvar('AttitudePlane')
        PAtt = PAtt - 1
        if PAtt < -7 then PAtt = -7 end
        ipc.writeLvar('AttitudePlane', PAtt)

    Depending upon which aircraft you are using, something similar may be available.

    There is no offset for actual attitude pitch trim value itself, and there is no simulator variable for this. The offsets for the Attitude Indicator are:

            2F70= Attitude indicator pitch value ( in degrees)

            2F78=Attitude indicator bank value ( in degrees )

    There is another read-only simvar for 'Attitude Bars Position', however this is not currently stored in an offset.

    Hope this helps,


  7. 2 hours ago, jhambly said:

    If it turns out I have to clean the registry can you advise where in the registry I need to look with regedit?

    Possibly, although you could try the 'Device Cleanup' tool (with devices disconnected) available from here: https://www.uwe-sieber.de/misc_tools_e.html

    I've not used this myself though!

    Oh - and make sure you back-up your registry first, just in case!

  8. 2 minutes ago, Marty said:

    I’m happy to purchase another licence especially with all your help and support

    Its really not needed as you already have a license. I just checked and its fine to use distinct names and email addresses for FSUIPC and WideFS, you just need to run the installer twice, register FSUIPC the first time, and WideFS the second (do not choose the 'Both' option!).

    16 minutes ago, Marty said:

    I would happily pay you to connect to my pc’s and set up the darn thing. 

    Not an option, sorry.

    17 minutes ago, Marty said:

    i did find a simconnect file in the old p3dv3.4 programmes module folder I hope that is not needed as this file is not in the 4.5 module folder?

    No, its not needed with FSUIPC5. It uses the SimConnect interface built into P3D.


  9. 4 hours ago, jhambly said:

    , and had programmed a couple of switches on the throttle to modify or zap traffic

    In FSUIPC? Your ini file shows no assignments. Its basically empty.

    4 hours ago, jhambly said:

    I recently installed saiteck rudder pedals also and now the throttle button don't work

    Did you install the saitek drivers? If so, you need to uninstall these first. Disconnect all your devices, uninstall any associated devices from the device manager, reboot your PC and then reconnect your devices.

    If you still get duplicate devices, you will have to clean your registry.




  10. You can register WideFS with a different email address but I'm not sure about the name. Did you try re-running the installer to register WideFS with the details from your registration email? If not, please try that first.

    If this doesn't work, if you PM both your FSUIPC5 and WideFS registrations to me, I'll see if I can generate you a new key for WideFS with your FSUIPC5 details 

  11. Clicking 'set' sets the numbers! So, move your joystick fully to the left, then click the left set button and the minimum number will be set, then move fully to the right and click the right set button to set the maximum. Center/null zone can be set by holding your joystick slightly off-centre to the left and right (i.e. two more clicks).

    This is all explained in the user manual.


  12. Sorry, I'm referring to the Windows event log. Start the Event Viewer (you can find it from the search box in the Start menu) and look under Windows Logs -> Application. There should be an Error event there at the time of the WideClient crash, and possibly some other events at the same time. Copy any events at the time of the crash and post them.

    Oh, and for the WideClient log, ignore my previous advice (wrong option, sorry!), you want to enable Hide extensions for known file types in your folder options.


  13. Hi Dinesh,

    1 hour ago, Dinesh said:

    Run Matlab on a PC and P3D on another and then use LAN connection with wideFs  to exchange data 

    Well, if you can run Matlab on the same PC as P3D and 'connect' using FSUIPC, then WideFS would allow you to do the same running Matlab on a second PC.

    I can't advise further as I don't know Matlab - how does it interface/connect to FSUIPC? If you are writing your own client, it may be better to use the SimConnect or PDK interfaces directly to P3D. 


  14. Hi Luke,

    are you sure that its the 'EYEPOINT POSITION' that you require? This is defined as the 'eyepoint position relative to the reference datum position for the aircraft', and is in feet. Previously this was a latitude/longitude/altitude, so the reference frame (and units) for this is quite different from FS2004. Is this ok?


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