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John Dowson

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Posts posted by John Dowson

  1. Hi Jeff,

    glad is all working for you now! Joy devices are always numbered, you have to manually activate or assign letters to use the 'Joy Letters' facility (which you should do!).

    Your ini file looks ok. A few minor things though:

    1. You have 3 devices recognised (yoke, pedals, throttle) with ids 1, 0 and 3. However, you also have quite a few assignments to a device with id 2, which is no longer recognised. This can occur if your joystick ids change (by, for example, plugging them into a different port/hub). To prevent this problem in the future, you should really consider either activating the 'AutoAssignLetters' option, or manually assigning letter to your joystick devices yourself (e.g. 'T' for throttle, 'Y; for yoke, etc). See P21 of the user guide for details. Once done. you can manually remove the assignments to your device with id of 2, to clean-up your ini file (although not strictly necessary).

    2. You are using 'ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring', so you could edit your ini to shorten your profile names so that they are selected automatically (see p27 of the Advanced guide).

    Happy Flying!



  2. Hi Beck,

    you can try re-installing, but as FSUIPC is only a single dll I don't think this could be caused by it becoming corrupt.


    My rudder settings are 'buggy,' meaning I lost the setting in FSUIPC on the two AC I tried. This could be a USB issue though. 

    Are you using 'Joy Letters'? If not, your joy ids (and maybe even guids) may have changed, invalidating your assignments. You can manually edit the ini file to correct the ids (or correct the ids in the registry) if thats the issue. You can post your ini file if you have doubts and I'll take a look.


  3. So its crashing when loading/on start-up. When you re-installed 4.4 did you re-install the correct version of your add-ons?

    Try again without ActiveSky, and also with NoWeatherAtAll=Yes.

    You should also start with a default aircraft really as well - especially it seems if you use the FSLabs A320 (see this thread: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/526406-must-i-start-p3d-with-a-default-aircraft/).


  4. Quote

     But nothing happend on the aircraft (FsLabs A320).

    Thats very strange. Did you try a different aircraft? Are you sure FSUIPC is running (can you see it in the 'Add-ons' menu?)


    When I upgrade fsuipc to another version, what do I have to reinstall?

    If you already have FSUIPC installed, you can just replaced the FSUIPC5.dll file. The files attached in the posts above are dll files, just download them, rename to 'FSUIPC5.dll' and copy (replace) to your sims 'Module' folder (which is'D:\P3Dv4\Modules\'). If you've re-installed the sim, you may first need to re-install by running the (latest) installer first.

  5. I've looked into the Distributed COM events and think this is a bit of a red herring...

    Anyway, here's another version to try - 5.151a. In this version, I've simplified the interfaces to the PDK used by FSUIPC (now using only one frame event rather than 2).

    Can those with this problem please give this a try and report back: FSUIPC5.txt

    (Again, its a dll file renamed to *.txt to prevent virus-checking problems - please download, rename and install).




  6. Hi,

    the FSUIPC5 installer will currently only install FSUIPC5 in the Modules folder of your P3D folder (wherever that is). If you want to move it to a separate location and use the xml add=on installation method, that is possible but you would have to do this manually (its pretty easy - I can post instructions if needed).

    I will be releasing an updated installer for FSUIPC5 later this year which will default to the newer 'add-on' installation method and so allow you to select an installation directory outside of the main P3D folder.




  7. Hi,

    another user posted a similar problem with a CTD after Distributed COM errors in this post:

    I am looking into this and will report back if I find anything. The above post also contains a link to version 5.150 if you want to revert back to that for the time being to see if this helps.



    P.S. Could you post the Distributed COM errors that you received please, may be useful...

  8. Roman - yes, sorry... better to enable both options!

    Paul: no keypresses were logged, so keypresses are not getting to FSUIPC. I see you are using Linda (started from your ipcReady.lua script presumably). You have this in your log file:

    LUA Asks: "Laap first start - Actual language is French - Do you want the English version ? (Y/N)"
       444235 ASN active function link set

    This looks like its waiting for a response, so this maybe grabbing & blocking keyboard input. 

    As a test, can you disable Linda (e.g. rename your ipcReady.lua to ipcReady.disabled) and also your LaapATCv2.1.lua (by removing from your '[Auto]' section) and re-test.



  9. Hi Patrick,

    thats interesting...a new feature in 5.151 does use the PDK distributed com interface, so if thats not working it could cause a problem. This seems more to be an issue with your windows installation though. I'll investigate further, and I'll build (and post) a 5.15 version for you (later today) to test. However, 5.15 also uses the PDK, but maybe not distributed COM (I'll check).



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