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John Dowson

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Posts posted by John Dowson

  1. Hi Tom,

    where does it say that it is a 'Beta copy'? There is no such thing! Version 5.121a is an interim version and is out-of-date (not supported) - please download and install version 5.15, which is the latest version of FSUIPC5.

    There are only registered and unregistered versions (and no expire date!). The 'About' tab in the FSUIPC5 main window will show if the copy is registered or not, and the FSUIPC5.log file will log the registration check (when you start P3D). What does this say?



    P.S. For future reference, could you please use a more useful topic....'FSUIPC' doesn't say much, 'FSUIPC registration query' would have been better! Thanks.

  2. Hi Don,

    you can connect your USB devices to your client computer and connect using WideFS. This will generally be fine for buttons/switches/toggles, etc, but for axis controls (throttle, elevators, ailerons, rudder, etc) you may find the added delay (due to the network) gives poor response times.

    Anyway, Pete will be back next week so please wait for his opinion before you splash the cash!



  3. Hi Luke,

    there were some changes in the way the sim mode is derived that were introduced in FSUIPC v5.15. See note 5 in the 5.15 history document. There were also some changes in the use of offset 3365 (which is the 'in-menu' or 'dialog' flag) in v5.14 (please also see History document for details)

    The sim mode is now taken from the PDK and stored in offset 3402 as a bitwise flag. Please check the offset status document for this offset. There is no change in offset 0628 - this should still be 1 when in instant replay mode and 0 when off.





  4. Hi,

    unfortunately it is difficult to tell what is in the attached image, but yes - the 'Previous Flight' should be visible in the 'Load Scenario' dialog box.

    I am not sure why the 'Previous Flight' is not visible, if it is there and visible in the 'Save Flight' dialog box, it should also be in the 'Load Flight' one....

    You could try activating the 'Provide menu entry for flight loading' option, in FSUIPC's 'Miscellaneous' tab. This will give you an extra 'Load Flight...' menu option in the 'Add-ons' drop-down. Use this to navigate to your saved flights directory (usually in the Documents/Prepar3D v4 Files directory of the user account - this should be the default) and see if you have the 'Previous Flight.fxml' file there and try and load that.



  5. Hi,

    no attached pictures, only the install log. This shows one strange error:


    Failed to install "FSUIPC5 User Guide.pdf"
       Error 1224 reported ("Der Vorgang ist bei einer Datei mit einem geöffneten Bereich, der einem Benutzer zugeordnet ist, nicht anwendbar. ")

    The attached install log shows you were installing 5.15 over 5.15, so it looks like you are re-installing the same version, no? Did you have the user guide open at the time by any chance, which prevented it being installed on this run?

    As to your registration problems, more info is needed. Have you previously registered (and have a valid key file in your Modules folder)? If so, you can skip the registration process and the existing key file will be picked-up when you start P3D/FSUIPC5. Otherwise, what happens when you try to register?

    Also please remember to copy and paste your registration details from you registration/purchase email.



    P.S. For future reference, please try and use a more appropriate topic/subject for support requests. 'FSUIPC' doesn't really say much - 'FSUIPC registration problems' would have been better! Thanks.

  6. As spokes2112 says, this is not an efficient way run such a large lua file. Each time you call this, it has to create the thread and compile the lua script before it runs. It would be more efficient to have the lua auto-started (and compiled!) and activated on an event flag. You can also consider breaking the script down into multiple smaller files.




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