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John Dowson

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Posts posted by John Dowson

  1. On 12/24/2019 at 3:22 PM, Bobby Velev said:

    I only see the last few I made for the 737. I tried to create a few new ones but it won't let me. Again they are created in the Module section but won't come up when I assign a switch.

    This is due to the fact that you have exceeded the 127 macro file limit. As Thomas says, try reducing the number of macro files - there is really no need to have so many. You can try try combining them - you will of course have to re-assign afterwards.


  2. Hi,

    this is a common problem - the solution has been posted in many posts... You can manually edit the Modules folder permissions yourself to allow full access, by right clicking on the folder properties:  select Security-->Edit-> Add, enter Everyone as the object name, then 'Check Names' and 'OK'. Then give 'Full Control' to the 'Everyone' group just added.



    P.S. Think I'll add a FAQ entry for this problem, even though most users don't check there before posting...!

  3. The <shift> key is a modifier key and needs to be held down when you press the other key (i.e. together, not before), so maybe you got it the wrong way around?

    Log files looks ok, as does your ini, but you don't have any assignments - or much of anything!

    Probably a good idea to change the AutoAssignLetters parameter to Yes, to enable the JoyLetters facility, which would preserve any assignments to your joystick devices if the ids change (please see the User Guide for details).

    Anyway, glad its now working for you.



  4. There is also a separate document you should read if you are using profiles in separate files, called (unsurprisingly) Profiles in Separate Files.pdf.

    I suspect that your problem is that the [Auto] section in your Lear35.ini should just be called [Auto] and not [Auto.Lear35] - the latter is used in your FSUIPC5.ini file when you are using profiles but NOT in separate files.


  5. Hi Renato,

    no need to re-purchase - you should be able to retrieve your existing registration from SimMarket.

    If you are having problems with your SimMarket account, you need to contact them - we have no control over SimMarket accounts.



    P.S. Did you try the 'Forgot Your Password?' link in the login box? This should allow you to rest your password using your email address.

  6. 1 hour ago, Artwork1964 said:

    Unfortunately, an axis has been recognized as a throttle

    Are you sure this is FSUIPC, and not the FS? FSUIPC will not automatically assign an axis (or 'recognise as a throttle') on a new device. Maybe check the assignments in the sim (or disable controllers in the sim, which is recommended if you are assigning axis in FSUIPC).

    Note you can also delete any assignments directly in your FSUIPC ini file, but best to do this when the sim is not running.


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