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FeelThere Ariel

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FeelThere Ariel last won the day on June 15 2022

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  1. Hi @Fizziii please send us a message to feelthere.zendesk.com
  2. Hi @Basilrug if you cannot see version v1.4.0. then Simmarket has been slow in updating their version. They may take a few days.
  3. Can you please send the screenshots to our email support?
  4. Do you have any addons installed?
  5. What is your Real Traffic version?
  6. Hi @SMB thank you for the feedback. I`m glad it`s all working now.
  7. What sim are we talking about? Do you have the latest KRDU update? If this is for MSFS... please also verify that you have uninstalled the Asobo version.
  8. Hi @gary74 as @scoobflightmentioned, you can use the original download links provided upon purchase. If you do not have them anymore please send us a note at feelthere.zendesk.com and our support will resend you the links.
  9. Hi @SMB Xbox is usually very slow to upload their updates... it may be a matter of weeks.
  10. Are you running Tower!3DPro in Admin mode? Is your computer language set to US English? Is the English pack updated? Is Cortana enabled and functioning correctly? Have you tested with various headsets or a single one?
  11. Hi @Virusslo thank you very much for reporting back. I`m sure many here will find the findings useful.
  12. HI @Virusslo I`m afraid the Asobo issue is out of our hands. Have you tried posting your issue on the sim forum?
  13. @Terry HaleyPlease PM Vic 🙂
  14. Have you tried uninstalling the Asobo version already?
  15. HI @Virusslothank you very much for the heads up. We`ll wait to hear any further news from you.
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