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Posts posted by hexzed

  1. Some airlines are put in when the beta testing is taking place, but then removed if they are incorrect. I'm not specifically talking about Honolulu, but when LEBL RC was updated this happened to me. I would say the screenshots were taken before the final RC was released.

    The pictures are designed to be a general overview look, not a breakdown of the exact liveries you will get. 

    The information in Gary's spreadsheet and the manifest list are the only sources you need to trust

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  2. Yep controlled duplicates work in real life, but not in the game. The only way to have 2 airlines with the same IATA is to change one of them to a made up one.

    FYI the game will load up the first IATA in the list, so if you swap the 2 IATA's around Omni Air will load

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, andredragt said:

    Don't actually know if this is only this airport, have never encountered it before.

    CWP645 is clearer to land 8L  // CWP 645 is told to exit at G //  HAL272 is waiting at 8L@H with command Line up and wait BEHIND next landing aircraft

    because CWP 645 is a slow AT4 it actually stops landing halfway RB and H  // HAL272 Lines up and waits...BEFORE CWP 645 actually reaches H

    (Giving CWP 645 a stop command and letting HAL272 take of after that gives me a penalty)g

    You can't really take the command literally, especially at an intersection takeoff. The plane will start lining up as soon as the next plane touches down, even if it's on a different runway. I don't think this command is used by ATC anyway, another thing to be changed in the next version

    • Thanks 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, ATC AlaskaGuy said:

    I am only going to say this once so everyone knows ok the only reason i was disappointed at the list of retro airlines and liveries is that i was really hopping that eastern airlines and their L1011 and more airlines with L1011 would be added as that plane type isn't even in any of the airplane files yet that is also why i said at first that I was out but then i thought wait something is better then nothing i just really wanted to see what that Feel There or Nyerges Design would do about adding the L1011 to the game.

    Well as i said there is no final list yet, but you may get your wish...

  5. 37 minutes ago, ATC AlaskaGuy said:

    so wait is this something that we will have to buy or how is this going to work to get it?

    Yes this has always been a paid thing, as stated in the very first post of the very first thread


  6. Hello everybody

    This is an update post to say that the Retro pack is currently in beta testing phase.

    Some good and bad news

    Due to mitigating factors, some planes from the original list from @EliGrim, and the original poll will not be in the pack

    Please do not despair though, most of them will be included.

    The good news is that there will be extra planes from the poll added to the pack, to make up for the shortfall 😃


    Two important things to note

    I do not know when the pack is going to be released, i will inform you here when the pack is ready to go, but that does not mean that will be the release date

    The planes in the pack are not yet confirmed, when the pack is finalised, i will (with Gabors blessing) provide a final list, and some pictures


    Thanks again for your input


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