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Milan Putnik

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Milan Putnik last won the day on April 28 2021

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About Milan Putnik

  • Birthday 08/23/1985

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    Science, aviation, chess, music.

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  1. I've been away from my country thus excuse my late response. What a beautiful, powerful yet simple and clean setup you got there ! I know exactly what you need, I will get back to you soon.
  2. What is the exact use scenario ? The MSFS aircraft use HTML/CSS/JS to display data, the more performant method compared to the older way GDI+, etc. If you need display data from the MCDU, you can try outputting the MCDU trough web socket, much like a webpage. There's web socket server bundled with FSUIPC that enables one to pass and retrieve simulator and gauge HTML events by using...that looks like the.. Polish postfix..? (John, Pete..?). Also, I've seen a tool capable of passing complete gauge and instrument display content in its wrapper onto any device in LAN and (with a proper port forward) WAN. I could try and find it for ya, though I don't know what exactly you are trying to accomplish.
  3. That is good - you now basically increased the amount of RAM memory dedicated to your network adapter so now when it offloads the work of processing such types of more granulated types of TCP or UDP traffic from the CPU (all kinds of data streamed into the sim, local IO traffic such as WideFS and the rest of the standard services) - it's able to process more data per cycle. It also knows that it has twice the amount of one above other, so it will reschedule packet handling accordingly (it mostly makes for a much "sharper" network packet scheduling). Not everybody is cranking that to the max and it's not widely known because if used just like that "let's go rock n roll" it can even negatively impact performance or cause the network adapter to drop the connection. You have such options on your laptop as well, you just left click the active wireless network adapter that you'll also see in the list - then properties....the same...although drivers often make the layout visually different, add more features and misplace others, it mostly boils down to the same concept. Anyway, those options are present on every network adapter be it wired or wireless.
  4. Everything's cool John. Also, it's a very fine piece of software and I will absolutely fly it...at a certain point in time.. 😄 Works fine here. One thing I noticed right away by the way it acts is absolutely and ABSOLUTELY crucial - it should be set to ALWAYS start cold and dark ! Also, it should be avoided starting the sim with the CRJ already in hangar. Before exiting the simulator go into hangar and switch the plane to something simple without any WASM modules - like Cessna 172sp or just a good old Piper Cub. Then exit the simulator. Because. Especially all of you who use FSUIPC, SPAD.Next and the like - load the sim with some simple wood in the hangar and configure the CRJ to always start cold and dark. Even then it has a tendency to get all funky and weird upon spawning - but just force "cold and dark" from the EFB again once or twice to get all the modules loaded and SimConnect loaded and initialized properly. I've already seen such schizophrenic SimConnect tendencies with PMDG and Leonardo simulations, you don't get some simvars properly loaded...it becomes a mess because the airplane animations (moving flaps, ailerons, etc.) are the events consisted of a set of Hvars primarily - when some of those get "stuck", fearful pranks ensue.. John, is there a chance that the WASM module CRJ uses for instruments (actually the complete avionics suite) runs some gauge events in the same range as FSUIPC WASM...that is from 0x1FFF through to 0x1FFF5 ? All the rest is a matter of the proper user hygiene - I mean: - running this at 100fps and/or without any form of vsync or a frame limiter WILL crash the simulator and cause various...tendencies...to appear - misconfigured hardware and/or software - do not delete the hidden VxD drives because it looks ugly and you feel invaded by Microsoft - use FSUIPC as per instructions, read the manual and try to learn as much as possible - keep the system up-to-date These are my findings after these few hours since I bought it.
  5. John I see there are various threads, issues and requests surrounding the CRJ and I also read you'll be asking for a temporary licence for the purpose of testing and eventual improvement of the FSUIPC, so I have just bought the plane (just spawned at an airport and waiting for it to "assemble" itself as per Aerosoft instructions). If there's something I can do to assist you and speed things up please instruct.
  6. Upon providing the requested logs to mr.Dowson, let's try manually offseting 0BC0 with a small SWord inc/dec with the value of 128 - or simply make these entries in the profile: TRIM UP: xx=P[joy_num],[button_num],Cx32000BC0,x3FFF0080 TRIM DOWN: xx=P[joy_num],[button_num],Cx42000BC0,xC0010080 We're just gonna switch the red colored parts with the proper stuff - those xx replace properly with the next number in order relative to the rest of the commands you have there, of course. Then for [joy_num] put the controller number (it can also be a letter !),and for [button_num] the button number you wanna assign the trim up and trim down commands to on that controller. No no, without those square brackets...everything red goes away...so if we decided we're gonna use joystick 1, buttons 4 and 5 for trim up and trim down we shall go like: 56=P1,4,Cx32000BC0,x3FFF0080 <--- pressing button 4 on the joystick number 1 sends a single pulse of our fancy trim up 57=P1,5,Cx42000BC0,xC0010080 <--- pressing button 5 on the joystick number 1 sends a single pulse of our fancy trim down So, the location of the letter "P" is where we supply the type of action. As you already must have read in the manual, "P" send a single pulse of a certain command. It might happen you require "R" instead - "repeat" - in which case each button press is gonna send the trim up/dn repeatedly at the speed defined up there under "PollInterval" and "ButtonRepeat". I hope all of this makes sense...or at least that my solution works for you ! 😀 All the best ! M
  7. I am not sure if this connection interruption from WideClient.log is of any significance: 1815828 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out Aside from that detail, the rest looks like you have quite a lot of traffic happening. Check out if it gets better if you turn down the amount of traffic and whatever else there is, so that you lower the amount of data sent between machines and see how it performs...although with a solid CPU it shouldn't be a problem... Yes it is very good to check how does everything work when you run the P2A locally on the sim machine - I'd appreciate hearing how did it go. I'd like to suggest we try a few things that might alleviate the network traffic related stutters: First, is your CPU model the latest Zen3 architecture (Ryzen 5000 series) ? The issue with USB devices disconnecting at random has been patched for Zen3 suported AM4 X570, and select B450 and X470 motherboards by AMD back in April. Make sure you run the updated BIOS with the latest AGESA v3801 for your chipset - that one will get you rid of those USB issues. It is not excluded your stutters could be the result of those firmware bugs, because those disconnects actually steam from certain issues related to PCIe4.0, so if you run a PCIe4.0 NVMe drive or/and one of the latest nVidia or AMD GPU's you'll surely gain performance and stability. Lastly: 1. Press Win key and X at the same time - release - then press W 2. Network settings open - click Change adapter options 3. Right click your active network connection's adapter icon then Properties 4. In the new window go Configure 6. Then to Advanced tab 7. Make sure that Number of RSS queues is set to the maximum number available 8. Make sure Receive Side Scaling is set to Enabled 9. Jumbo frames confirm set to Disabled 10. Set the Transmit Buffers size so that it is exactly double the Receive Buffers size and at least 512 11. Click OK, confirm, OK, OK OK 12. Restart both machines See how the P2A and the whole sim generally perform. All the best ! M
  8. The certificate gets recognized just fine for me - I tested with Chrome, Edge and Firefox. I am able to ping the server and also perform both the reverse and forward DNS lookup via Cloudflare, OpenDNS, GoogleDNS and my ISP and also check the server records: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fremont-CA - US157.90.xxx.xxx 0 157157xxxxxx Toronto - CA157.90.xxx.xxx 0 109108xxxxxx Johannesburg - ZA157.90.xxx.xxx 0 198198xxxxxx Singapore - SG157.90.xxx.xxx 0 170170xxxxxx v=spf1 mx a ip4:x.x.x.x ip4:157.90.xxx.xxx ip4:157.90.xxx.xxx ip4:157.90.xxx.xxx ip4:135.181.xxx.xxx a:mail.in-xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx include:in-xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx include:_xxx.xxxxx.xxx -all ns2.in-xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx ns1.in-xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx 0 issue "digicert.com" 0 issue "letsencrypt.org" 0 iodef "mailto:domreq@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx" //------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of this shows that simflight.com and it's subdomains function perfectly. I'd suggest you perform a small refreshing command: 1. In your browser go to Settings and choose to delete cookies, saved offline files and temporary files. 2. Right click Win button then left click Windows PowerShell (Admin) or Left click Win then in the search field type cmd and hit enter 3. In the new window that opens type: ipconfig /flushdns 4. Hit enter - wait for it to finish - close 5. Restart your machine 5. And at the same time restart your router, switch or whatever you have (just power it off then on if you can't find the power button) If you still experience the same issue you'll have to contact your Internet Service Provider. But I hope this fixes it.
  9. I understand. Prosim simvars are not a problem since I got the complete list of old Prosim variables from back in the day when it's been my FTD design preference over other solutions for almost every certification level. I think you should also have all of them with the software. But the V1 exposes different simvars compared to V3, there will not be any reaction - you are right.
  10. Welcome to the boards! The method you employed cannot indicate anything substantial let alone the specific cause of your issue. Could you please zip and attach your latest files named: FSUIPC.ini FSUIPC.log WideServer.log WideClient.log (if applicable) If you need help finding them, I can guide you. M
  11. Allright, what's the name of the aircraft - and point out the LVars you require but are having troubles with. I'd like to check it out.
  12. You can list and identify all custom 3rd party Lvars in your aircraft from within the WASM menu. If the particular one you seek isn't exposed, you can take a peek at the XML/HTML/JS configuration file of whatever you are dealing with and spot the HTML variables of whatever you wanna manipulate. Then manipulate those the same way as Lvars. You can also make a list of your custom HVars that you make a .hvar file of and place in %..%\Community\fsuipc-lvar-module\modules folder so that they are easily accessible from the WASM menu for your plane..
  13. The master craftsman - pleasure is mine !
  14. Excuse my curiosity, but are you THE Roman Design - the one who made all that Canadian/Toronto scenery I enjoy so much ?
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