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Tim M

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Everything posted by Tim M

  1. Ok, I will change it now, to avoid issues later. Tim
  2. Yes it works! On the host in [Buttons & Switch Assignments} I used [Select for Key press] and set F1 and I did "check" key press to repeat? then "confirm, and on the Client {key assignments] I used the F1 key, and 112+0. Thanks Tim
  3. ok, Thanks
  4. @John I'll wait, and see what you find. My original intent was to use WideFS, but I found this thread....and you know the rest. But as a result I have learned quite a bit about Lua Scripts, and how they work.
  5. As you know there are many posts involving how to use a PTT button across a network, and most point to the WideFS documentation, or third party applications. Most pointed to:"KeySend". This thread has Experimental in the title, so information is limited. My coding experience is limited, and I have read almost all of the Documents you provided, and tried fumbling through trying to figure this out. so with that said Do I need to create a plugin script for the Host computer (modules folder)? then reference that script in one or both >ini files? (host & client) Tim What folder does the lua script go in? Could not find a Modules folder for MSFS 2020.
  6. John, I followed all your instructions, and P2ATC works just fine on the Client computer. So i set the PTT in P2ATC as "Shift+A, and that works as well in P2ATC. After reading the Docs for FSUIPC, and WideFS, and alot of forum posts, I tried to set up a PTT from the MSFS computer to the Client with no luck. My MSFS computer is a new build running Win 11 with the latest MSFS update SU8, and my yoke is the Honeycomb Alpha. The client computer is Win 10, and both have the firewalls turned off. I have attached both config files, and hopefully you can point me in the right direction. Thanks Tim FSUIPC7 Client.ini FSUIPC7 MSFS.ini
  7. John I currently use FSUIPC with MSFS, and P2ATC. I want to use P2ATC on a networked client PC, will this method work with P2ATC? Or do I still need to purchase WideFS? (if no WideFS do I need to puchase a second FSUIPC7 License?
  8. I thought it might be like FSX (checkbox) Just wanted to make sure Thanks
  9. The TBM 930 has an unusual combined throttle/propeller lever, and I found only one youtube video (link below) on configuring the throttle with FSUIPC, but it's 10 months old, and does not reflect any MFSF updates or Mods. It almost worked, but not like in the video. My question is: Do I need to DELETE the Axis bindings in MFSF? then open FSUIPC to configure? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LkM734cx2Y&t=415s
  10. Dowmloaded the file posted FSUIPC7.exe file, but no assignments are available? is the FSUIPC7.key file embedded in the .exe? or did I miss something? Also do I need the the wide client if I'm only installing on my local computer?
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