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  1. Any chance you could post a screenshot of the PFD to see modes autopilot/FLight director engaged in?
  2. Hi all background: I fly the E190 for work, so I should have appropriate background for the correct use of the automation. I wondering therefore if these two bugs are specific to my setup, or is everyone experiencing these: Issue #1: ILS DME never shows on either PFD. regardless of whether I manually tune localiser or allow ILS frequency to auto tune, I never see an ILS DME distance on the right lower side of the PFD. If I tune a VOR DME, I get distance and ident info. I only fly in Australia with current Navigraph database. Does anyone else have this problem I.e. Id this a FeelThere E-Jet issue? issue #2: Slow Go Around (GA) flight director guidance when TOGA buttons pressed. when you press the TOGA buttons, the flight directors don’t come above the horizon for a substantially long time. Even with the normal initial go around speed of Vref+20kts , the FD are still maintained from the descent for over 10 seconds. Makes it difficult to conduct a go around at the minima… with automation engaged. Just me? Thanks! (For the record I’m not expecting the sim model to be perfect, however these two bugs may affect all users)
  3. Yeah VNAV is basically following the vertical component of the FMS flight plan… if there’s nothing in there - it doesn’t have anything to follow. Boeing and Airbus the same IRL if you haven’t programmed anything in FMS flight plan/route … just use FLCH (vertically) and HDG (laterally) instead for climb
  4. Can you paste a screenshot of the PFD when this comes up? are you in LNAV mode (NAV button) laterally?
  5. I think they ended up stopping this option too, as customers didn’t order the option for lights on the MCP. ultimately even if aircraft that have lights on their MCP/FCU… you always check the modes actually engage/correct on the PFD FMAs anyway- so those lights on MCP really aren’t needed
  6. Why would you need the ELEC PUMP A on? Def not required in the real aircraft
  7. PERF - PERF INIT page 3 - TRANS ALT. defaults to 18,000 even if the real aircraft it’s not that useful, but it will give you a hint if you still have STD or 1013 as you pass thorough this level
  8. Real aircraft doesn’t have auto call-outs for Vspeeds, Pilot monitoring (PNF) calls them manually out loud
  9. I think you going to have to give some more information/description with photos/videos, so it’s clear what is happening. Everyone is trying to guess from one line of info. When you say you’ve re-installed, have you re-installed Prepar3D too?
  10. Thanks for taking the time to reply! Your write up perfect describes my experience. I’ll have a play with the config. Cheers
  11. (190) is either “all or nothing” with elevator input on takeoff. You need a lot of elevator to unstick it, then subsequently only very little elevator for the rotate…. otherwise it over-rotates. I suspect the takeoff pitch trim position needs a high back (up) trim, but too much that it’s outside the takeoff (green) range. I don’t hand fly this sim much , as use it as a procedural trainer for the real aircraft… but still have to hand fly takeoff obviously until first vertical mode engaged. I laugh every time I takeoff in this aircraft as it’s like a fighter jet 😂 Also, I’ve setup the pitch trim on my joystick, but if I hold it down for a few seconds - it jumps in 1.0 intervals (rather than 0.1)… so I easy to overtrim. In real aircraft trim cuts out at 3 secs which I’m used to.. but this happens less than 3 secs. I guess the logic holding trim down for a long time is same as holding the CTL button down to get big change.. which works great for speed, altitude knobs .. but unnecessary for trim.
  12. Try holding the CTRL key when adjusting the altitude selector knob?
  13. I’ve Just started flying this product , and was surprised how hard it is to slow down / maintain speed on approach. The real aircraft is pretty slick, but not as bad as this. @Aviator_Kevin_HD it’s normal that speedbrake won’t work with flap 2 / less 180kts
  14. have you had any luck since?… it doesn’t seem to engage into ALT mode (from ASEL). Instead of selecting FLCH at acceleration altitude, try selecting VNAV instead? also ensure on the MCDU/FMS that PERF INIT page 3 intial cruise altitude is setup correctly. other than that, very quickly watching the video seemed you were doing everything correctly. (Although I don’t have much experience with this product- but do fly the e190 for work).
  15. While not recommended by Embraer, you should also be able to fly in PATH (VNAV selected) and setting minima on the Altitude selector… just make sure you disconnect AP prior to minimum / set Missed approach altitude in event of a Go Around.
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