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Everything posted by mtjoeng
, dont you want it change to MASSAGE when airborn? :mrgreen:
hum, you made a comment yourelf in the PDF that for button action dependant on other button states 'you have to edit the INI file' something like that and with examples For instance a GearDown that will only work when airborn. this said and done though there are other 'easy' codes and syntax that really should be known if you want to chk your INI like '1=0S,256' why just a number / Delta(?) end of lines /8 or /16 /24 ? a readable one, a heading axis: 1=0S,1 2=0S,BR,-16384,-15855,1024,0 3=0S,BR,-15855,-9249,65880,0 4=0S,BR,6656,13824,65879,0 5=0S,BR,13824,16383,1025,0 four stages - I can see this one, but what is 'BR' what is 'F' 'B' in which sections allowed? and it still woul be nice to know which axis does what / you can see if the calibration is the same / wothhy of copying to another plane exactly OK / the only section? agree when you Define thm, but you do want to know if a callibration came out right / and you want to copy the whole cabal - with plane differences - to another airplane definition section / and I want to know what the heck Im copying. :P thx mt :P this the list of FS function 2 digit code: 1 aileron 2 elevator 3 rudder 4 throttle 5 prop pitch 6 mix 7 L brake 8 R brake 9 throttle 1 10 throttle 2 11 throttle 3 12 throttle 4 13 mix 1 14 mix 2 15 mix 3 16 mix 4 17 prop pitch 1 18 prop pitch 2 19 prop pitch 3 20 prop pitch 4 21 elevator trim 22 spoilers 23 flaps 24 25 reverse 26 aileron trim 27 rudder trim 28 29 cowl flap 1 30 cowl flap 2 31 cowl flap 3 32 cowl flap 4 33 pan heading 34 pan pitch 35 pan tilt 36 steering tiller 37 slew altitude 38 slew sideways 39 slew forw / backw 40 slew heading 41 reverser 1 42 reverser 2 43 reverser 3 44 reverser 4
Found it (in the Modules indeed / I was looking in unpacked ZIP versions) what I dont find in the DOC is what the more 'basis' fsuipc.INI code stands for (in my case) though many 'offsets' are mentioned in the DOC (will try those later), in my INI for example, the more Basic Codes: [Axes] 8=1Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 //17 prop1 9=1R,256,D,42,0,0,0 // reverse throttle 2 10=1V,256,D,41,0,0,0 // reverse throttle 1 numbers 17 41 42 are FS functons I figured out by looking for change and a list of those whould be handy, so I can fix errors in my INI ( I have dozens of 'defining again' of axis/buttons done now (changing planes etc), and rather would like to be able to 'save' some lines that I know that work / and can be copied to new liveries/models) if only I knew which line did what :) a list of FS actions and their corresponding numbers in the INI file? 2 digit numbers - the simple ones Flaps Spoilers Lights Gear Brakes etc or am i missing something? also is // the comment code and I can put this after the definition as in my example fsuipc renumbers lines with ('fixes' ascending) any save it seems, and with // on seperate lines, the comment is moved away from the line or shouldnt I use // in the INI? (perhaps ; ?) thx mt ps the downloads work now
cant get the page either ??
This is my - recently newly started - FSUIPC.INI and I wonder, why does it contain TWO [JoystickCalibration] headers, mostly identical, but with 2 important differences: Flaps=-16252,16383/24 Spoilers=-16383,-7931,4992,16383/24 Flaps=-16383,16384/16 Spoilers=-16383,128,151,16383/24 I use the - three - Axis of my Yoke for 1. Flaps, 2. Spoilers (3.Gear) 1. really clever it reads the amount of postitions, and 2. bit awkward, for some planes will not Arm properly. One of these entries is Obsolete I guess, and may cause/explane the erratic Spoiler behaviour with changing planes? This I can clean up, by moving / deleting? Or am I missing something THX mt [General] History=MT7YGP30LBIDNXUQOTM72 GraduatedVisibility=No LowerVisAltitude=0 UpperVisAltitude=0 UpperVisibility=0 MinimumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibilityFewClouds=0 MaximumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibilityOvercast=0 MaximumVisibilityRainy=0 SetVisUpperAlt=No VisUpperAltLimit=0 ExtendMetarMaxVis=No OneCloudLayer=No ThinClouds=No ThinThunderClouds=No CloudThinness=1000 ThunderCloudThinness=10000 CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No GenerateCirrus=No SuppressCloudTurbulence=No MaxIce=-4 MinIce=-4 ExtendTopWind=No UpperWindGusts=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No WindTurbulence=No SuppressAllGusts=No MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No ThrottleSyncAll=No WhiteMessages=Yes ShowPMcontrols=No MagicBattery=No RudderSpikeRemoval=No ElevatorSpikeRemoval=No AileronSpikeRemoval=No ReversedElevatorTrim=No ClockSync=No ClockSyncMins=5 ClearWeatherDynamics=No FixWindows=No OwnWeatherChanges=No TimeForSelect=4 LoadFlightMenu=No LoadPlanMenu=No PauseAfterCrash=No ShortAircraftNameOk=No TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No WeatherReadFactor=2 SimConnectStallTime=1 AxisIntercepts=No [AutoSave] AutoSaveEnabled=Yes Interval=600 Files=10 SaveOnGround=No AlsoSave=backupautosave AlsoInterval=1200 Next=5 1=Tue 215350 2=Tue 215850 3=Tue 220349 4=Tue 220849 5=Tue 212353 6=Tue 212853 7=Tue 213352 8=Tue 213852 9=Tue 214351 10=Tue 214851 [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=No Port= Speed=4800 Interval=1000 PosTo6Decimal=Yes Sentences= [WideServer] WideFSenabled=Yes AdvertiseService=1 Port=8002 Port2=9002 [ClientNames] 1=A10 2=ACER [buttons] 1=P1,11,C65752,0 2=R2,5,C65893,0 3=R2,4,C65892,0 4=R2,7,C65897,0 5=R2,6,C65896,0 6=P2,3,K83,8 7=P2,2,K83,9 8=P2,8,C66530,0 9=R2,9,C65588,0 10=P2,1,K87,8 11=P1,9,C65792,0 12=P1,8,C65791,0 13=P1,7,C65808,0 14=P1,6,C65816,0 15=P1,5,C65807,0 16=P1,4,C65815,0 17=U2,8,C65734,0 18=P2,10,C65895,0 20=P2,11,C65894,0 21=P1,10,C65724,0 22=P1,3,C66112,0 23=P1,2,C66113,0 24=P1,1,C66288,0 26=P1,0,C65860,0 27=R0,2,C65656,0 28=R0,3,C65655,0 29=P0,1,K83,10 31=P0,7,C65706,0 [Axes] 0=0R,256,D,3,0,0,0 1=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 2=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 3=1Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 4=1R,256,D,14,0,0,0 5=1U,256,D,18,0,0,0 6=1V,256,D,13,0,0,0 7=2X,256,D,1,0,0,0 8=2Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 9=2Z,256,D,23,0,0,0 10=2U,256 11=2U,B,-1950,16383,66079,0 12=2U,B,-16384,-1950,66080,0 13=2V,256,D,22,0,0,0 14=2V,B,12160,16383,66065,0 15=2V,B,-8972,12160,66066,0 16=2V,B,-16384,-8842,66064,0 17=3X,256,D,7,0,0,0 18=3X,B,0,0,65720,0 19=3X,B,-16384,-8842,65720,0 20=3Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 21=3Y,B,-16384,-8842,65721,0 22=3R,256,D,3,0,0,0 23=0S,256 24=0S,BR,6912,16383,65879,0 25=0S,BR,-16384,-11363,65880,0 [JoystickCalibration] ExclThrottleSet=No SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-15212,1536,1536,16128/8 Elevator=-16383,-259,-259,13056/8 SlopeElevator=6 Rudder=-16189,0,0,16383/8 LeftBrake=-16383,16383/24 SlopeLeftBrake=15 RightBrake=-16383,16383/24 SlopeRightBrake=15 Throttle1=-16383,-14562,-8191,14592/8 Throttle2=-16252,-14432,-6350,14976/8 Flaps=-16383,16384/16 MapThr12to34=Yes SlopeAileron=2 MapMix12to34=Yes SteeringTillerControl=0 Mixture1=-16252,-13652,-7996,14464/8 Mixture2=-16252,-14692,-8321,14336/8 PropPitch1=-16252,-14692,-8041,14592/8 PropPitch2=-15992,-13392,-7411,15104/8 Spoilers=-16383,128,151,16383/24 [Axes.Boeing 737-400] 0=0R,256,D,3,0,0,0 1=0S,256 2=0S,BR,6912,16383,65879,0 3=0S,BR,-16384,-11363,65880,0 4=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 5=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 6=2X,256,D,1,0,0,0 7=2Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 8=2Z,256,D,23,0,0,0 9=2U,256 10=2U,B,-1950,16383,66079,0 11=2U,B,-16384,-1950,66080,0 12=2V,256 13=2V,B,11008,16383,66065,0 14=2V,B,-11703,11008,66066,0 15=2V,B,-16384,-16384,66064,0 16=3X,1791,D,7,0,0,0 17=3X,B,0,0,65720,0 18=3X,B,-16384,-8842,65720,0 19=3Y,3327,D,8,0,0,0 20=3Y,B,-16384,-8842,65721,0 21=3R,256,D,3,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.Boeing 737-400] ExclThrottleSet=No SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-15212,1536,1536,16128/8 Elevator=-16383,-259,-259,13056/8 SlopeElevator=3 Rudder=-16189,0,0,16383/8 SlopeRudder=6 LeftBrake=-16383,16383/24 SlopeLeftBrake=15 RightBrake=-16383,16383/24 SlopeRightBrake=15 Throttle1=-16384,-14433,-7672,14720/8 Throttle2=-16384,-14303,-6891,14976/8 Flaps=-16383,16383/24 Spoilers=-16383,-7931,4992,16383/24 [JoystickCalibration] ExclThrottleSet=No SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Flaps=-16252,16383/24 Spoilers=-16383,-7931,4992,16383/24 [Axes.Airbus A321 BA] 0=0R,256,D,3,0,0,0 1=0S,256 2=0S,BR,6912,16383,65879,0 3=0S,BR,-16384,-11363,65880,0 4=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 5=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 6=1Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 7=1R,256,D,14,0,0,0 8=1U,256,D,18,0,0,0 9=1V,256,D,13,0,0,0 10=2X,256,D,1,0,0,0 11=2Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 12=2Z,256,D,23,0,0,0 13=2U,256 14=2U,B,-1950,16383,66079,0 15=2U,B,-16384,-1950,66080,0 16=2V,256,D,22,0,0,0 17=3X,256,D,7,0,0,0 18=3X,B,0,0,65720,0 19=3X,B,-16384,-8842,65720,0 20=3Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 21=3Y,B,-16384,-8842,65721,0 22=3R,256,D,3,0,0,0 [Keys] 2=192,11,65706,0 4=50,11,65706,0
G15 link: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/keybo0&cl=us,en Its a Gaming keyboard and you can assign Macro's to 18 extra Function keys (G-keys), times 3 banks = 54 functions. It will record keyboard strokes, and you can edit. For instance I have my G4 key, that does View, Instrument, Arrow Up, Enter, and this will pop-up my addon Taxi-Gauge. Another wil do R, +, and will double the simulation rate, CTRL F for FD, Shft R for Arm Throttl etc. Real handy since you can do this on-the-fly. OK if you say you can Reload within FSUIPC whilest externally editing the INI file, thats great. I am exploring the INI file lately and find entries there are specific planes/global and I will try to move what I want to the proper heading, to seperate 1, 2 and multi engine craft, to load with my Throtle Quadrant. Its a spagetti now. THX mt
Any chance of accessing G15 keyboard G-Keys? directly .. Always a problem with so many assigned key strokes with FS(X), if I want to assign a G-key I first assign a 'weird' keystroke and have to lookup if its free (like sht ctr [) , and then assign Logitech's G key to that. Any chance this can be done direct? Prob not .. but Ive been surprised before :) Also, sometimes FSUIPC doesnt save assigned definition .. more the 1 time I had to Do them like 3 times, before was remembered / saved in .ini Can FSUIPC.ini be changed / edited with notepad, while Not Exiting FSX fully - just to the main menu? Right now when testing all my buttons I exit FSX fully, then restart etc, quite time consuming. Just tested, seems to reload INI, from the menu to a flight, but then FSX crashed 5 min later, or that is a coincidence. ?? THX mt
shouldnt but it does. Bad path, OR my simconnect works via my noteboek (for ASX) but menu is GONE, OR menu NOT gone and Simconnect doesnt work. In theory this shouldnt do this. But it did (only took me like 100 hours to figure out this stupid error). This Idea of creating a really clever porting is a nice dream, but when it isnt bomb proof, and anybody and everybody starts writing gadgeds while these are broken easily .. makes for quite a lot of knightmares .. and there is an eeeennnndless string of them in the newsgroups. Been there .. its awfull .. and its bad design (or rather an superficially tested roll-out, MS as usual). Even when we speak my screen got srambled with more than one util running on my Notebook at once. Have simconnect running and off course FSUIPC and FSInn and Widefs and half of them betas and Vista drivers for my Nvideo an unknown liablity, and Acrobat being Upgraded every other day, and Vista patched every other day, and FSCommander doing undefined screen behaviour, and never knowing whats stable and whats not, and and and and and It will work next time / next dozen patches / next dozen headaches .. ah well. I just made it to the gate :D Engines off and close the IFR. MT
after inst.FSUIPC4_4152 Problems...
mtjoeng replied to garminfan's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
might be a bad SDK install path. See my post on that. -
What happened to me and I see rarely mentioned is, that when you install the SDK with the default path, and is on an OTHER drive than FSX (SDK defaults to C:\program Files etc., you're never are asked for it), your (mine) simconnect does Not Work, or worse, Badly, like disappearing menu items. You might want to chk configSDK.exe in the SDK directory, that I havent used, it will ask to fix the FSX PATH, but what I did was uninstall SDK and reinstall with the OPTION at the BOTTOM of the first screen (forgot the button name, but its inappropriate) that leads to define the SDK install PATH. And then use the same drive as FSX. my 2cents MT Vista FSX SP1 FSUIPC 4.152
I cannot find a Elevator Trim Center. (There exsists Aeleron and Rudder) FSX doesnt carry the command? and FSUIPC neither, or at least cant find it. For when you disconnect AP in a Stall Situation and the trim stays way off, when you disconneect AP for recovery, and you have a wild guess only how many clicks center might be (you're kind of in a hurry) Or would Center Elevator Trim be too unrealistic? Any thoughts? thx mt Vista FSX FSUIPC 4.512
YIPPIE found it I have FSX installed on a partition FSX with drive number Y and the paths in dll.xml are wrong MS SDK is expecting FSX on C-drive (WHY?) finding the \modules folder appears no problem not finding the SDK (demo?) dll's crashes the whole lot and all generated automaticaly really clever :twisted: anyway, both ASX work now on laptop with simconnect, and Flightsim Commander with Widefs for anyone interested here's my dll.xml with full windows long path names written, replacing the ..\etc .. and with FSCopilot.dll also in the \modules: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> Launch dll.xml False False FSCopilot False Modules\FSCopilot.dll Object Placement Tool True False c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Mission Creation Kit\Object_Placement.dll Traffic Toolbox True False c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll Visual Effects Tool True False c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Special Effects SDK\visualfxtool.dll FSUIPC 4 False Modules\FSUIPC4.dll going to bed now :) :D
[quote="Pete Dowson False Auto local did try have tried dozen versions, differnt port, auto protocol change, start FSX, view log change again, FSX, view log, etc Why would simconnect fail not only fsuipc, but also FSCopilot. Reading forums now, and MS did a horendiously awfull job with this simconnect. They should have hired you :) Perhaps XP works better, but thats rather a defeat towards bad programming Anyway, I cannot delete winsxs subdirectory, even in Safe Mode. So How would I go about something like 'repairing' Simconnect? Since appearantly it doesnt interface with the modules, prevents them loading? thx mt
hi could register fsuipc and widefs by Deleting SimConnect.xml and ADDON in menu showed up FSX PC: no SimConnect.xml then fsuipc widefs work, ASX not simconnect, ASX local only remote Widefs will connect (not for ASX) ADDON in menu as soon as: FSX PC: simconnect.xml 'any version' with or without , detailed or simple then: 07219 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate! ADDON disappears ALSO for other modules (FSCopilot) FSX PC: no FSUIPC.dll simconnect works flawless, ASX remote, AI traffic tests OK ?? MT Asus P5N32-E Plus SLI, Nvidia 8800GTS640, E6600, 2GB ram, Vista Ultimate all updates adendum: oddity: a working simconnect.xml connection (without FSuipc) makes my ADDON menu disappear ALSO for the 1 other addon FSCopilot so it must be my simconnect setup, that only works Without Addons / disables them (am i thinking right here?) ?? I tried / have reinstalled SDK, but cannot delete the /winsxs/xxx subdirectory Even, when I login Save Mode. help
I did by the book. simconnect works when "AI traffic.exe" slave notebook test: "Connected .." says finds objects AxtiveSkyX works via Notebook when fsuipc.dll is renamed fsuipc.dll.XXX and CRASHES with a started fsuips.dll FSUIPC4 Install.log says all is wonderfull Firewalls OFF No Virus prog running I can remember after instaling FSCopilot / there was an addon and fscopilot working several installs of 4.11 but Addon in menu is gone ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.11 by Pete Dowson ********* User Name="" User Addr="" FSUIPC4 not user registered WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired Running inside FSX on Windows Vista (SimConnect SP1 May07) Module base=61000000 DebugStatus=0 78 System time = 18:21:02 78 FLT UNC path = "\\DUAL\wd200\TEKST\Flight Simulator X Files\" 78 FS UNC path = "\\DUAL\FSX\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" 749 N.B. Axis Intercepts are disabled! 749 LogOptions=00000001 858 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate! 15912 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 16006 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate! 31028 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 31122 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate! 46129 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 46223 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate! 61230 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 61339 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate! 76378 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 76487 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate! 91510 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 91604 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate! 106611 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 106720 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate! 121774 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** etc etc just purchased fsuipc/widefs upgrade I cannot enter Registration because there is no ADDON in the menu ??? THX MT have a double SimConnect.xml entry <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> SimConnect SimConnect.xml False False IPv4 global 64 8002 4096 False False IPv4 local 64 4096 False this is my dll.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> Launch dll.xml False False FSCopilot False Modules\FSCopilot.dll Object Placement Tool True False ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Mission Creation Kit\object_placement.dll Traffic Toolbox True False ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll Visual Effects Tool True False ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Special Effects SDK\visualfxtool.dll FSUIPC 4 False Modules\FSUIPC4.dll and like I stated above ASX and AItraffic run OK FSX installed on Vista Ultimate Core 2 Duo 6600 Notebook T5500 with Vista Premium network running no problems using only Windows Firewall and disabled for tests
I have the same problem as I saw in another thread here, tried evrything, for sure am, and did "run as administator", and still I get a "Key not valid' notice. Just installed FSX. This is a FSX + SP1 install, and did a "Always load PDowson .." at the startup of FSX. Double checked key, sure is the right key. I also copied (and renamed to FSUIPC4.key) my key from my FS9 directory / it somehow knows, and wont acknowledge as registered, and then .. My partition is a seperate VISTA Ultimate newly formatted compressed ntfs partition, and FSX runs 100% no problems. Rebooted several times in between. FSUIPC is latest version 4.11 (did same with 4.10) ???? thx MT