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Everything posted by cellular55

  1. Hi Pete, also after the reinstallation the problem is still there. Really I do not know what to think now. Joe
  2. Hi Pete, Welcome screen number is the same of the yours, ASN is set for FSX, I did not download the beta version. I will try to reinstall completely ASN and the as_btsrp.dll and I ll you know the result. Thanks again for your support Joe
  3. Hi Pete, I sent the ASN log file to HIFISIM support and the feedback was that no errors are shown there Joe
  4. Hi Pete, yes I'm trying your demo example. I put the row in FSUIPC.INI as the first in the [General] Section
  5. Hi Peter, documentation is clear (only some doubts for me not being English my first language :razz: ) I have put: WXRADAR.LUA in Widefs directory WXRADAR.MCRO in FSX\Modules directory added row with ASNwxRadarBitmapPath=d:\FSX\Modules\WX.RADAR.BMP in FSUIPC.INI added row with Background=z:\FSX\Modules\WX.RADAR.BMP in Wideclient.ini (where z: is the networked drive for FSX) modified 1st row in WXRADAR.LUA with path="z:\\FSX\\MODULES\\WX.RADAR.BMP" but the WXRADAR.BMP file is not generated. Joe
  6. Hi Pete, I have opened the ticket on HiFiSim and the result is that everything should be ok (no problems in the lof and I did a test with roland gauge that correctly runs). By the way the offset 8600 is always set to 0. Moreover I have a doubt with the radar instructions: the bitmap has to be generated by the user or is directly provided by ASN? Is there a specific location to have it generated or found? Thanks and kind regards Joe
  7. Hi Pete, thanks for the answer: I have opened a ticket in the ASN support and I'll let you know the answer. KR Joe
  8. Hi Peter, I just sent the DLL (renamed into TXT) to the mail address specified by you. Thanks for your support and Kind Regards Joe
  9. Hi Peter, below the last FSUIPC log Thanks again and Knd Regards Joe ----------------------------------- ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.945a by Pete Dowson ********* Reading options from "D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside FSX on Windows 7 Module base=25FF0000 User Name="Giuseppe Rondena" User Addr="giuseppe.rondena@fastwebnet.it" FSUIPC4 Key is provided WideFS7 Key is provided 375 System time = 04/10/2015 15:38:19 390 FLT UNC path = "\\FFFFFF-PC\File di Flight Simulator X\" 437 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... 437 FS UNC path = "\\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" 656 Finished: 0 Profile files created 1529 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 1529 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1529 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------ 1529 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok 1529 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained 1529 ASN active function link set 1529 --- FS Controls Table located ok 1529 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok. 1529 Wind smoothing may be by ASN, not FSUIPC, if it is running 1529 Will switch smoothing action when ASN starts/stops 1529 --- G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok 1529 --- SimConnect intercept for texts and menus installed ok 1529 --- All links checked okay 1529 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1529 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 1529 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 1529 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61472.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) 1529 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 1529 FSUIPC Menu entry added 1560 \\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.FLT 1560 \\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR 16755 \\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\feelThere pic 737-300\B737-3A00A.AIR 81230 System time = 04/10/2015 15:39:40, Simulator time = 11:55:15 (10:55Z) 82088 Aircraft="Boeing 737-300/FT" 82213 Starting everything now ... 82229 LUA.0: beginning "D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua" 82229 AES Link established 82229 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe" 82229 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe" 82229 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FSPS\3D Real Cockpit Effect\3D Real Cockpit Effect FSX.exe" 82229 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FSPS\Dolby Cockpit Sounds FSX\Dolby Cockpit Sounds FSX.exe" 82229 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FSPS\Runway Bumping Effect\Runway Bumping Effect.exe" 82229 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FSPS\Frictionality\Frictionality.exe" 83477 Weather Mode now = Theme 83539 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 253424 Setting Position: IAS=0k, OnGround=Y, Lat=45.7355, Lon=16.0638, Alt=360ft, Pitch=0.91, Bank=0.00, Hdg=136.00T 253440 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 173 secs = 43.7 fps 257917 Requested flightplan loading: "C:\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LDZA Zagreb - LIBD Bari Palese.pln" 257948 \\FFFFFF-PC\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LDZA Zagreb - LIBD Bari Palese.PLN 257948 \\FFFFFF-PC\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LDZA Zagreb - LIBD Bari Palese.PLN 4876030 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 4585 secs = 54.8 fps 5091748 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 213 secs = 44.4 fps 5371567 Setting Position: IAS=0k, OnGround=Y, Lat=41.1380, Lon=16.7586, Alt=171ft, Pitch=-0.04, Bank=0.00, Hdg=69.00T 5371583 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 277 secs = 58.2 fps 5375998 Requested flightplan loading: "C:\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LDZA Zagreb - LIBD Bari Palese.pln" 5376013 \\FFFFFF-PC\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LDZA Zagreb - LIBD Bari Palese.PLN 5376013 \\FFFFFF-PC\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LDZA Zagreb - LIBD Bari Palese.PLN 5627393 Setting Position: IAS=0k, OnGround=Y, Lat=45.7316, Lon=16.0582, Alt=360ft, Pitch=0.94, Bank=0.00, Hdg=180.00T 5627409 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 203 secs = 55.6 fps 5631964 Requested flightplan loading: "C:\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LSZB Bern - LFMP Perpignan.pln" 5631995 \\FFFFFF-PC\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LSZB Bern - LFMP Perpignan.PLN 5631995 \\FFFFFF-PC\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LSZB Bern - LFMP Perpignan.PLN 5727078 Setting Position: IAS=0k, OnGround=Y, Lat=46.9125, Lon=7.5014, Alt=1680ft, Pitch=0.94, Bank=0.00, Hdg=74.00T 5727109 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 31 secs = 54.5 fps 5733256 Requested flightplan loading: "C:\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LDZA Zagreb - LIBD Bari Palese.pln" 5733271 \\FFFFFF-PC\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LDZA Zagreb - LIBD Bari Palese.PLN 5733271 \\FFFFFF-PC\Users\ffffff\My Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\LDZA Zagreb - LIBD Bari Palese.PLN 7802874 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 2018 secs = 51.3 fps 7831329 System time = 04/10/2015 17:48:50, Simulator time = 08:40:21 (07:40Z) 7831329 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Minimum frame rate was 13.5 fps, Maximum was 81.2 fps Minimum available memory recorded was 1063Mb Average frame rate for running time of 7502 secs = 53.4 fps G3D fix: Passes 94324, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0 Memory managed: 3772 Allocs, 3772 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********
  10. Hi Peter, I was trying to test the ASN WX radar facility eplained in your documentation. I was not able to have it correctly running so I have red in the logging the offset 8600 that sholud be set to 1 if ASN is detected and running. I have found that even if ASN is running the offset is set to 0 and I think this is the reason of the issue. I'm running FSUIPC 4.945a and networked ASN SP3. Which could be the problem and how could I solve it? Thanks in advance and Kind regards Joe
  11. Hi Pete, thanks a lot for the clear and fast explanation (as always). I'll try to modify all my developed LUAs to have only one (at least one for aircraft/profile) usung the 'event' as you suggest Kind Regards Joe
  12. Hi Pete, reading this post some doubts raised to me and I would have your suggestion and point of view about them. I have created a very huge number of LUA files that reading offsets execute after specific actions when I use a keys sequence or I press buttons on my several FSX devices: in term of performances and resources usage do you think could be the case I try to put all of them together using the 'ipc.event' command or can I maintain them in the different LUA files? Thanks in advance and kind regards Joe
  13. Hi, I think you could try creating a LUA with the commands ipc.writeLVar to set the variables you mention in your post. I will try too. At the moment I have solved the problem dinamically creating, after to have calculated the fuel needed for the flight I want to do, a LUA that automatically execute the sequence of commands that you should do to load the fuel through the FMC. Kind regards Joe
  14. hHi Pete, thanks for the reply. Problem solved with LUA solution: the problem was related the parameter value of ipc control statement. I found the solution looking into the user contribution section. Thanks again and kind regards Joe
  15. Hi, I have created a macro to try to automate some CDU actions, but that does not seem to run and in FSUIPC log I get the message "... not useful because it causes an exception". Other macros I have created for the same aircraft are good, only the one trying to manage the CDU is having issue. There is an explanation for that? Also using in a LUA the controls managing the CDU (listed in the PMDG SDK) seem to create problem: the first time you call the control to simulate for example the push of the button L1 (ipc.control (70166,1)) everything goes okay, but after if you simulate to push again the same button nothing happens. Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks and kind regards Joe
  16. Hi, ignore the request.. I just discovered that unfortunately the issue is due to a failure in my rear speakers and subwoofer. Kind Regards Joe
  17. Hi, since yesterday I'm facing a strange issue in my lua scripts: the ipc.sound statements doe not seem to run anymore and sounds are no more produced. Tried also installing the new 4.938, but nothing changed. Any idea on what could be happened? Thanks and kind regards Joe
  18. Hi Pete, the problem here is that i use a routine like the one I attached for other ASCIIZ offsets (i.e. 3D00 or 3E00) with success, but in this case this does not seem to be correct. In FSInterrogate e looking af FSUIPC logs the offset content looks fine, so I think is really a problem related how the VB6 code is written. I hiope someone VB expert wll give a support. Thanks again Joe
  19. Hi Pete, thanks for the reply. Do you mean that I could try to read directly the string not decoding the offset content byte for byte? Joe
  20. Hi, I'm trying to read METAR at offset B800 through a VB application and using the usual way I use to read strings (in the attachment), but in this case I get only an empty string. Do you have suggestions respect what I am doing wrong helping me to solve the problem? Thanks in advance Joe metar.txt
  21. Hi Pete, thanks for the reply... I will follow what you are suggesting Joe
  22. Hi, I'm doing some experiments trying to change the visibility writing through a program in the offset F8C. Putting the log of the offset on the FSX screen, I can see that the offset is set to 6214. When I write in the offset (for example 500), I see the value changing in the screen logging, but after a second the value i s reset to the original value (6214). is there a way to maintain the value that I'm forcing there? Thanks and best regards Joe
  23. Hi Pete, thanks for the suggestion: effectively I use MyTraffic X so I will ask to Burkhard. Kindegards Joe
  24. Hi Pete, even if not correlated to FSUIPC, I would have your experienced point of view on a possible workaround I thought to solve the problem of the topic's subject: To be sure to have always 'empty' a specific gate in one airport, do you think that could be a solution to assign that gate to a not existing airline (i.e.XXXAIr)? Kind regards Joe
  25. Hi Pete, thanks for the prompt reply. I will try what you suggest at the end of your post. For sure could be great and easier to havefor example a parameter related to specific gates and parkings hiding them to the AI aircrafts, but that is !!! Kind regards Joe
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