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Everything posted by cellular55

  1. Hi Pete, is there a way to understand which are the gates/parkings free in a specific airport. I would write a program able to automatically address a just landed plane to a free parking slot. Thanks in advance for your help Kind regards Joe
  2. Hi Pete, it seems the problem is solved. I red again the LUA documentation and checked the FSUIPC.INI. I have found there a row called 'NewInterceptTextMenu set to NO. After to have set the value to YES, the message is no more displayed, but the offset is written now. Thanks once more time for your great support (as ever) and best regards Joe
  3. Hi Pete, yes.... I have just checked that I had an old version of Wideclient: replacing it with the last one (6.999m) now the LUA log does not show any error, but the offset is not updated. I have done two tests: one with the already attached script only checking (if i understood correctly) that 'some' message is displayed, the other one with the below code (really checking the message): function readmsg (mtype, colour, scroll, delay, id, n, msgs) if n ~= 0 then if msgs[1] == "[GSX] Boarding requested" then ipc.writeUB(0x66C0,1) end end end event.textmenu(0, "readmsg") In both cases the offset stays at 0 Best regards Joe
  4. Hi Pete, I did a frst attempt with the LUA, but I'm getting an error during the execution. This is the LUA code: function readmsg (mtype, colour, scroll, delay, id, n, msgs) if n ~= 0 then ipc.writeUB(0x66C0,1) end end event.textmenu(0, "readmsg") and this is the log with the error: ********* LUA: "message" Log [from WideClient] ********* Date (dmy): 03/06/14, Time 14:21:36.855: Client name is GIUSEPPE-PC 1670 LUA: beginning "C:\WideFS\message.lua" 1670 *** LUA Error: C:\WideFS\message.lua:6: attempt to call field 'textmenu' (a nil value) 1670 LUA: ended "C:\WideFS\message.lua" ********* LUA execution terminated: Log Closed ********* do you have any idea why this is happening? Thanks in advance and best regards Joe
  5. Hi Pete, thanks for the support and of course I have a registered WideFS. I cant try now, but do you think that could run adding to the ipcready.lua the following code on the PC where I have FSX? function read_msg (mtype, colour, scroll, delay, id, n, msgs) if msgs == "[GSX] Boarding Complete" then ipc.writeUB(66C0,1) end end event.textmenu(0, "read_msg") My VB program running on the cllent PC will execute specific actions if the value red in the offset 66C0 will be 1, providing after to set it back to 0. Thanks again and best regards Joe
  6. Hi Pete, you re right.. the code was my second attempt using the 32FA not noticing its format. My original attempt was done using the offset 3380 (that should be 128 long). The FSX messages are produced by GSX: for example when the aircraft boarding or fueling is complete this is noticed through a FSX message. Thanks again and best regards Joe
  7. Hi Pete, I'm writing a program to read the FS messages and do after specific actions. For that i read every second the offset 3380 (in the same way I use to read the Aircraft model to read a variable string zero terminating), but even if a message is diplayed on the FS screen I'm not able to intercept it (attached the VB routine I'm using). What am I probably missing here? Thanks for the support and best regards Joe read message.txt
  8. Hi Pete, thanks for the prompt reply. Things are clear now. Kind Regards Joe
  9. Hi Pete, I'm using the offset 31F4 to have the pushback managed with buttons through a VB program. Everything seems to be Ok, but there is a significant delay when I write the right/left direction: the aircraft starts to move to the selected site not just after the press of the button, but after some time of delay. No delay going straight or stopping the pushback. Is this the normal behavior or am I missing something? Thanks and kind regards Joed
  10. Hi Pete, thanks for the usual prompt reply. Joe
  11. Hi, I would know if is it possible (through an offset) to dynamically change the aircraft loaded in FSX using a program to simulate a sort of random choice without assessing the ALT menu. Thanks and best regards Joe
  12. Hi Pete, since I'm using ASN I do not have turbulence in FSX. Also in storms if I read the offsets related the turbulence the value I get is always 0 (if I use AS2012 everything is OK) I have installed FSUIPS 4.927b and as suggested in several forums I have set off the weather setting in FSUIPC. Has something changed or what am I doing wrong? Thanks and kind regards Joe
  13. Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I will have a look if I'm able to extract a readable file with that info. The idea is to write a tool extrapolating the final leg of a flight plan considering the projection of the landing RWY course long as the maximum ILS range to facilitate the final approach and alignment (i.e. reading through FSUIPC the aircraft lat and long this should allow a soft and gradual approach avoiding as much as possible unrealistic and heavy banking to intercept the ils). Best regards Joe
  14. Hi Pete, thanks for the prompt reply. yes I was meaning the maximum distance from the navaid that I can receive and mainly referred to the ILS (i'm writing a tool that should support the landings starting the final approachs at the maximum valid distance from the ILS avoiding for example bad and sudden banking on the final). I have seen some tools (like Super Flight Planner) providing that kind of info, so I was wondering if they were obtaining such data from makerwys. As you suggest I will do some investigations on this. Thanks again and best regards Joe
  15. Hi Pete, there is a way, through the info extracted by Makerwys or through an offset, to know which is the range in miles of a navaid (VOR, ILS, etc) ? Thanks in advance for the help Joe
  16. Hi Pete, sorry to have forgot the details useful for your support. I use FSX/SP2 and FSUIPC 4.92. I was referring to the following content of the offset documentation: 036C 1 Stall warning (0=no, 1=stall) ?-SimC No 036D 1 Overspeed warning (0=no, 1=overspeed) ?-SimC No where in the legend of the documentation is stated that for the offsets marked with ?-SimC those are 'Mapped to SimConnect variables, but validity unknown. Needs checking and feedback please'. So I assumed that the result I was obtaining was wrong. After your test I will check again my code and will let you know about the result. Thanks Joe
  17. Hi Pete, I'm trying to read the offsets 36D and 36C to track an overspeed or stall event, but it seems, also reading your documentation, that these offsets could not provide the right values (and effectively this is what happens to my program unable to intercept these kinds of event). Is it possible to have a sort of workaround for this? I think to use the offset 2c4 for the Overspeed (if the IAS is higher of the value red in this offset), but I do not have any idea about how to track a stall. Thanks and best regards Joe
  18. Hi, I use FSX, but I get only null values at the offset: 369785 Monitor IPC:0E80 (AsciiZ) = [0]""
  19. Hi, I'm wrting a program to read the offset 0E80 to get the ICAO closest to the WX station where I'm flying, but I get only null values. Looking at the offset documentation I have seen that the offset is populated if FSUIPC is reading the weather. Do I have to set some parameters in the FSUIPC settings or what am I missing? Thanks and kind regards Joe
  20. HI, is there any possibility to call/execute FSX controls (65733 and over) through VB or C+ programs? Thanks in advance and best regards Joe
  21. Hi Peter, thanks a lot for your prompt answer... highly useful as always. I will update my program as suggested, effectively, even if not so visible running FSX, I had some suspect in term of efficiency considering the high number of read/write that i separately do Best regards Joe
  22. Hi Peter, reading this post i put attention to your comment: 'I do hope you aren't doing a Process call for each and every offset you want to read'. As I have written a program doing several reads and writes with 'process' calls for each one, I would understand which are the risks here and the benefits I could get modyfing the calls as you are suggesting. Thanks ain advance and best regards Joe
  23. Hi, Bingo !!! That was the point. What I do not understand is that effectively the plan is on the Server PC (where FSX is) and not on the client where I have the program and the wideclient , but putting the local path of the Server PC the plan is correctly loaded. Once more thanks a lot Paul. Joe
  24. Hi, I have done what suggested activating the log in widefs and effectively the offset is correctly written, but the flight is not loaded in fsx. I have also tried putting "\" instead of "\\" but with no changes. Suggestions are more than welcome Thanks Joe
  25. Hi, I have modified the code as suggested, but nothing cahnges: plan is not loaded. I think that the issue here is that with this code I write always only one byte at the offset address and not the entire lenght of the plan string Joe
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