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Everything posted by Agrajag

  1. I tell them either to Line Up and Wait or Cleared for Takeoff. Both cause them to do complete 180s there. Very annoying.
  2. Does Tower support a Crossing command as in, "United 871, cross runway 1R"? Trying to figure out how to keep planes from having to come to a near-complete or complete stop at runway crossings.
  3. Anyone know why the heavies at KSAN's runway 9 all have to do a big loop right at the end of the taxiway?
  4. Bummer.
  5. Just getting back into Tower again after a long layoff. Getting everything updated (and added KATL). I'm on very solid Windows 10 (64-bit) desktop that runs X-Plane 11 with ease, but I get a lot of stutter from the aircraft as they land or take off. Is that just the way it is or is this something I can address and smooth out? Perhaps an Nvidia setting I've overlooked? Thanks!
  6. Well, now push comes to shove. Amazon says they no longer have access to the files in question, that FeelThere no longer allows them access to it and thus, they have nothing I can download. So, I'm now out of luck. I have to just get by with what I have installed and hope it lasts as long as I'd like as FT has so far stated they won't support the product either (mind blowing). My question to them and to customers: What if tomorrow they decide they don't like Steam any longer or BTM? If that seems unlikely, so would dumping the largest retailer on Earth.
  7. I'll give that a shot, and to be blunt, it'll be my last shot as the e-mail I got back from Feel There I found to be entirely unacceptable. Here is what they said: "Im afraid in this case Amazon did not longer sell our product and stopped receiving updates. Your version is most likely the most recent update that Amazon has on the game. We highly recommend purchasing directly from our webstore: www.feelthere.com or www.atcsuite.com." Seriously? They sold it on Amazon. They took their share of my purchase and now they just want to walk away and tell me to just go ahead and buy it all over again??? No. I just spent MORE money on it today (via their website assuming this would be a non-issue), but I have half a mind to call my credit card company and get a chargeback for all these purchases. The bottom line is that they are not standing behind a purchase of a current product. I understand if others don't see it this way, but this is just not right. At the VERY least you'd think they'd say, "Hey, sorry for the inconvenience. Would you accept a discount coupon to repurchase it on our website instead?"
  8. I sent FeelThere an e-mail about this, but haven't heard back (though it's only been a half day since sending that). I'm wondering if that's the correct option for receiving a link to download the latest version of Tower!3D Pro that I bought on Amazon. The link there no longer works, but it does give me a serial key. Thanks....
  9. In addition it also killed off KSAN which was there. game.log
  10. Too late now of course. At least for current products.
  11. Just hung up. They could not help with anything other than the three orders that were placed through them (that made up the 5 bullet-point items in the post above). They couldn't find anything else and couldn't help with the Amazon order. Not surprised by that. They are sending new links as they said the old links for the 5 items would no longer work. This is one of those times where I suspect I'd have been better buying through Steam. In 2017 I wasn't a fan, but they've won me over due to issues like this.
  12. Boy does this plot thicken. I'm entirely confused. First, let me make this 100% clear. I do not pirate software. I own everything I have (I used to be in the game development industry so I support it). I found a login for my BMT Micro purchases and it shows that, direct from them, I bought: KSAN Real Color for KSAN Real Traffic for Tower!3D Real Color for KPHL Real Color for KATL The oddity is that I don't see purchases from them for things I clearly have installed. For example, I clearly have Real Color for TIST. I also clearly have Tower!3D Pro installed as I have multi-monitor, voice, multiplayer, etc. (See below) I also don't get why I'd have bought Real Color for KATL, but NOT the airport. That makes ZERO sense. When I look at the install I see I installed the game a few days before these purchases. I must have bought it from another provider along with some other items before realizing I could get these things through BMT Micro (likely through FeelThere site). More strange is that my Airfields folder shows: KATL, KJFK, KLAX, KPHL, KSAN and TIST but when I launch the game I only get access to TIST, KPHL, KSAN and KLAX. Not sure why KJFK and KATL are not showing up, especially KATL as I clearly bought Real Color for it. I DID just find a purchase for Tower!3D Pro from Amazon for $49.95, but it can no longer be downloaded. It does provide a long serial number. However, now I still need to find a way to get the latest version of that app. I guess I need to reach out to FeelThere. Thanks.
  13. Thanks! Now my next problem.... It seems I saved the e-mails for all the add-ons I bought then, but somehow managed to not save the one for the core app. GRRRR. I e-mailed FeelThere to see if they can look me up. So much for this being simple. I can't believe I did that. I have like 8 e-mails and none are for the main app.
  14. I bought Tower3D Pro from the website (not Steam) back in 2017 along with a few airports, real traffic and real colors for the airports. It's working, but I haven't updated anything since 2017 and have to believe there are updates in that period. However, I see no such section on their website regarding where to download updates. Can you point me in the right direction?
  15. http://www.azcentral.com/story/travel/2015/04/11/us-airways-american-cactus-call-sign-is-history/25622473/
  16. Thanks for the file and the help with it. First up is finding out how to get RC for the various aircraft missing colors (see other post) and then how to add realistic GA for KPHL. Then I'll look to combine the different schedules people have to have both typical flights and cargo flights.
  17. Is this documented somewhere? I'm brand new to the product. I'd be curious to see the inner workings and I'm sure someone must be working to link FlightAware data with this.
  18. Agreed. That's sort of my issue with the current pricing. Much of the current game feels like a basic cell phone game lacking a lot of polish and stability. I continually have planes that, after pushback, will simply refuse to move with nothing anywhere near them. This happens almost every session at the B terminal. The lack of GA. The lack of cargo. Every take-off has a major stutter. The interface is buggy and limited (like using a shift key for voice and no ability to change it). I also have Ivona voices and using them is really confusing and hit and miss. It's a game with a TON of potential, but so much is unrealized right now.
  19. Does your file include cargo traffic? (Fed Ex, UPS, etc?)
  20. I've seen some jets over there for sure, but assumed they were charters. In the game I've never seen a single aircraft sitting in that area. I have to force the Dash's over there to have any action on it whatsoever.
  21. I too have never seen a single GA aircraft at KPHL. I hadn't even though of it before. Oddly, I live not far from KPHL and spend a lot of time there and have never seen a GA aircraft there in real life either!
  22. For what it's worth, I don't mind the 319 being in there if it's accurate. It just means having to spend more money. It would be really awesome if you have maybe two files. One for real schedules and perhaps notes on which planes are not part of the default KPHL RC and one file that's edited for people that don't have the add-ons. Any shot at that? Yep. After thinking about it a bit I tried some early morning sessions and that suddenly brought cargo alive. In fact, it was the first time I saw planes refusing to depart from 9L. Several UPS flights have to depart from 9R.
  23. I'm wondering if there's a way to get a credit for the KPHL I bought as where I bought it, they didn't show the combo back for KPHL, KJFK and KTISH which I'd rather buy. Now it's a bit of a negative as I'd have to buy it to repay for KPHL again which essentially means I'd end up paying more for the other two than just buying them apart.
  24. I generally live in KPHL and I'm trying to cover all the liveries that can be there including in user-driven (based on real life) schedules. I've identified the following as missing colors: FDX AB6/H UPS AB6/H JZA CR2 JZA CRJ SKW CR9 RPA ER4 (Brickyward) I own RT and then KSAN, plus RC for KPHL, KSAN, KATL.
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