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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. Hmmm. Odd. No one else has reported such problems, and 1.46 was released some time ago. Autosave does not relate to loading of aircraft, so it seems very odd. Can you tell me WHEN this message occurs -- i.e. what are you doing, and exactly what it looks like? Thanks. Is that filename for the "AlsoSave" parameter correct? Just a "z"? Is that intended? I wonder if that is related? Do you still get a problem if you use the normal file cycling method (Files=1 instead of 0)? Version 1.40 is so old now I've no way of determining what might be different. This has to be treated as a specific system-related problem for the moment I'm afraid, theefore I need a lot more information. Regards, Pete
  2. There's really no need to recompile. the only possible change to any of the source it to add FS2004 as another version with number 7. The main changes in the SDK will be some additional information in the Programmers Guide, details of the New Weather Interface, and details of the registration procedures -- how to build access keys into your application, for instance. I am working on the SDK update now, but if you want any information specifically on the extras, just ask. Your program should work without any recompilation, provided you either have a user registered copy of FSUIPC, or an access key for your program. The whole point of the FSUIPC interace, which is still based on FS98, is to keep compatibility, at least in the forward direction. :) Regards, Pete
  3. I can't do that. I can't get at the current localised weather. I can influence what local weather is set by external programs, as that all has to come through FSUIPC's interface. If you really want to use all of FSUIPC's weather options you have to use an external weather program. The only FS weather I can get at is the "global" weather, which is only used for areas that have no local WX stations (as I already said). The only exceptions are the three visibility options marked ***, as I also said. I don't know any way at all to preserve any weather in FS2004, in any case. It seems to be a live thing, a proper simulation, not a fixed once-and-for-all setting. I have discussed this in some of the announcements above, and it is also discussed in the back of the current FSUIPC User Guide. It seems that, even with the dynamic changes turned off, the weather changes, just more slowly. Clouds blow away, things change. A bit like the real world, I suppose? :? Regards, Pete
  4. Yes -- either you are not using the latest FSUIPC version (3.07 is current, version 3.08 will go out today or tomorrow), or you have checked an option on the Technical page which tells FSUIPC to affect FS's own global weather. All the details of these changes and their adverse effects are described in the permanent Announcements at the top of this forum. Please check the "Important" one, and also the details of recent changes. They will explain it all. Well, all FS2004 weather seems to change all the time in any case. There are no facilities in FSUIPC to change localised FS weather, so it hasn't changed any of that -- only FS does. The only part of FS weather which FSUIPC can reach is the "global" weather, which is what FS applies to any areas where it has no local werather station. The indication "user-defined" occurs whenever any little aspect of the weather is tweaked. The only exceptions are the three FSUIPC visibility options marked ***, which actually bypass all that stuff and go straight for the graphics. Regards, Pete
  5. When a Beta expires it you get a message box telling you this, when FS is loading. When you click OK, FSUIPC will close. It tries to do this tidily and it does tell FS that it cannot run, but FS then usually decides to crash. This doesn't do any permanent harm, it is just annoying, which is why I advise folks of the Beta expiry and always make the life of a Beta generous enough to ensure a good overlap with a production version. Regards, Pete
  6. Except for the additions FSUIPC makes, which are listed in the Advanced User's Guide, the drop-down list in FSUIPC is obtained directly from CONTROLS.DLL. For FS98, FS2000 and FS2002 I did extract this and print the list (see the Controls list documents on http://www.schiratti.com/dowson). Mostly those will still apply, but there are extras in FS2004. I will get around to extracting the list again, but after I've done the SDK, which I'm working on now. Meanwhile, if you have any editor which will show you the text strings in a DLL, you can get all the names from CONTROLS.DLL. Mostly, however, you should be able to use the existing lists for past FS versions. Do not expect them all to work, though. You have to try them and see what they do. Regards, Pete
  7. There's your problem, then. You should be able to see it for yourself, surely? Clue: isn't the "w" on your keyboard working? :) Regards, Pete
  8. FSUIPC doesn't know flaps from anything else. It's just another axis, and it has to be assigned first. You have to assign analogue axes in FS. Are you use FS2004 or FS2002 or what? In FS2004, for certain, you can assign your flaps axis in FS -- go to Options-Controls-Assignments and scroll through the joystick axes, assign your axis to "Flaps Set". Check that it works as well as you can get it in FS2004 without FSUIPC getting involved, use FSUIPC calibration to finalise, not to get it to work in the first place! In FS2002 it is a little more difficult. Assign your flaps to any spare axis in FS, and tell FSUIPC which one it is by editing the FSUIPC.INI file and giving it the control number -- see the Advanced Users guide for details. There's a section there called "Assignment of FLAPS_SET control". you should still get a good calibration first in FS/Windows. For FS2000 you can manually assign your axis to FLAPS_SET in the FS2000.CFG file, then calibrate in FSUIPC. Regards, Pete
  9. There's was no access checking before version 3. It won't work. The first version of FSUIPC which works with FS2004 was 3.00. .But this is only because Squawkbox is not being allowed access to FSUIPC, and that is only because the name of the porgram, as it is being run, is not right. Just run it as Squawkbox, and make sure it has the correct Access Key entered, and it should work fine. I really don't know where you are getting those strange abbreviated names from. Regards, Pete
  10. I suspect that the traffic files you are using were tuned to FS2002. The AI airspeeds and so on have been corrected in FS2004, and that and other changes will probably throw some such carefully timetabled operations into disarray. I'm waiting for the FS2004 edition of Ultimate Traffic, which I understand is currently in Beta. Regards, Pete
  11. I think this one should certainly be fine with the access key correctly entered. Check the FSUIPC.KEY file. Does it have the Squawkbox entry listed? If you are getting the "not accredited" message then it simply means the access key hasn't been entered. You don't need to keep downloading FSUIPC and re-reading some readme, that won't really help. Let me see the [Programs] section from the FSUIPC.KEY file, please. For example, if you entered it as "Squakbox" it won't work. Regards, Pete
  12. I've no idea. What do you actually type into Start-Run? "Squawkbox"? Is the program actually named "SquawkBox.exe" in its folder? Maybe it is actually named with the DOS shortcut -- maybe the folder as well? The folder name doesn't matter much to FSUIPC, but the program name is critical. If it is misnamed please just try renaming it to "SquawkBox.exe" (right click it, select Rename, and edit the name). Possibly some installer or unzipper used the DOS abbreviations? Maybe a very old DOS or Windows unzipper? It's described in the Advanced Users guide, but there's an easy way -- download Jose's "Run Options" program from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson. that does it for you. But it still won't work if the name is wrong. Check that first, and rename it to its correct name if it is wrong. Regards, Pete
  13. There are two separate buttons, one for FSUIPC and the other for WideFS. The one for FSUIPC will be greyed out, the other will still be available if you've not yet registered WideFS. It too will grey out when you register. Check the labelling on the buttons. The other thing to be aware of is that the Name and Email must be identical in both cases -- those will be greyed out. If you bought both keys at the same time this will be no probkem in any case. Regards, Pete
  14. There's no "-" characters in the Key, but it wouldn't have taken those in any case. The correct name according to the list published in the Forum is "SquawkBox". The capital B may be important (I'm not sure -- but it is always best to be accurate). The real problem is this: 78391 Client Application: "SQUAWK~1" (Id=2092) 78391 F:\FS2004\ADDONP~1\SQUAWK~1\SQUAWK~1.EXE 78391 Product="SquawkBox 2.3" 78391 Company="None" 78391Program not accredited for use with this unregistered FSUIPC The program actually running is appearing as "SQUAWK~1" not as SquawkBox, so the key will never match. How are you running the SquawkBox program? That sort of name is a DOS type 8-character abbreviation for it. In fact the whole path is a DOS abbreviated path: F:\FS2004\ADDONP~1\SQUAWK~1\SQUAWK~1.EXE Surely you are not running this from a DOS batch file or similar? What operating system are you using? It seems very odd to see this sort of abbreviation these days, and certainly none of the Keys will work with an abbreviated program name. Try using RunOptions and getting FSUIPC to load it for you, using its real name and path. BTW the log also shows you are not running an accredited version of Whazzup: 80485 Client Application: "WhazzUp" (Id=3076) 80485 F:\FS2004\ADDONP~1\WhazzUp\WhazzUp.exe 80485 Product="WhazzUp" 80485 Company="Enrico Schiratti" 80485Program not accredited for use with this unregistered FSUIPC You need to check with the Project Magenta site for an update with a correct access key. Regards, Pete
  15. Yes, of course. Please write to me at petedowson@btconnect.com and I'll send the details. Regards, Pete
  16. No, certainly not. I mean that the code may not be correct for that copy of Squawkbox. That's why I said to check the FSUIPC log after you've run SB. Also to double-check the Key you are entering and the SB exe's details against those in the list above. Pete
  17. Yes, but a "legal" code is not the same one as a correct code for that program. The check is only on the basic integrity of the Key. The actual check needs not only the program EXE name, as entered, but also details from the program's Version Information, which is not known until you run the program. Please check these details against those in the Free Keys list earlier in this Forum. Regards, Pete
  18. I've only just discovered this today -- it is in FS2002 or before only. I've said this in the "Important" announcement. I wil fix it within the next couple of days and provide 3.08 when I can. Sorry. Unfortunately the original report was for FS2004, so a couple of days or so were wasted on this looking in the wrong places. Never mind. It will be fixed. Regards, Pete
  19. Right, I can reproduce this only in FS2002, not FS2004 (== FS9) as you have indicated. I'll work on a fix for FS2002 and release it later this week. If you do also get it in FS2004 I will need to investigate further, because I cannot see how it can go wrong now in FS2004. Regards, Pete
  20. No. Maybe there are other SB users who can help. But please, also check for me your FSUIPC.LOG file. Does it show Squawkbox connecting at all? Can you show me it? Pete
  21. Have you entered the access code for Squawkbox 2.3 into FSUIPC's program registration dialogue? Check your FSUIPC.KEY file. If Squawkbox isn't listed there, then you haven't registered it so it has no access. The free registration code is in the list in one of the messages near the top of this Forum. As for Whazzup, it has got an accreditation code to allow it to access FSUIPC, but I don't know if that is built in or not, nor what version. You'd need to check with Project Magenta support. Neither of these things is needed for user registered copies of FSUIPC, but otherwise you need to register freeware programs if they don't do it themselves, and make sure you have the correct FS2004-ready versions of others. Regards, Pete
  22. Not seen thatI hardly ever see any planes, and I've got it at 100% Tell me how to do it, please! I'd like to see that! And, no, sorry, there's nothing in FSUIPC to influence AI habits. I don't think you can without recompiling the Traffic files -- although there may be a way to delete AI aircraft, which I might provide an interface to one day. Regards, Pete
  23. Yes, I found the bugAutoSave 1.48 isn't keeping its CFG file up to date as it writes new files. This is a result of the way I find the correct path on non-English versions of FS. :oops: I've fixed it here and I'm just giving it a thorough re-test before releasing it as 1.49, later today or possibly tomorrow. Very sorry. It seems I am getting careless in my old age. I will have to consider retiring from all this soon! :? Regards, Pete
  24. Sorry, please contact him directly with this. There is absolutely no change in any of the weather facilities in FSUIPC for FS2002, none at all. The changes must all be in WeatherCentre. Actually, didn't someone say Damian of ActiveWeather had taken this program over now in any case, or am I mixing up some other weather programs? Regards, Pete
  25. [quote name="Foxgolfbravo Sorry' date=' Pete i use already 1.48 version released on the 8th Sept. There was a probleme with the FS title bar (maybe remembers you, I had sent you some screens shot to this subject) which is fixed, but always this quantity of files beyond 10... Any idea? [/quote] No, none at all. I was sure that was fixed, as the only reason which could be for that is that it cannot find the folder. The folder is certainly named by one of the strings in LANGUAGE.DLL. and that is what AutoSave (and FSUIPC) now uses. Perhaps you could Zip yours and send it to petedowson@btconnect.com? It's in the FS2004 main folder. Thanks. Pete
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