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Everything posted by earthdog

  1. I am on latest FSUIPC version 7.5.0 and Latest MSFS2024. See the attachment showcasing my issue. The throttle advances but it seems to reset like i am pressing F1 or something. I tried calibrating the throttle axis in all possible ways, Sending them to MSFS or calibrating in FSUIPC but the situation is the same. If i close FSUIPC and set the throttle axis in MSFS it works fine. But i cant live without FSUIPC 🙂 throtlle.mp4
  2. Is there a way to reload myevents.txt without exiting the app? I tried from Addons->WASM-> Reload but doesn;t do the trick.
  3. It worked by using myevents.txt, thanks.
  4. Hi I need to assign current aircraft pitch to an LVAR and make that run when i press a button. The assignment is: (A:PLANE PITCH DEGREES, degrees) (>L:var_AP_PitchKnob, number) Can anyone guide me how to do it?
  5. Meaning that i can get the window that has the focus before send the key and return there? In an effort for the user no to be disrupted somehow?
  6. I will try what you propose and let you know. I also read somewhere that i may have to get hold of a child window to get the appropriate handle and not the parent MSFS window. On the other hand SendKeytoFS works just fine with the main window handle. Thanks.
  7. I tried your code and it does not work , giving no errors. I also tried with the following signature for PostMessage: [DllImport("User32.Dll", EntryPoint = "PostMessageA", SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool PostMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam); But also i get no keys sent to MSFS. Any idea why?
  8. Thanks for the answer! I just want to send simple keystrokes to control the drone camera, and i will not be needing modifier keys. If i understand correctly this mean that i can use SendMessage?
  9. Is there any way to use SendKeyToFS or any other method to send keystrokes to MSFS without the app getting focus every time? Thanks.
  10. Hi All, hi Pete My target is to be able to move the drone camera. I tried to use the logging facility to check for events/offsets to use. Drone camera is moved by keys W,A,S,D - R,F (Up and down) and numpad 4 and 6. When pressing the above the only event that always get registered is: 508157 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65555 (0x00010013), Param= 0 (0x00000000) SIM_RATE 509438 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65555 (0x00010013), Param= 0 (0x00000000) SIM_RATE 508157 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65555 (0x00010013), Param= 0 (0x00000000) SIM_RATE 509438 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65555 (0x00010013), Param= 0 (0x00000000) SIM_RATE All of the above keys EXCEPT the numpad 4 and 6 do register in the log window the buttons: 465407 KEYDOWN: VK=65, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0 465407 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 465407 EV_KEYDOWN received: 0x41 (A) 465407 KEYDOWN: VK=97, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0 465407 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 465407 EV_KEYDOWN received: 0x61 (a) 465469 KEYUP: VK=65, Waiting=0, Shifts=0 465469 EV_KEYUP received: 0x41 (A) 465469 KEYUP: VK=97, Waiting=0, Shifts=0 465469 EV_KEYUP received: 0x61 (a) What are my options to be able to control the drone camera movement? Only the button events?
  11. Of course it isn;t...I ment using VIsual Studio and native simconnect...
  12. I just did, downloaded with Visual Studio project and i am connected to MSFS...I will go this way for now..I will leave C++ for gauges (if i need to work with one)... thanks.
  13. Thanks for the plethora of info. So if my platform/tool of choice is .NET and C# (managed) my only choice would be the .net dll? I dont write in C++ to get advantage of the C++ 64bit lib. EDIT: I just saw the examples in FSUIPC SDK and i saw that including the fsuipc.cs enables me to work with C#. Is this relevant to new MSFS? And what are the differences in using the .NET Client DLL?
  14. Although the SDK is far from complete, i want to take a look and explore the development capabilities that i have with MSFS using FSUIPC. What are the ways that i can develop apps? I can understand that using the .NET DLL is an option. Is there anything else? LUA? or something else? Thank you.
  15. I suppose you could use Fody/Costura to embed the managed DLL in your app...
  16. Hi All! I have read the other thread (from 2013) about using FSUIPC with Raspberry. I have a couple of PIs that i would like to use for P3D. So would i have success with the mentioned combo? A pi4 with Windows 10 Iot runnig apps with FSUIPC .NET Dll and reaching P3d via Wide FS client running on the PI? I would appreciate a consult on the above in order to get started. I was also thinking of having a local application on the P3d machine that serves as a "proxy" talking to my raspberrys through network... Thanks!
  17. What are you using to find this out? If you are reading FSUIPC offsets, which have you tried. There are a lot realting to flaps. And what version of FS? Pete Yeap , my mistake not too much info: FS2004 is the simulator at hand. i am using the following definition: Dim fs_Flaps As Offset(Of Int32) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Int32)("GeneralINF", &HBDC) Dim fs_Flaps_inc As Offset(Of Int16) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Int16)("GeneralINF", &H3BFA) and to calculate the current position i am using this: Calc_Flap_Current_Pos = Math.Round(fs_Flaps.Value / fs_Flaps_inc.Value) I think that the calculations are correct but the values within FS are making my problem appear. lets say we are on incr 1 andi put flaps directly to increment 4...what i get is: 1......4......2......3.......4 he realizes that i put the flaps to increment 4 and then as the flaps are passing the values between it changes the variables.... any ideas? Elias
  18. Hi Pete, I have been programming in FSUIPC for some time now and for sure i am not thinking of selling anything in the near future..:) Though i have created an app that i want to make publicly available as donate-ware or freeware.. Do i have to have any special agreement with you or not? Can you give me more information on this? Thanks Elias.
  19. Hi All! Is there any way to check if flaps are in transit? I have this problem. I am at notch #1 and i directly go to notch #4.. what i get in the values are: #$ (it stays lkike this for a while) and then goes #2,#3,#4..........
  20. Hi! i want to capture the event of flap change but i have a little problem. During transit the values are changing. for example when i am in position 0 and i put flaps in notch 3 directly i get the value for 3 and then i get 1->2->3 as it reaches the position. is there any way around this? for example to understand if flaps are in transit or something? Elias
  21. gotcha! thanks, i have now more than enough info to leave you alone for a while :) Elias
  22. just went to lua.org.. Got the idea, it is a completely different concept if i decide to use it though....
  23. Hi! 1) i have to read about lua plug ins since i havent..:) 2) i already create a file..it is a .kml for google earth not excel. 3) when i say disconnecting i mean that i use the .net dll version you provide.. And yes i am doing one fsuipc.process per timer tick and at any time i have the offsets that i want, enabled. For all the others i am disconnecting them using fs_var.disconnect.... So from what you are saying if my code is properly written then i should expect erratic behaviour except if i use the lua mystery? am i correct? Elias
  24. Hi All! As i 've been programming with fsuipc for only 4 days i want to discuss with the more experienced users here the tecqniques with which i can optimize my code for speed. I want to be able to have intervals in timer controls around 50-100 ms and to be able to process info like latitude,longtitude,speed,height,v/s and in parallel to write a couple of lines in a text file in EVERY tick event . I am using Visual Basic and Visual Studio 2008... Am i asking too many things or there is a way? As i am now it works in an acceptable way but i have some stuttering even in 200ms interval.... During this procedure i am disabling the functions that print on screen the variables but still..... i am declaring around 25 offsets and i am not disconnecting any of them...I prefer not to if i have other options.. Any ideas? Elias
  25. Yes, I have been using fsinterrogate, although i didnt use the logs...i ll do from now on. You were correct , on the default 737,777,747 the lights seem to work just fine... I am now having another issue but i ll open another post if i dont find something by searching in the forum Thanks.
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