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  1. I also have WideFS on my client pc. Can i use WideFS to connect the program from client pc to MSFS pc?
  2. Thanks so much John, but encountered another problem. When I add " <SimConnect.Comm> <Descr>Global IP Port</Descr> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Protocol>IPv4</Protocol> <Scope>global</Scope> <Address>Your Local MSFS PC Address</Address> <MaxClients>64</MaxClients> <Port>7421</Port> <MaxRecvSize>4096</MaxRecvSize> <DisableNagle>False</DisableNagle> </SimConnect.Comm>" to my SimConnect.xml file, and save, it will not stay there. I go to the client pc, start FSUIPC, then go back into the MSFS pc and open up the SimConnect.xml file, and the part that I added is gone !!!!.... The reason i wanted to set up FSUIPC this way is because I want to use a co-pilot program to set up on the client pc in order to use my bluetooth headphones to here the co-pilot. On the MSFS pc I have Bluetooth speakers. I have tried having both bluetooth speakers and bluetooth headphones connected to the MSFS pc , running Windows 10, but it will only allow me to use one or the other....unless there is something i'm missing... Thanks so much for your help.
  3. Hey John, I have set up as you posted here, When i start up FSUIPC on the client PC in the top of the FSUIPC window it says FSUIPC7: Not ready yet. Then when i go under the MSFS header and choose connect I get an "Failed to connect. Do you want to try again?" error. The thing I'm not sure about is the direction "and under the [WAPI] section (if using the FSUIPC7 WASM module on the MSFS computer) - create if necessary, also add the following: UseSimConnection=0"... I did this on the Client PC, in the FSUIPC7 ini file. Should i also add this to the MSFS pc FSUIPC ini file?
  4. Thanks so much Pete, and sorry about the wrong section I posted this in. No wonder i couldn't find my post. I shall be more careful next time. Thanks again! Bob
  5. I'm a bit confused. Where does Makerwys get its info from when running the exe file? If I load up my addon scenery in the community folder, does Makerwys read the scenery to update my my Makerwys files?
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