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AK Mongo

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Everything posted by AK Mongo

  1. Phidget cards can interface with FSUIPC. It takes an interface program such as FS2Phidget. It can be found as freeware at mycockpit.org. It has it's own forum there. Reid
  2. Pete, Thanks for the clarification about the parameter setting. That did it for my little project. I am able to use the output although it now toggles between 0 and -1. Why would the number go negative if I put in xFF as the parameter?
  3. Upon looking at it again, I see that the parameter is actually x00. Don't know if this is important. Reid
  4. Pete, I have looked in the docs, and it seems it should be straightforward unless I am mistaken...yet I am not seeing results. Am I missing something? What I am doing is: 1. going to the keys tab 2. assigning a key to the control "Offset Byte Togglebits" 3. choosing offset x66C0 4. parameter set as toggle Then upon confirming and returning to fsx, nothing seems to happen to 66CO in the fs window when I monitor it through the logging tab. What may I need to do to make the button (which will eventually be a switch) change the value? Reid
  5. Pete, I have a hardware switch that I would like to have work as a test switch for a hardware annunciator. The Is it possible to hook a switch in through a HID card (buo836x) and have it read by (something???) and write to a fsuipc offset? It would just be a simple toggle function, i.e. Toggle test switch, with the options being open or closed. My output interface/card could then make all of the annunciators light. I understand there are offsets available for customization at the user end, but how does one go about this? Hope I am making sense, and this would not be too tricky. Reid
  6. Thanks, that would be neat. Valdez is pretty impressive stuff!
  7. Pete, In the near future I will be upgrading to a Win7 64 machine. I have some simkits instruments that connect via a controller card (ccu2) that are only compatible with a win32 OS. This is a known issue, and Simkits seem to have no interest or ability to fix it Would widefs allow one to run the controller card on a networked 32 bit machine, and read data from fsuipc on the 64 bit machine? I have read the user guide, and it appears that is exactly the kind of thing Widefs is supposed to do. Do you have any cautions for me about how that process may work? Thanks, Reid
  8. Tom and Pete, You guys are both brilliant! Thanks for this contribution to the flight sim community! Reid PS Pete--how can I email you privately?
  9. Pete, I am the original tester. I did not get a chance to test your 2nd version of the script due to some life changes, so cannot confirm whether it actually works with the hardware the way you intended. I neglected to follow up and tell you that and am sorry. I hope that omitted information is not causing communication problems between you and Tom_G. Reid
  10. Tom, Where did you find the diode information? This is the first I have heard of it... Reid
  11. Peter, Thanks so much for your efforts. I will test this out and report back. I am in your debt! Reid
  12. Very grateful to you sir! One card will support 16 encoders. Inputs on the card are listed as buttons 1-32. I am using 31 and 32, so I guess that corresponds to bits 30 and 31, although I am not sure how that works. Does the software see those inputs as bits 0-31? The card must be set up with the encoders on adjacent pairs, so the easier route should work. It would be handy if the program would allow inputs to not be configured as encoders. The card can also handle digital inputs on each of those 32 stations, but only assigns them as rotaries if specifically set that way. Normally they are switches, buttons, etc. Having the flexibility to do both off the same card would be best. Ideally the LUA would scan only specified pairs, not all 32 inputs so that buttons and switches could be used normally. I hope I am making sense. Reid
  13. Pete, Hope your rebuild is going easily. Watching the number of threads you reply to each day, I am embarrassed to even ask for your help with the complex solution. You are committed to supporting your software well beyond most authors! That being said, is there a regular around here that may have the skills to do what you proposed that I can ask to assist me and lighten your load? If all else fails I can certainly go the multiple LUA route to get the rotaries all working. Any thoughts? Reid
  14. Of course! Have fun with your rebuild! This is a fairly inactive forum without you to helm it Captain. Reid
  15. Pete, I think it would be more useful to many to have the unlimited option. My pit only needs 5 more rotaries, but someone starting out a GA pit will need 6 for instruments, and 10 or 12 for the radio stack and/or GPS. Quite a few more with the Heavy Iron. Reid
  16. There is not a great deal of "official" documentation for the BUO836x. This is mainly because it is plug and play, and shows up and is configurable like any joystick. It will handle analog inputs(potentiometers), digital inputs(switches, buttons) and can be used with mixed results for Rotary Encoders.(requires a configuration utility from bodnar.com). If you need more help than that, please PM me, or check the boards at mycockpit.org. Leo himself is sometimes available to handle questions posted there. Reid
  17. Pete, Here we go with the stupid questions... 1. It seems to me as if this script is running 50 times per second. It is checking the status of the encoders to see if they have moved. If they have then it is deciding whether they have moved fast or slow and then assigning virtual joystick buttons . What I am not understanding is how it is gauging speed. Is it counting the number of button presses/ms and then setting it as button x or y? Or is it seeing if the impulses are continuous for longer than the boundary time, and then deciding it is slow or fast? I am guessing the latter, but am confused about what I am changing with boundary time(FastTimeLimit). The script works fine, I am just trying to learn more about the process. 2. How does poll rate relate to FSX speed? Is this little program enough to drag down FS performance? 3. To add more encoders, will I just need to copy and paste the existing script, and change the buttons and virtual buttons before the end command?
  18. Might want to check out fs2phidgets. It is a freeware program with GUI that allows you to interact with offsets, FS and phidget cards. I have interfaced a warning panel with it and a phidgetsled64 board. fs2phidgets forum Good luck, Reid
  19. With my lack of LUA experience, the comments are the only thing that make sense. I will not have a chance to fully get into this program, tweak the settings and add additional encoders until the weekend. Can I get back to you then with more questions? I am sure this would be helpful in the current state for those with more experience. Most people who will run across it probably do not have that experience though. I will do whatever I can to ask the stupid questions though so others won't bug you with them! Reid
  20. Thanks! I have tried it and it looks very promising. I am indeed getting 4 different "presses" now. 2 attributed to the Bodnar card, and 2 associated with "Joy #64". I will play around with the settings. Will I need to restart FSX each time I make a change to the variables you mentioned to re-run the Lua? Reid EDIT: Just noticed that sometimes the impulses register as joy 4 button 31 for slow clockwise and sometimes joy 64 button 1. Sometimes joy 64 button 1 is read for fast CW and sometimes 64 button 0. CCW slow is registering as joy 64 button 3, joy 64 button 2 or joy 4 button 30. I will mess with the Pollrate and FastTimeLimit to see if I can remove some of the inconsistencies.
  21. At your convenience sir! really appreciate the help, and you are correct of course about the four clips.
  22. Pete, Here is the information you requested. HIDScanner file detail: "********* HidScanner, Version 2.00 by Pete Dowson ********* Device at "\\?\hid#vid_068e&pid_00f2#7&388afcf0&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=068E, Product=00F2 (Version 0.0) Manufacturer= CH PRODUCTS Product= CH PRO PEDALS USB Serial Number= Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 4 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2 Number of Input Button Caps: 0 Number of InputValue Caps: 3 Number of InputData Indices: 3 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 Value Z at index 0, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits Value Y at index 1, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits Value X at index 2, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_068e&pid_c000#3&341d71af&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=068E, Product=C000 (Version 0.0) Manufacturer= CH Products AuxDev 1 Product= CH Products AuxDev 1 Serial Number= CH Products AuxDev 1 Device is a keyboard Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 9 Output Report Byte Length: 2 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1 Number of Input Button Caps: 2 Number of InputValue Caps: 0 Number of InputData Indices: 110 Number of Output Button Caps: 1 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 5 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_068e&pid_c001#3&30d5bc81&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=068E, Product=C001 (Version 0.0) Manufacturer= CH Products AuxDev 2 Product= CH Products AuxDev 2 Serial Number= CH Products AuxDev 2 Device is a mouse Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 5 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 3 Number of InputData Indices: 6 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 Buttons range 1 -> 3 at indices 0 -> 2 Value Wh at index 3, range -127 -> 127, using 8 bits Value Y at index 4, range -127 -> 127, using 8 bits Value X at index 5, range -127 -> 127, using 8 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_1532&pid_000c&mi_00#8&20964c5d&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=1532, Product=000C (Version 33.0) Manufacturer= Razer Product= Razer Lachesis Serial Number= Device is a mouse Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 9 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 4 Number of InputData Indices: 11 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 Buttons range 1 -> 7 at indices 0 -> 6 Value 0x40 at index 7, range -127 -> 127, using 8 bits Value Wh at index 8, range -127 -> 127, using 8 bits Value Y at index 9, range -32768 -> 32767, using 16 bits Value X at index 10, range -32768 -> 32767, using 16 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_1532&pid_000c&mi_01#8&33c6689b&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=1532, Product=000C (Version 33.0) Manufacturer= Razer Product= Razer Lachesis Serial Number= Device is a keyboard Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 9 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1 Number of Input Button Caps: 2 Number of InputValue Caps: 0 Number of InputData Indices: 264 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_1dd2&pid_1001#7&316a37fa&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=1DD2, Product=1001 (Version 1.35) Manufacturer= Leo Bodnar Product= BU0836X Interface Serial Number= B15796 Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 6 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 18 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 3 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 1 Number of InputData Indices: 33 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 1 Number of Feature Data Indices: 1 Buttons range 1 -> 32 at indices 0 -> 31 Value POV at index 32, range 0 -> 7, using 4 bits ************************************************************************** " HidDemo Log file: "********* LUA: "HidDemo" Log [from FSUIPC version 4.704] ********* 18846578 System time = 05/05/2011 21:15:29, Simulator time = 21:09:57 (05:09Z) 18846578 LUA: beginning "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\HidDemo.lua" 18846672 LUA: Device has 1 x Hat axis, Max= 7 18904078 LUA: ended "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\HidDemo.lua" 18904078 System time = 05/05/2011 21:16:27, Simulator time = 21:16:02 (05:16Z) ********* LUA execution terminated: Log Closed ********* ********* LUA: "HidDemo" Log [from FSUIPC version 4.704] ********* 243313 System time = 09/05/2011 12:35:46, Simulator time = 12:32:09 (20:32Z) 243313 LUA: beginning "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\HidDemo.lua" 243360 LUA: Device has 1 x Hat axis, Max= 7 243453 LUA: Hat = 15 0 0 0 249703 LUA: Buttons= 80000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 249750 LUA: Buttons= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250360 LUA: Buttons= 80000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250391 LUA: Buttons= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 251328 LUA: Buttons= 80000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 251375 LUA: Buttons= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 252610 LUA: Buttons= 40000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 252625 LUA: Buttons= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 253203 LUA: Buttons= 40000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 253266 LUA: Buttons= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 253672 LUA: Buttons= 40000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 253735 LUA: Buttons= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 254156 LUA: Buttons= 40000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 254219 LUA: Buttons= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" The log was done with three clicks clockwise and three counter clockwise. Please let me know if this is what you needed, and I hope you had a great weekend with family. Reid
  23. Thanks so much Pete! Enjoy your weekend!
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