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Everything posted by rickalty

  1. As Pete says, reading the offsets he mentioned will give you the right "up", "down" or "in motion" reading to properly activate your LED's without you needing to build in an artificial delay. (Such a built in delay might be wrong anyway - what if the gear jams? You would still get a gear down indication!) I don't know about SimKits and how it reads offsets, but if you look at my FSEicas freeware application (It's in the file library at Avsim) you'll see the gear lights - they illuminate based on the actual gear position from MSFS, and are read by a simple Visual Basic routine reading from FSUIPC. Richard
  2. WideFS wouldn't help you at all. As Pete said, its sole purpose is to make an add-on program running on a different computer think that MSFS is actually running on that computer. Most add-on programs should be able to be installed onto a spare drive in your single computer and run quite happily. A few require .dll modules to be added into a certain directory within the MSFS directory tree, but to be honest, if the drive that MSFS is on is SO full that there's no room for .dll files even, then your MSFS will be running like garbage anyway - programs use areas of the hard drive to 'park' data while running. Maybe you need to move some stuff off your "F" drive onto the spare drive and make more room on the main one.
  3. When I upgraded to XP I had to download new drivers for my Elite hardware. Richard
  4. rcbco-20 is a freware package of military related add-ons for FS. It includes a working carrier catapult. To the original poster, there's a new version specifically for FS-2004. If the version you have includes FSUIPC 2.0 it must be really old, so I'd go ahead and upgrade. Googling rcbco-20 will find you links to it. Richard
  5. There was a thread about this on one of the home cockpit forums a while back, and it seemed that no-one has been able to find any offsets to access their extra functions. Richard
  6. Windows can indeed run a network over USB, though you need to plug a network adapter into the cables. Here's an article explaining it. http://www.windowsnetworking.com/j_helmig/wxpusbin.htm Richard
  7. "For one thing, there is no setup file available. I transferred every file I could find from my old computer, but nothing works." There is no setup process for FSUIPC. All you have to do is put the FSUIPC.DLL file into the "Modules" folder of the FS2004 program, and it will be fine. When you run FS2004 after putting FSUIPC into the modules folder, you will find FSUIPC as an entry under "modules" in the FS2004 menu bar. open it, and the field to enter your registration key will be right there - just like when you installed it in your old computer. Richard
  8. Common error is to make a mistake typing in your email, the key is mathematically generated from your email address, so if you make a typo putting in the email address, the key won't checksum correctly, and will give that error. Richard
  9. Have SimMarket double check your key. This problem is almost certainly connected to an error with the key. Since the programs you list don't need a registered version of FSUIPC they'll work fine with an unregistered version, but a bad key will cause a registered FSUIPC to work erratically - if it even works at all. You can actually log into your account at SimMarket and get your key info without ever speaking to a real person. Richard
  10. Depends entirely on the GPS program you're using on your Palm. Richard
  11. First thing that jumps out at me is that you Dim "setLfuelPct", but then in the FSUIPC_Write, you use "setLfuel", which isn't declared anywhere. Richard
  12. Dim strData As String Dim abBytes() As Byte strData = "Your Char Data Goes Here" abBytes = StrConv(strData, vbFromUnicode) As an aside, the Beta2 version of Visual Basic.NET Express is available for free download from the MS web site. Richard
  13. Just an addition to Franks post..... be sure to buy a cheap USB joystick to use... a lot of the better ones "self calibrate" by using a fancy potentiometer for the axes that is actually two pots in one case. When the axis is centered, both pots are open circuit. As you move the stick one way, one of the pots stays open circuit, the other has gradually decreasing resistance. To use a stick like this in your home made pit you'll need to reuse their pots, as there's otherwise no way to do it. (I found this out the hard way when the four-axis (twist grip) joystick I bought to strip turned out to use this system) Richard
  14. Yes, it's frewware. You download it from the same place you downloaded FSUIPC... http://www.schiratti.com/dowson Look directly under the FSUIPC entry in the list and download the FSUIPC SDK. When you unzip the file, you'll find FSInterrogate in there. Richard
  15. It's explained in detail in the "FSUIPC for Advanced Users" document that comes in the FSUIPC.zip file. In my computer it's at the bottom of page 32 of 34. The exact location may vary slightly if you have page setting set differently, but that tells you it's two or three pages from the end. Richard
  16. Strangely enough, while I was reading this post, my wife was watching a Travel Channel show "Great Railway Journeys of the World" which this week is coming from northern India, where Pete is off riding Steam Trains. Getting to be a small world, isn't it? Richard
  17. You can't export windows of the same panel over WideFS. WideFS merely makes non MSFS programs think that MSFS is running on a computer when it isn't. You need to run the PMDG software on the computer that isn't running FS. WideFS will fool it into thinking that FS is running on the computer, and the windows can be opened just as they could be on the main FS computer. Richard
  18. To save Pete having to answer..... Look at the top of the message listing (The 'stickies') and there's one entitled "What to do if you lose your Key" or something similar That will tell you what you need to do to get your key. Richard
  19. While you can't use VB to write an MSFS style gauge, you can of course write your own gauge software in VB and use regular graphics programming to draw a needle etc onto a gauge face. Take a look in the Avsim File Library at http://www.avsim.org and search for my FSPanel freeware application - a generic GA instrument panel for use (mainly) over WideFS. It's written entirely in VB. Richard
  20. "Is there a way to use FSUIPC and a script in FS2004 to communicate bi-directionally with the Garmin 530?" (Almost) Anything that is available in FS2004 can be read by FSUIPC. You could then write an app in VB (Or C or whatever) to pass it through the serial port to the Garmin, and read output back which FSUIPC could then re-write back into FS2004.
  21. katsarosk2104 wrote: "End in which com i will say to flight map..to connect...it's the same pc... " You just put one of the two COM ports into GPSOut as the port it's going to send the data too, and the other COM port into Flitemap as the one it's going to receive data from. GPSOut won't care that the cable from the port assigned to it loops back to the same PC, and Flitemap won't know that the data coming into its port is coming from the same PC.
  22. Thanks, Pete.
  23. Actually I got my FSUIPC key straight from you because I had paid back when it was still "donation ware", so got a free key when you went payware. My WideFS key I bought from simmarket and have been able to recover thanks. I know I should have had back-ups.... should have had back-ups of a lot of stuff :-( Richard
  24. There's a freeware program called GPS Master that runs on a Palm compatible PDA and can communicate with MSFS via GPS Out. You can find it at... http://www.freewarepalm.com/communicatister.shtml However.... while I've gotten it to run on a Palm IIIxe using the serial connector, it wasn't very stable, and tended to freeze. If ayone can get it working smoothly it'd be perfect. Richard
  25. Hi Pete - I had a complete crash and have had to reinstall everything from scratch. How do I get my old FSUIPC WideFS keys? To complicate matters, I no longer have access to the email account I used touse back when I first paid for FSUIPC. Is there an email to send the info to privately? Richard
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