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Everything posted by cavaricooper
PFC Controls & 4.904/PFCFSX.dll 4.41
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Pete- I was just hoping to find a way to do a rudder check while in taxi. Currently I can see it move when stopped and using the tiller. Rudder pedal operation at stop has no effect on rudder position. I wanted to be able to hold the taxi line with the tiller, while doing full deflection rudder checks. I guess this runs up against a limitation of FSX? My original thought was to be able to do rudder checks (and see the corresponding rudder position on the DU.... but if I am reading you correctly- that is not possible at this time. Still, being able to taxi with the left hand, line up and then transition to rudder fine steering during the T/O roll is wonderful.... Sorry about any confusion! Best- C -
PFC Controls & 4.904/PFCFSX.dll 4.41
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
"Then you will have steering on both rudder and tiller so won't be able to check the rudder whilst taxiing without veering from side to side." Pete- is this a "virtual" check? I cannot see rudder movement visually or on the System's Page. Yes, it is an add-on aircraft (NGX). That little niggle aside it is a fantastic feature of FSUIPC and has really added to the immersion factor (to be able to drop the left hand to the tiller and then track the centerline; or to be able to line up and begin the TO roll with the steering on the left hand, moving to the yoke as we collect speed). Is there any possibility of adding the rudder ability on the ground, whilst retaining the transition from tiller coarse to rudder fine steering? Keep in mind I usually fly a Ryanair 738, so currently the system page option is not needed. Once the 777 arrives, it will be :). Best- C -
PFC Controls & 4.904/PFCFSX.dll 4.41
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
"Haven't you looked yourself for anything suspicious?" Yes, I did; and found that the "Throttle2 cut" command was being sent (from the #2 reverser axis). Increasing the null zone on top disables this issue and allest gut once more :). Ta Pete- as usual, your familiarity with the ins and outs of FSUIPC sent me down the correct path. Sorry for the delay in answering, however life got in the way for a bit :). On another note- I now have a tiller working as well. I unchecked the (filter) boxes in PFCFSX.dll for rudder, calibrated in FSUIPC and all works ok. Is there anything else that I can do to DESELECT PFCFSX callibration and avoid any potential conflice w/ FSUIPC? It seems to work ok, but with the Spoiler, Reversers and Flap axis I used the user profile and so do not even have those axis in PFC- thereby totally avoiding any conflict. I remember reading about the issue of the rudder not moving during ground control checks... is there a solution to this? It works fine after the changeover from tiller to rudder during the TO roll. It would be nice however to get rudder movement for pre-flight visually and especially on the systems page of the lower display... any thoughts? C -
PFC Controls & 4.904/PFCFSX.dll 4.41
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Did the logs go through Pete?.......... don't see them attached...... -
PFC Controls & 4.904/PFCFSX.dll 4.41
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Pete- Just did a flight and at the LAST BIT had the issue- Logs attached. Had to single engine taxi to stand....LOL good practice! C -
PFC Controls & 4.904/PFCFSX.dll 4.41
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Pete- "Strange. I use PFCFSX.DLL for my cockpit controls (the full dual control 737NG 'pit from PFC) and have no such problem. And certainly there's been no change in this for years. Are you sure you don't have some conflicting assignment in FS or FSUIPC?" No- ONLY Flap, Spoiler and Reversers in FSUIPC (but they do have the Throttle N_ Cut function-twice- enabled in their axis sweep) "No, nothing's changed for a long time in any such area. And you've really proved that it works okay by saying "The ONLY repeatable way to fix the issue is to restart PFCFSX.dll and FSUIPC.dll- then all is well- usually for the rest of the flight.". But, I don't understand really what you mean by "restarting" PFCFSX.dll and FSUIPC.dll. The only way to "restart" FSUIPC is by restarting FS. You can get PFCFSX to restart by changing the COM port to none and then back again, as if the COM port had changed, Is that what you are doing?" No- I simply go into FSUIPC and PFRCFSX.dlls and then exit- get the message about reloading settings.... "All my PFC axes are assigned and calibrated in PFCFSX except for Rudder and Steering Tiller, which are mapped direct to calibration in FSUIPC so that I can get the gradual transfer of steering from tiller to rudder as groundspeed increases when on the takeoff roll. But if I didn't have a tiller they'd all be in PFCFSX. Of course I don't fly the PMDG aircraft (as it won't work with Project Magenta or without its own cockpit), but I wouldn't have thought that would make a difference -- though it might be worth checking what happens with other aircraft. Also check that it isn't some simulated fault or problem, like engine icing for instance. Maybe your anti-ice switching is only operating on Engine 1. Otherwise all I can suggest is logging axes in FSUIPC to try to identify where or how the inputs are being lost or overridden -- it does sound more like interference than real loss of input." I will start logging and post here after a loss of throttle position/control on Engine 2- no icing issues...as you told me earlier- PFCFSX.dll will not work for anything but default aircraft in re. Flap, Sopilers and Reversers- I'm assuming since you use the default with altered .air files you do not experience the issue..... Thanks for working through this with me. C -
PFC Controls & 4.904/PFCFSX.dll 4.41
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
BTW Pete- I should add I am using their 737TQ so Throttle 2 is on the 5th Throtle Quadrant slider/axis (traditionally Mixture 1), however, I am using the USER CUSTOM PROFILLE- NOT their 737TQ profile... as Flaps/Spoliers/Reversers work through FSUIPC..... Are there any other SERIAL version PFC users w/ issues...? C -
Pete- I'm hesitant to ask this, but I have done a LOT of troubleshooting, and simply do not have another thought at the moment (although in my case, that's not unusual ;) ) Since the new (non signed) versions of PFCFSX.dll and FSUIPC I have been having a problem with my #2 throttle losing position. The N1 drops to idle and visually the throttle lever also moves to idle. At that time the NGX Auto-Throttle disconnects. Initially I thought it was a bad pot, but callibration and PFC tests show steady predictable movement throughtout the range of the #2 throttle. Then I thought it might be a power spike. I moved supply UPS' and even tried an alternate power supply. Nothing changes. The ONLY repeatable way to fix the issue is to restart PFCFSX.dll and FSUIPC.dll- then all is well- usually for the rest of the flight. The throttle lever moves correctly and A/T can again engage and control thrust. Could something in FSUIPC have changed? I map the throttles through PFCFSX.dll but the reversers (that do have n_throttle cut programmed in their axis') and the flap and spoiler are all through FSUIPC. No finger pointing... just a hesitant request for a look-see...... Ta! Carl Avari-Cooper
Pete- So if the axis is assigned in FSUIPC- sending as FSX Axis so that it works correctly..... my button should work? Right now the only axis assigned in FSUIPC are the Flaps, Spoilers and Reversers (which are sent as FS Axis' ) but then send the Throttle n Cut command TWICE through 2 axis zones close to the stowed position. Is there any way to have the PAID FSUIPC integrate with PFCFSX.dll- it's a legacy bit of kit now as everything PFC sells currently is USB? It would be GREAT to have everything in ONE program. Reading the Airbus throttle thread (Serial PFC again) with interest.... Wish I was smarter! Best- C
Pete- Hope you enjoyed the steamers..... despite programming THROTTLE OFF to a button (perhaps because FSUIPC does not calibrate or manipulate the throttle axis- PFCFSX.dll does) it has NO effect disconnecting my throttles. I have achieved some success and noted it in the User Contribution area..... Still interested in your thoughts when you are settled in.... C
Serial PFC HW & the NGX
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Clive: PM sent- Ta! C -
Is anyone here successfully using SERIAL PFC hardware and the NGX? I swapped throttle quadrants on my Cirrus II Console from the twin prop to the 737NG TQ, and now I am getting Autobrake discos on landing. I was able to ge the Spoilers, Reversers and Flap axis' to work. If you have SERIAL PFC HW and it works successfully with the NGX, please advise.... I'm out of ideas.... Thanks! Carl
Pete- As the creator I know all this must appear simple to you, however, after wading through the Advanced Users Guide I still am befuddled. I thought LINDA programmed LUA.... apparently not. How do I set a button to activate the TOGA and disconnect the manual throttles? Then how do I set another to disconnect Auto-Throttle and engage manual throttles? I know I have to edit the FSUIPC.ini..... How exactly? Best- C
Pete- A few times now you have referred to "Even more sophisticated would be a Lua plug-in which did the throttle disconnection only when A/T modes were active (SPD, FLCH and VNAV modes). FS does this itself for default airliners. I think the PMDG 737NGX does it for the regular "Axis ThrottleN Set" controls (the ones with no reverse zone). To use those in FSUIPC you need to calibrate with "No Reverse Zone" set and the "UseAxisControlsForNRZ=Yes" option set in the relevant Joystick Calibration section of the INI." I have loaded the LINDA module and cannot even get it to see my serial PFC stuff......? C
Pete- You mentioned something about using a special command in FSUIPC to disconnect the throttle axis when using Auto-Throttle logic. How can I apply this, keeping in mind I have to utilize PFCFSX.dll to calibrate and map the throttle axis, so as to function correctly w/ the NGX (without resorting to other fairly complex methods)? Best- C
PFC Serial Hardware and the PMDG NGX
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in User Contributions
After spending some more time with this setup I discovered a couple of more points- It seems best to calibrate and use all axis with PFCFSX.dll, except for the Flap and Spoiler levers which do not get recognized by the NGX (serial PFC). MAKE SURE you have a large null zone at each end of the throttle axis(s) (accomplished by sticking a pen or something similar in the slot at top and bottom). Use FSUIPC for ALL button presses and other functions. When using AT- push throttles FULL forward at TOGA. At N1 move them to idle. Then on final approach, after pressing SPD or actioning the AT Disco switch, push them forward to match the commanded N1. Then use manual thrust-lever positioning as needed. In addition to all of the above, it is further necessary to map the axis for each reverser but SEND IT TO FS WITHOUT manipulation- AS FS AXIS. Then, select an FS command for the first bit of movement sending a Throttle n Cut FS command with segment 1 and after moving it slightly again, send a Throttle n Cut command with segment 2. Not to be held w/ section 1, and to be held with section 2. Talking it through... at fully closed the REVERSER lever(s) send a Throttle n Cut command ONCE. As you pull back it sends ANOTHER Throttle n Cut command but this one HOLDS through the pull. Then as you exit the zone the reversers start to deploy. The ONLY axis CALIBRATED in FSUIPC are the Spoilers and Flaps. Hope this helps someone else avoid a little frustration. Best- C -
Pete- Per your request................ Thanks for your patience and assistance (as usual). After ALL of this- my solution for the SERIAL PFC HARDWARE & THE PMDG NGX (using PFCFSX.dll v4.40 & FSUIPC v 4.859s) is the following- I put this here in the hopes of saving some other poor soul from the frustration encountered- DO NOT CALIBRATE THROTTLES OR REVERSER AXIS IN FSUIPC USE PFCFSX.dll for throttles and reversers- calibrate those axis in PFCFSX.dll ONLY FLY AND ENJOY THE NGX :) Best- C
PFC Hardware (serial)
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Pete- Thanks for your patience and assistance (as usual). After ALL of this- my solution for the SERIAL PFC HARDWARE & THE PMDG NGX (using PFCFSX.dll v4.40 & FSUIPC v 4.859s) is the following- I put this here in the hopes of saving some other poor soul from the frustration encountered- USE FSUIPC for everything EXCEPT throttles and reversers- that way you can fine tune all the flight controls, brakes etc with custom slopes to your exact preferences. Be sure to UNCHECK the flight control axis in PFCFSX.dll. UNCHECK the filtering there as well. DO NOT CALIBRATE THROTTLES OR REVERSER AXIS IN FSUIPC USE PFCFSX.dll for throttles and reversers- calibrate those axis in PFCFSX.dll ONLY FLY AND ENJOY THE NGX :) Best- C -
PFC Hardware (serial)
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Pete- By now I'm sure I've become a total git......but I'm completely lost. Is there a "Idiot's Guide to setting up the NGX reversers? anywhere? Also re. "For AutoThrottle handling in the NGX without interference............, or use the special FSUIPC-added controls to disconnect your throttles in A/T modes and reconnect when disarming the A/T.."... how? Ta- C -
PFC Hardware (serial)
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
If its not possible on the throttle axis... Perhaps I can just leave those in PFCFSX.dll and then have the first movement of the reverser axis' send the F1? C -
PFC Hardware (serial)
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Sorry Pete- I guess I'm a bit PMDG centric. Anyhow, I would like the throttles to send out an F1 key press when they bottom out (fully closed). There's a way to do that but I cannot seem to find it. To fully clarify... Throttles are now set up in FSUIPC as well (I remember that originally they had to be left w/ default assignments, no FSUIPC). I'm hoping that has been resolved...? That done, I want normal throttle control, but when I also fully close the throttle, I'd like to send ONE (not send while held) F1 key command. Ta! C -
PFC Hardware (serial)
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Pete- The only way I can get it working is to use FSUIPC to calibrate and map the axis. Doing that it all is working. Despite all efforts I could NOT get it to work just using PFCFSX.dll. Maybe with a default a/c but not with the NGX. Will fly and test extensively tomorrow. Looking forward to finally having all the correct levers to move :) Interested in your thoughts about why I cannot get this working in PFCFSX.dll alone? Thanks for your patience.... C -
PFC Hardware (serial)
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Pete- Its the same console that worked absolutely fine with the twin quadrant attached. Now, with the 737 quadrant, after calibration (all 6 axis are within 119-3) the throttles and reversers work, however the spoiler and flap do not. The spoiler is showing at about 1/3 of the way down from the top (even though the lever is all the way up (down position)). I am going to try choosing a custom quad and assigning axis.... Not sure what is going on w/ the NGX not seeing the axis through PFCFSX.dll C -
PFC Hardware (serial)
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Pete- I meant automatic and manual.... C -
PFC Hardware (serial)
cavaricooper replied to cavaricooper's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Pete- PFC TQ arrived..... Selected the quadrant in PFCFSX.dll. Deleted old quadrant assignment, assigned 737NG TQ. Now throttles move full range, reversers only partly and spoiler and flaps not at all. Tried default calibration, tried automatic calibration.... any thoughts? C