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Capt. PERO

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Everything posted by Capt. PERO

  1. Hi, updating from FSUIPC 6.0.8 to 6.0.9 causes that my LUA script don't press keys in the GSX menu any more. I use the "function TextMenuOpened(mtype, colour, scroll, delay, id, n, msgs)" and then press the right key with "ipc.keypressplus(49)" for example. The script itself has not modified and works until several month. Rolling back to 6.0.8 works like a charm. Any idea's? Regards, Peter
  2. Confirmed - fixed. Thanks. ...the other topic name did not lead me into reading this. 🙂
  3. Hi gents, I am using v5 and FSUIPC6 (registered) and trying to run my lua scripts. ipcReady.lua > runs peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX.lua "peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX.lua" > reads in variables from peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_config.lua with function require("peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_config") which worked perfectly in FSUIPC5. Error in FSUIPC6.log: 115578 -------------------- Starting everything now ---------------------- 115578 Starting WideServer now ... 115625 LUA.0: beginning "C:\Users\peter\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\ipcReady.lua" 115687 *** LUA Error: ...epar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX.lua:51: module 'peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_config' not found: no field package.preload['peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_config']peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_config no file 'P:\Prepar3D v5\modules\\peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_config.lua' no file 'P:\Prepar3D v5\modules\\peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_config\init.lua' no file 'P:\Prepar3D v5\modules\lua\\peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_config.lua' no file 'P:\Prepar3D v5\modules\lua\\peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_config\init.lua' no file 'P:\Prepar3D v5\modules\lua\\peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_config.dll' no file 'P:\Prepar3D v5\modules\lua\loadall.dll' no file 'P:\Prepar3D v5\modules\lua\.dll' no file 'P:\Prepar3D v5\modules\lua\loadall.dll' I installed everthing into [USER]\Documents\Prepar3D v5\Add-ons\FSUIPC6\ and placed all .lua scripts here (as in v5 I would have placed them into [P3Dv4 ROOT]\Modules Any ideas?
  4. Hi, can you please have a look on sound.play() and sound.playloop() functions? Is it intentional that there is no real difference (or I cannot hear) volume 50 and volume 100? The manual says Would be very great if this could be adjusted and 0% would cut off the sound. 😉 This would be very beneficial for my freeware script: https://aviation.pero-online.de/wordpress/?page_id=1937
  5. Fair point. 13 years - am I that old?
  6. Hi John, thanks for your feedback and the work arround. For me in person this would be fine, but I want to share my Script to the community even for FSX users. So I really would appricate if you could add this in to FSUIPC4. https://aviation.pero-online.de/wordpress/?page_id=1937 Regards, Peter
  7. Hi Pete, thanks for v5.15 of FSUIPC5. I got event.textmenu() running perfect. But I am struggeling with FSUIPC4. Any advice? Using this listener: event.textmenu(2, "TextMenuOpened") Brings up this error: 12281 *** LUA Error: ...amapps\common\FSX\Modules\peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX.lua:981: attempt to call field 'textmenu' (a nil value) Tested with v4.9.7.401 What am I doing wrong? Any advice?
  8. Hi Pete, I hope you are doing well. Would be great if you could integrate watered runways (how are they called by the way) to the runways.xml file. Look like they are missing at the moment: <ICAO id="0Z3"> <ICAOName>Shannons Pond</ICAOName> <Country>United States</Country> <State>Alaska</State> <City>Dillingham</City> <File>Scenery\0001\scenery\APX05110.bgl</File> <SceneryName>0001 Basis</SceneryName> <Longitude>-158.577194</Longitude> <Latitude>59.058975</Latitude> <Altitude>80</Altitude> <MagVar>20.000</MagVar> </ICAO> I am using version Any ideas?
  9. Thanks a lot. Can you please contact me via email at capt_pero@web.de? Regards, Peter
  10. WOW! That would be great. Simply run it without any dialogs would be helpful from my point of view.
  11. Hi Pete, I am the developer of SIMstarter http://aviation.pero-online.de/SIMstarter (you might know it). I use MakeRwys to select the starting position of a flight in front of the simulator start. For that reason I would like to have something like a quite mode. Just to ensure that the user does not click "Cancel" within the creation process and does not need to click "Ok" once it's done. Are there any command line arguments available?
  12. And that is exactly my problem. ;O)
  13. I am just wondering, why the values at G5.csv (LAT and LON) of an parking or gate are different comparing to runways.txt As I wrote I would like to use it to place aircrafts to the correct parking position. Using G5.csv would be much easier. ;O)
  14. Sorry for the late reply. ;O) I was on a business trip and forget to answer. SIMstarter is using that values to place the aircraft. Therefore it is quite important for me to get precise values. Could you please explain your calculation again? I am using: Starting: N48:21:30.6333 Seconds --------- + Minutes 60 Dezimalgrad = --------------------- + Grad 60 30,6333 --------- + 21 60 48,35850925 = --------------------- + 48 60 Thanks a lot! Seems for me, that there is a calulation mistake in G5.csv instead of runways.txt.
  15. Hi Pete, my name is peter and I am the author of SIMstarter a program to start your simulator with different profiles. I would like to implement a feature to select the starting position based on MakeRwys data. So far no problem. But I found out, that the data at G5.csv is not that precise that I would need. Example: EDDM (Munich, Gate 202) in runways.txt in file: Scenery\0601\scenery\APX51140.bgl Gate 202 [#G106]: N48:21:30.6333 E011:47:32.9532 Type 8 (Small Gate), Size 18.0m, Hdg 263.1T and in file: aerosoft\Afd\scenery\AF2_EDDM.BGL Gate 202 [#G106]: N48:21:30.6333 E011:47:32.9532 Type 8 (Small Gate), Size 18.0m, Hdg 263.1T Airlines: DLH CFG So far so good, both identical, because I installed Mega Airport Munich as well (just for clairification)... If we have a look into G5.csv searching for EDDM and Gate 202 we will find EDDM,,202,48.358513,11.792487,18.0,263.1,8,DLH,CFG But is that the right calculation? Because whenever I am using this value for latitude and longditue the plane will be slightly misplaced. N48:21:30.6333 should become 48.358509 not 48.358513 E011:47:32.9532 has been recalculated well to 11.792487 another example: EDDN (Nurnberg) N49:29:42.7500 E011:04:43.3772 should become 49.495208 11.078716 NOT 49.495167 11.078444 Is it a calculation problem or do I misunderstand these values?
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