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Capt. PERO

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Everything posted by Capt. PERO

  1. Thanks John. I found out, that JeeHell FMGS shows the value of 0x6020 for Altitude Indicated. But so far no luck by writing this into the sim to affect VATSIM. This is my code but the value of Altitude in VATSIM stays untouched... ipc.writeStruct(0x0024, "1UW", 0x0574, "1UW", 4, "1SD", ipc.readDBL("6020"))
  2. @Wim Soldaat have you fixed this issue with this workarround? We are faceing the same with JeeHell FMGS in MSFS on VATSIM. Next step would be finding out, which variable VATSIM is using to determine the altitude.
  3. Other findings. Once a menu has been shown .isMenu stays True (is False unless Menu has been shown first time) .Changed stays True in any case I tested, even if the menu disappears
  4. Hi Paul, 1. The OnScreen Menu stays and is functional if a new single-message arrives but the TextMenu instance loses the menu. I would expect that .MenuItems stay (as they are still on the screen) and .Message changes 2. No, I just need a proof way to detect if the menu is still on the screen and which items are shown. If a new .Message clears .MenuItems I have no idea to detect if the TextMenu is still shown on the display. This is my application:
  5. Hi Paul, happy new year and hope you are doing well. Looks like a new value in TextMenu.Message clears TextMenu.MenuItemCount and even TextMenu.MenuItems Lets say there is a SimConnect Window (GSX in my case) open which gives myTextmenu.MenuItemCount > 0 If now a new message appears TextMenu.Message <> "" it resets the MenuItemCount (and all items). For me it should stay > 0 as long as the menu is not shown any more or the items are different. Using FSUIPCClient.dll v3.2.25.395
  6. @Paul Hentystrange. But I can confirm that the issue is solved with 3.2.25. Thanks a lot!!! Regards Peter
  7. Hi @Paul Henty thanks for the asap feedback. This is the dataset from the system. Why don't the scenery designers keep in mind that special characters aren't a good idea. Thanks. Peter makerwysData.zip
  8. Hi gents, I am using this function in VB.NET but on one client with P3Dv4 it crashed with "Index and length must refer to a location within the string. (Parameter 'length')" The function I am using is Try If FSUIPCConnection.IsOpen = False Then FSUIPCConnection.Open() FSUIPCConnection.AirportsDatabase.Load() Else FSUIPCConnection.Process() End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message.toString) End Try It is running great on other PCs with P3Dv5. FSUIPCClient.dll Version Any ideas? Regards, Peter
  9. Thanks. Sorted out, anything is working again! Topic can be closed.
  10. Hi Pete, I am lost a little. Might be easier if you send me a test version. 🙂 Email via PM. Regards, Peter
  11. Hi Pete, thanks for your support. I am running "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" "/Water /+Q" in my program SIMstarter NG P3D since my software has been released. A BETA Tester informed me, that SIMstarter does not work with Makerwys 5.1 any more. While testing I found out that one parameter is working and two parameter won't. My first thought was, that "/Water" does not work any more and therefore I tested the others to make analysis for you guys easier. Do I get you right, with 5.11 I would get the same result as before (runways with water runways, silent execution and auto close when finished? My software is waiting for the process beining closed to work with the new generated files. Regards, Peter
  12. If this helps: it worked with this until v5.1: 🙂 "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" "/Water /+Q"
  13. Same behavior as above. Starts and closes makerwys. Can you pls check?
  14. Hi, looks like makerwys is closing when adding multiple commandline parameters. Can you please have a look at this? "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" => Ok "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" "/+Q" => Ok "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" "/Water" => Ok "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" "/Water /+Q" => Fail Fail means, makerwys.exe closes without creating any files.
  15. Hey Pete, it was a "longer weekend" but I can confirm that keypresses are working again adding LuaTrapKeyEvent=No to the [General] section of your FSUIPC6.INI file. Why isn't it default any more? Can you turn it back to default in further versions? Thank you for your support!
  16. Hi Pete, sorry I was very busy during the week. Will test that and come back to you.
  17. Hi, you may remember the ipc.keypress issue I've reported some days ago (I am using a lua-script). This has been fixed with v6.0.1.0b but looks there is another issue preventing ipc.keypress and native keyboard key presses too. https://forum.simflight.com/topic/89926-p3dv5-hf2-ipckeypressplus-dont-press-key/?do=findComment&comment=544912 Please find fsuipc6.log This can be reproduced by calling the GSX menu. Rolling back to brings everything back to normal. Could you please have a look again? 😉 Regards, Peter FSUIPC6.log
  18. Yes, looks as solved. I just did a quick test today. Can spend more time tomorrow.
  19. That you can find something on my side for improvement. 😉 *lol* ...I will change that
  20. Right: 1) ipcReady.lua calls "ipc.macro("Lua peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX")" 2) peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX.lua contains the code above 3) Start the sim (runs ipcReady.lua and peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX.lua 4) Open the GSX menu (SHIFT+CTRL+W) and try to press "1" on keyboard 5) Does not work
  21. Right. It has nothing to do with ipc.keypress but using this LUA causes the problem. Strange...
  22. Hi Pete, I think I nailed it: local PNFSoundDialogKeyShift = 1 local PNFSoundDialogKeyCode = 88 function PNFSoundsToggle() --if (PNFsoundPlay==0) then -- PNFsoundPlay=1 -- if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeScriptLoaded + 5000) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Pilot none flying announcements -- ON", 3) end --else -- PNFsoundPlay=0 -- if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeScriptLoaded + 5000) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Pilot none flying announcements -- OFF", 3) end --end end event.key(PNFSoundDialogKeyCode, PNFSoundDialogKeyShift, "PNFSoundsToggle") Looks like "event.key" causes the issue.
  23. Hi Pete, hi John, thanks for helping out. I deactivated all "ipc.event" function calls in my script but this doesn't changed it. Even no error reported in the FSUIPC6.log file. What I found out that pressing a key (0-9) in the GSX menu the selected item becomes kind of "selected" but does not "press". If I would press key 1-9 they all would become "light gray background" but no action. The only way I can trigger them is by clicking with the mouse. See attached pics. Regards, Peter Before Keypress: After Keypress:
  24. Hi Pete, after digging deeper in it the problem has to be redescribed: When using 6.0.9 the GSX Menu opens (which is triggered by LUA and a STRG+SHIFT+W "ipc.keypressplus" operation). So it looks like sending keypress with lua is working in general. But when the GSX menu opens I cannot press an option (0-9) nothing happens. Not with my script and not by keyboard - strange. when I uncomment my script to .lua.off (to avoid loading it) I CAN press the GSX options (0-9) with keyboard again So something with my script and the change from 6.0.8 to 6.0.9. There is the log: ********* FSUIPC6, Version 6.0.9 (26th June 2020) by Pete & John Dowson ********* Prepar3D.exe version = Running inside Prepar3D v5 Module base=7FFFA36F0000 Windows 10 Home 64 Bit reported as Build 19041, Release ID: 2004 (OS 10.0) Reading options from "C:\Users\peter\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\FSUIPC6.ini" Checking the Registrations now ... User Name="Peter Rosendahl" User Addr="obfuscated@peter.de" FSUIPC6 Key is provided WideFS7 Key is provided 0 System time = 12/07/2020 05:22:12 0 FLT UNC path = "\\FLUSI\C\Users\peter\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Files\" 0 Using DialogMode 16 FS UNC path = "\\FLUSI\P\Prepar3D v5\" 78 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan ----------------------- 94 Product= VIER IM POTT SIDESTICK 2.0 94 Manufacturer= Leo Bodnar 94 Serial Number= B62906 94 Vendor=1DD2, Product=2109 (Version 1.38) 109 GUIDs returned for product: VID_1DD2&PID_2109: 109 GUID= {30E4FE70-34B8-11E7-8001-444553540000} 109 Details: Btns=32, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X2363,Y2536,Z4095 109 GUID= {D620D0A0-34B1-11E7-8001-444553540000} 109 Details: Btns=32, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X2478,Y3001,Z3172 109 Product= Joy0-0 109 Manufacturer= Simple Solutions 109 Serial Number= 001001001000 109 Vendor=1690, Product=FE13 (Version 5.101) 109 GUIDs returned for product: VID_1690&PID_FE13: 109 GUID= {69FD5C80-0991-11E8-8001-444553540000} 109 Details: Btns=32, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R3,U0,V0,X3,Y3,Z3 109 Product= VIER IM POTT SIDESTICK 2.0 109 Manufacturer= Leo Bodnar 109 Serial Number= B63191 109 Vendor=1DD2, Product=2109 (Version 1.38) 109 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 109 Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.0) 109 GUIDs returned for product: VID_06A3&PID_0763: 109 GUID= {4B92CFA0-9043-11E6-8008-444553540000} 109 Details: Btns=0, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R511,U0,V0,X127,Y127,Z0 109 GUID= {4B95B5D0-9043-11E6-800D-444553540000} 109 Details: Btns=0, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R511,U0,V0,X127,Y127,Z0 109 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 109 Manufacturer= Saitek 109 Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.1) 109 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 141 Device acquired for use: 141 Joystick ID = 1 (Registry okay) 141 1=VIER IM POTT SIDESTICK 2.0 141 1.GUID={30E4FE70-34B8-11E7-8001-444553540000} 141 Device acquired for use: 141 Joystick ID = 3 (Registry okay) 141 3=VIER IM POTT SIDESTICK 2.0 141 3.GUID={D620D0A0-34B1-11E7-8001-444553540000} 141 Device acquired for use: 141 Joystick ID = 4 (Registry okay) 141 4=Joy0-0 141 4.GUID={69FD5C80-0991-11E8-8001-444553540000} 141 Device acquired for use: 141 Joystick ID = 0 (Registry okay) 141 0=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 141 0.GUID={4B92CFA0-9043-11E6-8008-444553540000} 141 Device acquired for use: 141 Joystick ID = 2 (Registry okay) 141 2=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 141 2.GUID={4B95B5D0-9043-11E6-800D-444553540000} 141 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 172 Controllers are set to ON, using RawInput within P3D 172 LogOptions=40000000 00000001 172 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 172 ### Traffic limited by user parameter to 80 aircraft 172 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 172 Opened separate AI Traffic client okay 5219 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v5", Version: (SimConnect: 5234 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 5234 FSUIPC Menu entry added 5234 ... Using Prepar3D with Professional License 5250 \\FLUSI\C\Users\peter\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Files\SIMstarter NG.fxml 5250 \\FLUSI\P\A320FMGS\Aircraft\A320-214_SL\cfm56_5B4.air 5266 ### The user object is 'FMGS A320-214 - DLH SL' 5266 ### Mode is NORMAL 5563 ### Mode: PAUSE on 56453 Loading Complete ... 56469 ### Mode is NORMAL 56859 User Aircraft ID 2 supplied, now being used 56859 Aircraft loaded: running normally now ... 56953 System time = 12/07/2020 05:23:09, Simulator time = 05:06:05 (03:06Z) 56953 Aircraft="FMGS A320-214 - DLH SL" 57500 Requested flightplan loading: "C:\Users\peter\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files\LOWWEDDH01.pln" 57531 Planned flight from LOWW to EDDH 57531 \\FLUSI\C\Users\peter\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files\LOWWEDDH01.pln 57531 \\FLUSI\C\Users\peter\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files\LOWWEDDH01.pln 63938 -------------------- Starting everything now ---------------------- 63938 Starting WideServer now ... 63938 ASN active function link set 63938 Ready for ActiveSky WX radar with additional data 64016 LUA.0: beginning "C:\Users\peter\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\ipcReady.lua" 64063 LUA.1: beginning "C:\Users\peter\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX.lua" 64328 LUA.1: CabinSoundPrefix: Rafi - DE und EN\ 64531 LUA.1: pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Running... 64531 LUA.1: ------------------------------- 64547 LUA.1: GENERAL SETTINGS 64547 LUA.1: ------------------------------- 64547 LUA.1: Show Status Messages: 0 64547 LUA.1: Door handling: 1 64547 LUA.1: Wait until EXT PWR Conn: 3000 64547 LUA.1: Poll Interval: 1000 64547 LUA.1: GSX Handling: 1 64547 LUA.1: GSXcatering: 1 64563 LUA.1: GSXdialogKeyShift: 3 64563 LUA.1: GSXdialogKeyCode: 87 64563 LUA.1: Cabin Announcement: 1 64563 LUA.1: ------------------------------- 64563 LUA.1: Time: 05:23:16 ------ GSX ENVIRONMENT DEBOARDING_STATE: 0 BOARDING_STATE: 0 DEPARTURE_STATE: 0 CATERING_STATE: 0 REFUELING_STATE: 0 JETWAY_STATE: 0 External Power: 0 Boarded Pax: 4 Refueling Mode: 1 ------ AIRCRAFT STATE On Ground: 1 Was already Airborne: 0 Parking Brake: 32767 Engine Left Running: 1 Engine Right Running: 1 Departure Altitude: 0 ------ CABIN SOUND STATE Sound: 1 Welcome: 0 Safety: 0 Climb: 0 Cruise: 0 Descent: 0 Final Approach: 0 After Landing: 0 At Gate: 0 Unboarding: 0 ------ CPDPL Integration GSX Automation: 0 65156 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 65359 LUA.1: Time: 05:23:17 ------ GSX ENVIRONMENT DEBOARDING_STATE: 1 BOARDING_STATE: 1 DEPARTURE_STATE: 1 CATERING_STATE: 1 REFUELING_STATE: 1 JETWAY_STATE: 0 External Power: 0 Boarded Pax: 4 Refueling Mode: 1 ------ AIRCRAFT STATE On Ground: 1 Was already Airborne: 0 Parking Brake: 32767 Engine Left Running: 1 Engine Right Running: 1 Departure Altitude: 0 ------ CABIN SOUND STATE Sound: 1 Welcome: 0 Safety: 0 Climb: 0 Cruise: 0 Descent: 0 Final Approach: 0 After Landing: 0 At Gate: 0 Unboarding: 0 ------ CPDPL Integration GSX Automation: 0 70672 Weather Mode now = Theme 71641 FSUIPC Control Action: Ctrl=1070, Param=16 71641 SendKeyToFS(00000010=[(null)], KEYDOWN) ctr=0 71641 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=1 71672 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1 71672 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 71766 SendKeyToFS(00000010=[(null)], KEYUP) ctr=0 71781 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=1 71813 KEYUP: VK=16, Waiting=0, Shifts=0 72109 FSUIPC Control Action: Ctrl=1070, Param=855 72109 SendKeyToFS(00060057=[ctl+shft+W], KEYDOWN) ctr=0 72125 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=3 72125 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=17 (Control) (Scan code 29), Ctr=3 72125 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1 72125 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 72125 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=3 72125 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 72141 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=87 (Scan code 17), Ctr=1 72156 KEYDOWN: VK=87, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=3 72156 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 72234 SendKeyToFS(00060057=[ctl+shft+W], KEYUP) ctr=0 72234 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=87 (Scan code 17), Ctr=3 72234 KEYUP: VK=87, Waiting=0, Shifts=3 72250 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=17 (Control) (Scan code 29), Ctr=2 72250 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=2 72266 LUA.1: pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Jetway Requested 72281 KEYUP: VK=17, Waiting=0, Shifts=1 72281 KEYUP: VK=16, Waiting=0, Shifts=0 72281 LUA.1: Time: 05:23:24 ------ GSX ENVIRONMENT DEBOARDING_STATE: 1 BOARDING_STATE: 1 DEPARTURE_STATE: 1 CATERING_STATE: 1 REFUELING_STATE: 1 JETWAY_STATE: 0 External Power: 0 Boarded Pax: 4 Refueling Mode: 1 ------ AIRCRAFT STATE On Ground: 1 Was already Airborne: 0 Parking Brake: 32767 Engine Left Running: 0 Engine Right Running: 0 Departure Altitude: 0 ------ CABIN SOUND STATE Sound: 1 Welcome: 0 Safety: 0 Climb: 0 Cruise: 0 Descent: 0 Final Approach: 0 After Landing: 0 At Gate: 0 Unboarding: 0 ------ CPDPL Integration GSX Automation: 0 72313 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=66514, Param=0 ATC_MENU_CLOSE 72313 LUA.1: ----- NEW MENU ----- 72313 LUA.1: GSX - Activate ground services 72328 LUA.1: Activate ground services 72328 LUA.1: Request deboarding 72328 LUA.1: Request catering service 72328 LUA.1: Request refueling 72328 LUA.1: Request boarding 72328 LUA.1: Prepare for push-back and departure 72328 LUA.1: No jetways here 72328 LUA.1: Operate stairs 72344 LUA.1: Customize this parking position 72344 LUA.1: Reposition aircraft 72344 LUA.1: ----- END MENU ----- 73531 FSUIPC Control Action: Ctrl=1070, Param=2103 73531 SendKeyToFS(00000037=[7], KEYDOWN) ctr=0 73547 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=55 (Scan code 8), Ctr=1 73578 KEYDOWN: VK=55, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0 73578 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 73641 SendKeyToFS(00000037=[7], KEYUP) ctr=0 73641 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=55 (Scan code 8), Ctr=1 73672 KEYUP: VK=55, Waiting=0, Shifts=0 105797 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2 105797 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 105828 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=3 105828 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 106344 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3 106344 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 106375 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3 106375 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 106375 KEYDOWN: VK=87, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=3 106375 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 106484 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=66514, Param=0 ATC_MENU_CLOSE 106484 LUA.1: ----- NEW MENU ----- 106484 LUA.1: GSX - Activate ground services 106484 LUA.1: Activate ground services 106484 LUA.1: Request deboarding 106484 LUA.1: Request catering service 106484 LUA.1: Request refueling 106484 LUA.1: Request boarding 106484 LUA.1: Prepare for push-back and departure 106500 LUA.1: No jetways here 106500 LUA.1: Operate stairs 106500 LUA.1: Customize this parking position 106500 LUA.1: Reposition aircraft 106500 LUA.1: ----- END MENU ----- 106516 KEYUP: VK=17, Waiting=0, Shifts=1 106547 KEYUP: VK=87, Waiting=0, Shifts=1 106547 KEYUP: VK=16, Waiting=0, Shifts=0 108578 KEYDOWN: VK=49, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0 108578 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 108750 KEYUP: VK=49, Waiting=0, Shifts=0 111188 KEYDOWN: VK=49, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0 111188 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 111391 KEYUP: VK=49, Waiting=0, Shifts=0 113578 KEYDOWN: VK=50, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0 113578 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 113922 KEYUP: VK=50, Waiting=0, Shifts=0 120375 KEYDOWN: VK=51, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0 120375 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 120516 KEYUP: VK=51, Waiting=0, Shifts=0 127906 KEYDOWN: VK=18, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=4 127906 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 128016 KEYDOWN: VK=13, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=4 128016 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 128172 KEYUP: VK=13, Waiting=0, Shifts=4 128172 KEYUP: VK=18, Waiting=0, Shifts=0 137391 LUA.1: EXT PWR = AVAIL 137406 LUA.1: EXT PWR = AVAIL 137406 LUA.1: Door: FWD Action: 1 IsValue: 0 137422 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=66389, Param=1 TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT 137422 LUA.1: Time: 05:24:29 ------ GSX ENVIRONMENT DEBOARDING_STATE: 1 BOARDING_STATE: 1 DEPARTURE_STATE: 1 CATERING_STATE: 1 REFUELING_STATE: 1 JETWAY_STATE: 0 External Power: 1 Boarded Pax: 4 Refueling Mode: 1 ------ AIRCRAFT STATE On Ground: 1 Was already Airborne: 0 Parking Brake: 32767 Engine Left Running: 0 Engine Right Running: 0 Departure Altitude: 0 ------ CABIN SOUND STATE Sound: 1 Welcome: 0 Safety: 0 Climb: 0 Cruise: 0 Descent: 0 Final Approach: 0 After Landing: 0 At Gate: 0 Unboarding: 0 ------ CPDPL Integration GSX Automation: 0 213500 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 157 secs = 29.4 fps 213500 Max AI traffic was 0 aircraft 213500 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 215281 === Closing session: waiting for DLLStop to be called ... 223078 === DLLStop called ... 223078 === Closing external processes we started ... 224078 === About to kill any Lua plug-ins still running ... 224234 Lua threads being terminated: 224234 1 = "C:\Users\peter\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX.lua" 224406 LUA: "C:\Users\peter\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX.lua": killed 224406 === Closing global Lua thread 225422 === About to kill my timers ... 225625 === Restoring window procs ... 225625 === Unloading libraries ... 225625 === stopping other threads ... 225625 === ... Button scanning ... 225719 === ... Axis scanning ... 225813 === Releasing joystick devices ... 225813 === Freeing macro memory 225813 === Removing any offset overrides 225813 === Closing all WideFS threads 227172 === Clearing any displays left 227172 === NOTE: not calling SimConnect_Close ... 227172 === AI slots deleted! 227172 === Freeing button memory ... 227172 === Deleting wxstationlist.bin file ... 227172 === Closing my Windows ... 227172 === Freeing FS libraries ... 228172 === Closing devices ... 228172 === Closing the Log ... Bye Bye! ... 228172 System time = 12/07/2020 05:26:00, Simulator time = 05:08:41 (03:08Z) 228172 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Minimum frame rate was 28.1 fps, Maximum was 29.8 fps Average frame rate for running time of 157 secs = 29.4 fps Maximum AI traffic for session was 0 aircraft Traffic deletions 0 aircraft Memory managed: 148 Allocs, 147 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** And that's the script: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| pero | JeeHell Ext PWR by GSX |-- --| Version 9.13.03 - 19.06.2020 |-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| This LUA Script is designed to use with FSDT GSX and JeeHell FMGS. |-- --| If you don't use both this script is useless. |-- --| |-- --| Developer: Peter Rosendahl (capt_pero@web.de) |-- --| FREEWARE. Private use ONLY! |-- --| |-- --| GSX States: |-- --| 1 = service can be called |-- --| 2 = service is not available |-- --| 3 = services has been bypassed |-- --| 4 = service has been requested |-- --| 5 = service is being performed |-- --| 6 = service has been completed |-- --| |-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| Cabin Sounds by Peter Rosendahl |-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| Cabin Sounds are inspired by ICA 2.0 of Rainer Kunst |-- --| https://www.simmershome.de |-- --| |-- --| Applause sound by Alterr |-- --| https://freesound.org/people/Alterr/sounds/209792/ |-- --| |-- --| Loop Freesky by bebeto |-- --| https://freesound.org/people/bebeto/sounds/554/ |-- --| |-- --| Cabin Ding Dong by aaronray |-- --| https://freesound.org/people/aaronray/sounds/71996/ |-- --| |-- --| Bad landing Sound by alphatone, Shades and dersuperanton |-- --| https://freesound.org/people/alphatone/sounds/394798/ |-- --| https://freesound.org/people/Shades/sounds/37242/ |-- --| https://freesound.org/people/dersuperanton/sounds/437646/ |-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE! -- DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE! -- DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE! -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE! -- DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE! -- DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE! -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE! -- DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE! -- DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE! -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require("peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_config") -- Init random math.randomseed(os.time()) math.random(); math.random(); math.random() -- Set Backlight to 0 ipc.clearbitsUW(0x739A, 1) -- Variable definition local ac_allowedATCmodels = {"A318", "A319", "A320", "A321", "A332"} -- Use 4-Letter Code only! local runScript = 0 local logResult = "" local logging = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_logging")) local soundDevice = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_soundDevice")) local soundVolume = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_soundVolume")) local soundDevicePNF = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_soundDevicePNF")) local soundVolumePNF = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_soundVolumePNF")) local soundDir = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_soundDir")) local soundDirPNF = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_soundDirPNF")) local taxiMusicFile = ipc.get("pero_TaxiMusicFile") local showLandingReport = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_showLandingReport")) local applausVspeedValue = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_applausVspeedValue")) local badLandingVspeedValue = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_badLandingVspeedValue")) local showStatusMessages = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_showStatusMessages")) local doorHandling = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_doorHandling")) local GSXhandling = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXhandling")) local defaultJetwayToggle = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_defaultJetwayToggle")) local GSXcatering = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXcatering")) local GSXautomationCounterSetting = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXautomationCounterSetting")) local GSXfueling = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXfueling")) local GSXfuelingMode = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXfuelingMode")) -- 0=with, 1=before, 2=after local GSXdeicing = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXdeicing")) local GSXv2_randomPaxActive = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXv2_randomPaxActive")) local GSXv2_MinPax = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXv2_MinPax")) local GSXv2_MaxPax = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXv2_MaxPax")) local GSXv2_DisableBoardingDeboardingPilots = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXv2_DisableBoardingDeboardingPilots")) local GSXv2_DisableBoardingDeboardingCrew = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXv2_DisableBoardingDeboardingCrew")) local GSXdialogKeyShift = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXdialogKeyShift")) local GSXdialogKeyCode = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXdialogKeyCode")) local PNFsoundPlay = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_PNF")) local CabinSoundPlay = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_CabinSoundinUse")) local CabinSoundStartSafetyAfterSeconds = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_CabinSoundStartSafetyAfterSeconds")) * 1000 local CabinSoundPlayMusic = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_CabinSoundPlayMusic")) local CabinSoundClimbDescentAlt = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_CabinSoundClimbDescentAlt")) local CabinSoundCruiseAlt = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_CabinSoundCruiseAlt")) local CabinSoundbasePath = ipc.get("pero_CabinSoundbasePath") local CabinSoundPacks = {} local CabinSoundSoundPacksCount = 0 local soundPacks = ipc.get("pero_soundPacks") for s in string.gmatch(soundPacks, "[^;]+") do CabinSoundSoundPacksCount = CabinSoundSoundPacksCount + 1 CabinSoundPacks[CabinSoundSoundPacksCount] = s end local CabinSoundPackInUse = "" local CabinSoundDialogKeyShift = ipc.get("pero_CabinSoundDialogKeyShift") local CabinSoundDialogKeyCode = ipc.get("pero_CabinSoundDialogKeyCode") local CabinSoundDialogKeyShiftClear = ipc.get("pero_CabinSoundDialogKeyShiftClear") local CabinSoundDialogKeyCodeClear = ipc.get("pero_CabinSoundDialogKeyCodeClear") local PNFSoundDialogKeyShift = ipc.get("pero_PNFSoundDialogKeyShift") local PNFSoundDialogKeyCode = ipc.get("pero_PNFSoundDialogKeyCode") local DEBOARDING_STATE=0 local BOARDING_STATE=0 local DEPARTURE_STATE = 0 local CATERING_STATE = 0 local REFUELING_STATE = 0 local REFUELING_STATE_BEFORE = 0 local JETWAY_STATE = 0 local extPWR = 0 local departureTime = 0 local departureAlt = 0 local maxCruiseAlt = 0 local GSXboardedPax = math.random(GSXv2_MinPax, GSXv2_MaxPax) local GSXoperation = "" local onGround = ipc.readUW("0366") local waitUntilExtPWRconnect = 3000 local pollInterval = 1000 local alreadyAirborne = 0 local parkBrakeSet = ipc.readUW("0BC8") local engineLeftRunning = ipc.readUW("0894") local engineRightRunning = ipc.readUW("092C") local engineLeftPreState = 0 local engineRightPreState = 0 local engineLeftN1 = 0 local engineRightN1 = 0 local LMvspeed = 0 local LMbank = 0 local LMpitch = 0 local LMdepICAO = "XXXX" local LMarrICAO = "" local LMtimeOFF = "" local LMtimeON = "" local LMtimeTO = "" local LMtimeLD = "" local LMwind = "" local applausPlayed = 0 local CabinSoundWelcome = 0 local CabinSoundSafety = 0 local CabinSoundClimb = 0 local CabinSoundCruise = 0 local CabinSoundDescent = 0 local CabinSoundFinal = 0 local CabinSoundAfterLand = 0 local CabinSoundAtGate = 0 local CabinSoundUnboarding = 0 local musicTaxiPlay = 0 local lightLand = 0 local lightTaxi = 0 local lightStrobe = 0 local PNF_70ktsDone = 0 local PNF_100ktsDone = 0 local PNF_ThrustSetDone = 0 local PNF_PosClimbDone = 0 local PNF_V1speed = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_PNF_V1speed")) local PNF_VRspeed = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_PNF_VRspeed")) local PNF_V1Done = 0 local PNF_VRDone = 0 local PNF_IcingDetectedDone = 0 local PNF_VspeedTimer = 0 local PNF_VspeedPuffer = "" local PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareDeparture = 0 local PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareLanding = 0 local boardingDone = 0 local boardingDeboardingDone = 0 local deboardingDone = 0 local departureDone = 0 local cateringDone = 0 local cateringStartDone = 0 local jetwayDone = 0 local boardingDeboardingStarted = 0 local boardingRequestedByMenu = 0 local cateringRequestedByMenu = 0 local timeWaitBeforeAction = 0 local timeCallBoardingDeboarding = 0 local timeScriptLoaded = 0 local timeJetwaysRequested = 0 local timeLastSoundPlayed = 0 local blockedSet = 0 local GSXautomationActive = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXautomationActive")) local GSXautomationCounter = -2 local GSXautomationStop = 0 local GSXjetway1L = 0 local GSXjetway2L = 0 local GSXjetwayFound = 0 local GSXstairsAvailable = 0 local GSXengineStartBeforePushback = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_GSXengineStartBeforePushback")) local defaultJetwayStopToggle = 0 local icingCurrentValue = 0 local icingLastValue = 0 local icingStartWarningValue = tonumber(ipc.get("pero_icingStartWarningValueActiveSky")) local icingSetTimeLastChange = 0 local icingClearTimeLastChange = 0 local icingTimeIcingRepeat = 0 local icingTimeWaitToDeactivateOnGround = 0 local flapsRequiredForLandingCallout = 16000 local GSXmenuDoubleClickInUse = ipc.get("pero_GSXmenuDoubleClickInUse") local GSXmenuDoubleClickDialogKeyShift = ipc.get("pero_GSXmenuDoubleClickDialogKeyShift") local GSXmenuDoubleClickDialogKeyCode = ipc.get("pero_GSXmenuDoubleClickDialogKeyCode") local GSXmenuDoubleClickLast = "" local GSXmenuDoubleClickLastTime = 0 local seatBealtSign = 0 local noSmokingSign = 0 local A330 = 0 ipc.writeUW(0x66D1, 0) if (PNFsoundPlay==1) then ipc.setbitsUW(0x66D1, 64) end if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then ipc.setbitsUW(0x66D1, 128) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Door and Ext. Power Management -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GSX_DEBOARDING_STATE(varname, value) DEBOARDING_STATE = value end function GSX_BOARDING_STATE(varname, value) BOARDING_STATE = value end function GSX_CATERING_STATE(varname, value) CATERING_STATE = value end function GSX_REFUELING_STATE(varname, value) REFUELING_STATE = value end function GSX_DEPARTURE_STATE(varname, value) DEPARTURE_STATE = value end function GSXv2_JETWAY_POWER_STATE(varname, value) JETWAY_STATE = value end function openDoorsForBoardingDeboarding() boardingDeboardingStarted = 1 extPWR_Avail() if (GSXcatering==0 or GSXjetwayFound==1) then doorAction("FWD",1) end if (GSXautomationActive==1 and GSXfuelingMode==0) then ipc.sleep(1000) doorAction("AFT",1) end end local timeWaitAnnouncement = 0 local timeWaitSafety = 0 local timeWaitPaxSign = 0 local timeDoorsCloseWait = 0 local timeAFTwait = 0 function GSXaction() if (runScript==0) then return false end if (onGround==1) then if (REFUELING_STATE ~= REFUELING_STATE_BEFORE) then if (REFUELING_STATE==1 and REFUELING_STATE_BEFORE >= 4 and GSXfuelingMode==1 and GSXfueling==1 and alreadyAirborne==0) then setPax() GSXoperation = "B" if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Boarding Requested") end ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) end REFUELING_STATE_BEFORE = REFUELING_STATE end if (((BOARDING_STATE >= 4 and boardingDone == 0) or (DEBOARDING_STATE >= 4 and deboardingDone == 0)) and boardingDeboardingDone == 0) then blockedSet = 0 if (GSXcatering==0 or DEBOARDING_STATE>=4) then doorAction("CGO",1) end if (GSXautomationActive==0 or GSXfuelingMode > 0) then if (timeAFTwait ~=0 and ipc.elapsedtime() > 1000) then doorAction("FWD",1) end if (timeAFTwait ~=0 and ipc.elapsedtime() > timeAFTwait) then doorAction("AFT",1) boardingDeboardingDone = 1 timeAFTwait = 0 elseif (timeAFTwait == 0) then timeAFTwait = ipc.elapsedtime() + 3000 end else boardingDeboardingDone = 1 end if (logging == 1) then if (DEBOARDING_STATE >= 4) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Deboarding Ongoing") elseif (BOARDING_STATE >= 4) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Boarding Ongoing") end end end if (((JETWAY_STATE==5) or ((BOARDING_STATE>=4 or DEBOARDING_STATE>=4) and JETWAY_STATE==0)) and boardingDeboardingStarted==0) then if (GSXjetway1L==0 and GSXjetway2L>=1) then GSXoperation = "J" ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Jetway Requested") end if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Jetway Requested", 3) end end openDoorsForBoardingDeboarding() end if (alreadyAirborne==0) then if (parkBrakeSet==0 or engineLeftRunning~=0 or engineRightRunning~=0 or GSXautomationActive==1 or blockedSet==1) then if (logic.And(ipc.readUW(0x66D1), 2) == 0) then ipc.setbitsUW(0x66D1, 2) end else if (BOARDING_STATE~=1) then if (logic.And(ipc.readUW(0x66D1), 2) == 0) then ipc.setbitsUW(0x66D1, 2) end else if (logic.And(ipc.readUW(0x66D1), 2) ~= 0 and GSXhandling==1) then ipc.clearbitsUW(0x66D1, 2) end end end else if (parkBrakeSet==0 or engineLeftRunning~=0 or engineRightRunning~=0 or GSXautomationActive==1 or blockedSet==1) then if (logic.And(ipc.readUW(0x66D1), 2) == 0) then ipc.setbitsUW(0x66D1, 2) end else if (DEBOARDING_STATE~=1) then if (logic.And(ipc.readUW(0x66D1), 2) == 0) then ipc.setbitsUW(0x66D1, 2) end else if (logic.And(ipc.readUW(0x66D1), 2) ~= 0 and GSXhandling==1) then ipc.clearbitsUW(0x66D1, 2) end end end end if ((JETWAY_STATE==4 or JETWAY_STATE==1) and extPWR==1 and (BOARDING_STATE==6 or BOARDING_STATE==1)) then extPWR_Off() end if (CATERING_STATE == 5 and cateringStartDone == 0) then doorAction("SVC",1) cateringStartDone = 1 end if (CATERING_STATE == 6 and cateringDone == 0) then doorAction("SVC",0) doorAction("CGO",1) cateringDone = 1 end if (DEBOARDING_STATE == 6 and deboardingDone == 0) then alreadyAirborne = 0 sound.stop(CabinMusicWav) CabinMusicWav = false musicTaxiPlay = 0 ipc.clearbitsUW(0x66D1, 4) doorAction("CGO",0) doorAction("AFT", 0) deboardingDone = 1 boardingDone = 0 boardingDeboardingDone = 0 GSXautomationCounter = -1 if (GSXv2_randomPaxActive==1 or GSXautomationActive==0) then GSXboardedPax = math.random(GSXv2_MinPax, GSXv2_MaxPax) end end if (DEPARTURE_STATE >= 4 and extPWR==1 and (BOARDING_STATE==6 or BOARDING_STATE==1)) then extPWR_Off() end if (DEPARTURE_STATE >= 4 and departureDone==0) then defaultJetwayStopToggle = 0 doorAction("CGO",0) if (timeDoorsCloseWait==0) then timeDoorsCloseWait = ipc.elapsedtime() end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeDoorsCloseWait+3000) then doorAction("FWD",0) end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeDoorsCloseWait+3000+2000) then doorAction("AFT",0) end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeDoorsCloseWait+3000+2000+1000) then doorAction("SVC",0) if (JETWAY_STATE==0 or JETWAY_STATE==2) then extPWR_Off() end departureDone = 1 timeDoorsCloseWait = 0 end end if (BOARDING_STATE == 6 and boardingDone==0) then if (timeDoorsCloseWait==0) then timeDoorsCloseWait = ipc.elapsedtime() end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeDoorsCloseWait+8000) then doorAction("CGO",0) end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeDoorsCloseWait+8000+5000) then doorAction("FWD",0) end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeDoorsCloseWait+8000+5000+3000) then doorAction("AFT",0) boardingDone = 1 if (GSXfuelingMode == 2 and GSXfueling==1) then GSXoperation = "F" if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Refueling Requested") end if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Refueling Requested", 3) end ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) end resetAllValuesBeforeNextLeg() timeDoorsCloseWait = 0 end end if (((boardingDone == 0 and alreadyAirborne == 0 and BOARDING_STATE >= 1) or (deboardingDone == 0 and alreadyAirborne == 1 and DEBOARDING_STATE >= 1)) and DEPARTURE_STATE<4 and ipc.elapsedtime() > timeJetwaysRequested + 60000 and timeJetwaysRequested ~= 0) then extPWR_Avail() doorAction("FWD",1) timeJetwaysRequested = 0 end if (DEBOARDING_STATE == 5 and CabinSoundUnboarding == 0 and CabinSoundAtGate == 1) then if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then if (timeWaitPaxSign==0) then timeWaitPaxSign = ipc.elapsedtime() + 3000 sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_PaxSign.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitPaxSign and timeWaitPaxSign~=0) then CabinSoundUnboarding = 1 if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound Unboarding", 3) end CabinDeboardingWav = sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Deboarding.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Deboarding.wav >") end timeWaitPaxSign = 0 end end end end end function doorAction(door, value) -- A320 -- 1 / 1 Left FWD -- 2 / 2 Right Cargo (both) -- 3 / 8 Right Service (both) -- 4 / 4 Left AFT -- A330 -- 1 / 1 Left (all) -- 2 / 2 Right Service (all) -- 3 / 8 Cargo FWD -- 4 / 4 Cargo AFT if (A330==0) then if (door == "FWD") then doorActionHelper(1, value, door) end if (door == "CGO") then doorActionHelper(2, value, door) end if (door == "AFT") then if (GSXstairsAvailable==0 and value==1) then else doorActionHelper(4, value, door) end end if (door == "SVC") then doorActionHelper(8, value, door) end else if (door == "FWD") then doorActionHelper(1, value, door) end if (door == "CGO") then doorActionHelper(4, value, door) ipc.sleep(500) doorActionHelper(8, value, door) end if (door == "SVC") then doorActionHelper(2, value, door) end end end function doorActionHelper(door, value, doorString) if (doorHandling == 1) then if (engineLeftRunning==1 and engineLeftRunning==1 and value==1) then return true end local doorAction = door if (door == 4) then doorAction = 3 end if (door == 8) then doorAction = 4 end if (value==1) then value = door else value = 0 end local statExits = ipc.readUB("3367") if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Door: "..doorString.." Action: "..value.." IsValue: "..logic.And(statExits,door)) end if (logic.And(statExits,door) ~= value) then if (door==1 and defaultJetwayToggle==1 and defaultJetwayStopToggle == 0) then if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Toggle Default Jetway", 3) end ipc.control(66695,0) end ipc.control(66389,doorAction) end end end function resetAllValuesBeforeNextLeg() CabinSoundWelcome = 0 CabinSoundSafety = 0 PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareDeparture = 0 CabinSoundClimb = 0 CabinSoundCruise = 0 CabinSoundDescent = 0 CabinSoundFinal = 0 CabinSoundAfterLand = 0 CabinSoundAtGate = 0 CabinSoundUnboarding = 0 maxCruiseAlt = 0 departureAlt = 0 -- applausPlayed = 0 musicTaxiPlay = 0 timeAFTwait = 0 if (sound.query(CabinMusicWav) == true) then sound.stop(CabinMusicWav) CabinMusicWav = false end setCabinSoundPack() end function showStatus(value) if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: EXT PWR = "..value, 3) end if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("EXT PWR = "..value) end ipc.log("EXT PWR = "..value) end function extPWR_Avail() if (extPWR == 0) then valPwrAvail = ipc.readUB("7397") valPwrOn = ipc.readSW("7398") batt1 = ipc.readSW("73BC") batt2 = ipc.readSW("73BE") if (logic.And(valPwrAvail,128) == 0) and (logic.And(valPwrOn,1) == 0) then if (batt1~=0 and batt2~=0) then -- Toggle Connect/Disconnect EXT PWR ipc.sleep(waitUntilExtPWRconnect) ipc.writeUB("78ED",33) showStatus("AVAIL") extPWR = 1 else ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Can't read BAT1 and BAT2. Either JeeHell FMGS is not running or FSUIPC Connector not installed!") end end end end function extPWR_Off() valPwrAvail = ipc.readUB("7397") valPwrOn = ipc.readUB("7398") if (logic.And(valPwrAvail,128) > 0) or (logic.And(valPwrOn,1) > 0) then if (logic.And(valPwrOn,1) > 0) then -- EXT PWR = ON to EXT PWR = AVAIL ipc.writeUB("78EE",79) end -- Toggle Connect/Disconnect EXT PWR ipc.writeUB("78ED",33) showStatus("Disconnected") extPWR = -1 end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- pero Cabin Sounds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CabinSoundsToggle() if (GSXautomationCounter > 0) then GSXautomationStop = 1 else if (CabinSoundPlay==0) then CabinSoundPlay=1 if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeScriptLoaded + 5000) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound -- ON", 3) end else CabinSoundPlay=0 sound.stop(CabinMusicWav) CabinMusicWav = false if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeScriptLoaded + 5000) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound -- OFF", 3) end end end end function PNFSoundsToggle() if (PNFsoundPlay==0) then PNFsoundPlay=1 if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeScriptLoaded + 5000) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Pilot none flying announcements -- ON", 3) end else PNFsoundPlay=0 if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeScriptLoaded + 5000) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Pilot none flying announcements -- OFF", 3) end end end function setCabinSoundPack() local newCabinSoundPrefix = "" if (CabinSoundSoundPacksCount==1) then CabinSoundPrefix = "" end while (newCabinSoundPrefix==CabinSoundPrefix or newCabinSoundPrefix=="") do newCabinSoundPrefix = CabinSoundPacks[math.random(1, CabinSoundSoundPacksCount)].."\\" end CabinSoundPrefix = newCabinSoundPrefix if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("CabinSoundPrefix: "..CabinSoundPrefix) end end function CabinSoundAction() if (runScript==0) then return false end local groundSpeed = ipc.readUD("02B4") * 3600 / 1852 / 65536 -- Welcome Onboard if (CabinSoundWelcome==0 and boardingDone==1) then if (groundSpeed == 0) then if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then if (timeWaitPaxSign==0) then timeWaitPaxSign = ipc.elapsedtime() sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_PaxSign.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitPaxSign+3000) then if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound Welcome", 3) end CabinWelcomeWav = sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Welcome.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Welcome.wav >") end musicTaxiPlay = 0 CabinSoundWelcome = 1 timeWaitPaxSign = 0 timeWaitAnnouncement = ipc.elapsedtime() end end end end -- Safety if (CabinSoundSafety==0) then if (onGround==1) then if ((groundSpeed > 2 and groundSpeed < 30) or (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitAnnouncement+CabinSoundStartSafetyAfterSeconds and timeWaitAnnouncement~=0 and CabinSoundStartSafetyAfterSeconds~=0)) then if (timeWaitSafety==0) then timeWaitSafety = ipc.elapsedtime() end LMtimeOFF = getSimTimeDate() if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitSafety + 15000 and timeWaitSafety~=0) then timeWaitSafety = 0 timeWaitAnnouncement = 0 -- groundSpeed = ipc.readUD("02B4") * 3600 / 1852 / 65536 if (groundSpeed < 30) then CabinSoundWelcome = 1 CabinSoundSafety = 2 end end end end elseif (CabinSoundSafety==2) then if (sound.query(CabinMusicWav) == true) then sound.stop(CabinMusicWav) CabinMusicWav = false end if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then if (timeWaitPaxSign == 0) then timeWaitPaxSign = ipc.elapsedtime() + math.random(1,9) * 1000 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitPaxSign and timeWaitPaxSign~=0 and timeWaitAnnouncement==0) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_PaxSign.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) timeWaitAnnouncement = ipc.elapsedtime() + 3000 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitAnnouncement and timeWaitAnnouncement~=0) then hourLocalTime = ipc.readUB("0238") if (hourLocalTime>21) or (hourLocalTime<5) then if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound Safety Night", 3) end CabinSafetyWav = sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_SafetyNight.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_SafetyNight.wav >") end else if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound Safety", 3) end CabinSafetyWav = sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Safety.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Safety.wav >") end end CabinSoundSafety = 1 timeWaitAnnouncement = 0 timeWaitPaxSign = 0 end else CabinSoundSafety = 1 end end -- PNF Cabin Crew prepare for Departure if (CabinSoundSafety==1) then if ((lightLand==1 or lightStrobe==1) and PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareDeparture==0) then PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareDeparture = ipc.elapsedtime() end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareDeparture + 2000 and PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareDeparture > 0) then PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareDeparture = -1 if (PNFsoundPlay==1 and onGround==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_CabinCrewPrepareDeparture.wav", soundDevicePNF, soundVolumePNF, soundDirPNF) end end end -- Climb if (CabinSoundClimb~=1 and onGround==0) then vspeed=ipc.readSW("0842") * -3.28084 alt=ipc.readUD("0574") * 3.28084 if (((alt - departureAlt > CabinSoundClimbDescentAlt and vspeed > 1200 and alt > 18300) or (ipc.elapsedtime() > departureTime + 120000 and noSmokingSign==0)) or (CabinSoundClimb==2)) then CabinSoundWelcome = 1 CabinSoundSafety = 1 if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then if (timeWaitPaxSign == 0) then timeWaitPaxSign = ipc.elapsedtime() + 5000 CabinSoundClimb = 2 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitPaxSign and timeWaitPaxSign~=0 and CabinSoundClimb==2) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_PaxSign.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) timeWaitPaxSign = ipc.elapsedtime() + 3000 CabinSoundClimb = 3 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitPaxSign and timeWaitPaxSign~=0 and CabinSoundClimb==3) then if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound Climb", 3) end sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Climb.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Climb.wav >") end timeWaitPaxSign = 0 CabinSoundClimb = 1 end end end end -- Cruise if (CabinSoundCruise~=1 and onGround==0) then vspeed=ipc.readSW("0842") * -3.28084 alt=ipc.readUD("0574") * 3.28084 if (((alt - departureAlt > CabinSoundCruiseAlt and vspeed < 700) or (ipc.elapsedtime() > departureTime + 300000 and seatBealtSign==0)) or (CabinSoundCruise==2)) then CabinSoundWelcome = 1 CabinSoundSafety = 1 CabinSoundClimb = 1 if (timeWaitPaxSign == 0) then timeWaitPaxSign = ipc.elapsedtime() + 3000 if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_PaxSign.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) end CabinSoundCruise = 2 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitPaxSign and timeWaitPaxSign~=0) then if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound Cruise", 3) end if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Cruise.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Cruise.wav >") end end timeWaitPaxSign = 0 CabinSoundCruise = 1 end end end -- Descent if (CabinSoundDescent~=1 and CabinSoundClimb==1 and onGround==0) then vspeed = ipc.readSW("0842") * 3.28084 alt=ipc.readUD("0574") * 3.28084 if ((alt < maxCruiseAlt-3000 and vspeed > 500 and seatBealtSign==1) or (CabinSoundDescent==2)) then CabinSoundWelcome = 1 CabinSoundSafety = 1 CabinSoundClimb = 1 CabinSoundCruise = 1 if (timeWaitPaxSign == 0) then timeWaitPaxSign = ipc.elapsedtime() + 5000 CabinSoundDescent = 2 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitPaxSign and timeWaitPaxSign~=0 and CabinSoundDescent==2) then if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_PaxSign.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) end timeWaitPaxSign = ipc.elapsedtime() + 3000 CabinSoundDescent = 3 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitPaxSign and timeWaitPaxSign~=0 and CabinSoundDescent==3) then if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound Descent", 3) end if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Descent.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Descent.wav >") end end timeWaitPaxSign = 0 CabinSoundDescent = 1 timeLastSoundPlayed = ipc.elapsedtime() end end end -- Final if (CabinSoundFinal~=1) then vspeed = ipc.readSW("0842") * 3.28084 groundalt = ipc.readUD("0020") * 3.28084 / 256 alt = ipc.readUD("0574") * 3.28084 altogr = alt - groundalt if (((altogr < 3000 and vspeed > 500 and ipc.elapsedtime() > departureTime+240000) or (CabinSoundFinal==2)) and ipc.elapsedtime() > timeLastSoundPlayed+150000) then CabinSoundWelcome = 1 CabinSoundSafety = 1 CabinSoundClimb = 1 CabinSoundCruise = 1 CabinSoundDescent = 1 if (timeWaitPaxSign == 0) then timeWaitPaxSign = ipc.elapsedtime() + 3000 if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_PaxSign.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) end CabinSoundFinal = 2 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitPaxSign and timeWaitPaxSign~=0) then CabinSoundFinal = 1 PNF_CabinCrewPrepareLanding = 1 timeWaitPaxSign = 0 hourLocalTime = ipc.readUB("0238") if (hourLocalTime>21 or hourLocalTime<5) then if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound Final Night", 3) end if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then CabinFinalWav = sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_FinalNight.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_FinalNight.wav >") end end else if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound Final", 3) end if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then CabinSafetyWav = sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Final.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_Final.wav >") end end end timeLastSoundPlayed = ipc.elapsedtime() end end end -- PNF Prepare for landing if (CabinSoundFinal==1 and ipc.elapsedtime() > timeLastSoundPlayed+150000 and onGround==0) then local currentFlaps = ipc.readUD(0x0BE0) if (currentFlaps < 7100) then PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareLanding = 0 end if (logic.And(ipc.readUB("7398"),128) ~= 0) then flapsRequiredForLandingCallout = 9000 end if (currentFlaps >= flapsRequiredForLandingCallout and sound.query(CabinFinalWav) == false and PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareLanding == 0) then PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareLanding = ipc.elapsedtime() end end -- After landing if (CabinSoundAfterLand==0 and CabinSoundFinal==1 and onGround==1) then if ((ipc.readUD("02B4") * 3600 / 1852 / 65536) <= 40) then CabinSoundWelcome = 1 CabinSoundSafety = 1 CabinSoundClimb = 1 CabinSoundCruise = 1 CabinSoundDescent = 1 CabinSoundFinal = 1 if (timeWaitPaxSign == 0) then timeWaitPaxSign = ipc.elapsedtime() + 3000 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitPaxSign and timeWaitPaxSign~=0 and timeWaitAnnouncement==0) then if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_PaxSign.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) end timeWaitAnnouncement = ipc.elapsedtime()+3000 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitAnnouncement and timeWaitAnnouncement~=0) then if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound After Landing", 3) end if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then CabinAfterLandingWav = sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_AfterLanding.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_AfterLanding.wav >") end end timeWaitPaxSign = 0 timeWaitAnnouncement = 0 CabinSoundAfterLand = 1 CabinSoundDescent = 1 end end end -- At Gate if (CabinSoundAtGate==0 and CabinSoundAfterLand==1 and onGround==1) then if (parkBrakeSet>0 and engineLeftRunning==0 and engineRightRunning==0) then icao, lat, lon, alt, dist = ipc.readStruct(0x0658, "4STR", "4FLT") LMarrICAO = icao LMtimeON = getSimTimeDate() sound.stop(CabinMusicWav) CabinMusicWav = false if (timeWaitPaxSign == 0) then timeWaitPaxSign = ipc.elapsedtime() + 2000 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitPaxSign and timeWaitPaxSign~=0 and timeWaitAnnouncement==0) then if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_PaxSign.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) end timeWaitAnnouncement = ipc.elapsedtime()+3000 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitAnnouncement and timeWaitAnnouncement~=0) then if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Cabin Sound At Gate", 3) end if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then CabinAtGateWav = sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_AtGate.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath..CabinSoundPrefix.."Cabin_AtGate.wav >") end end musicTaxiPlay = 0 timeWaitPaxSign = 0 timeWaitAnnouncement = 0 CabinSoundAfterLand = 1 CabinSoundDescent = 1 CabinSoundAtGate = 1 if (showLandingReport==1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Landing Report\n--------------------------------------------------\nRate: "..LMvspeed.." ft/min\nPitch: "..round(LMpitch,2).." degrees\nBank: "..round(LMbank,2).." degrees\nWind: "..LMwind, 20) end file = io.open("peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX_LandingMonitorLog.txt", "a") local landingReport = getDate()..";"..LMdepICAO..";"..LMarrICAO..";"..LMtimeOFF..";"..LMtimeTO..";"..LMtimeLD..";"..LMtimeON..";"..LMvspeed.." ft/min;"..round(LMpitch,2).." degrees;"..round(LMbank,2).." degrees;"..LMwind..";\n" file:write(landingReport) file:close() if (logging==1) then ipc.log("Landing Report added: "..landingReport) end LMdepICAO = "XXXX" end end end -- Music if (groundSpeed > 40 and sound.query(CabinMusicWav) == true and musicTaxiPlay == 1) then sound.stop(CabinSafetyWav) sound.stop(CabinMusicWav) CabinMusicWav = false musicTaxiPlay = -1 end if (alreadyAirborne==0) then if (CabinSoundPlay==1 and CabinSoundPlayMusic==1 and CabinSoundWelcome == 1 and CabinSoundUnboarding == 0 and sound.query(CabinMusicWav) == false and sound.query(CabinWelcomeWav) == false and sound.query(CabinSafetyWav) == false and lightLand==0 and lightStrobe==0) then ipc.sleep(1000) if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Play Cabin Music", 3) end CabinMusicWav = sound.playloop(taxiMusicFile, soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..taxiMusicFile.." >") end musicTaxiPlay = 1 end if ((lightStrobe == 1 or lightLand == 1) and sound.query(CabinMusicWav) == true and musicTaxiPlay == 1) then sound.stop(CabinMusicWav) CabinMusicWav = false musicTaxiPlay = 0 end else if (CabinSoundPlay==1 and CabinSoundPlayMusic==1 and CabinSoundAfterLand == 1 and sound.query(CabinMusicWav) == false and sound.query(CabinAfterLandingWav) == false and lightTaxi==1 and CabinSoundUnboarding==0) then ipc.sleep(1000) if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Play Cabin Music", 3) end CabinMusicWav = sound.playloop(taxiMusicFile, soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..taxiMusicFile.." >") end musicTaxiPlay = 1 end if (lightTaxi == 0 and musicTaxiPlay == 1 and sound.query(CabinMusicWav) == true and CabinSoundUnboarding==0) then sound.stop(CabinMusicWav) CabinMusicWav = false musicTaxiPlay = 0 end if (DEBOARDING_STATE == 5 and musicTaxiPlay==0 and sound.query(CabinMusicWav) == false and sound.query(CabinAtGateWav) == false and sound.query(CabinDeboardingWav) == false and CabinSoundUnboarding==1 and CabinSoundPlay==1) then ipc.sleep(1000) if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Play Cabin Music", 3) end CabinMusicWav = sound.playloop(taxiMusicFile, soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..taxiMusicFile.." >") end musicTaxiPlay = 1 end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Var Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GSXdialogKeyPress(offset, value) if (GSXautomationActive == 1 or GSXv2_randomPaxActive==0) then setPax() end end function verticalSpeedChanged(offset, value) if (runScript==0) then return false end alt = ipc.readUD("0574") * 3.28084 if (alt > maxCruiseAlt) then maxCruiseAlt = alt end if (alt > departureAlt + 100 and onGround == 0) then alreadyAirborne = 1 ipc.setbitsUW(0x66D1, 4) end end function groundStateChanged(offset, value) if (runScript==0) then return false end onGround = value if (onGround==0) then departureAlt = ipc.readUD("0574") * 3.28084 departureTime = ipc.elapsedtime() LMtimeTO = getSimTimeDate() if (LMdepICAO=="XXXX") then icao, lat, lon, alt, dist = ipc.readStruct(0x0658, "4STR", "4FLT") LMdepICAO = icao end icingTimeWaitToDeactivateOnGround = 0 else LMtimeLD = getSimTimeDate() applausPlayed = 0 departureAlt = 0 if (icingTimeWaitToDeactivateOnGround==0) then icingTimeWaitToDeactivateOnGround = ipc.elapsedtime() end end triggerGSXboardingDeboarding() if (sound.query(CabinMusicWav) == true) then sound.stop(CabinMusicWav) end extPWR = 0 boardingDone = 0 boardingDeboardingDone = 0 deboardingDone = 0 departureDone = 0 cateringDone = 0 cateringStartDone = 0 jetwayDone = 0 boardingDeboardingStarted = 0 boardingRequestedByMenu = 0 cateringRequestedByMenu = 0 musicTaxiPlay = 0 GSXautomationCounter = -1 timeCallBoardingDeboarding = 0 timeLastSoundPlayed = 0 if (onGround == 1 and ipc.elapsedtime() > departureTime+240000 and departureTime~=0 and applausPlayed==0) then local vspeed = ipc.readSD("030C") * 60 * 3.28084 / 256 LMvspeed = math.floor((vspeed * 10^2) + 0.5) / (10^2) LMpitch = ipc.readSD("0578") * 360 / (65536 * 65536) LMbank = ipc.readSD("057C") * 360 / (65536 * 65536) local wind = ipc.readUW(0x0E92) * 360 / 65536 LMwind = round(wind, 0).." @ "..ipc.readUW(0x0E90) .. " kts" if (CabinSoundPlay==1) then if (applausVspeedValue ~= 0 and LMvspeed >= applausVspeedValue) then applausPlayed = 2 elseif (badLandingVspeedValue ~= 0 and LMvspeed >=badLandingVspeedValue) then applausPlayed = 3 end end end end function parkingBrakeChanged(offset, value) if (runScript==0) then return false end parkBrakeSet = value triggerGSXboardingDeboarding() end function engineLeftRunChanged(offset, value) if (runScript==0) then return false end engineLeftPreState = engineLeftRunning engineLeftRunning = value if (engineLeftPreState ==0 and engineLeftRunning==1) then resetAllValuesBeforeNextLegbyEngines() end if (engineLeftRunning == 1) then extPWR_Off() end triggerGSXboardingDeboarding() end function engineRightRunChanged(offset, value) if (runScript==0) then return false end engineRightPreState = engineRightRunning engineRightRunning = value if (engineRightPreState == 0 and engineRightRunning==1) then resetAllValuesBeforeNextLegbyEngines() end if (engineRightRunning == 1) then extPWR_Off() end triggerGSXboardingDeboarding() end function resetAllValuesBeforeNextLegbyEngines() if (LMdepICAO=="XXXX") then icao, lat, lon, alt, dist = ipc.readStruct(0x0658, "4STR", "4FLT") LMdepICAO = icao if (logging==1) then ipc.log("Departure ICAO set to < "..LMdepICAO.." >") end end if (CabinSoundAfterLand==1 and engineLeftRunning==1 and engineRightRunning==1) then if (logging==1) then ipc.log("Reset all values before next leg...") end resetAllValuesBeforeNextLeg() end end function extLightsChanged(offset, value) if (runScript==0) then return false end if (logic.And(value,4) ~= 0) then lightLand = 1 else lightLand = 0 end if (logic.And(value,8) ~= 0) then lightTaxi = 1 else lightTaxi = 0 end if (logic.And(value,16) ~= 0) then lightStrobe = 1 else lightStrobe = 0 end end local posClimbTimer = 0 function IASchanged(offset, value) if (runScript==0) then return false end value = value / 128 if (value > 40) then local vspeed = ipc.readSW("0842") * -3.28084 -- PNF Reset if (CabinSoundFinal==1 and engineLeftN1 >= 14500 and vspeed>1000 and posClimbTimer==0) then posClimbTimer = ipc.elapsedtime() PNF_PosClimbDone = 0 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > posClimbTimer + 240000 and posClimbTimer~=0) then posClimbTimer = 0 end -- PNF Positive Climb if (PNF_PosClimbDone == 0) then groundalt = ipc.readUD("0020") * 3.28084 / 256 alt = ipc.readUD("0574") * 3.28084 altogr = alt - groundalt if (altogr >= 50 and vspeed > 1000) then PNF_PosClimbDone = 1 if (PNFsoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_PosClimb.wav", soundDevicePNF, soundVolumePNF, soundDirPNF) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_PosClimb.wav >") end end end end -- PNF Callout 70 kts after landing if (PNF_70ktsDone == 0 and PNF_PosClimbDone==1) then if (value < 70) then PNF_70ktsDone = 1 PNF_PosClimbDone = 0 if (onGround==1 and PNFsoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_70kts.wav", soundDevicePNF, soundVolumePNF, soundDirPNF) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_70kts.wav >") end end end end -- PNF Callout 100 kts if (PNF_100ktsDone == 0) then if (value >=100) then PNF_100ktsDone = 1 if (onGround==1 and PNFsoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_100kts.wav", soundDevicePNF, soundVolumePNF, soundDirPNF) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_100kts.wav >") end end end end -- PNF Callout V1 if (PNF_V1Done == 0 and PNF_V1speed ~=0) then if (value > PNF_V1speed) then PNF_V1Done = 1 if (onGround==1 and PNFsoundPlay==1) then V1 = sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_V1.wav", soundDevicePNF, soundVolumePNF, soundDirPNF) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_V1.wav >") end end end end -- PNF Callout VR if (PNF_VRDone == 0 and PNF_VRspeed ~=0) then if (value > PNF_VRspeed) then if (sound.query(V1) == false) then PNF_VRDone = 1 if (onGround==1 and PNFsoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_VR.wav", soundDevicePNF, soundVolumePNF, soundDirPNF) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_VR.wav >") end end end end end end if (onGround==1) then if (engineLeftN1 < 3500) then PNF_ThrustSetDone = 0 end if (value < 70) then PNF_70ktsDone = 0 PNF_PosClimbDone = 0 end if (value < 90) then PNF_100ktsDone = 0 end if (value < PNF_V1speed-10) then PNF_V1Done = 0 end if (value < PNF_VRspeed-10) then PNF_VRDone = 0 end end end function TextMenuOpened(mtype, colour, scroll, delay, id, n, msgs) if (runScript==0) then return false end if (n~=0 and onGround==1 and GSXhandling==1) then ipc.control(66514, 0) -- Close ATC Window local myMenu = {} -- Logging GSX Menu ipc.log("----- NEW MENU -----") for i=1,n do myMenu[i] = string.sub(msgs[i], 1, string.len(msgs[i])-1) ipc.log(myMenu[i]) end ipc.log("----- END MENU -----") ipc.sleep(200) if (myMenu[2] == "Activate ground services") then ipc.sleep(800) setPax() if (GSXoperation=="D") then ipc.keypressplus(49) end if (GSXoperation=="C") then ipc.keypressplus(50) end if (GSXoperation=="F") then ipc.keypressplus(51) end if (GSXoperation=="B") then ipc.keypressplus(52) if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Boarding requested with "..GSXboardedPax.." Passengers", 3) end end if (GSXoperation=="J") then GSXstairsAvailable = 1 if (myMenu[9] == "No stairs available") then GSXstairsAvailable = 0 end if (myMenu[8] == "Operate jetway(s)") then ipc.keypressplus(54) timeJetwaysRequested = ipc.elapsedtime() defaultJetwayStopToggle = 1 GSXjetwayFound = 1 else if (myMenu[9] == "Operate stairs") then ipc.keypressplus(55) timeJetwaysRequested = ipc.elapsedtime() defaultJetwayStopToggle = 1 GSXjetwayFound = 1 else ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) defaultJetwayStopToggle = 0 GSXjetwayFound = 0 end extPWR_Avail() end end if (GSXoperation~="") then GSXoperation = "" end return true end -- Deicing if (myMenu[2] == "Ice warning: do you request the de-icing treatment?") then if (GSXdeicing==1) then ipc.keypressplus(49) else ipc.keypressplus(50) end return true end -- Deicing fluid if (myMenu[2] == "Select fluid type") then ipc.keypressplus(49) return true end -- Start Engines before Pushback if (myMenu[2] == "Do you want to start engine(s) before Pushback?") then if (GSXengineStartBeforePushback==1) then ipc.keypressplus(49) end if (GSXengineStartBeforePushback==2) then ipc.keypressplus(50) end return true end -- Airport handling for i=3,n do if (string.find(myMenu[i], "GSX default choice") ~= nil) then ipc.keypressplus(46+i) return true end end -- Select jetways if (myMenu[2] == "Select jetways") then if (GSXjetway1L == 0 and GSXjetway2L == 0 and A330==1) then for i=3,n do if (string.find(myMenu[i], "1L") ~= nil) then GSXjetway1L = GSXjetway1L + 1 end if (string.find(myMenu[i], "2L") ~= nil) then GSXjetway2L = GSXjetway2L + 1 end end end for i=3,n do if (string.find(myMenu[i], "Confirm selection") ~= nil) then ipc.keypressplus(46+i) return true end end end if (myMenu[2] == "Select jetways" and A330==1) then for i=3,n do if (GSXjetway1L==2) then if (string.find(myMenu[i], "1L") ~= nil or string.find(myMenu[i], "Don't select any jetway") ~= nil) then ipc.keypressplus(46+i) GSXjetway1L = 0 return true end end if (GSXjetway2L>=1) then if (string.find(myMenu[i], "2L") ~= nil or string.find(myMenu[i], "Don't select any jetway") ~= nil) then ipc.keypressplus(46+i) GSXjetway2L = 0 return true end end end end if (myMenu[2] == "Select jetways") then for i=3,n do -- if ((string.find(myMenu[i], "Undock") == nil) and (string.find(myMenu[i], "*") ~= nil) and (string.find(myMenu[i], "Don't select any jetway") ~= nil) and (string.find(myMenu[i], "1L") ~= nil)) then if (contains(myMenu[i], "*") == true) and (contains(myMenu[i], "1L") == true) and (contains(myMenu[i], "Undock") == false) then ipc.keypressplus(46+i) return true end end for i=3,n do -- if (string.find(myMenu[i], "Don't select any jetway") ~= nil) then if contains(myMenu[i], "Don't select any jetway") then ipc.keypressplus(46+i) return true end end end end end function contains(input, search) if (string.find(input, search) == nil) then return false end return true end function triggerGSXboardingDeboarding() if (runScript==0) then return false end local offsetGSXtrigger = ipc.readUW(0x66D1) if (logic.And(offsetGSXtrigger,64) ~= 0 and PNFsoundPlay==0) then PNFSoundsToggle() end if (logic.And(offsetGSXtrigger,64) == 0 and PNFsoundPlay==1) then PNFSoundsToggle() end if (logic.And(offsetGSXtrigger,128) ~= 0 and CabinSoundPlay==0) then CabinSoundsToggle() end if (logic.And(offsetGSXtrigger,128) == 0 and CabinSoundPlay==1) then CabinSoundsToggle() end if (onGround==1 and parkBrakeSet>0 and engineLeftRunning==0 and engineRightRunning==0) then timeCallJetway = ipc.elapsedtime() if (DEBOARDING_STATE==5) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Can't call boarding because Deboarding is not completed!", 20) else if (GSXautomationActive==1) then if (GSXautomationCounter==-1) then GSXautomationCounter = GSXautomationCounterSetting end else if (logic.And(offsetGSXtrigger ,1) ~= 0) then GSXcatering = 0 GSXfueling = 0 GSXdeicing = 0 if (logic.And(offsetGSXtrigger,8) ~= 0) then GSXcatering = 1 end if (logic.And(offsetGSXtrigger,16) ~= 0) then GSXfueling = 1 end if (logic.And(offsetGSXtrigger,32) ~= 0) then GSXdeicing = 1 end GSXautomationCounter = 0 ipc.clearbitsUW(0x66D1, 1) end end end else timeCallJetway = 0 end end function setPax() local paxeFromOffset = ipc.readSW(0x66D2) if (paxeFromOffset > 1) then GSXboardedPax = paxeFromOffset end if (GSXv2_randomPaxActive==1 or GSXautomationActive==0) then ipc.writeLvar("FSDT_GSX_NUMPASSENGERS", GSXboardedPax) if (GSXv2_DisableBoardingDeboardingPilots==1) then ipc.writeLvar("FSDT_GSX_PILOTS_NOT_BOARDING", 1) ipc.writeLvar("FSDT_GSX_PILOTS_NOT_DEBOARDING", 1) end if (GSXv2_DisableBoardingDeboardingCrew==1) then ipc.writeLvar("FSDT_GSX_CREW_NOT_BOARDING", 1) ipc.writeLvar("FSDT_GSX_CREW_NOT_DEBOARDING", 1) end end end local ac_countLast = -1 function checkReload(offset, ac_count) if (ac_count > ac_countLast) then if (ac_countLast > -1) then sound.stop(CabinMusicWav) ipc.macro("Lua peroJeeHellExtPWRbyGSX") end ac_countLast = ac_count end end local timeWaitApplause = 0 function TimerChanges() if (runScript==0) then return false end eTime = ipc.elapsedtime() engineLeftN1 = ipc.readUW(0x0898) engineRightN1 = ipc.readUW(0x0930) -- StructIcing gone if (icingCurrentValue == 0 and PNF_IcingDetectedDone == 1 and onGround == 0) then if (eTime > icingSetTimeLastChange + 600000 and icingSetTimeLastChange > 0) then -- 10 Minuten if (logic.And(ipc.readUB("739B"),1) ~= 0 or logic.And(ipc.readUB("739B"),4) ~= 0 or logic.And(ipc.readUB("739B"),16) ~= 0) then if (PNFsoundPlay == 1 and onGround == 0) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_IcingGone.wav", soundDevicePNF, soundVolumePNF, soundDirPNF) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_IcingGone.wav >") end end end ipc.clearbitsUW(0x66D1, 512) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Icing Indicator off (by time in flight)") end icingClearTimeLastChange = eTime icingSetTimeLastChange = 0 PNF_IcingDetectedDone = 0 end end -- StructIcing gone on Ground if (eTime > icingTimeWaitToDeactivateOnGround + 300000 and icingTimeWaitToDeactivateOnGround > 0 and onGround == 1) then ipc.clearbitsUW(0x66D1, 512) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Icing Indicator off (by time on ground)") end icingClearTimeLastChange = 0 -- eTime() icingSetTimeLastChange = 0 PNF_IcingDetectedDone = 0 icingTimeWaitToDeactivateOnGround = 0 end -- StructIcing if (logic.And(ipc.readUB("739B"),1) == 0 and logic.And(ipc.readUB("739B"),4) == 0 and logic.And(ipc.readUB("739B"),16) == 0) then if (eTime > icingClearTimeLastChange + 120000 and icingSetTimeLastChange > 0) then if (icingTimeIcingRepeat > 0 and eTime > icingTimeIcingRepeat + 120000) then if (onGround == 0) then -- and logic.And(ipc.readUB(0x66D1), 512) == 0 ipc.setbitsUW(0x66D1, 512) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Icing Indicator On (no AntiIcing active)") end if (PNFsoundPlay==1 and ipc.readUW(0x0264) == 0 and icingLastValue>0) then -- keine Pause sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_IcingDetected.wav", soundDevicePNF, soundVolumePNF, soundDirPNF) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_IcingDetected.wav >") end else if (icingLastValue == 1) then ipc.Display("Pilot: We have light icing!", 5) elseif (icingLastValue == 2) then ipc.Display("Pilot: We have moderate icing!", 5) elseif (icingLastValue == 3) then ipc.Display("Pilot: We have heavy icing!", 5) elseif (icingLastValue == 4) then ipc.Display("Pilot: We have severe icing!", 5) end end end PNF_IcingDetectedDone = 1 icingTimeIcingRepeat = 0 else if (icingTimeIcingRepeat==0) then icingTimeIcingRepeat = eTime end end end end -- PNF Callout Thrust Set if (PNF_ThrustSetDone == 0) then if (engineLeftN1>13107 and engineRightN1>13107) then -- 80% (16384 = 100%) PNF_ThrustSetDone = 1 if (onGround==1 and PNFsoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_ThrustSet.wav", soundDevicePNF, soundVolumePNF, soundDirPNF) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_ThrustSet.wav >") end end end end -- Cabin Crew Prepare Landing if (eTime >= PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareLanding + 2500 and PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareLanding > 0 and onGround==0) then PNF_timerCabinCrewPrepareLanding = -1 if (PNFsoundPlay==1) then sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_CabinCrewPrepareLanding.wav", soundDevicePNF, soundVolumePNF, soundDirPNF) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath.."PNF_CabinCrewPrepareLanding.wav >") end end end if (applausPlayed == 2) then if (timeWaitApplause==0) then timeWaitApplause = ipc.elapsedtime() + 5000 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitApplause) then LandingMonitorWav = sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_Applause.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_Applause.wav >") end applausPlayed = 1 timeWaitApplause = 0 end elseif (applausPlayed == 3) then if (timeWaitApplause==0) then timeWaitApplause = ipc.elapsedtime() + 2000 end if (ipc.elapsedtime() > timeWaitApplause) then LandingMonitorWav = sound.play(CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_BadLanding.wav", soundDevice, soundVolume, soundDir) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Play sound < "..CabinSoundbasePath.."Cabin_BadLanding.wav >") end applausPlayed = 1 timeWaitApplause = 0 end end if (eTime > PNF_VspeedTimer + 3000 and PNF_VspeedPuffer~="") then PNF_VspeedPuffer = "" PNF_VspeedTimer = 0 end if (eTime > GSXmenuDoubleClickLastTime + 1000 and GSXmenuDoubleClickLastTime ~= 0) then GSXmenuDoubleClickLastTime = 0 if (GSXmenuDoubleClickLast == "GSX") then -- Single Click ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) else -- Double Click ipc.keypressplus(GSXmenuDoubleClickDialogKeyCode, GSXmenuDoubleClickDialogKeyShift, 4) end GSXmenuDoubleClickLast = "" end if (onGround==1 and GSXhandling==1) then groundSpeed = ipc.readUD("02B4") * 3600 / 1852 / 65536 -- Start Automation Counter if (GSXautomationStop==1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Automation canceled by user.", 3) GSXautomationStop = 0 GSXautomationCounter = -1 end if (GSXautomationCounter > 0 and ((boardingDone==0 and BOARDING_STATE==1) or (deboardingDone==0 and DEBOARDING_STATE==1)) and GSXhandling==1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Automation starting in "..GSXautomationCounter.."\nPress "..CabinSoundDialogKeyShiftClear.." + "..CabinSoundDialogKeyCodeClear.." to cancel.", 3) GSXautomationCounter = GSXautomationCounter - 1 end if (GSXautomationCounter==0) then GSXautomationCounter = -2 ipc.sleep(1000) if (alreadyAirborne==0 and boardingDone==0 and BOARDING_STATE==1 and GSXhandling==1) then ipc.setbitsUW(0x66D1, 2) blockedSet = 1 setPax() if (GSXfueling==1 and GSXfuelingMode<=1) then GSXoperation = "F" if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Refueling Requested") end if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Refueling Requested", 3) end else local paxeFromOffset = ipc.readSW(0x66D2) if (paxeFromOffset > 1) then GSXboardedPax = paxeFromOffset end if (GSXcatering==1) then GSXoperation = "C" if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Catering Requested") end else GSXoperation = "B" if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Boarding Requested") end end end timeCallBoardingDeboarding = eTime if (GSXoperation~="") then ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) end elseif (alreadyAirborne==1 and deboardingDone==0 and DEBOARDING_STATE==1 and GSXhandling==1) then ipc.setbitsUW(0x66D1, 2) blockedSet = 1 setPax() GSXoperation = "D" timeCallBoardingDeboarding = eTime ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Deboarding Requested") end if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Deboarding Requested", 3) end end end -- Operate Jetway if (eTime > timeCallJetway + GSXautomationCounterSetting and timeCallJetway~=0 and jetwayDone==0 and boardingDone==0 and deboardingDone==0 and GSXautomationActive==0 and BOARDING_STATE==1) then -- and logic.And(ipc.readUW(0x739A), 1) ~= 0) then if (alreadyAirborne==0) then ipc.writeUB(0x78ED,35) -- Stow RAT ipc.writeUW(0x78EE, 23) -- Taxi Light Off end ipc.sleep(2000) GSXoperation = "J" ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Jetway Requested") end if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Jetway Requested", 3) end jetwayDone = 1 end -- Start other Services local timeAddCatering = 5000 local timeAddBoarding = 8000 if (DEBOARDING_STATE >= 5) then timeAddCatering = 3000 timeAddBoarding = 6000 end timeWaitBeforeAction = timeAddBoarding + timeAddCatering + 2000 if (timeCallBoardingDeboarding~=0 and alreadyAirborne==0 and (BOARDING_STATE>=4 or REFUELING_STATE>=4 or CATERING_STATE>=4)) then if (eTime > timeCallBoardingDeboarding + timeAddCatering and GSXcatering==1 and GSXfueling==1 and BOARDING_STATE==1 and cateringRequestedByMenu==0) then GSXoperation = "C" ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Catering Requested") end if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Catering Requested", 3) end cateringRequestedByMenu=1 end if (eTime > timeCallBoardingDeboarding + timeAddBoarding and (GSXfueling==1 or GSXcatering==1) and boardingRequestedByMenu==0) then if ((GSXfuelingMode~=1 and (GSXcatering==1 or GSXfueling==1)) or (GSXfuelingMode==1 and GSXcatering==1 and GSXfueling==0)) then setPax() GSXoperation = "B" if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Boarding Requested") end ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) end if (GSXautomationActive==1 and GSXfuelingMode==1 and GSXfueling==1) then GSXoperation = "J" ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Jetway Requested") end if (showStatusMessages == 1) then ipc.Display("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: GSX Jetway Requested", 3) end end boardingRequestedByMenu=1 end end -- Open doors if timer > 60 seconds if (eTime > timeCallBoardingDeboarding + 60000 and boardingDeboardingStarted==0 and timeCallBoardingDeboarding~=0) then openDoorsForBoardingDeboarding() defaultJetwayStopToggle = 0 end end -- Call Actions CabinSoundAction() GSXaction() logAll() end function GSXkeyPressed(offset, value) if (value~=0) then if (value >= 1 and value <= 9) then ipc.keypressplus(48+value) end if (value == 10) then ipc.keypressplus(48) end if (value == 11) then if (GSXmenuDoubleClickInUse==0) then ipc.keypressplus(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, 4) else if (GSXmenuDoubleClickLast == "") then GSXmenuDoubleClickLast = "GSX" GSXmenuDoubleClickLastTime = ipc.elapsedtime() else GSXmenuDoubleClickLast = "ATC" end end end ipc.writeUW(offset, 0) if (PNFsoundPlay==1 and onGround==1) then if (value >0 and value<4 and PNF_VspeedTimer == 0) then PNF_VspeedTimer = ipc.elapsedtime() end if (PNF_VspeedTimer ~=0) then if (value == 10) then value = 0 end PNF_VspeedPuffer = PNF_VspeedPuffer..value if (string.len(PNF_VspeedPuffer) == 4 and PNF_VspeedTimer ~= 0) then local V = string.sub(PNF_VspeedPuffer, 1,1) local Vspeed = string.sub(PNF_VspeedPuffer, 2) if (V == "1") then if (tonumber(Vspeed)<200 and tonumber(Vspeed)>100) then PNF_V1speed = tonumber(Vspeed) ipc.Display("Set V1 Speed = "..Vspeed.."\nV1="..PNF_V1speed..",VR="..PNF_VRspeed, 5) else ipc.Display("Error V1 Speed = "..Vspeed, 5) end end if (V == "2") then if (tonumber(Vspeed)<200 and tonumber(Vspeed)>100) then PNF_VRspeed = tonumber(Vspeed) ipc.Display("Set VR Speed = "..Vspeed.."\nV1="..PNF_V1speed..",VR="..PNF_VRspeed, 5) else ipc.Display("Error VR Speed = "..Vspeed, 5) end end PNF_VspeedPuffer = "" PNF_VspeedTimer = 0 end end end end end function engineFire(offset, value) -- Toggles Fire Offset for JeeHell with Fire Offsets of Sim if (logic.And(value,16) ~= 0) then if (engineLeftRunning==1) then ipc.setbitsUW(0x3366, 1) end else ipc.clearbitsUW(0x3366, 1) end if (logic.And(value,32) ~= 0) then if (engineRightRunning==1) then ipc.setbitsUW(0x3366, 2) end else ipc.clearbitsUW(0x3366, 2) end end function icingMessage(offset, value) icingCurrentValue = value -- ipc.Display("Active Sky Icing: Value change from < "..icingLastValue.." > to < "..icingCurrentValue.." >", 10) -- StructIcing Message if (icingLastValue ~= icingCurrentValue and icingStartWarningValue > 0) then if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Active Sky Icing: Value change from < "..icingLastValue.." > to < "..icingCurrentValue.." >") end icingLastValue = icingCurrentValue if (icingLastValue >= icingStartWarningValue) then -- if (onGround==0 and logic.And(ipc.readUB(0x66D1), 512) == 0) then if (onGround==0) then if (icingSetTimeLastChange==0) then icingSetTimeLastChange = ipc.elapsedtime() end ipc.setbitsUW(0x66D1, 512) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("Icing Indicator On (because Ice Detected)") end end end end end function signStatusChanges(offset, value) if (logic.And(value, 8) == 0) then seatBealtSign = 0 else seatBealtSign = 1 end if (logic.And(value, 16) == 0) then noSmokingSign = 0 else noSmokingSign = 1 end -- ipc.Display(seatBealtSign.."|"..noSmokingSign.."|"..value) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function round(value, dP) if (dP and dP >0) then local mult = 10^dP return math.floor(value * mult + 0.5) / mult end return math.floor(value + 0.5) end function getDate(value) nowTable = os.date('*t') return fillWithZero(nowTable.day).."."..fillWithZero(nowTable.month).."."..nowTable.year end function getTime(value) nowTable = os.date('*t') return fillWithZero(nowTable.hour)..":"..fillWithZero(nowTable.min)..":"..fillWithZero(nowTable.sec) end function getSimTimeDate() return fillWithZero(ipc.readUB(0x0238))..":"..fillWithZero(ipc.readUB(0x0239))..":"..fillWithZero(ipc.readUB(0x023A)).." "..fillWithZero(ipc.readUB(0x0245)).."."..fillWithZero(ipc.readUB(0x0244)).."."..fillWithZero(ipc.readUW(0x024A)) end function fillWithZero(input) if (string.len(input) == 1) then return "0"..input end return input end function logAll() if (logging == 1) then local logResultNew = "------ GSX ENVIRONMENT\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."DEBOARDING_STATE: "..DEBOARDING_STATE.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."BOARDING_STATE: "..BOARDING_STATE.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."DEPARTURE_STATE: "..DEPARTURE_STATE.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."CATERING_STATE: "..CATERING_STATE.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."REFUELING_STATE: "..REFUELING_STATE.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."JETWAY_STATE: "..JETWAY_STATE.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."External Power: "..extPWR.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Boarded Pax: "..GSXboardedPax.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Refueling Mode: "..GSXfuelingMode.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."------ AIRCRAFT STATE\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."On Ground: "..onGround.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Was already Airborne: "..alreadyAirborne.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Parking Brake: "..parkBrakeSet.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Engine Left Running: "..engineLeftRunning.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Engine Right Running: "..engineRightRunning.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Departure Altitude: "..departureAlt.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."------ CABIN SOUND STATE\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Sound: "..CabinSoundPlay.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Welcome: "..CabinSoundWelcome.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Safety: "..CabinSoundSafety.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Climb: "..CabinSoundClimb.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Cruise: "..CabinSoundCruise.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Descent: "..CabinSoundDescent.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Final Approach: "..CabinSoundFinal.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."After Landing: "..CabinSoundAfterLand.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."At Gate: "..CabinSoundAtGate.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."Unboarding: "..CabinSoundUnboarding.."\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."------ CPDPL Integration\n" logResultNew = logResultNew.."GSX Automation: "..GSXautomationActive.."\n\n" if (logResult ~= logResultNew) then ipc.log("Time: "..getTime().."\n\n"..logResultNew) logResult = logResultNew end end end -- Event Trigger event.textmenu(2, "TextMenuOpened") event.offset(0x0366, "UW", "groundStateChanged") event.offset(0x0BC8, "UW", "parkingBrakeChanged") event.offset(0x0894, "UW", "engineLeftRunChanged") event.offset(0x092C, "UW", "engineRightRunChanged") event.offset(0x0842, "SW", "verticalSpeedChanged") event.offset(0x0D0C, "UW", "extLightsChanged") event.offset(0x02BC, "UD", "IASchanged") event.offset(0x66D1, "UW", "triggerGSXboardingDeboarding") event.offset(0x66D3, "UW", "GSXkeyPressed") event.offset(0x32FC, "UW", "checkReload") event.offset(0x73A4, "UW", "engineFire") event.offset(0x8601, "UW", "icingMessage") event.offset(0x73B3, "UB", "signStatusChanges") event.Lvar("FSDT_GSX_DEBOARDING_STATE", pollInterval, "GSX_DEBOARDING_STATE") event.Lvar("FSDT_GSX_BOARDING_STATE", pollInterval, "GSX_BOARDING_STATE") event.Lvar("FSDT_GSX_DEPARTURE_STATE", pollInterval, "GSX_DEPARTURE_STATE") event.Lvar("FSDT_GSX_CATERING_STATE", pollInterval, "GSX_CATERING_STATE") event.Lvar("FSDT_GSX_REFUELING_STATE", pollInterval, "GSX_REFUELING_STATE") event.Lvar("FSDT_GSX_JETWAY_POWER", pollInterval, "GSXv2_JETWAY_POWER_STATE") event.key(GSXdialogKeyCode, GSXdialogKeyShift, "GSXdialogKeyPress") event.key(CabinSoundDialogKeyCode, CabinSoundDialogKeyShift, "CabinSoundsToggle") event.key(PNFSoundDialogKeyCode, PNFSoundDialogKeyShift, "PNFSoundsToggle") event.timer(pollInterval, "TimerChanges") setCabinSoundPack() -- Pax Random if (GSXv2_randomPaxActive==1 or GSXautomationActive==0) then math.random(GSXv2_MinPax, GSXv2_MaxPax) setPax() end -- Show starting information local ac_ATCmodel = tostring(ipc.readSTR(0x3500,4)) if (ac_ATCmodel == "A332") then A330 = 1 else A330 = 0 end for e=1,table.getn(ac_allowedATCmodels) do -- ipc.log(string.len(ac_allowedATCmodels[e])) -- ipc.log(string.len(ac_ATCmodel)) -- ipc.log(ac_allowedATCmodels[e]..ac_ATCmodel) if (tostring(ac_ATCmodel) == tostring(ac_allowedATCmodels[e])) then -- ipc.log("gefunden") runScript = 1 end end local infoText = "pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Running" if (A330==1) then infoText = infoText .. " in A330 Mode" end if (runScript==0) then infoText = "pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Not running because 'atc_model' mismatch" end ipc.Display(infoText.."...", 5) if (logging == 1) then ipc.log("pero | JeeHellExtPWRbyGSX: Running...") ipc.log("-------------------------------") ipc.log(" GENERAL SETTINGS") ipc.log("-------------------------------") ipc.log("Show Status Messages: "..showStatusMessages) ipc.log("Door handling: "..doorHandling) ipc.log("Wait until EXT PWR Conn: "..waitUntilExtPWRconnect) ipc.log("Poll Interval: "..pollInterval) ipc.log("GSX Handling: "..GSXhandling) ipc.log("GSXcatering: "..GSXcatering) ipc.log("GSXdialogKeyShift: "..GSXdialogKeyShift) ipc.log("GSXdialogKeyCode: "..GSXdialogKeyCode) ipc.log("Cabin Announcement: "..CabinSoundPlay) ipc.log("-------------------------------") end timeScriptLoaded = ipc.elapsedtime() logAll()
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