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Everything posted by pilotjohn

  1. I'm trying to get to this work (again), and it is quite strange. Prop pitch 1 will also move the throttle between TAXI and FEATHER (hi idle) with 8192/-1 (then sets it to -4096, but sending -4096 will complete do a cutoff), and then to low idle if you send -1 again. Sending 8192, will move it back to taxi. So the only thing I can't quite do consistently is switch between low and high idle. And, obviously get the throttle to actually move visually.
  2. FSRealistic's prop wash effect apparently. But somehow the interaction between it, and FSUIPC's rudder calibration (without assignment to it), negated it. If I disabled FSR prop wash, INPUT_RUDDER works at all speeds.
  3. It turned out to be another addon. I should have eliminated more variables. Good luck, I do hope you manage to archive all this valuable information.
  4. Ok, here's what I see: Axis Config Joystick Calibration Taxi <10kts Taxi >= 10kts L:INPUT_RUDDER RUDDER_SET AXIS_RUDDER_SET Send to FS No No No None Constant None Send to FS Yes No No None None None Send to Calibration Yes Yes No None Constant Variable Send to Preset Yes Yes Yes Variable Variable None Send to Preset No No Yes Variable Constant/Variable None Axis Unassigned (send to fs as normal, joystick calibration for rudder reset): No changes to L:INPUT_RUDDER logged (via LvarsLogged) RUDDER_SET logged for axis with the same constant value (-154) No AXIS_RUDDER_SET logged Joystick calibration unset Aircraft can't be at taxied at any speed, no changes to any visuals (inside or outside) Axis Unassigned (send to fs as normal, joystick calibration for rudder "calibrated"): No changes to L:INPUT_RUDDER logged No RUDDER_SET logged for axis No AXIS_RUDDER_SET logged Joystick calibration rudder view doesn't show any changes when moving joystick Aircraft can't be at taxied at any speed, no changes to any visuals Axis Assigned (send to calibration rudder, joystick calibration for rudder "calibrated"): No changes to L:INPUT_RUDDER logged (via LvarsLogged) RUDDER_SET logged for axis with the same constant value AXIS_RUDDER_SET logged for axis with changing value (based on joystick input) Joystick calibration rudder view shows changes as joystick is moved Aircraft can be taxied below 10 knots, rudder begins to flap above 10 knots, resets to "center" unless joystick is constantly "moved" 686750 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65764 (0x000100e4), Param= -8467 (0xffffdeed) AXIS_RUDDER_SET 686750 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65764 (0x000100e4), Param= -8876 (0xffffdd54) AXIS_RUDDER_SET 686750 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65696 (0x000100a0), Param= -154 (0xffffff66) RUDDER_SET 686766 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65764 (0x000100e4), Param= -9171 (0xffffdc2d) AXIS_RUDDER_SET Axis Assigned (send to preset, joystick calibration for rudder "calibrated"): Changes to L:INPUT_RUDDER logged (based on joystick input) RUDDER_SET logged for axis with the different values No AXIS_RUDDER_SET logged for axis Joystick calibration rudder view shows changes as joystick is moved Aircraft can be taxied at all speeds, no flapping observed on rudder visuals 1209969 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65696 (0x000100a0), Param= 1671 (0x00000687) RUDDER_SET 1210000 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65696 (0x000100a0), Param= 1062 (0x00000426) RUDDER_SET 1210000 Lvar updated: INPUT_RUDDER = -13.793945 1210016 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65696 (0x000100a0), Param= 0 (0x00000000) RUDDER_SET 1210047 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65696 (0x000100a0), Param= -882 (0xfffffc8e) RUDDER_SET 1210078 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65696 (0x000100a0), Param= -1645 (0xfffff993) RUDDER_SET 1210141 Lvar updated: INPUT_RUDDER = 43.243408 1210328 Lvar updated: INPUT_RUDDER = 46.295166 Axis Assigned (send to preset, joystick calibration reset): Changes to L:INPUT_RUDDER logged (based on joystick input) RUDDER_SET logged for axis with the different values above 10kts, constant value below 10kts No AXIS_RUDDER_SET logged for axis Joystick calibration rudder view unset Aircraft can be taxied at >10 kts, no visual changes below 10kts (rudder stuck at last position) 1930016 Lvar updated: INPUT_RUDDER = 48.474121 1930047 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65696 (0x000100a0), Param= -3572 (0xfffff20c) RUDDER_SET 1930063 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65696 (0x000100a0), Param= -2929 (0xfffff48f) RUDDER_SET 1930172 Lvar updated: INPUT_RUDDER = 2.667236 --- Below 10 knots --- 1930547 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65696 (0x000100a0), Param= 7079 (0x00001ba7) RUDDER_SET 1930563 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65696 (0x000100a0), Param= 7079 (0x00001ba7) RUDDER_SET So I'm trying to figure out why Send to Preset + Calibration results in a perfectly functioning plane, but all others do not.
  5. I came across a weird situation with this aircraft (cleaning up configuration based on other threads that we shouldn't have calibration if we're assigning to a preset). The DA42 seems to use L:INPUT_RUDDER (send to preset) only above 10kts or so ground speed. Below that, it has no effect. However, if I have "calibration" set up for rudder, the rudders work below that speed. If I reset the calibration, they don't. What does FSUIPC send to MSFS when "calibration" is set up for rudder, but I'm sending to a preset otherwise (not send to calibration)?
  6. I disagree. This is exactly what Axes and Ohs seems to be doing: 1. Get input from hardware. 2. "Calibrate", min, max, margins, dead, zone 3. Scale 4. Send to whatever you like (sim events, Lvars or whatever else) So I'll find another way. Thanks.
  7. I found the culprit. I had a scaling factor as part of the axes assignment in the profile .ini from when I was using calculator code assigned to an offset. Sorry about the false alarm. (every several years I take on this hobby again, and have re-learn all this) It would be great if I could send FSUIPC calibrated values somehow. What would be the best way to do that? Is there someway to assign an axes to calibration, then use those values to send to a preset? Any chance of adding "extra"/arbitrary joystick calibration sections that could be then sent to a preset?
  8. I'm good, the existing Lvars work as expected, the non-existent one has a workaround.
  9. AILERON_TRIM_PCT and RUDDER_TRIM_PCT are listed as Lvars, and the calculator above works on them. ELEVATOR_TRIM_PCT is not listed as an Lvar which is why obviously it's not doing anything. 2067531 [INFO]: ID=1165 RUDDER_TRIM_PCT = 50.000000 2067531 [INFO]: ID=1169 AILERON_TRIM_PCT = 0.000000 There also seem to be SimVars with these names, including an ELEVATOR_TRIM_PCT. I understand these are different and would not be referenced with L:
  10. So this seems to be what is happening. Attached is a screenshot with the Axes window open showing the full forward range of the throttle showing ~16k out. And turning on WAPI->Debug shows ~1000 being sent to the calculator code. Any other debug info to dig into? Log attached. FSUIPC7.zip
  11. I mean that the aircraft defined it, and it's not the one listed int the SDK or offsets.
  12. Ok, I'll take a look. I assume this is in same place where I log events etc.?
  13. Maybe L:AILERON_TRIM_PCT is custom (defined by) the aircraft in questions, which is why there is no L:ELEVATOR_TRIM_PCT
  14. So I'm still not clear why the range of values the RPN receives is different when FSUIPC shows the same range for all the different axes when I scan them. To be more concrete: 1. I have VirtualFly Yoko+ Ruddo+ and TQ6+ (all of which are Hall effect sensors) 2. All of the axes on these show a range of -16384 to 16384 in FSUIPC Axes window 3. I assume these are the values that are pushed on the stack by the @ parameter in RPN when using "Send to preset" 4. Thus, if I have to normalize the input to an Lvar in the range of -1 to 1, I would generally divide by 16384. 5. However, for one preset, I'm receiving a range of -1024 to 1024 (even though FSUIPC is showing -16384 to 16384) and so I have to scale accordingly 6. Where does the value for "send to preset" come from? Does that come from FSUIPC's processing of the input device/joystick? If so, why is the range not -16k to 16k. For example: The COWS Rudder RPN is: COWS_DA4X_Rudder#@ -163.84 / -100 max 100 min (>L:INPUT_RUDDER, Percent) But the HJET throttle RPN didn't work with this range, and empirically it looks like the range coming in is-1k to 1k: FFX_HJET_Throttle_1#@ d -512 < if{ p 0 (>L:HA420_ThrottlePos_L) -1 (>L:THROTTLE1_SET) } els{ 20.48 / 50 + 50 max 100 min d (>L:HA420_ThrottlePos_L) 50 - 2 * 100 / (>L:THROTTLE1_SET) } So where is the scaling from -16k..16k -> -1k..1k happening? Is there a setting somewhere I'm missing?
  15. So there are some aircraft where I need to use an Lvar to control an axis (throttle, rudder, aileron etc.). For these, I generally (now) declare a preset in my events.txt and do the needful scaling to make it work. However, I'm confused as to what ranges are to be expected from FSUIPC, despite the ranges shown in FSUIPC axes window as -16384 to 16384. For example, the COWS DA4X rudder range the RPN preset receives from FSUIPC appears to be this full range. However, the FFX HA420 throttle range the RPN preset receives from FSUIPC appears to be -1024 to 1024 (or 1023, whatever). Given that FSUIPC has now idea whether I'll be doing throttle, rudder or what the axis is used for, why are these ranges different?
  16. I'll have a look at these. Listing the vars through the WASM module didn't show an elevator trim pct but does have L:AILERON_TRIM_PCT. So maybe it's custom.
  17. For ailerons, the following works well: SWS_PC12_Aileron_Trim_Left#(L:AILERON_TRIM_PCT) 1 - (>L:AILERON_TRIM_PCT) SWS_PC12_Aileron_Trim_Right#(L:AILERON_TRIM_PCT) 1 + (>L:AILERON_TRIM_PCT)
  18. Ok, here's an ugly solution. Aileron and rudder trim percent work, but elevator is ignored. So I just send 25 ELEV_TRIM_DN/UP events for each button press. 🙂 SWS_PC12_Elevator_Trim_Up#0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP) SWS_PC12_Elevator_Trim_Down#0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) 0 (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN) I wish there was a looping construct in RPN code. I didn't see one.
  19. Any way to increment L:ELEVATOR_TRIM_PCT by some amount through presets, instead of just "setting" it. Is there some way to "read" the current value and then increment?
  20. I got the SWS PC12 (instead of Carenado) and I'm running into a few issues with the trim (rudder and aileron fixed via Lvar). 1. ELEV_TRIM_UP/DN events via button are working, but they're very very slow. What's the best way to either increase the repeat rate or provide some value by which to inc/dec? 2. Aileron trim doesn't seem to work. Logging events and input events shows nothing when using the VC button and dragging mouse to change aileron trim. Anyone got this to work?
  21. Is the elevator trim working for you?
  22. Ack, thanks. I was going to ask whether this is some way to I could use the calibrated out values (since they are more useful and would provide one place to calibrate).
  23. This doesn't seem to be in the events.txt that came with FSUIPC or the events.txt attached in the above post. I assume that's normal, and I just need to create my own in myevents.txt.
  24. I hate to relitigate this, but I'm having some issue getting this calibrated. I'm trying to get it to work through the in-aircraft calibration screen, with FSUIPC sending the axis directly to FS. The in-plane throttle calibration is only showing about -500 raw input below the detent when "send to FS as normal axis" is selected, even through FSUIPC is showing -16384, but 16384..0 full forward to idle. Also, the FSUIPC detent value is definitely not at 0 (It's a Yoko+), so it feels like FSUIPC is sending my calibrated axis values to FS. I have this in my profile for the ATR: 3=EX,16,F,67103,0,0,0 -{ TO SIM: THROTTLE1_AXIS_SET_EX1 }- 4=EY,16,F,67110,0,0,0 -{ TO SIM: THROTTLE2_AXIS_SET_EX1 }- And my calibration (showing where the detent range is): Throttle1=-15915,-3846,325,16254 Throttle2=-16052,-3416,398,16289 How should this be calibrated differently?
  25. EDITED: It works! So I have the following in myevents.txt: COWS_DA42_Aileron#$Param -163.84 / -100 max 100 min (>L:INPUT_AILERON, Percent) COWS_DA42_Elevator#$Param -163.84 / -100 max 100 min (>L:INPUT_ELEVATOR, Percent) COWS_DA42_Rudder#$Param -163.84 / -100 max 100 min (>L:INPUT_RUDDER, Percent) I then assigned controls as follows: This now works.
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