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Everything posted by pilotjohn

  1. I can see how a joystick input of 16384 with FSUIPC MAX set at say 24576, the OUT value without a slope would be different than an OUT value with a slope, since now the IN value looks like an intermediate point and not MIN or MAX. So, this, I think is correct. For example with MAX set at 21502, an IN of 16384 outputs about 11700 without a slope, and 5100 with a slope of 15. Well, it seems FSX's brake locking (or at least brake locking animation) is rather crude. It has no relation to ground speed or rate of application. Whether I apply at just before Vr, or at a slow taxi speed, and whether I apply fast or slow, the brakes lock at the same time. So I am puzzled why the slope is not having an affect. Well this is interesting... it doesn't seem like the SLOPE has an affect on the OUT according to the logs. So I have the MAX set to 21502 which results in a linear OUT of about 11700 at full press, and locked brakes. Regardless of what I set the slope to I get locked brakes. At a SLOPE of 15, the full press OUT that is shown is around 5100 but I still experience locked brakes. I turned logging on, I press the brakes fully to lock, and the last thing I see in the log file are these two lines (slope of 15 while the UI shows out of 5100): 1065518 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 11631 (0x00002d6f) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 1065518 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 11631 (0x00002d6f) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET When I release the brakes, I get: 719539 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -16384 (0xffffc000) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 719602 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -16384 (0xffffc000) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET On a separate unrelated question, what does the "512" or other number represent below the center set value to the left of the slope button in other axes?
  2. I've calibrated my brakes to provide only 80% effort at full "press" to avoid wheel lockups. I did this by tweaking the INI file to include a larger MAX for the axes than what the joystick (Saitek Rudders) actually provides. This works as expected with a linear slope (MIN=-16384 MAX=24576): -16384 IN provides -16384 OUT, 16384 IN provides about 9800 OUT. If I change the slope, it obviously changes the OUT value at full press. So what I did was to empirically recalculate the MAX to still get an OUT value of 9800 or less. With a slope of 4 and a MAX of 22528, 16384 IN provides about 8100 OUT. However, this OUT value locks up the brakes. So the question is, what does OUT represent? Is OUT the axes "value" that is sent to FSX or something else? How can I determine what is being sent to FSX by FSUIPC? If an OUT value of 9800 with a linear slope does not lock the brakes, shouldn't an OUT value of 9800 or less also not lock the brakes with a different slope? I'd like to calculate exactly what MAX should be with a slope of 4, to get 80% effort sent o FSX when the axes is fully "pressed". When this was linear, it was easy. With a slope, I assumed I could do it empirically, but the OUT value doesn't seem to represent what I thought it did, and since I'm not sure what the formula is for the slope, it's hard to calculate exactly the MAX value for 80% effort. Can you shed some light on this?
  3. Got it... I'll try that. Thanks! Perhaps this could be a new feature in the GUI in the future.
  4. It does for me... apparently that's it for this aircraft then. If I have FSUIPC calibrate (aircraft specific) the axis with RZ, at a raw input of -16384 FSUIPC shows -4096 as output, which in effect causes the CL to go to fuel cutoff. Start & Feather is greater than -3850 from what I can tell from documentation, and around -3000 seems to work. Ideally I'd like to have -3000 at the controller's -16384 (idle) position, and scale up from there. That is scale the raw input of -16384..16384 to -3000..16384. Would this be in the specific aircraft area of FSUIPC.ini? I see the specific aircraft settings, but not the -4096. If I set this in the INI, won't it be overridden my FSX in some way? NRZ/RZ basically scale the raw min/max to 0/max or -4096/max (or as read from FSX?), correct? What I'd like to be able to do is scale to something else besides 0 or -4096 in this case. Below are the FSUIPC sections (prop pitch 1+2 is mapped directly to 3+4 calibration for this aircraft, on axes 0V/2X): [Axes.MJC 8-300 Q British Airways] 0=0Z,256,D,11,0,0,0 1=0U,256,D,12,0,0,0 2=0V,256,D,19,0,0,0 3=2X,256,D,20,0,0,0 4=2Y,1 5=2Y,B,-16384,-8322,65925,-3000 6=2Y,BR,-8062,8064,65925,-3000 7=2Y,B,8320,16383,65925,-3000 8=2Z,1 9=2Z,B,-16384,-8322,65926,-3000 10=2Z,BR,-8062,8064,65926,-3000 11=2Z,B,8320,16383,65926,-3000 [JoystickCalibration.MJC 8-300 Q British Airways] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 PropPitch3=-16384,0,512,16380/8 PropPitch4=-16384,0,512,16380 Throttle3=-16380,-512,512,16380/32 Throttle4=-16380,-512,512,16380/32
  5. I'm trying to setup my Saitek quadrant's prop control to feather the condition levers on the Majestic Q300 at the idle position. However, FSUIPC outputs -4096 as the minimum which causes the CLs to move to the Fuel Cutoff position. I'd like to limit this minimum so that at the controller's idle position the output is greater than -4096 and the CLs stop at the Start & Feather position to avoid accidental fuels shutoff. I can do similar things for the throttle since the Q300 allows this mapping, but not for the prop. How can this be achieved? I will then use the mixture axes to move the CLs to Fuel Cutoff (I have this part working already with sending FS commands in ranges).
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