Thanks for your quick reply The code runs perfectly. I use it with X-Plane 11/Xuipc and there it is possible to disable wind and clouds in the manual weather setting.
For purely visual reasons, I would like to have a short text there. For example, "No data" or "No cloud layer".
I had hoped that I could do this with the line
If layerText = "" Then layerText = "No Clouds"
as I assume that the LayerTXT is empty or has a lenght of zero, as it is nothing transferred to the listbox.
I wanted to take advantage of this by entering my own text in the listbox, but this line is not displayed and I don't understand why.
That is the whole point of my question.
Another question about the clouds The cloud types from 0 to 9 I believe, is there a documentaion what these type numbers mean? Like type_0 = cumulus or similar?