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Everything posted by SAC002

  1. Hi, i want to use fsuipc with my goflight modules. With the new fsuipc wasm module, i would like fsuipc to be my only addon to interact with my goflight modules and my usb controller boards. I have created a simple lua file to turn on and off landing gear lights with my goflight module. Works great with green and orange colors and blank reading the offsets. But what is the most efficient way to make this a continious loop ? Thanks for your help Daniel
  2. John, is there a specific way to name Hvar files for the wasm module ? I named mine TBM930 and it did not work but i changed it to just TBM and it works. I did not find a reference to this in the doc. When I am done with the file, I will post it here. Cheers, Daniel
  3. Will do, thanks
  4. So john, any progress on turning on leds on goflight modules ? Thanks
  5. ok got it to work...had a mistake in the extension name.... will do more tests and report.. thanks daniel
  6. Hi, I think I am getting close but I seem to be missing something about macros to control LVARS... I want to control the XMLVAR_APTRIM Lvar for the TBM930. I have created a macro named: XMLVAR_APTRIM.mcro and put it in my main FSUIPC folder. It has 2 lines: [Macros] 1=L:XMLVAR_APTRIM=Set,0 I don't see this command in the drop down menu for assigning a button ? Thanks for your help. Daniel
  7. Looking for instructions on how to retreive lvars and hvars from msfs2020... I tried to find vars for the TBM in the dev mode but not exactly sure where to look in the model behavior ? Thanks
  8. Rgr..i will start creating one for the TBM...for example, the init seperator switch controls an hvar...
  9. Wonderfull...thanks..looking forward to be able to access hvars...
  10. Thanks John. Interesting, i will wait for FSUIPC. 👍
  11. Ok thank you. Looking forward to it.
  12. Hi John, I have been using FSUIPC for a long time and it has been very usefull to me building my cockpits over the past few years. Since msfs2020 came out, i struggle to find a way to map switches to some events which are not included in msfs. There are some interesting software available like spadnext and mobiflights who created wasm modules but i struggle to use them. I see now that you have created a wasm module. My question is: can you pls tell me the steps required to be able to map, let say for example, the 'inert seperator' event (or hvar...not sure) in the TBM to a toggle switch i have connected to a usb joystick ? Thank you, Daniel
  13. Hi, it seems like mobiflight was able to configure switches via the arduino board to trigger event id like, for example, pfd direct to button which is not working via fsuipc button assignments. Is there any ways to make this work via the mobiflight wasm module ? Regards, Daniel
  14. Ah !...that still applies... I did not remember the exact script... Thanks Maybe you should include this in the installation instructions manual...
  15. I think I followed the instructions...but it does not work for me... I don't have a FSUIPC7 license yet but I have a wideFS7 license...and it was working with the previous version of FSUIPC7 beta... When i get the screen to register, I don't change anything in name (MSFS Beta License), in email (Time limited to 08/11/2020) and the FSUIPC key (67...) I click on Check if using a different Name or Address for WideFS... I enter my WideFS key: (copy and paste) I enter my WideFS Name: and my WideFS Email: I click Register and get: Registration details for FSUIPC7 not valid...please re-enter and try again...
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