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Everything posted by SAC002

  1. Thanks for the info John
  2. Also, regarding LVARS, I have created a LUA file to turn on and off lights for the warning and caution...Generic_Master_Warning_active But the lights won't work until i go in FSUIPC and do a LIST of Lvars...after i do list, they work fine ??? thanks dan
  3. AH yes...again,thanks dan
  4. My search is probably not very good...soory but i can't find a topic about the possibility of triggering an event based on 2 inputs... Like if input 1 is on and input 2 is on, then do ... Thanks
  5. Thank you very much.
  6. I have searched the forum but could not find an answer...but I am sure it was asked before...:( To start the Longitude, when we press the RUN button, 2 events occurs...Mixture1_set = 16384 and Turbine_Ignition_Switch_Set1 =1 How can i program these 2 events with one button push ? Thanks Dan
  7. Ah ! Thanks...i used the checkbox in the assignment but forgot about that checkbox in calibration..
  8. Oh send it direct to fsuipc for calibration...
  9. I use the mod and it works for me...but the throttle axis animation does not work.
  10. Hi, i can assign axis to specific aircraft which is great. But the calibration seems to be applied to all. Can anyone confirm this ?
  11. I think i know what he means...if i start from cold and dark, i can't move the lever out of the bottom right position with either my throttle or prop lever...have to use the mouse to get it in the left slot position...
  12. yes and it does work....and I also tried H:AS3000_TSC_Horizontal_BottomKnob_Push and it affected both touch screen displays at the same time...while H:AS3000_TSC_Horizontal_1_BottomKnob_Push only affected the pilot touch screen... interesing hein ?...lol
  13. ok without any addons for the TBM or the G3000, it still works.. H:AS3000_TSC_Horizontal_1_BottomKnob_Small_DEC While in MDF mode, the range decrease as i rotate the rotary which is mapped to this variable via the button assignments in FSUIPC. In fact, all my variables with a _1_ in the hvar file works...(all 12 PFD softkeys for example)... With the Working title G3000 mod installed, version 0.6.1, still works... With my TBM mod (aircraft-tbm930x_1.14.5.0_LfSPW) and the G3000 mod, still works... Cheers,
  14. Not sure what they are called...i actually have 2 (don't use them together).. I will go to the sim shortly and report
  15. I wll test with and without my mods and report a bit later...
  16. This is certainly very interesting... here are my HVAR file, my macro file and my FSUIPC config file... and I can confirm that all of these buttons works in my cockpit with the latest version of the work title garmin 3000 with the TBM 930. I also opened the model behaviour window in the dev mode of MSFS2020 and open the AS580 submenu and i can see the hvars with the _1_... Maybe John can explain what is going on if some of you can make it work without putting the _1_ in the var name for the PFD and TCS variables...for the MFD, you don't need the _1_ because there is only one MFD... Cheers, Daniel FSUIPC7.ini TBM.hvar TBM930.mcro
  17. They work for me with the tbm... But i just realize that i use a mod for the tbm...and a mod for the g3000...
  18. John, here's my first version of the hvar file for the TBM. It is probably not complete but it covers the G3000. Cheers, TBM.hvar
  19. Replace the * by the substring match to the aircraft title for example, TBM 930.hvar
  20. Thank you...very interesting read...
  21. 👍 I am learning...get to realize what FSUIPC can do...😀
  22. thanks guys...really appreciate...i was using event.Offset for 0D0C but not with the mask..it is a good way to do it...and rgr for checking for 0...i also noticed that the return value was not 1 but 4 with the example above...
  23. it is working fine with Lua...just have to practice with it...have not programmed lua in a long while... thanks
  24. ok got it...thanks... one question about offsets and bits...can you pls explain offset 0D0C... basically, i want to turn on a goflight modules LED when landing lights are ON, taxi lights are ON, etc... i don't quite understand the bits 0 to 9...how can I check offset 0D0C and these bits to know which lights are ON or OFF ? You have excellent documentation and I am sure it is explained somewhere but i failed to find something about this... Cheers, Daniel
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