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Everything posted by Frank.O

  1. Hi Pete, finally I have setup my new FS-computer with FS9, WideFS, FSUIPC and PFC (WideClient and FS_Meteo are running on the ICS host). Editing of the INI files was easy and everything worked satisfying from the beginning. You have done a really great job on this ! There are a few things though I would like to hear your opinion about. 1. Today I landed at Aalborg (EKYT) and there were clear skies and wind 217°/14 kts allthough the metar decoder in FS_Meteo reported wind 270°/16kts, three cloud layers (2 of them BKN) and showers of rain. Do you think this can be related to FS's interpolation between the nearest stations. After landing I saved the flight and when I reloaded that the weather was right. Should I rather report this to Marc? 2. My network is not the fastest (Coax cable, 10MBit/sec). Everything I do in FS_Meteo takes quite a long time (setting the destination airport for instance). Also updating the weather after a position change takes some time. I did a test where I loaded FS9, started WideClient and then did 3 position changes via world menu "go to airport". This is what the log files say: ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.10] ********* Using blocksize guide of 4096 bytes Date (dmy): 10/10/03, Time 17:34:21.203: Server name is FLUSI 34406 Initialising server socket now 34438 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=2864) 34547 Connected to computer "FRANK" (skt=2864) 647938 Shutdown broadcast requested by hotkey! 647985 Shutdown request received! 648344 Client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=2864) 655985 Closing down now ... Memory managed: Offset records: 33 alloc, 33 free Throughput maximum achieved: 17 frames/sec, 915 bytes/sec Throughput average achieved for complete session: 3 frames/sec, 159 bytes/sec ********* Log file closed ********* ********* WideClient.DLL Log [version 6.10] Class=FS98MAIN ********* Date (dmy): 10/10/03, Time 17:33:34.020: Client name is FRANK 62 Attempting to connect now 1626 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10061] Connection refused 1785 Ready to try connection again 1795 Attempting to connect now 5460 New Client Application: "FS_METEO" (Id=-348867) 13228 Connection made okay! 201656 GetRecv() missed block? Sequence 1258 jumped to 1260 207505 GetRecv() missed block? Sequence 1313 jumped to 1315 500461 GetRecv() missed block? Sequence 3812 jumped to 3814 506330 GetRecv() missed block? Sequence 3904 jumped to 3906 506945 GetRecv() missed block? Sequence 3913 jumped to 3915 513011 GetRecv() missed block? Sequence 3997 jumped to 3999 515256 GetRecv() missed block? Sequence 4027 jumped to 4029 519355 GetRecv() missed block? Sequence 4076 jumped to 4078 626858 Shutdown request received! 627091 Reception maximum achieved: 17 frames/sec, 961 bytes/sec 627091 Reception average achieved whilst connected: 8 frames/sec, 339 bytes/sec 627091 Max receive buffer = 386, Max send depth = 3 627091 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 3, Alloc 6660 Freed 6660 Refused 0) ********* The framerate limiter in FS9 is set to 15. Is there anything I could set in the INI files to improve things, should I just leave it as it is or is a better network the only solution? Regards Frank
  2. Hi Pete, PFC 1.65 works great. No problem with the restart facility. Thank you again :!: Regards Frank
  3. Hey that's almost like chatting here 8) . Never mind, nobody is perfect :wink: Just arrived. Thanks a lot I'll give it a try. Regards Frank
  4. Hi Pete, this is what PFC.DLL User Guide.doc says about it. Implementing it this way would be most useful I think. You probably ment the same didn't you? Regards Frank
  5. Hi Pete, right, that's what I mean. No - the switch on the Cirrus2 only operated the left selector in FS2002. Only when I changed the number of fuel selectors from two to one in the aircraft.cfg (wich is actually incorrect) I could fool FS2002 so the behavior of the selectors looked OK on screen. We had an email exchange about this shortly after I purchased my PFC equipment (1 1/2 years ago). I had told you my workaround and you gave me the great honour to mention it in the docfile of PFC.dll :) . That's very good news :D Thank you very much and all the best to you Frank
  6. Hi Pete, I am using the Cirrus2 and Digital Avionics in FS9 now and I'm mostly flying the Baron. Back in FS2002 I found out that I was able to make the fuel tank selectors on screen behave as they should in relation to the fuel switch on the Cirrus2 by changing the parameter number_of_fueltank_selectors=2 in the aircraft.cfg to read number_of_fueltank_selectors=1 instead. Unfortunately this does not work anymore in FS9. The switch on the Cirrus2 operates only the left tank selector in the engine control panel no matter what I set in the aircraft.cfg. I tried some other controls (crossfeed) via FSUIPC's button assignment but no luck. Do you see any chance to correct this in a future version of the PFC driver or should I just erase the engine control unit entry from my panel.cfg ? :lol: Regards Frank
  7. Hi Scott, try this link http://www.rolandpohl.de/downloads/FSUIPC297.zip regards Frank
  8. Hi Pete, the 3.072beta you sent me works fine :D . Thank You very much. One question: you're telling me that this beta wil expire somewhen and that I should replace it with 3.08 before expiration. What would happen if I forgot this? Regards Frank
  9. Bart, would you like to have a copy of version 3.06 untill this is fixed? Then just tell me an email adress where I can send it to. It works fine with FS2002. Regards Frank
  10. Hi Pete, Right, I can reproduce this only in FS2002, not FS2004 (== FS9) as you have indicated. Sorry to have wasted your time. I should have noticed it when typing Silly me :oops: Thanks Pete. Your efforts are highly appreciated. I owe you a beer I suppose :) Regards Frank
  11. Ah..., never mind Pete :) OK, I'll stay with 3.06 for a while then. All the best to you Frank
  12. Hi Pete and everyone else, I am using FSUIPC3.07(registered) and PFC1.61 together with the Cirrus2 and Digital Avionics. The cowl flaps switch on the cirrus is assigned to open and close the cowl flaps in increments on the console page of the PFC driver. This assignment was lost when I upgraded to FSUIPC3.07. When I try to reassign it and try to access the list of FS controls FS encounters a "problem" and needs to be closed. ErrorDetails: A fatal error occured ErrorSignature: AppName:FS9.exe AppVer:8.0.010919 ModName:pfc.dll ModVer: Offset:00018084 After viewing the details the computer is locked and I must use the reset button. I then tried to assign via the FSUIPC button assignment facilitiy. Same result. As soon as I try to access the list of FS controls Fs crashes. Also my previous assignments in this facility don't show up when I press the respective buttons on the avionics stack or the cirrus. The joystick number and button is displayed but the field where the assigned FS control should appear is empty. Additionally the PFC driver window looked different. All the tabs right of the console tab were removed. After two hours of trying and rebooting I reverted back to FSUIPC3.06 (glad I kept it) and now everything is working flawlessly again. Since I didn't touch the *.ini files even my old settings are restored. Any ideas about this? Best regards Frank
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