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Everything posted by Frank.O

  1. Hi, no there isn't. FSNAV is a module that has to be in the modules folder of FS and it doesn't use FSUIPC. WideFS is nothing but an extension of the FSUIPC interface to another PC. For your purpose you'll have to use WidevieV. Regards, Frank
  2. Good morning Pete, did a quick test, and the driver you sent me seems to work fine. Thank you so much! Oh...0h...0h..., perhaps you should take a rest. Makes me feel kind of unscrupulous that I forced you to work under these circumstances :oops: . Many thanks again and all the best to you! Frank
  3. Oh, I see - sorry to have bothered you. Hope you feel better soon! Indeed, I like it though it wasn't my idea originally. Thank you. Best regards, Frank
  4. Hi Pete, did you overlook this one? Regards, Frank
  5. Hi Pete, I hate to report problems, and I almost don't dare and hope I'm not getting on your nerves -- but I think there is one. The fuel tank selector on the Cirrus2 has lost its function wich means it - again - only operates the left fuel switch on screen. When I put version 1.71 back in it works as statet in the documentation. The other problem I have ist very strange but it may be not related to the module, I just thought I'd share it here (just in case). On one flight today the displays on the Digital Avionics sometimes showed a very odd behaviour. They displayed crazy things from time to time, mostly a mix of numbers, dashes and even the letter A. 11A20----- on the NAV radio for instance or 55-04-- on the DME or 03.2.9- on a com receiver. The gear lamps were also involved. Tthough the gear was up they lit up in a strange mix now and then - two green, one orange or two orange, one red (I've never seen orange light there before). Not all displays changed allways, but those that changed did this at the same time and after a short while went normal again. Also when I pressed the Frequency swap button on a "crazy" display it immediately went normal. The autopilot was not affected and FS's own radiostack on screen was all normal. The aircraft was flyable and the HSI and ADF and so on did read consistently wether their respective displays on the Digital Avionics were corrupted or not. Initially I thought this might be something to do with the new processing of the standby frequencies but I couldn't reproduce it on three more tests so I suspect it's something on my side. I had my PFC hardware in for repairs earlier this year, either they didn't fix it properly or my computer just swallowed the wrong way (I strongly hope the latter is true :? ). Regards, Frank
  6. Hi all, just to put in some nice change between all the serious problems here :D Do you know this one? http://www.eddh.de/x-files/dl_files/teterboro.mp3 Regards, Frank
  7. Good morning, there is possibly some misunderstanding here. I think this question referrs to one of the throttle quadrant levers, not to the additional throttle on the yoke. That's why I thought a user defined quadrant might do it. To Martin: If I were you I'd leave the yoke at the gameport. There is no additional functionality you can gain from changing to USB or rewiring for the connection to the cabinet. You can then use the additional throttle on the yoke for any axis control that is available in FS's assignments or via the joystick section of FSUIPC. Regards, Frank
  8. Hi Pete, Martin, AhI doubt if the Throttle module has any provision for that extra axis. if it has, I don't know about it and it isn't in the 'spec. But, again, aquestion for PFC. Sorry. doesn't the digital throttle cabinet use the same PFC.dll as the Cirrus2? If so, couldn't this be achieved by simply going into the throttle quadrants page of PFC.dll and setting up a user defined quadrant? Regards, Frank
  9. Hi, right click on the file, then choose "open with" and then select notepad from the list of programs. Regards, Frank
  10. Hi all, I very rarely use the autopilot, so it took a while for me to notice it. The beep sound playback when testing the autopilot on the Digital Avionics does not work for me on FS9. My PFC.ini reads : BeepWave=Sound\caapdis2 and a soundfile named caapdis2.wav is in the sound folder under the main FS9 folder. It should work I think but it doesn't - even if I go back to older versions of PFC.dll (back to 1.63). I have FS2002 on the same machine and there - with PFC.dll ver1.63 and the same ini setting and sound file - the sound playback works. Also - on FS9 - when the autopilot is disconnected there is another sound played allthough it should be the same as on the AP test. Has anyone else experienced this? Do I have to make a special setting to make it work again? Regards, Frank
  11. Hi But what does it do then? If I leave it in will I get complaints from others who say I've mucked up their cockpit now and stopped Prop Sync doing what it is really supposed to do? This is happening al the time now -- almost everything I put in is not liked by someone or other. you're right, Pete, and I can understand your frustration. Perhaps we all have gotten to much used to requesting features that are more and more tailored for personal needs rather than for common interests. I think I will take a step back, enjoy what I have and not mourn about little inconveniences. Concerning the prop sync - I really can't tell what the FS internal control does. So I must agree with you. It's probably the best way to take the new engine sync facility out completely before getting complaints about conflicts with others setups. Sorry Pete, it was never ment to upset or offend you in any way. I highly appreciate your work and your great support. Otherwise I wouldn't have donated 100 Euros back then. So far... Frank
  12. Hi Pete. I'm using a cirrus2 console with a twin prop Quadrant attached (six levers) I've squeezed my brain but have no idea what this could be. The computer is new, FS9 is the only program running and there are no addons installed, just the pure FS. In that case, since FS already has a Prop Sync control, I might as well take all this new code out and be done. :( I'm sorry about the wasted time allthough I think you might leave in the sync for the props. The FS internal prop sync control has never made the props to be really sync'ed. Regards, Frank
  13. Good morning Pete. Hm... after reaching cruise altitude and just before engaging prop sync I allways make inputs to prop and mixture on the throttle quadrant thus manually synchronizing the engines first. The throttles almost allways stay at full because the manifold pressure is less than 25"(max cruise setting) above 5000'. So may be the internal zero value applies to the throttles but that shouldn't kill the engine. Neither am I. And also the engine didn't die immediately after engaging prop sync. There were delays of one to three minutes before this happened. Yes I think that should work. Well I think that it might be enough to operate prop sync only and leave mix and throttle alone because - as Nick already mentioned - the other smoothing facility works quite well and the snake dance in cruise is significant less than before. You've done a very good job on this :) . All the best, Frank
  14. Hi Pete, I'm using FS9, PFC 1.72, FSUIPC 3.11 and WideFS 6.101. Today I used the new sync facility in PFC a bit more intensivly for the first time and came across a strange problem. I was flying from Stuttgart (EDDS) to Innsbruck (LOWI) with the Baron. Having reached my cruise altitude of 13000' I turned on the prop sync switch on the cirrus2 and checked the ECU on screen. It worked, both engines were slaved to the controls of engine one. But after a short time the airplane suddenly became somehow touchy on the controls (especially pitch and yaw) and then the left engine (#1) died. I tried to readjust the engine controls but this didn't help. Then I turned prop sync off and the engine came back on. I repeated this for about ten times with always exactly the same result. Is this possible ? Or is it simply me doing something wrong. Before I engaged prop sync I carefully adjusted the engines to show equivalent values on the engine gauges. During my last attempt I also did an FSUIPC log. I logged everything exept the weather, but the file is pretty large (396k) and I'm not sure if it's of any use. Any ideas about this? Best regards Frank
  15. That's what it is!!! :) 8) Thanks Pete. Regards, Frank
  16. Hi Pete, certainly - that would do the trick. But - by the way - I personally do not request such a change. Since I find it more enjoyable to navigate with VOR, NDB and DME I just use the GPS as a map from time to time. I stumbled across this when reading the doc about the GPS and thougth I should mention it. Regards, Frank
  17. http://www.projectmagenta.com/news/safecon2.jpg What about this one, Pete? :) Regards, Frank
  18. Hi Pete, Why? Surely, with a REAL stack you don't also display the FS panel stack? It is much more efficient for the PFC to keep and maintain its own standby frequencies, and these then apply to all FS aircraft including those without. you are right, but there is one situation I can think of where this would be a handy feature. In FS9 it is possible to use the new GPS to find out frequencies of airports and facilities. If you then highlight the desired frequency on the GPS using the cursor and press the button the freq is swapped into the stanby portion of the apropriate receiver and at the moment this can not be seen unless the FS radiostack is displayed. Also the freq can't be activated without clicking the swap button on the FS radiostack. Regards, Frank
  19. Hi Rob, I had a similar problem when I wanted to assign the "GPS clear button" to a button on the PFC Digital Avionics. Pressing the button once worked but holding it down to display the default NAV page didn't. I had a closer look into the FS controls and found that there are two more controls for the "GPS clear button": -GPS clear button down and -GPS clear button up. I assigned the first to "action when button is pressed" and the second to "action when button is released" and it works fine now. I can't look into FS rigth now but maybe there are similar controls for the starters (starter 1 engaged, starter 1 released - something like that). If this doesn't apply, look into FS9's assignments to find out wich keys are assigned to toggle the starters and assign keys if necessary. Then try to assign key presses in FSUIPC instead of FS controls, maybe the repeat function works better then (I did it this way in FS2002 to operate the starters of the Baron wich showed a similar behaviour when using the mouse). Hope this helps. Regards, Frank
  20. Hi Pete, not recently but what I found back in the middle of the "FS2002-age" was not better than the standard at least in this special aspect. That's right, yaw damping also helps. I have increased all three stability values (pitch, yaw and bank) from 1.0 to 1.5 in the aircraft.cfg. Nothing - at least I didn't notice anything. Even when it's turned on the props can still fall out of sync. From the XML code I can see that this switch operates the TOGGLE_PROPELLER_SYNC control in FS but I don't know what that does. No need to hurry. It's just good to know there's light at the end of the tunnel :wink: Regards, Frank
  21. Hi Pete, you will probably not remember but I emailed you about the same problem about a year ago but I misinterpreted the problem as spikes on the prop axis wich is wrong. No sorry. This has nothing to do with PFC equipment. It is an FS internal problem and it was even there back in FS2000 times (King Air) when I didn't use PFC equipment. The nose swinging only occurs if you have separate controls (levers) for each engine. If you have only one control for both engines the rpm fluctuatin is still there but synchronized on both engines so the nose swinging does not appear. Every prop in FS has a regulating mechanism that adjusts the prop rpm to the value read from the input. Every time you change the prop setting the regulating mechanism starts and the rpm needle swings a bit and settles at the new value then. And this does not only happen when you change the prop setting but also when the environmental conditions change (barometric pressure, temperature) at least thet's what I'm thinking. That's exactly what I found too. Do a one hour flight in the Baron. The problem starts as soon as you reach cruise altitude and reduce the prop rpm to cruise setting and it will vanish when you set the props to max again on final approach. I too experimented with the power supply but this didn't help. That's right, 20 is not enough but I could live with a slow response. I think really correcting this is up to Microsoft. I found that adjusting the time constant of the regulating mechanism in the aircraft.cfg can help to make the nose swinging less bad. The default setting in FS9 is prop_tc=0.1 witch I changed to read prop_tc=0.04. Making the throttle sync facility in FSUIPC not only synchronize the throttles but also prop and mix may also help. Even better would be a facility in FSUIPC or PFC that detects if the prop sync switch is on and if yes synchronizes all engine controls (throttle, prop, mix) to the controls of engine one. Regards, Frank
  22. Good morning Pete, that's what I'm thinking about right now. I'm not to much into networking so I' ll go and ask my computer specialist on monday. He can shurely find a solution. Thank you very much. Regards, Frank
  23. Hi Pete, Ah I see. An interesting thought. Should be kept in mind I think. I've allways been loking for a weather program that can set all the weatherstations at once thus creating a *.WX file to save with the flight. I found one back in FS2000 times. It was called "Wetter2000" by Klaus Prichatz but I found it somehow difficult to handle so I went for FS_Meteo finally. Well it's not about the network cards or the switch/hub. The cards are capable of 100Mbps. It's about the cable. My home network ist spread across the entire house from the basement to the rooftop so the use of coax cable was the easiest way to do it simply going from one computer to the next. Changing to 100Mbps would include a lot of work witch I haven'got the time for at least at the moment. Anyway - I'll think it over :) All the best to you Regards, Frank
  24. Hi Steve, have you registered your FSUIPC ver 3.04? If yes then you don't have to pay again to upgrade to ver 3.10(latest). Just put hte new FSUIPC.dll into the modules folder and make shure you keep your old FSUIPC.ini and FSUIPC.key. Then everything will work as it did before the upgrade. Regards, Frank
  25. Hi Pete, I don't think so. Dynamics were turned off, at least that's what the FS weather menu said. So am I :D , but it doesn't matter so much. The weather is changing as I fly and it is somewhat realistc so that's OK for me. That's what I'm already doing. "download weather without FS and exit" while reading emails and so on. I was afraid it would turn out this way. Unfortunately this is not an option for me at the moment. It happens regularly - also if I use the same setup with FS2002. But to be honest - I don't know what to check. TCP/IP is the only protocol installed, unique IP adresses are assigned to all computers and all normal network functions (ping, file sharing, printing, internet connection sharing) work pefectly. Let's think this is the reason :wink: Anyway I'm not very concerned about it. As I said in my first post all works well enough to be satisfying. I just wanted to make shur I've done everything I can. Thanks for your support. Regards, Frank
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