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Posts posted by Thorsten

  1. Hallo,

    um den Fehler eingrenzen zu können: Könnten Sie den Anflug über die Strecke mal mit einer Default 737 nachvollziehen, vielleicht liegts ja auch am Aircraft (aber eher unwahrscheinlich).

    In früheren FS versionen deutete ein g3d.dll Error meist auf Mesh-Probleme hin. Haben Sie für Madrid bzw. Spanien noch irgendeine andere (mesh) Scenerie aktiviert?


  2. Hi Andy,

    I know this left PAPI and we´ll integrate it in a new free patch, that will follow when we´re making the update for the new "Spain" cd-rom box.

    It would be be helpfull if you can send me a scratch or else to see how the taxiway markings/signs are, because I cannot clearly identify it on my map.


  3. Here´s the technical background information: In order to built the exact coastlines for Gibraltar we had to rename a default BGL file of FS2004(2002) that contains the Flatten and Water information for this area. It is a very wide area covered by the default file, so we had to rebuilt hundreds of kilometers of coastline. Otherwise, if you dont deactivate the default file, you´ll get a half cut rock in Gibraltar:-(

    The problem you got: When you use a new Landclass scenery, that covers a wider area than default, it will show up in the sea. We had the problems with the "taburet" Landclass in FS2002 (FS2004 no problem), therfore we made the patch. To solve this Problem we could make lots of water masks to cover the land in the sea. Maybe it will be easier to contact the author of the Landclass file to recompile it with a smaller coastband. If you won´t do it, let me know and I´ll try to contact him.


  4. Hello

    @ Himar

    Quatro Vientos will not be included. The scenery contains the airport of Barajas and som city building you can see during approach and take off.

    Manfred told me that the MS ATC makes something wrong with the runways (using an old one). I dont know if he can fix it, but I´m sure he try!

    @ Air crash

    Release will be end of next week, about the 19th of December 2003!


    It will be released first at http://www.simmarket.com and http://www.aerosoft.com.

    Next year (about May) the scenery will be part of the coming CD-box "Spain" of Aerosoft.


  5. HI,

    please check that Tenerife2004 is on a higher layer than La Gomera in the scenery library. If not, simply move the tenerife entry above the La Gomera entry. And check for double entries in the scenery library and remove them. Important: The update is called "update" due to the update price, but it is a new complete full version. The old versions are not required and have to be deinstalled before installing the new files.


  6. Hi Olaf,

    you´re correct and not correct :-)

    Let me explain it: The Gibraltar Scenery of the new Aerosoft box will definetly be the same like the Gibraltar scenery sold at simmarket now. But the Balearic sceneries will definetly be different from the FS2002 + Free FS2004 patch. This free patch is made to enable the fs2002 customers to use the FS2002 scenery also in the new sim FS2004. The new Balearic scenery will be a 99 % new, enhanced and realistic scenery for the Baleares with rebuilt airports, coastlines etc.

    The release will be in March/April 2004. Screenshots of the new Ibiza will follow soon within the next three weeks.


  7. Hello,

    Our Gibraltar mesh is made with a LOD (Level of Detail) of 9. We used this LOD 9 to have proper framerates and to make the rock visible from far distances. When we use a LOD of 10 or 11 it will not improve the shape of the rock, but it will cause a lower range of visibility.

    Other meshes often use LOD 10 (or sometimes 11, but 11 cannot be used without a change in the fs9.cfg, it will by default only be visible like a LOD 10). The main problem is, that a higher LOD mesh is displayed, even when the other scenery is on a higher layer. For instance: You have LXGB on a higher level than the Lago mesh, the FS will display the mesh with the higher LOD level. (Lago in this case). Some mesh authors use this feature to surpress other meshes. The only solution could be to resample our Gibraltar mesh in a higher LOD (10 or 11). I´ll try to make this, but it will definetly cause a lower visibility range. I´ll post it here, when I´ve made this new mesh to test it.


  8. HI,

    we just discovered: when you install the western AND the eastern part for FS2002, that the installer creates double entries in the scenery.cfg file. Please remove every double entry of the canary airports in your scenery library of FS2002. Than open the FS2002 scenery.cfg and remove ALL Exclude lines set for the canary airports. (These lines are only needed for FS2004) We hope that Aerosoft (made the install) will fix it soon.


  9. HI,

    we discovered that there is a bug in the fs2002 installation of Aerosoft.

    (Also used for the simmarket versions). Please remove every double entry in the scenery library of fs2002 (at "WORLD"). After that please remove every exclude line of a canary airport in the scenery.cfg

    Sorry for those probs. The last beta installer I tested didn´t cause this problems.

    We hope t fix it soon in the installer.


  10. HI,

    to install the landclass: Please create a directory at fs9/Addon scenery and name it "MalagaLC" for instance. Than create a new directory "scenery" under this new directory. Install the landclass files here!. Make sure that you don´t have a empty "texture" directory beside your "scenery" directory where you installed the landclass. This will hit the framerate in FS2004.


  11. HI,

    I just made a testflight with the B737 of Fs2002. I started at GCLP at RWY 30 L and flew over the harbour of Las Palmas. Than I turned back to 210 °and passed the airport. After some miles I turned again to 30° and land at RWY 30 L. Everything without any problem or crash. Maybe there´s something wrong with your install or you have something else active for the area of GCLP? Please check if you removed the old landclasses of the canary island before you installed the new sceneries.


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