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Posts posted by Thorsten

  1. HI,

    fleas red the answer at the the tread above: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.p84aa6b51a1

    I´m sorry but I dont have this problem of showing the wrong runway directions (see screenshots). But as I saw you made a complete new reinstall of the fs2002 and installed just the FS2002 version of Ibiza and the error is still present?

    Did you also install the latest NAv data from the Internet for your PSS Airbus?


    BTW: Wo steht denn der Rechner. Wenns hier in der nähe ist würd ichs mir glatt mal ansehen wollen.

  2. HI,

    I just made some investigations and deinstalled/installed the Ibiza and Formentera Scenery for FS2002. I did not discover any fault in the gauges of my PSs A320 (as I dont have the 767 PIC and someone else is complaining about the same malfunction with the PSS).

    I cannot see any error. I installed the Ibiza and Formentera - FS2002.exe

    and everything works fine. Just have a look at the screenshots: The PSS A320 showing an ILS Approach (Freq. 109.50, Cours 243°) at Ibiza Runway 24. The other picture shows an flightplan (showing an Take Off form 24 and a heading to a Waypoint NINOT). The direction of the runway is 100% OK. Maybe the problem you have is caused by: a wrong navdatabase, - a second traffic addon - another addon causing the problems.

    Please try to find it out with temporaraly deactivating ANY other addon in the scenery libraray (NOT the default ones) exept "IbizaScenery", "IbizaPhotoScenery" and "IBIZA-AFCAD".

    I´m sure that the error will be gone.

    Or check that the "IBIZA-AFCAD" entry in the scenery libraray is at the position following "Default Scenery" at the bottom of the scenery libraray.

    I´m sorry that I´m not able to solve the problem, but as long as I annot see it at my PC I cannot change any datas.

    Please report if any of these things works.


    (PS: I remeber that at the first beta-tests we had the same problem with the PMDG737, but it was definetly caused by the Navdata!)

  3. HI,

    I´m searching to solve this problem. One question: Did you use the latetst Navdata for the PIC? I remember that formely there was a fault in the Navdatas for Ibiza. But when ou have this offset at EVERY Airport whe Ibiza is installed it must be something different :-(

    Hope to solve it soon


  4. HI,

    of course we´ll (sometimes) make a redevelopment of our Gibraltar scenery. But I think it will last until the next FS. I know that there were some changes at the airport, but there a contantly changes at every airport and it´s to much work for us to redesign our sceneries "in real time" :-)

    Also it´s too much work for us to redesign a finished scenery to make it compatible with third party add ons like the Spain VFR. Next time we´ll keep in mind to make it compatible (anyway its much more easier for Spain VFR to correct their photoground than for us to move hundreds of objects), or better: We´ll make our own photoground for Gibraltar in a better Quality and resolution. But for this I need a actual groundphoto with

    a resolution of min. 1m/pixel for entire Gibraltar (and the royalties to use it).


  5. HI,

    we did not use the custom Hotels at playa de Palma to get a good performance and to be able to encrease the details at the near airport.

    So we decided to use these autogen buildings on our photo ground.

    I dont think (and suggest) that there is any solution to mix mallorca2005, mallorca2002 and Tony´s Baleares together.


  6. HI,

    I dont really understand the mesh problem, but let me point out the following: As default we use a mesh of LOD9. This LOD (Level of Detail) matches more or less exactly to the SRTM database we used for the balearic Islands. And the mountains are visible from far away. Some authors (free or payware desnt matter) use the same SRTM data but they compiled it with LOD10 or 11. This does not make sense, because it wont enhance the visible mountains, it will only increase the amount of data and the terrain has a lower visibility. Why did they do it? They did it to make their own mesh visible even when you place a scenery with a higher library layer over these meshes. Will mean: When you have a LOD11 Terramesh addon and you use a LOD9 (like our default) for the same area the terramesh is still visible. Thefore you must use our mesh LOD11. Than Terramesh is surpressed and our mesh is visible. But take care to only use on LOD at the same time.


  7. HI,

    onesmore: The Installer for FS2002 of Ibiza is a different file than the Installer for FS2004. But I´m still interested where the FS2004 installer came from to check if they forgot to deliver the FS2002 installer.

    The PSS -FMS problem could be caused by AFCAD2 files that where installed in FS2002. If you can send me a list of the installed /Madrid/scenery and Ibiza/scenery files I can check it out if it´s

    the wrong simulator version.

  8. Hallo, wäre schön, wenn ich auf meine mail auch ein Feedback bekomme, ob es an dem gelegen hat, was ich geschrieben habe. daher hier nochmals in Kopie:

    was ich so sehen kann: Es ist noch die alte ibiza2002 und Menorca 2002 version installiert. die müssen vorher komplett entfernt werden, bevor die neuen installiert werden. Ansonsten: Bitte mal OLBIA deaktivieren. Damit gibt es auch in Madrid die größten probleme (fehlerhaftes mesh), vielleicht stört sich auch auf den Balearen etwas.

    Ansonsten: Es sind jede Menge Addons vorhanden, ich weiss aber gerade auch nicht die maximal mögliche Anzahl. Noch was: Beim Installieren, vorallem bei Ibiza, auch darauf achten den richtigen Installer FS2002 zu benutzen!

    Anmerkung: Der Installer für Ibiza2005 im FS2002 kann gar keine falschen Dateien installieren, da er exclusiv für den FS2002 ist und es für den FS2004 einen anderen Installer gibt. Ich vermute das der Fehler hier wirklich in der Koexistens von alter und neuer Scenery (vorallem mit den AFD files) liegt.


  9. Hi,

    mal ne Frage: Warum überhaupt auf diese 'Flughafenauswahl-addon-scenery suchen' zurückgreifen? Man kann doch einfach oben den 4-letter code, also z.B. LEIB für Ibiza oder LEMH für Menorca eingeben und alles funzt. Wir haben extra keinen eigenen AFD Eintrag für dieses 'Flughafenauswahl-addon-scenery suchen' ding gemacht. (Ist auch im Handbuch beschrieben). Früher war es so üblich, weil noch nicht alle Airports in der Standardliste des FS vorhanden waren.

    Aber vielleicht hab ich auch gerade nen denkfehler und das Problem gar nicht verstanden?


  10. HI,

    maybe it would be a nice idea to make some new or arabic airports, but it´s not easy.

    At first it´s far away and we have to invest a lot of time and money to travell to the airports to be able to built them.

    At second it seems to be very complicate for us to get a permission to take photos for textures at such airports due to the high security laws.

    This is why we (at this time) only built local airports in Europe. Sorry for this.


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