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Posts posted by Thorsten

  1. Hello,

    the suggestions below are for the Eastern/Western Canary Islands (download) or the new CD-ROM Box "Canary Islands". Please report if you use another scenery of GCLP (the fs2002 single GCLP with update for instance):

    It seems that something went wrong during the install. Please rename the following default files to *.off (or cut them to somewhere outside the FS):

    FS2002: FS2002/scenedb/easthem/sahara/HYP520244.bgl, HYP520240.bgl, FLT520244.bgl and FLT520240.bgl

    FS2004: Flight simulator/scenery/Africa/scenery/HP944210.bgl, HP943210.bgl, HP943220.bgl, HP944220.bgl, FL944210.bgl, FL943210.bgl, FL943220.bgl

    Normaly these files are automatically renamed during the install/uninstall.


  2. Hello,

    it seems that something went wrong during the install. Please rename the following default files to *.off (or cut them to somewhere outside the FS):

    FS2002: FS2002/scenedb/easthem/sahara/HYP520244.bgl, HYP520240.bgl, FLT520244.bgl and FLT520240.bgl

    FS2004: Flight simulator/scenery/Africa/scenery/HP944210.bgl, HP943210.bgl, HP943220.bgl, HP944220.bgl, FL944210.bgl, FL943210.bgl, FL943220.bgl

    Normaly these files are automatically renamed during the install/uninstall.


  3. Hello,

    sorry. For Ibiza we cannot make a "discount update price". The scenery is 99% new and not an enhancement of the previous scenery. Also we had to pay the spanish "Ministerio" which provided us with the aerial pictures.

    We tried to offer a fair price (the same like the old Ibiza).

    Customer who orderd the "old" Ibiza during the last 12 weeks (since 1st of August 2003) will receive a free update! (I´ll send them a mail)

    We made free updates since the FS2000 version, but such a huge ammount of work cannot be done for an update price. But when you own the "islas Baleares" CD-Box: I think Aerosoft will offer a reduced price for the new CD box "Balearen + Gibraltar" when you send them the CD-Rom.

    But this can only be done because this "send in" method cuts the costs for the distributors and stores.


  4. Hi,

    I´m using a 3.06 Dell with 800MHZ bus and ATI Radeon 9800. With this system I make and test the sceneries. At Madrid (The new coming version) I had with 100% AI and no static aircrafts and the PSS330 framerates that went down to minimo 12 (when taxiing to the terminal and a lot of buildings ar inside the view. All set to max and 3 D clouds. When approching it is between 15 and 30, depending where I am. I think that this is really a good performance for such a huge airport with Ai traffic etc. Allways above 20? I dont think it´s possible at this time with such a hub airport like madrid. Too much to render: The cockpit and gauges, the buildings, the weather etc. Anyway: Wait a few days for the update. it will really improve the performance!

  5. HI,

    good news for you all: At our website you can download a small patch

    to fix the problem with third party meshes. (http://www.sim-wings.de at the downloads)

    I tried it with Lago´s Terramesh, Taburets SRTM mesh and the brandnew MyWorld´s 01 Spain mesh. If you use other meshes I don´t own, please try the "SRTM" patch first. If this doesn´t help try the Lago patch (and if this doesnt help: please report)


  6. HI,

    yepp. It´s hard to find because MS placed it outside the FS9 (somewhere at "My Documents/Microsoft/FS9 (I dont know exactly cause I use a german XP version). And: The search engine of the file explorer wont show it! very tricky done by MS!.

    BUT ANYWAY: Forgett about it, I made some tests on my PC and it had no influence. But I´m quite sure that we have found the (memory!) problem.

    We hope to fix it very soon. The work is in progress and we´ll finally test it tomorrow or the day after.


  7. HI,

    can you please check the following:

    Open your fs9.cfg file and search for the entry:


    Please report the number and set it back to 19 if its not 19

    and try again with Madrid

    Maybe another Addon made changes to your fs9.cfg file.

    Please report if this solves the problem if the entry was different (higher) than 19.


  8. HI,

    I cannot see something in your cfg file that may conflict with our scenery.

    Do you use a special Landclass file for Spain or Europe?

    (FS2004 seems to be very sensitive about "missing landclass textures",

    it will definetly crash if it canot find an assigned landclass textur file!!)

    Did you ever install a freeware airport of Madrid? (sometimes those sceneries will copy files to default directories that weren´t removed during the deinstall)


  9. Hi Michiel,

    the problem you see on the screenshot is caused by the "Canary VFR mesh", not by our mesh. The height of the airport is exactly the default one. I suggest to try the following:

    rename all *.BGL files in your Canary VFR/LaPalma/scenery directory that have a number in their name (like LaPalma_3.bgl, LaPalma_9.bgl etc...) to *.OFF or move them to a backup directory outside the FS9 or Fs2002.

    What will happen: You removed the Canary VFR mesh (but only the height information, not the phototexture) and the FS will use our mesh that should fit perfectly to the VFR photos AND to our airports.

    BTW: The problem on the screenshot should look the same with the default airport without using our airports.


  10. Hi Mark,

    the next CD-Box called "Spain" will contain the following airports:

    -Madrid Barajas



    -Jerez de la Frontera






    that means that we have the new one (the first four listed) combined

    with the airports of the "Spanish Airports" in one Box.


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