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Posts posted by tinman

  1. yes Dillingham, but no, not the one created by Bill Womack . i was referring to the realy Dillingham field on the north shore in HI. they have a glider place there. Me and a friend of mine did a glider flight for about 30 min. it was a blast, lots of good pictures. I surprised how much noise there was. gliders are not as quite as I had though.

  2. Wow that looks line fun Timbo, don't think I could do it.

    I also was gone for a long time and receintly started "flyng" again. Gary was very helpfuly getting me going again. I don't have my skills back to do MP yet, but I hope to soon. I have both FSX and FS9 loaded, but spend most of my time n FS9 becasue of emma, Diamond Point and a few others.

    Good to see someone else around here.

    Mark "Tinman" Hansen

  3. That's interesting Gary. And they even modeled the real airfield the way it's is in FS!!! That's quite a tribute to our hobby!! :razz: It would be neat to see those places for real. I have a sister living up there, but I don't get up at all.

    I did some research on Diamond Point a while back. I remember something about being a quarantine station.

    I'd like to see Diamond Point and Ranger creek, they both look interesting.

  4. Well getting back n the saddle or should I say cockpit is going well - and lots of fun! I can land without damage 9 out of 10 times with the C-130, 3 out of 5 with the helicopter on an oil rig (Corpus Christie). I got Emma and Diamond Point up and running. I'm learning how to fly the HH 53 pave low and UH 60 helicopters. I built a collective stick for my throttle to help fly helos, which helps.

    Found my books with the instructions for the stuff I had way back. that's some good news and some bad.

    I have the instructions for the 84 Charlie Knoxville Cessna 177 from flight one but no reg numbers documented... same for the Piper Seneca V from FSD. I had forgotten how realistic looking those planes were.

    I did found my instructions and reg number for Geo Render 1 Ranger creek and flying M. I remember going into Ranger Creek but don't remember flying M.

    Also found reg number and instructions on Geo render 4 Darrington. I went into the default today and (of course) it's not the same. That's a nice pop over the mountains from Emma and Diamond Point. Can anyone point me in the right directions for Ranger creek and Darrington.

    I found my instructions on Bryce Canyon (GR2) but I don't remember going there, I don't think that's worth putting back in. I don't fly around there Salt Lake.

    I've been doing lots of practice with the C-130 and making approaches to lots of places. I still have a hard time without an ILS... but I'm getting, but that's the fun of it, right?

    I want to thank Gary and all for all the help and advise getting things up and going. It's been great getting back into the virtual sky. Its both relaxing and challenging at the same time.


  5. Thanks for the help Gary. I got things back and operational. I'm still doing tweaks on the joystick holders. I got some plans for a 'cockpit" using PVC pipe and mainly got it for ideas for a colective when fly helios. I'm getting better and may try MP soon.

    Thanks for the help.


  6. AHH looking in the wrong location, thought it was under program files. thanks. (I'm on Xp 32 bit) I haven't had a chance to look at it tonight, I've been programming Excel for work and waiting for our son to Skype from Afgan.

    If I understood you correctly, I shouldn't have a key set to the same thing I have a joy stick button. I did that with flaps. I set flaps down to "L" and set a joy stick button to fire off "L" when I hit it. I have a thrustmaster Hotas cougar joystick and throttle and CH rudder pedals. The cougar is controled/programmed by the T.A.R.G.E.T GUI software and I was using that to assign key strokes for the many buttons the Cougar has. Can I do that?

  7. A not so funny thing happened last night, my rudder pedals got somehow connected to the throttle. I was changing some keyboard mapping on the second keyboard. I have two keyboards connected to my PC, one for regular typing and one with labels for flight operations (auto pilot, flaps etc.) when I went into the sim to test them out (I set them pretty much one at a time) the throttle when up half way. I didn't understand it at first them I hit the rudder pedal and the throttle when up.

    I've been trying out different mappings over the last couple days and all was well until last night.

    I tried the following which didn't help.

    --Disconnect and reconnect the rudder and extra keyboard, both together and separate.

    --Re-booting the PC

    --REsetting the default key settings inside the assignments window. ( thought I mapped something to the throttle action, but I didn't - reset to the default anyway and nothing)

    I-- did a few internet searches and they talked about a FS9.Cfg file. I don't have that, I have a FS2004.cfg file and a 2000.cfg file. the searches also said the config files can be deleted and they will be recreated when you restart FS9. True???

    --I tried calibrating and that didn't work.

    Any other ideas?

    Gary, I haven't download the extra Emma files yet, thanks for posting.


  8. Thanks Gary!

    Yes it was, I got a kick out of the approach, my son was telling me "this line" (pointing at the glide slope) basically tells you how to use the collective. If itsl low, pull up on the collective, if its high, push down. I thought it was some sort of different flight director, but that's how it is anyway. As expected, the instrument panel is more complex that any sim.

    I'm in a conference this week, so time is a little tight. I'm still looking for some of my binders that had the documentation for some of those fields... and hopefully, some reg numbers. I'll let you know if I can find anything.

    I also have plans for building stands for the throttle and stick to make it easier to get into it. I'm scrounging up a extra keyboard to label the keys for common actions. should make it easier to remember the flight keys.


  9. Thanks Gary, Darrington and Ranger creek sounds familiar, I'll have to pull out some old books to see if I can find any paperwork on it. I downloaded the free ware stuff, I'll get it loaded soon. I don't remember those names.

    I got a Virtavia black hawk (UH 60) and MH 53J and enjoy flying them. My son flies Blackhawks for the US Army and I have always like all versions the CH 53. That is a beast of a helicopter!

    On a side note, I went to my son's graduation where he got his wings and he took me in a Blackhawk simulator... it was GREAT!!!. I got it to hover and we flew some approaches. He had to help me with some of the instruments, but I (well, we) were able to navigate from one field to another and when we popped out of the cloud cover, there was the runway. I was also able to fly up and hover in front of the top of the tower, something he said was hard because we didn't have ground effect to help with stability???? Man that was fun.

    Hope the Diamond Point folks don't mind me keeping moving in with a MH 53. and I hope Fritz doesn't mind me going into Emma with the 53. I land it on the far side of the field, by the hanger so I don't make too much of a mess. :-)

    Thanks for the links!!


  10. Thanks again Gary, I got Diamond Point loaded and its just like I remember, hard to get a C-130 in there, but easy for a 172. I love it!!! That just the right distance for a quick flight from Emma or KPWT. It’s good to see all the familiar places. I'm still looking around my e-mails, I remember some other pay scenery I had, but don't remember the names. I don't remember going there much, not as fun as Emma and Diamond Point and KPWT, so I guess it doesn't matter much. (Couldn't imagine the folks at Diamond Point would like a to see a C-130 on approach :-).

    Can you think of another stuff in that area I may be interested in?

    I hope to get on MP soon, I need to get more of my flying skills back so I don't embarrass myself too much.

    Thanks again


  11. lol Gary That's cute.

    Things have quited down a bit after the holidays... I've gotten some flying under my belt. I have both FSX and FS9 up and going, but I seem to like FS9 better.. maybe it's because I like ending at Emma. I've been getting practice with the C-130 and like it because it's fast from here to there, but can land in the small spaces.

    I'm still working on getting the Thrustmaster Cougar programmed. it seems like they have come out with some new software to program it, which is nice, but I'm mixing up flying and programming to get it the way I want it.

    I still miss some of my old GeoRender stuff. I found e-mails with reg numbers for GEORENDER3 and FSUIPC 3. I haven't put in FSUIPC 3 yet, I forgot what that did... but I did find a download for it.

    I can't find Georender 3, I think that was Diamond Point, which is north of Emma, as I recall. That place had opening garage doors. Any idea if there is a download for it. The email is from LagoSim.com so I guess that where the reg number is from.

    What is FSUIPC for. Should I look into getting that going?

    Not that my flying PC is back on the wireless network, I hope to try some MP soon. I also want to try Team Speak, I still haven't tested it with a real person yet.

    Hope the holidays went wll for everyone out there.

    Mark (Tinman) Hansen

  12. Gary, thanks again for your help... I've been flying around Emma for about an hour and its great to be back. The sounds bring back some memories and Brementon looks great! After I get the hang of flying again, I'll try to include others with MP.

    I found some FSX patches for my C-130 and I'm able to fly it.

    Thanks again, it good to see the people at Emma are still flying the friendly skies. Hope to catch you on a MP sessions soon.

    Still getting my feet wet again.

    Mark (Tinman) Hansen


  13. WOW Thanks Gary, my two favorite virtual places... Its a perfect flight sim weekend here in San Antonio (cold and rainy) and I've been having a blast with my grand kids. When things quite down I'll get these files and let you know how it goes. I love getting FS9 back into shape.

  14. Thanks Gary

    My e-mail for Emma says its for Emma Field Field 2004 and its from LagoSim.com - its dated 10/05/06

    I searched for Lego.com and Sim Market for Emma and didn't find anything.

    Am I out of luck for getting Emma installed in FS9?

    I did some research late last night and got TeamSpeak 3 going, but didn't talk with anyone yet.

    I was able to redown and install the Capt Sim C-130 in FS9 but couldn't transfer it over to FSX, so I got it for FSX. After installation, it didn't run and shut down FSX. I think that may be a hardware issue with memory, I was tired and ended it there. More checking on that today.

  15. I found my e-mail with me Emma registration number, but I can't find a site to download it. Did Lago really go away and/or go into another site?

    How can I get Emma. As I recall and from what I have read recently, the original Emma was for 2004 with a patch for FS9. I can't recall if I got the patch, although it was working in FS9. Do I need the upgrade to reference the files by FSX?

    I also found my Capt Sim C-130 and got it downloaded along with NYC. I haven't installed them yet. I plan on putting them into FS9 first to make sure they work, and then reference the files from FSX, if I can do that. Is that a good direction for FSX? I'm sure I'll need help with that. I noticed there is a FSX version of the C-130, and I bet there isn't a upgrade, but rather a full version, because it's a different plane.

    I'm currently looking for other reg numbers for places like Diamond Point, that's a nice place as I recall, and georender 3. As I recall those are close to Emma and a nice short flight.

    I also remember a great upgrade for Bremerton (KPWT) that had a great hanger that when you tuned to a radio freq, the hanger door opened up. It was a great base of operation for the light plane and the C-130. I seem to remember it was free too!... anyone heard of it?

    Oh yea, I tried FSX mulitplayer and couldn't get past square one. What's with the game spy servers? do I have to go throgh them to get to the Emma Servers? I'll be hitting up some you tube tutorials to see what I can do?

    Thanks for any help

    Mark (Tinman) Hansen


  16. Thanks for the response gary. I see I can't find many of my add on, Emma being one of them... Also diamond point and the C-130 from Capt Sim. I checked my e-mail and have many of the reg numbers saved there, so that will help. When the dust settles from the holidays, I'll be looking for getting things back to where they were. Until then, I'll be steeling some time to get my skills back flying and learn the new commands of FSX.

  17. This is Tinman (Mark Hansen) from San Antonio Texas. I used to be a regular here and a regular flight simmer but put it down for a while and now I'm starting it back.

    I was happy to see Emma field forum is stull up and running. I don't have Emma field now, I'm still working on getting my PC up on the FS stuff. I venture to say I will never get it where it was but Emma is a high priority.

    I have FS9 and FSX both installed (FSX is very new to me so I'm trying to remember my FS9 stuff and get FSX going. Interesting.

    I gather from my reading over the last few days, Emma won't work in FSX. I expected as much, but If I figure out how to put Scenery in FSX, can I at least see Emma - even if the features and sound won't work?

    I don't have any of my Add in files (planes, scenery etc) so it will take a while to rebuild them and get my fav back.

    I read something about a new location for the forumn and registration. Can I get a status on that?

    I'm still trying to get up on things, so if I seem a bit slow, its because I am. I hope to get up to speed soon... even though I like flying the slower bush planes.

    Mark (Tinman) Hansen


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