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Posts posted by tinman

  1. Some one asked if you can use autopilot. yes, you can use autopilot.

    I will be setting assigned arrival times this weekend. pby5a asked for a later arrival time. Does anyone else have a preference?

    They won't be set in stone, no reason to, until a few hours before the event. I just don't want to spread them out too far. Its more fun to be flying together anyway. So far 11 people have signed up. Here are the people that threw their hats into the ring (or up in the air):

    Skinny Puppy











    So at 5 min spacing between arrival times we are talking about 55 min or so. They can be closer if you want to compress it, but I wanted to stay away from one person late and one early and they get in each others way on aprroach.

    If you interested, I got the idea for this event from a artical about the big annual fly-in in Wisconsin a long while back. They said they assigned arrival times a bit to space out the many pilots arriving for the fun.

    I thought that would be a fun challenge.

  2. That seems like a good idea. I submit not to make the hops too long, sometimes I only have 45 min or so to fly each night.

    You indicated that the hops are pilot specific. Is this true? If someone picks up a hop, can others use that same hop?

    If I understand it correctly, is will be a established route from Emma going to various places then back to Emma? Is that correct?

    Certiantly something to look into.

  3. That's why fixed wing is required. You can slow down to correct for a early arrival, what you can't do is make a 360, or zig-zag, or go into a holding pattern over Emma until your arrival time. That's why I mentioned a miss approach prior to arrival time, those will be looked at to see if the purpose was to stretch your arrival time. Pilots should make the most direct approach to the active runway.

    I can't think of every eventuality, we just need to keep the intent of the event in mind...

    1. Have fun

    2. Plan a take off time and airport taking into account winds to arrive at Emma at an assigned time. (Winds will be set through FS host)

    Tie breakers...

    As the second objective to this fly in is to arrive at Emma at an assigned time (the first objective is to have fun) and the third objective was the flight over I hour, in the event of a tie with points, the following will be use to break a tie.

    All pilots with the same lowest score will be put in order based on closest to their arrival time, providing they flew over 60 min.

  4. "Is this to reward those pilots who arrive on time after a longer flight because that is theoretically more difficult? "

    Yes, this is correct. A little extra credit for a longer flight. I wanted to give a extra qualifier in addition to arrival time to help with tie breakers.

    As I set this up, I saw everybody nailing their arrival time, and getting the same amount of points. Normally, that would be great, but with a tangible prize, I wanted to try to get another criteria...

    Same for the major points for arriving early... I didn't want disqualify for arriving under 60 min - you will still be in the running. But one of the major points is to have a 60 min flight, but if you had practiced a 63 min flight without winds, I didn't want the winds put you under a min or two under time and your out.

    I've been thinking what would be fair to break ties in points... I'll post that when I figure what is fair.

  5. You will miss lots of fun not being on team speak, but I think that it will be ok. I'll try to get the weather and time hacks out on the chat window also. If I forget, please let me know.

    Remember flights should be OVER 60 min. there is are points assigned for being under 60 min. (That's bad, less points is better). disqualified for under 45 min. As a reminder, here are the points assigned for just the flight time.

    Flight time points

    45 – 50 min flight time 20 points

    50 – 55 min flight time 10 points

    55 – 60 min flight time 5 points

    60 - 65 mins – zero points.

    65 – 70 min minus 1 point.

    70 – 75 min minus 2 points.

    75 - 80 min minus 3 points.

    80 – 85 min minus 4 points.

    85 – 90 min minus 5 points.

  6. Is it safe to assume that the active runway will not be known until the day of the event?

    Yes, it is save to assume you will not know the active runway until the day of the event. The active runway will be based on the winds.

    Review the intent of the pattern... if the RW is 36 and you come in from the south, its basically a straight in approach, if the RW is 18 and approaching from the south, you can go down wind, base and final one time. V/V for approaching from the north

    The aircraft used, must be allowed to land at EMMA. Not what can land at Emma but what is allowed to land. I've been landing my Capt Sim C-130 at Emma, but I'm sure if Fritz saw me, I would in trouble and that wouldn't be allowed during the event.

    Its not too late to sign up, I have you down PBY5A and moore1018.

    Pby5a, the landing times are the key to the whole thing... I can give you a 2000 landing time so you can take off at 1900 and fly for an hour. If more sign up, I can push you back a bit more.

    Does anybody have a perfered landing time?

    All pilots will be requested to post intended take off times and airport when the landing times are assigned. Also note, the path is a "near straight line", but if you are planning to from Nav aid (VOR / NDB) please state that in your intentions, (that would be allowed).

    This is going to be so KEWL!!!

    At all times, remember rule #1 !!!

  7. Glad you got your system up and running... Here is the list as of today. Did I miss anyone? Assigned landing times will be out next week.

    Skinny Puppy









    Any one want to sign up to be a photographer? I figure I'll be busy with the timings.

    Remember, we will be using team speak, make sure your team speak works.

    Can't wait, this is going to be fun!!!

  8. I love flying helicopters around Emma, the low and slow allows for some great sight seeing. But for this event, it will be limited to fixed wind. As the second objective is to plan a landing time, it wouldn't be fair for the rest for the helo pilot to make an approach at 5-10 kts to stretch out to the assigned landing time.

    The photographer is a great idea, I will be busy marking landings to snap any shots.

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