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Posts posted by tinman

  1. I'm no expert, I run 2 19-inch flat panels...

    Re #1 I saw no difference when I started flying on the flat panels.

    Re #2 - I can't tell, BUT I was told by a salesman trying to sell me a 3D add on and the glasses, that a flat panel didn't have the refresh rates to switch back and forth (for each eye) like a CRT does. So I guess it doesn't refresh as fast... But I haven't tried it (I didn't buy the glasses based on his advice) I can't tell any difference.

    Re #3. I think it was better... but my CRT was SOOOOO old, I don't remember the dot pitch, but it did look like I put on a new pair of glasses.

    (personal option)

    I don't have any advice on which kind to get, my came with the PCs I ordered at the time.

    I'm sure others will have some good advice also.

  2. Looking for some help to set up a multiplayer contest for sometime mid January. Below is a DRAFT outline of the event. I would be great to get a few to tweak out the rules (a few heads are better than one) and I guess I’ll need an extra judge or two. the Official rules will come out after we meet to get it all together.


    1. Have fun!

    2. Plan a take off time and airspeed while taking into account winds to arrive at Emma at a specific time and altitude.

    Over view

    This multiplayer event is centered on being able to figure, take off time, distance, aircraft speed and wind speed to arrive at a certain (Emma) at a specific time.

    Participants will take off from an airport of their choosing and time of their choosing, to arrive at (or fly over) Emma field at a specific time. Then land at Emma to complete the course.

    Aircraft used

    Pilots can use the fixed wing A/C of their choice, providing it’s allowed to land at Emma.

    Weather. Real FS weather will be used unless Emma is socked in on event day and weather will be set.

    Flight length. Airport chosen for take off will allow a flight of at least 1 hour in a near straight path to Emma. No 360’s allowed adjusting arrival time. All flights will be done on the multiplayer session.

    Voice – Emma Team speak channel will be used by all pilots.


    Pilots will be assigned a crossing altitude to avoid collisions.

    Date: TBD probably mid January.

    The winner will be the person that flies directly over the Emma club house at the assigned altitude closest to a specific time and makes a successful landing on the correct runway at Emma (landing not timed).

    Judging. The judge will be at Emma positioned directly above the club house (in slew mode) in a “view from the top” view to watch pilots arrive over Emma. The person to fly directly under the judge at the correct altitude, nearest to the correct time will win.

    Point system…

    -- One point for each 30 seconds for arriving before or after specific time.

    -- One point for each 100 feet elevation off assigned altitude above or below at arrival time.

    -- One minus point for each 5 minutes flight time over one hour (max -5 points).

    Pilot with the least points wins!!!

    The winner will receive a Flight Crew Checklist book with 25 plastic pages and metal rings to hold to all together. This book is great for holding checklists from your favorite planes, approach plates for your favorite field. The Keys commands to those little used FS commands, the IP addresses for your MP servers and anything else you need close at had when you fly. Each page measures 5 inches wide and eight inches high (but the pages should be just short of that to fit nicely in to the sleeve). The front and back cover are blue with a spot on the front to hold your name. Great addition to your flying desk!!

    The main objective of this even is to have fun… but we can use a little extra brain power too. So pick an airport, get the winds, dust off the E6B and plan how long it will get to get to Emma. Have a great time flying there and see how close you are on the predicted time.!!!

  3. OK, so I can't count or read very well... But I downloaded the Trees_v3.zip file from Gerrish Gray and half way through installing, I noticed it was for FS2K and FS2k2... not FS 9.

    So, did I do a dumb thing. I did save the other tree files he said to delete, should I just put them back? or will the new trees_v3 work in FS 9?

    Thanks for any help.

    Mark (Tinman)

  4. Thanks for the help guys, now it looks GREAT!!! so much detail.

    I don't know where to set the TMVL. (what is a TMVL) But anyway, I love it. A great place to start a trip to Emma or Diamond Point. I love the way the hanger doors open when you change Freq. Great touch.

    Thanks agin!!

  5. CBris, thanks for the suggestion, I installed Dexterville and lake Cushman, they look really nice. I couldn't find Lillian.

    For EMMA I downloaded the helipad at the north end and the helipad in the middle (may be in the same file). I also have the, is it FBO.

    It all coming together, with everyone help. So far the lights is the only thing that caused any problems

  6. I read the file on the mesh and it said to change a setting, but I couldn't find it. I did some fiddling and took scenery in and out and it seems like the runway lights package is the culprit. When I leave in the mesh and take out the lights it works. Is the lights package too high?

    yea, I know Emma isn't supposed to have lights, but its nice to have the glide slope lights.

    Do you think a change in the lights package is in order?

  7. I read the file on the mesh and it said to change a setting, but I couldn't find it. I did some fiddling and took scenery in and out and it seems like the runway lights package is the culprit. When I leave in the mesh and take out the lights it works. Is the lights package too high?

    yea, I know Emma isn't supposed to have lights, but its nice to have the glide slope lights.

    Do you think a change in the lights package is in order?

  8. I love Diamond Point, its great the way the hanger doors open.

    I loaded Bremerton and noticed the name on the runway is half in the grass. The inactive runway has trees, I guess that's what happens when it gets abandon. Also noticed signs on the taxiway. I can't imagine it was build like that? I seems like everything is just shifted a bit Did I miss a setting?

  9. That sounds sounds good. Thanks

    I noticed in my Emma the runway seems to at a lightly higher level. When I taxi to the runway I bounce on and normally crash. When I taxi off I bounce down and if I go slow I make it.

    I loaded the lights package, the 30 M meter mesh and a few other stuff... is something conflicting with something else.

  10. Now that I'm Flying the Friendly Skies of Emma, (hope United Airlines doesn't get on to me for that) I want to look into some scenery for the area. Hopefully the free stuff first. I know lots of folks have created extra stuff for Emma and I have seen some mesh for the area out there as well.

    I haven't a clue on how to load the stuff and was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to read up on how to load scenery. I remember reading I had to do some stuff with FS Nav also, if there and airport in there.

    I don't have Scenery enhancer and I understand some of the files require that program loaded. I noticed some scenery come as a exe (I can do that OK, I put in NYC with the heliports and all) and some comes as a zip (lost).

    I saw some stuff on One Stop shop with lots of Emma stuff. Are they any recommendations out there as for a place to start, which scenery is good to load first? What things should I look for when loading scenery, some seems to need additional files, I assume I don't have those.

    Any help is appreciated.


    Mark (Tinman) Hansen

  11. Thanks for the info... I was able to get in and barged in on a MP and we flew down to Portland in bad weather.

    I was good to get up in the friendly skies again.

    Next I'll try to hook up Team speak and get the transmit button on my joystick. Does everyone do voice while they fly?

    Mark (Tinman) Hansen

  12. I've been out of flying for a while and trying to get back. I'm having problems with multiplayer.

    I think its my router (Linksys). I remember something about port forwarding and wondering if any body can help.

    What ports do I need to forward for FS9 and FS Nav.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Mark (Tinman) Hansen


  13. Great Video!!! I would love to e-mail you off line to see how you captured the screens.

    I have been "grounded" for about a year now working on many video editing projects for 2 marriages we had in the family. (and more to come). I would love to capture high quality screens from Power Point and use as AVI in Pinnacle. Mostly Animated screens with text that I can't do in Pinnacle.

    What video editing software do you use?


    Mark Hansen


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