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Posts posted by Ravenblack

  1. I'm ALIVE!!!!

    Yup...it's only been 4 years but I'm back. The Tiger Moth had trouble (that and I had "life" get in the way of simming!!!).

    I still can't fly, as I have no capable PC - but with EMMA X and FSX out there begging me, it looks like I'll be dusting off the Moth and carrying on the World tour.... I swore I'd complete it, and I will!

  2. I am going stir crazy! Too much has been happening in my life (Baby on the way now!) and I'm still hung up in the process of moving house!

    As soon as I have moved and settled in, I shall be getting a new PC and flying when ever I can!

    I've not been around sims much over the last....crikey....12 months or so. What are the latest 'must haves' that are around?

    Also...to get the ball rolling...When do we get FS2006 CoF+2.....?

    Missing you all!


    I miss EMMA and all its fliers as well!

    Canada turned into Farnborough (UK) - where I now work on the airfield on King Airs (90's and 200's) for various private owners and several air ambulances.

    After many PC failures, new jobs and planned house moves, flying went out of the window for a while. The Tiger Tour will be carrying on, but first I have to finish the house move (which includes actually finding and buying a house!!!) and then get a good PC (any suggestions as to whats best at the moment?).

    Hope you're all well. Miss you all.


  4. http://groups.msn.com/TigerTour/shoebox.msnw?Page=7

    Click the link to go to more pictures of the Big E.

    I can send you a 6000 pixcel wide (4,500k) image created from 3 x 6 megapixcel (interpolated) photos. I used a 10x optical zoom with ISO400 setting (hand held).

    The 4,500k picture is good for zooming in on and checking out the crew and aircraft.

    I also have a 500k mpeg of a huge car transporter ship passing by the Big E......and the Big E lives up to it's name!

  5. Far too long with no flying for me!

    My PC has been causing me troubles, but the light at the end of the tunnel is fast approaching...I just hope it's not a train!!!!

    I have several continents to catch up with on the Tiger Tour, and more importantly, many good flier friends!

    Whats beem happening in the last few months? I've been going stir crazy!

    I have a full reformat coming up, but first I shall be getting a new hard drive (probably a detachable USB one) to put all my fs9 files directly over too! Can you imagine (and I know a few unfortunate fliers out there who can) having to find all of your codes and passwords and serial numbers for all of your add ons......and THEN getting it all uploaded onto your PC again!

    Once upon a time flight sims were simple.....but now I don't even want to think about it!!!!

    Good to be partially back though guys!

    Meanwhile.....Canada as a new home for me in reality is looking good and moving forwards at tremendous speed - All the wife and I want to do at the moment is to get a trip out for a holiday (South West/Vancouver/Banff way) - and whilst we are holidaying we will look at some proerties and such!!! All very exciting!

    See you in the Vair!

    Other news - USS Nimitz is docked in Portsmouth (UK) and I have a fair few pictures if anyone is interested - All those aircraft we bomb around our virtual carriers in are up there on deck - including the wonderful F/A-18!

  6. Bridges would be scenery again anyway, so not a great one....and depending on your crash detection settings it would be impossible to judge!

    Any Monty-Python fans here?

    How about international aero hide and seek!!!!

    Seriously though...Spot landing? (Two judges, one at start of runway, the other parks up next to the position the first contestant rolls to a stop. Next pilot has a go...and if beaten, the second judge moves to the next shortest position...etc. Could be best of three....or each team player has a go, and 'nearest the pin' goes on to the next round?

  7. 3 things I can't live without in general....

    1. My wife (and our cats) - Together we can take on the world!

    2. Dreams - Lose your dreams and you'll lose your mind.

    3. Friends.

    In FS9...

    1.FSUIPC for it's versatility

    2.Active Cam (just for the head movement latency - really makes for a good flight experience)


    In the sim world...

    1.The people (On the forum, and most definately the Tiger Tourers)

    2.The forums (to give the above mentioned people the ability to join from around the globe)

    3.The Tiger Tour (Bringing the above two points together!)

  8. Boats are a bit tricky - as my Garwood has had many hours work on it to get it to be stable at 130 knots plus.... (Normal max is 28 I think!) - Although that would test peoples tuning abilities!

    Jeeps....well......different mesh and scenery could cause problems there.

    2 other events would make for a good Pentathalon - I just think the ground based stuff would be tricky due to mesh and scenery differences.

  9. I like the idea of a triathalon style.....

    Glider race or endurance - self explanatory

    Flat out circuit race - a la Schnieder

    Point to point (maybe with relay) - Zipping across rivers, through valleys etc form point to point.

    Set aircraft for each event (classed)

    Gert Bill's jeep and make a rally stage! (although if anyone wants to go up against my 135 knot tuned Garwood race boat, then feel free!)

  10. Depending when this happens, I might have become a Canadian Citizen!!!

    I think a point to point Schniederesque event would be a good idea - but with 'classed' seaplanes and flying boats. Since one country now owns the real trophy for being so damned good and winning it outright, I think it is about time we gave the rest of you the chance to win it back - the Schnemma trophy?

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