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Posts posted by Ravenblack

  1. I didn't see your cockpit open online....and your photo shows mine closed when I taxiid all the way around with it open...!

    Is that FSNav GPS in that side window (or do you have 2 monitors....how do you do 2 monitors?)

    Great stuff though....love the soeed it turns...and how when you change views to chase you get a BOOM as the 'plane goes past and settles into position!

    Active Cam is superb in it as well!

    Next test flight is Bills Apache though.....


  2. I saw it going through it's paces several times during Farnborough Airshow week. Although Flight Sim shows it tobe very VERY agile, you end up rubbing eyes in disbelief at he real thing - the bikes in TRON would have difficulty changing direction so fast and precisely!

    ...and the sound as at near stall, the pilot lights up twin afterburners and goes vertical.....from a start point less than 200ft away! (You could feel the heat!)

  3. :o :D

    That 737-400 was actually me, i was taking it for a test hover, and it was what you see a default 737-400 :lol:I flew it there and landed it before jumping into my Clipper. As Simon will also verify my little stunt in the PSS Vulcan. Honest Fritz Emma is still in one piece :oops: , .

    Bests Shaun :)

    EFC 130

    ....when in a Tigermoth I kept stalling try fly next to a 737!

  4. So I just had my first online session - the only thing that could make it better is if I had a few more of the regular aircraft in my hangar, so I can see you all in you're glory!

    Is there any way a 'hangar' could be put in the forum, or on EFFC home page? Maybe listing the favourites and regulars at Emma, and possibly a link as to where to get them from?

    Cheers to all online during my first time out - I don't think I winged anyone, although I think my undercarriage needs checking after 'only just' getting out of a low level loop....force feedback almost lept from my hands!


  5. That FS9 Emma will be ready in a couple of weeks. I shall wait until then - being a newbie - because it must be easier to install that as a working package, than it would be to do all the messing with the FS2002 version. If it was 2 months....I might think differently!

  6. Funny you should mention the Nimrod - I remember driving around the peri track at RAE Farnborough 'in my youth' and seeing the AEW3 parked up during flight test seesions - it was only a few feet from the fence.

    Any way...funny you should mention it along with the Comet - and as a success at that, because that is what I had just finished using as an example in my thesis! :lol:

    I think my next step is to get the full RAE hangar - from Varsity to DC3, from Buccaneer to Canberra - and even the Olympus test bed Vulcan.....may take a while!

  7. It started out as a basic 'change reg' number on an all yellow Tigermoth from Golden Eagles, and a non-web flight around the world...then the next thing you know Bill gives me silver wings...and I remember how I used to do nose art in CFS2....

    The support from Bill and Simon has been great - and to Nick Churchill who pointed me at EFFC.

    My next step ( a week ago I was a lone pilot!) is to try and get EMMA on my fs9, and then up rate a few PC bits then get online.

    EFFC seems like a great group of people - I look forward to future flights.

  8. ....and flying around the world in a Tigermoth - my first published re-skin - thanks to Simon Stansfield and Bill Lyons. I used to (still do) beat up with CFS3, and I was a demon in a Beaufighter at low altitude CFS2 stuff!

    I'm new to online flight (not done it..YET), but I have had a few submarine battles on line...hopefully I'll stay with my head above water now though....

    Learnt to flight sim on a ZX48k - 'Flight Simulator'...and then instruments on 'Night Flight' (Same game, but in black and white!)

    What items do you want? How frequently?

    I can't promise much for the first quarter (Busy sorting out a museum at Farnborough with my fathers 'stuff' - You would drool at the items I have to put in the museum...all totally original, and one offs! - Crash Reports and components from V bomers, early airliners etc...photos by the crate - bits of the first V2 - V1 timing gear, control columns from Canadian Beavers, endoscopes, cameras, 3d viewers from WW2 - including 3d images of the Dam raids taken from a pathfinder Mosi.....)

    As I said...I am enthusiastic!

  9. I'm going to get cold....but it can be done....

    This plan will get me across. It is the last 'hop' that will leave me with only 20lbs of fuel....so I'll have to be very wary of the weather...

    After this part, the rest is pretty easy. Head off down the East coast, back up the west....hop over the Straight into Russia, then I'm touring Asia down to (and including New Zealand) and back up through Africa, finally to the UK.....


  10. Fred Jones was my father.

    WOW!!.. :shock: :shock:

    Must be one hell of a Legacy to Live Up to!!

    My feet and stride size will never match his for his specialist field.

    As a hobby he shot 2.2 rifle and often beat the UK Gold medalist. He never took it seriously, as he had his job. Work is work, hobby is hobby.

    The main thing he taught me was, no matter if it is work or hobby, you have to do it right, or there's no point in doing it at all (hence his superb shooting - because that's what you're ment to do!).

    I never knew about some of the thingd he did - he kept it quiet (work is work), it is only through his friends and collegues that I am now finding out how out of the ordinary he was. A real eye opener. He was just Dad to me, but he became my hero and my father.

  11. Wreckage analyst who created most of the methods used today in crash investigation. Headed the team who created the endoscope, helped Mitchel fix the Spitfire (It was going to be stopped due to a control fault), investigated the first V2 components and warned the Ministry about the potential effects, investigated the Comet airliner crashes and the 1952 Dh110 Aircrash, helped sort out the potential project stopping fault with Concordes intakes, worked on the V-Bomber crashes and nuclear tests, came up with many innovative designs and procedures throughout to name a few of his credits. He worked with test pilots and designers (John Cunningham, Barnes Wallis, Peter Twiss, John Derry, Neville Duke, to name a few) - then wrote a book.

    The most impressive thing was that to him it was just a job - no fame, no credit, just do it. Certain countries would name a hospital of airfield after him, but this is the English civil service we are talking about! Whittle - Cockeral - all went by the way side and were overlooked.

    He passed away in 2003 and will be sorely missed.

    I am so damn proud of the guy, I could almost cry.


  12. Hi all -

    I have no idea what the Emma Field group is about - I have been recommended this place as a good contact area for my Around the World flight.

    I am undertaking the circumnavigation in 'Fox Mike' - the Tigermoth kindly adapted by Bill Lyons to represent an aircraft that holds fond memories of my father and myself. I am currently heading to the Northern shores of Scotland from Cosford (I started out in Farnborough). From here I will be heading to the Faroe Isles. When I get across the pond I was wondering if there are such things as fs9 fly ins? If so I would like to 'drop in' at some stage.

    So far, short VFR and ILR hops to 'break' her in.

    Farnborough - Goodwood - Popham - White Waltham - London Heathrow (at night :shock: with sweat!) - Kidlington - Cosford. Currently waiting for a break in my thesis before flying up to Stornoway and over to the Faroe Isles. From there on I have no plans - only to map it as I go along. I may well hop down the East Coast, tour Mexico, back up the West Coast and across to Russia via Berring Straight - Then I'll saunter down through to to India/Nepal etc and maybe down to the Cape/Oz/New Zealand, before heading back North to Europe and finally Farnborough. :wink:

    I have no doubts that it will be a long trip, but Fox-Mike means a lot to me, and It's just one of those things I feel must be done.

    I'll keep in touch. Any help about online flying would be appreciated, as I will be up for it when the time comes, but have never done it before (quick learner though).

    All the Best,

    Lucas Black

    AKA Ravenblack


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