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Posts posted by Ravenblack

  1. I'm with you on the 'enjoy' bit Don.

    If there is no progress by the end of April, then I might plump for the 2k2, but now we see screen shots...and I hear stuff (unconfirmed rumours and plenty of crap, but more of it is making sense!)- so I'll hold for a few more weeks yet.

    Lets go fly!

  2. All I'm saying is I'm not going to spend 20 odd quid on the old Emma, and then in a month or so, spend another 20 odd quid on an improved version.

    I have a basic strip - given via the Reconstruction pack on Simons shop.

    I am happy enough at present to not want to buy Emma 2k2. I am happy to wait for 2k4. Looking at screenies and stuff I think we aere down to 'it is coming' and not 'will it ever come!'.

    It's a matter of choice. I've not needed the full Emma since I joined. A simple strip does me...the fun is in the air! I will get the full Emma when it is eventually released - or I will get 2k2 if they say 2k4 isn't going to happen.

  3. some of us who have the previous emma field are still wondering why folk are waiting to get it. especially the newbies: what are you guys waiting for?

    the ONLY thing doesnt work in fs9 are the active modules. richardg has already supplied a work around for the textures in fs9 and one has to do some tweaking for the textures in for winter.

    i use emma field now constantly.

    Because I don't want to waste money. EMMA 2k4 is around the corner, and I don't have cash to blow on a 'almost there' package, when the real thing will be here for FS9 at any moment.

    Fair enough if you already have 2k2, or have the cash to blow - but at the moment, the world is big enough and entertaining enough for me to not get Emma. I fly with all the guys, no problems, so it's not really 100% required at the moment!

    PS - Hi Coop!

  4. Good on you Joe.

    If they had their own stuff, then maybe that could be a payware section.

    All the time there are free sites that link like flightsim and Avsim, then paying to download OTHER PEOPLES creations that are themselves freeware really isn't on.

  5. No probs....

    ...I kinda like calling ' WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!!!!' rather than calling up fsnav!

    'I'm over a mountain...ther's some snow and rocks...., a lake...or fjord....and a tree...nope....no tree or lakes, muck on the windsheild....it's just snow and rocks....'

    'Ah...Greenland then....'

  6. I like the option given by Flightsim.com, pay or don't - but if you pay it's easier.

    With so many places to down load, is it worth paying even the small amount of $5? Looking at the aircraft on offer, nearly all of them can be obtained on free to view sites.

    I suppose it is a users choice in the end :lol:

  7. Thanks Terry, that is very much appreciated.

    Yeah - Channels can be created (You have to register on the server first - but that's not a problem), and I have played with this. The only trouble with a player created channel is if the player gets disconnected, the channel has to be receated again - so in a flight, with a dodgy computer, or lots of fliers and a hard working server, the connection/channel may keep getting removed.

    Terry has kindly added a Tiger Channel, and as this has been done from his end, it means a permenant channel that won't be lost.

  8. Puma my man....do we not talk to you?

    Do we not say 'YAY!!! It is Puma - he has joined us on the tour?'

    Do we not all chat away?

    I am pretty new, but have chatted to most onliners at some point - Just say 'Hi - can I join you?'

    As for an airfield...Hush Yo Mouth Foo!!!! Emma might hear you!

    Good idea man, but give it a few weeks and you'll be right in the thick of it.

    We missed you when you stopped coming on the tour - I know you had PC probs, but the tour group did wonder where you had gone!

  9. FS9 can 'see' other aircraft when online.

    Some 'radar' nav progs use FS9's data, rather than going direct off of a server. This means the data that we already use on line is utilised, and not a second server connection.

    The information is taken in by fs9, as it is anyway, and THEN it goes to the nav map.

    Having FSNav connected ALL the time is a drain on the server - BUT connecting every few minutes is darn right unstable. It's like a car, or a PC....it takes more resources to start/connect each time, than it does to keep it going all the time. When I forst got it, I only ever turned on multiplayer view now and then, but never fully disconnected for this very reason.

    Now I am older and wiser (in effc terms) I try not to use it, unless it is for a short burst of ATC, or a role call start/end flight.

    I think ATC is a good idea....but hell....I'd rather be flying! On the tour, If some one was in trouble, then the nearest or most able person would connect to help out.

    I for one, and Timbo, are looking hard at a single 'radar' area.

    How about only 1 full time fsnav connection, but on a web site? That way we could view it in kneepad?

    The other option is the we use the data shown on the server status page to create a moving map.

    Now when Emma 2004 looked like it wasn't going to happen, there was an outcry as some people had 2k2 and didn't want to move base (I am happily waiting for Emma, and will stay!) - Now a new server is due soon - so maybe that will work better with fsnav?

    Maybe we could talk to fsnav about creating something - We are a pretty big club - it could be worth their while.

    EITHER WAY - Banning it all together is too drastic - as it is useful in moderation (when I was a newbie I was on it all the time - but I've grown out of it). Banning is not the answer - but education is....for now until an alternate is found.

    I want smooth, boot free sessions, but I would like the freedom to use fsnav, IF other people online don't mind at the time.

    Stef turned his off the other day on request - and Tip Top was unsure if he should use it, but there were only a few of us online, and I was happy for him to use it if he wanted.

    There - Maybe a little education and politeness for a while until we sort it all out.

    Jeez....sorry this went on! Lets get out and fly - and don't worry - We'll find a server friendly solution yet! Emma has been good to me (shucks - you guys!), and I want to do what I can to help!

  10. why do folk use fsnav in mp anyway??

    I continue to search for an alternative 'radar' system for online, as I find it very useful - although I also agree - it can be a pain in the butt! :cry:

    Several of us are looking for alternate 'world view' online user displays, as we want to keep the server running smooth. :D

    So far the best I have seen uses fs9s data to show where people are, rather than going on to the server and pulling data itself. This is still in beta test though:roll:

    I find it very useful to use as ATC on the tour. If someone is lost, I then go online with it to give bearings. Also I use it to share the route and see who's on the leg for a screen shot so I can remember later.

    Route sharing isn't such a problem now, as all the maps are on my tour site - so mainly I use it for a take off screen shot, midflight, and landing 0 so I can keep tally of people on my route (and not just on the server - which I can get in chat).

    In a 3 hour flight, I might flash up 4 or 5 times...less than a minute each time (Unless it is an emergency - like a talk down - then maybe 5 - 10 minutes).

    All of the things I use it for only take a moment, and then I turn it off again.

    What annoys me are the people who keep it online, or flash it on and of every couple of minutes - that causes some real server stutter.

  11. Can we make this a sticky! [*Maddy .. sure we can]

    Heli has had alsorts of problems, but his perceverance is so strong! Surely we can collectivly figure out his inability to stay online!

    With just myself and Pitt online Heli was lost 21 times....staying only long enough to post a :) when I posted my message I had in my cut and paste waiting (So I could post it quickly!!!).

    Do you have XP Heli? Can someone remote access and help? I have no idea, but his perceverance is so much I had to ask!!!

    Keep strong Heli!


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