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Posts posted by Ravenblack

  1. To be compared with the master is high praise indeed. If anyones not seen Ray in action check out this Vid made for the intro to a TV programme.

    Got a guy at work - an iL2-er

    He is a pretty good flyer, and isn't afraid to say it.....but when he saw your display he was visibly impressed.

    Thanks for that Chaders!

    Nicely executed 1/4 split roll going on there....and awesome break out at the end.

  2. Can I use multi monitors by running an AGP graphic card on one monitor, and a PCI card for the second?

    How easy is it to set up once done - what do I have to do?

    Is there a better option that doesn't involve me talking to shop assistance that are only working in that shop because they failed to get into uni.....(bad day today - was sold a vdu splitter that just duplicates the image! Was told it would do what I wanted...)

  3. I have ALL my landclass files placed into my BASE\scenery folder, no matter what product they are from.... that way you don't have to worry about anything. I would advise to do the same (i.e. also take the Landclass files out of the special \landclass folder and move it to BASE.

    I like to keep things simple and using just one method that works will help you understand and keep track... it does for me :wink:

    Cheers for that. Still....what do I have to change with the Scenery.cfg?

    Also - how do I know what is a landclass file if it isn't marked as _LC?

    Thanks for the support!

  4. I don't know if it is a software fault or what, but I lost aileron and elevator effectivity (were only moving slightly in external view). I managed to put Fox Mike down on throttle and rudder, but it wasn't good. 30 knot head winds and strom clouds with turbulence does not make for good emergency landing conditions.

    Headwind and problems meant I finished up at Glasgow, not Stornoway, but I had good company in Pittnuma and Scout. Teamspeak caused a few concerns, but hell...if it was easy it would be boring.



  5. Just follow Joe's recommendation and you'll be fine :D

    What do I put in the entry in the scenery.cfg?

    I only found the Cricket and the Packwood LC. The Cricket LC is in the cricket/scenery folder, so I have moved it into BASE.

    Packwoods LC though is in Packwood/Landclass, NOT Packwood/Scenery. Does this need anything doing to it, or has this one been modified before I downloaded it?

    Sorry to be so dim - but the scenery thing is black magic to me!

  6. I'll have to get mt head around it then.....not my strong point....

    I just downloaded Packwood.

    In the AddonScenery/Packwood folder there includes a Landclass folder, which has Packwood_LC.bgl in it. (It is not in the Packwood/Scenery folder, but in it's own Packwood/Landclass. Is this okay?

    You mention about changing the scenery CFG. What should be added or changed! Scenery is not my strong point!.

  7. Around the World....

    CosfordAB to Stornoway was a washout....33 knot headwind halved my range. (70kt IAS......)

    Thunder Storm take off with Matt hovering near by. Soon joined by Squadron Leader, who after braving the real world weather, headed over to Liverpool to land. Staying online with TS and Chat, I battled through the worse weather I could have for a first major leg - it chased me all the way. It would appear many EFFC fliers in Washington were in real weather, trying 'talk downs'. Not a good day for sight seeing....After replotting several times (due to greatly reduced range from head winds) I finally got in to EGNL to see the sun set over the ocean, just before visability was all but lost. Ah well....second part is planned for Stornoway...just wait for some good tail winds. I'll be over the big pond soon.....




  8. Several years ago there was some concern over why a Japanese fishing trawler had sunk. Some thought it was done deliberately for the insurance, as the crew’s tales made no sense. Apparently the front of the ship had suddenly become a red mist and a hole appeared from deck to hull – the thing sank pretty quickly!

    A few years later some cargo aviator who had heard this story whilst in Japan headed out to Russia. Whilst there, he heard tales of one crew’s misfortune whilst they were carrying livestock. A large cow had managed to get lose and was thrashing around in the cargo area. Having no means to calm the cow, the quick thinking loader pulled the lever to drop the tail ramp and door down. The cow was no longer a problem to the aircrew or aircraft.

    The Japanese fishing trawler below though…..well…..it was now their problem.

  9. From: INFO [mailto]

    Sent: sabato 10 gennaio 2004 20.45

    To: 'Lucas Black'

    Subject: RE: Per lo Staff

    Dear Sir,

    We still waiting for the last module that will enable all the virtual life into the airstrip. The new Active Scenery module should be ready in few weeks.

    With friendly greetings

    Daniel Ferrato

    Tech. Support Lead


    ü http://www.lagoonline.com

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  10. Memorial skins available from 'one stop shop!' (Free!)

    Got my head phones and mike now guys......and 1.5gig DDR Ram.....

    As for Simon (above - owner of the one stop shop....) - Well, the guy is a true gent and a hero! Helped me no end when I got the whole lot wrong with an install.

    Thanks again Simon!

  11. ...set reality to minimum... you can handle it, works for me...

    It runs okay...It just has gauges in the wrong place and sizes of various texture maps don't match. I uninstalled. I shall reinstall and try again....and take a picture to show if it happens again.

    I am now running 1.5 gig ddr ram and have bought a great usb headset and mike....

  12. P4 2.53Ghz (333mhz board speed)

    80Gig Drive

    128 NVIDIA Geforce Ti4200

    512 DDR Ram.

    450watt power supply

    I plan to go up to a new nVidia GeForce FX 5950 Ultra - 256 ddr with 950 MHz memory speed (http://www.novatech.co.uk/novatech/specLEA-FX595U) soon and boost ram to 1024ddr ram.

    Maybe re-chip to a 3 gig processor. Needs doing up - almost a year old!

    I have an old monitor (power cable to the pc - no plug of it's own) that works with new pc's.

    I see you have a yoke - is it force feedback?

  13. be used in anyway? Maybe as the chat window?

    Also, what do I need to do to attach a second monitor to my PC?

    I would like to run the maps/gps etc on a second screen so I dont have to go back and forth!

    ps - Any chance you could post a pic of your set up?

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