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Posts posted by Ravenblack

  1. Hey Skinny -

    I've only been online a couple of weeks (for simming anyway).

    Flying - well, done a bit in real life - always been surrounded by it in life - even work in aviation...but hell man....it's just like riding a bike.

    ....a bike with flaps, undercarriage, jet or prop engine/s, wings, etc...

    ....and it hurts more when you fall off - depending how high you are at the time!

    Best way to learn....get in the cockpit....find how to get the engine started....full throttle and wiggle things.

    I'm sure that's all the real pilots do anyway - but they can talk the talk to go with it! :D

  2. Hey Chaders...

    Got me a ATI 3D Prophet 9600 256DDR mega supa wonda graphics card today....

    Maxed out all the graphic settings on fs9 and took the screen to 1280 pixels wide....over 2000ft I was getting 20-30fps....

    ...but the really cool thing is the extra detail in the aircraft.....I never saw this before....even running almost topped graphics...


  3. Hip Hooray! Simon!!!!

    I think it was all down to the lack of anyone giving the right information about a freeware stop gap Emma.

    As it is, the RESTORATION V2 provides non Emma users with a very useable field.

    All it lacks operationally is the main ruway (Heck...there is another one which is on the field! How many 'planes do you want to land at once!)

    - It does have a runway after all, and that is what counts.

    Maybe someone could make a simple patch for non LAGO users-

    - A simple runway that could be placed where Emmas main runway is - and the removal of one power pylon.

    To be an Emmanite, Emviator or what ever, it is about the flying and the friendships....and the field is 'just' a field. We all have various variations of Emma, so chances are we all see Emma a little differently to the next guy.

    When I say 'JUST' a field, I think you know what I mean - It's just a great add on, and the place we all love to fly to and from - and now, in some way or another, we can!

    I think we should all pop down to the club house now and have a victory drink, the problem has been solved for the time being - As there is an EMMA Available for EVERYONE - no matter what you have (FS2K2, FS9, LAGO,FSSE or basic no add on fs).

  4. Now I have a usebale (Free) Emma, there's no rush.

    I had asked about a free ware stop gap Emma before, but the responses didn't seem positive - no-one mentioned this free add on which as a stand alone makes a good enough Emma to be able to share the field with FULL Emma users!.

    I didn't know it had been done, which is why I pushed for an alternate for non Emma owners.

    Thank goodness someone came through and showed me this download!

    I have somewhere to stay until LEGLESS erm LAGO come up with a YES or NO.

  5. Bottom line is this...

    I have found that RESTORATION PACK V2 gives a good useable Emma - even if you don't have the original, or any FSE etc add ons!


    Now I can wait to see what LAGO do(n't) whilst still having an Emma to fly from.

    It's pretty good....might make me get the fs2002 version....but I at least have something to use whilst I decide....and it is EMMA FIELD!


  6. Okay, it may be old news, but some newbies might not know this (I didn't!)


    'WHATS NEW' section.

    The restoration pack V2 WILL give a pretty good, but basic, airfield at Emma. (no need for FSE or whatever).

    Ignore the bit that says it will only work if you have the original, because it works for me, and I have nothing.

    The read me's must be read...unless you have a Simon on the end of messenger....but really...it is simple enough.

    I now have somewhere to land at Emma....I am happy, and I'm staying.

  7. At least until there is a definate YES or NO from LAGO, Golden Eagle would make a great place (if you don't have Emma, that is).

    As soon as the YES or NO arrives, I shall be getting which ever Emma is available.

    EDIT - I have found that RESTORATION PACK V2 gives a good useable Emma - even if you don't have the original, or any FSE etc add ons!


    Thank goodness for that - or Mr Dicks to be fair...it's his pack.

    I have a base, I now feel like a proper Emviator - but no thanks to Lago...many thanks to Simon's help and Bill's restoration pack :D

  8. The way I see it is, you want us Emmaites to move, after we have put a lot of time and effort into keeping this place alive

    Not at all!

    I want Emma Field - but I came along with my fs9 and a belief that Emma was SOON to be available for fs9.

    My concern was that I buy 2k2 Emma and get it to work...and then I go online after spending this cash only a few days earlier - only to find fs9 Emma!

    I have heard so much about Emma field, I really want to use it and see it!

    I voted that the people without Emma just take a temporary second field until something is certain.

    Emma owners can fly to Emma, yet non Emma owners will have a defined place to meet up, rather than just scooting around trying to find other non-emma owners.

    I loved a trip out with the guys the other day, but I couldn't land at 'home' as it wasn't there...they all dissapeared!

    If fs9 is a no-no, then I will buy 2k2 and have done with it.

    It is the uncertanty that I find annoying. As I said before - I'm just playing devils apple, or banana...avacado...advocate! that's it!

    I don't want Emma to move, but if it had to, I just wanted to put suggestions forward.

    If we move, LAGO looses us - and I'm sure that they don't really want that!

  9. and the emmaite designers even threw in a way for folk to enjoy the field who dont have the lago, though maybe one who has it should really see what the non-lago field looks like.


    I don't want to use fs2002 Emma, as I don't have it, and I don't want to pay for software that I can't fully use....especially if a new one is due at some point!

    It's okay staying at Emma IF you already have it, but think of us without it.....We need a stop gap airfield!

    EDIT - I have found that RESTORATION PACK V2 gives a good useable Emma - even if you don't have the original, or any FSE etc add ons!


    Thank goodness for that - or Mr Dicks to be fair...it's his pack.

    I have a base, I now feel like a proper Emviator - but no thanks to Lago...many thanks to Simon's help and Bill's restoration pack :D

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