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tim arnot

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Posts posted by tim arnot

  1. As a VFR pilot I've long been dissatisfied with the quality of flight planning tools. The built-in FS planner doesn't remotely hack it, and the expeience of using it is akin to performing keyhole surgery while wearing a blindfold. Other tools, such as FSNavigator and FSCommander were firmly geared towards IFR airliner jocks with SIDs and STARs and NATs, but scant regard for Aldershot, or Bath Racecourse, or Moreton-in-Marsh disused.

    So I decided to write my own. :lol:

    I dabbled in all sorts of technologies, reading FS scenery files, pulling DEMs of the web, geo-referenced city vectors, coastlines etc, but getting stuff in a format that was (a) easy to incorporate (b) free and © easy for the user to set up, proved to be a nightmare, although I did learn a lot about GIS! Then, when Google Maps changed their TOS at the beginning of the year to allow GM to be embedded in a desktop app (although the app must still be downloaded from a dedicated web site), the way forward became a no-brainer.

    Plan-G is the result. :D

    You've probably seen pictures from earlier incarnations attached to my various tour pics (including the Great Victory Fly-In), but it's now got to the state where I'm happy enough with it to go more-or-less public, although there's still a fair bit of work to do (in my eyes anyway). There's no manual yet, but most things have tool tips, and I think it's pretty straightforward. It's at http://www.tasoftware.co.uk You do need to register in the forum to download the software (but that might change when it eventually leaves beta status). If you want to get involved with testing etc, drop me a line when you've registered, and I'll set it up.


    (Francois, there will be a proper announcement sometime; I just want to get a little more confidence in it first, since this is my first 'proper' addon, and the support staff just sleeps on top of the monitor all day! :wink: )

  2. Over the August Bank Holiday weekend, Chiltern Park Aerodrome (http://www.chiltern.aero ) have been hosting their open day/fly in in aid of the Berks-Oxon-Bucks Air Ambulance. ( http://www.tvacaa.org/ ) I popped along yesterday, to join in the fun, and took some pictures. Later in the afternoon was the Summer Barbecue up at Enstone, and who should call in for fuel, but Team Guinot (I'm sure I'm not the only one that still refers to them as the Utterly Butterlies!)

    Oh, and I won the croquet! :shock: :lol:

    I've posted some pictures in my Gallery: http://www.tasoftware.co.uk/page1.php?vcategory=2

    (and yes, I have got enough pictures to build the scenery! :wink: )

  3. GODAK has been around in FS for ages (it's a Dakota), but the one I'd like to see if you're offering is G-SIXT (as in 'celebrating 60 years...'). It's a Warrior II with a BAC livery on the right, and BOAC on the left. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of detailed pictures, and I suspect it would be impossible on a Carenado anyway. A few pics on Airliners.net

    Note that the right win has a red top panel with the reg in white, and the left wing is all silver :wink:

    (although both Aussim and JF have Warrior IIs...)

    These were taken at Aero Expo earlier this month, where it was very hard to get a decent shot with all the people milling about.




  4. You'd be more than welcome to come visit Enstone http://www.enstoneflyingclub.co.uk We're right on the edge of the Cotswolds, and close to Blenheim Palace (Winston Churchill), the Rollright Stones (neolithic stone ring), Stratford Upon Avon (Shakespeare)...

    Our rental fleet is:

    G-BMVB Cessna 152

    G-BTUW PA28 Warrior

    G-BNNT PA28 Warrior

    G-VMJM TB10 Tobago

    G-HEVN TB200 GT

    G-OOMF PA18 Super Cub

    Prices range from about £130 (152/PA28) to £160 (TB200) per hour wet. You'd need a check out with an instructor (about an hour) before you can rent. Duxford is about 40 minutes flying time.

    There's a nice detailed scenery for FSX, which you can download from http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=136004 (by me and another local pilot) :)

  5. Ah heck, just close your eyes and pretend you're out flying with your EFC mates. :P

    On second thought, better not close your eyes.

    Contravention of Chicago Convention Annexe dah paragraph de dit dit three subsection two... eckcetra. I thought some of the rules and regs learning for the straight PPL was bad enough - the ATPL version must be horrendous! :shock:

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