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tim arnot

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Posts posted by tim arnot

  1. I've cropped these back and shrunk them quite extensively, but I still couldn't bear the thought of 750pix postage stamps, so you'll need to click on the thumbnails. These are at 1280x520.


    In the queue to take off. Gay has gone and Joe is scraping his way down the runway!


    Going around at KEEN. My first go nearly had me in the lake, and if I'm honest the second wasn't much better!


    But it does give me a chance to see some of the more "interesting" denizens at the airfield!


    We all gather on the apron at KEEN for a short break


    Lack of taxiway means we're trusting the grass isn't too soft!


    Five ride out of the sunset! - Tim, Joe, Dobie, Gary, Scottie


    There weren't any fireworks when I first arrived, but after some tinkering... Woo hoo!


    Plum Island... laying on the red carpet!

    Thanks to all for a cracking trip across the States -- thoroughly enjoyed it.

  2. I've never managed to get that plugin to work in PSP (mine is XI).

    What I use to get DDS is Martin Wright's DXTBMP http://fly.to/mwgfx/ I normally save as DDS DXT5. You will need to flip both the texture and alpha vertically before saving (image menu). Also make sure 'Include MIPS' is checked.

    Save a copy in bmp format from PSP to get the texture into DXTBMP (keep the master as .psd or .pspimage).

    If you have the SDK, you can also use ImageTool. That will automatically flip the image when saving, so there's one less step.

  3. Scottie gave me a quick course in some of Scotland’s history

    Just a list of fights, surely (and a couple of quick Mel Gibson impressions)...

    It also looks like my favorite ‘little’ putt-putt AC (the Lionheart Epic) has taken off. We now have about 3-4 guys using it online.

    Alas the current lack of income precludes me joining them. :( But it would sure be handy if someone could come up with a freeware substitute so I don't have to look at so many green Cessnas...

  4. It could be (1). It could also be the fact that you've put it into Addon Scenery\Scenery. This is not generally a good place to put stuff, since it is very low down in the scenery priority list, and any other addon you have will overwrite it. So it's possible that you have another addon covering that area, and it's being shown in preference.

    It's much better that sceneries get their own folder and their own entry in the scenery library, since they are then controllable. If everything is chucked into Addon Scenery\Scenery ad hoc, they will have a tendency to fight.

  5. You need to double click on it -- seems it won't play in the embedded player, but if you click through to the YouTube site, it'll play.

    'Smudger' is a typical Public school nickname (a British 'public' school is analogous to an American 'private' school). Nicknames work the same way as callsigns in the Air Force, ie, they are 'awarded' by one's peers. See also that first vid, which may shed some light on it.

  6. "We flew together over Belgium in '41"

    "They shot us down. Twice"

    "It was a joke, man, can't you even take a joke?"

    "Should have seen your faces though, cos Jumbo, right, this is you, right, like 'aaaaarrrrrrrrgggghhh!' That was you..."

    Isn't it though. :lol:

  7. Bill was plying me with drinks last night, and I had to sleep it off in the back of the hangar. When I woke up this morning, head buzzing and swimming, I could swear I was havina an Alice in Wonderland moment...


    Bill's new scenery seems to have a certain air of familiarity about it.... :lol:





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