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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hi Chuck,

    I have no solution for now but we try o inverstigate your problem.

    Inthis case we need your support also.

    Please run the databasemanager again and then run the FSCommander also.

    After done please sent following files to my e-mail adress which you find at the bottom on our homepage.

    FSCDbManager.ini, FSC_Protocol.log, fsc.ini, FSC_Info.LOG, FSCDBM_FS09.LOG



  2. Hi Thim,

    as far as we can tell, this is not a problem of FS Commander, but rather of fsuipc.dll. We had such a case only once before and it turned out that the problem was that for some reasons the timer inside of fsuipc.dll (which determines when fsuipc reads information from FS)did not work properly.

    In order to find out whether or not the same problem occurs on your system, I attach a little program to this post called "UIPC Hello". All this program does is to check the version of fsuipc and also display the timer.

    What I would ask to do is a) start Flight Simulator and b) afterwards start UIPC Hello. What should appear is the version number and also the time of Flight Simulator being continually updated. Could you then please inform me if you are in fact seeing both displays.




  3. Hi LAURIER,

    I hope that you have reading the readme.txt file, which is delivered with the full version installation,

    and you have following the instruction about to make a copy of your register.fsc file.

    In this case you have not to pay a second time.

    If not, you must contact your supplier of FSCommander because, we are the developer.

    Read also here: viewtopic.php?f=155&t=78535




  4. Hi Sven,

    your own AC will be never shown as blue dot if your callsign at IVAO and the entry under Window ->Options -> Flight -> User Callsign

    are the same, because it makes no sense to see your own AC as AC symbol and also as blue dot.

    But if you like to see your AC allso as blue dot, just change you Call Sign only in FSCommander.

    For Example, your Callsign at IVAO is XXX123 just type XXX1234 under Window ->Options -> Flight -> User Callsign



  5. Hi Schmid,

    I am very sorry, but I somehow cannot confirm what you say in your post. While it is true that UW11 is limited to 25000ft, FS Commander only allows you to set even flight levels.

    As you can see from the attached screenshot, UW11 goes west and therefore you must choose an even flight level.

    BTW, flight level and altitudes are not saved in a flight plan for reason we have explained various times before.




  6. Hi Bill,

    thank you for sending me the log file.

    I found what I'm expected.

    Just open the log file you have sent to me with an editor and study the first line.

    You will read this: C:\Program Files (x86)\FSC Database Manager © 2003-2009 Sascha W. Felix - Vers.: 8.5 Net (Build: 230309)

    You have running the wrong DatabaseManager version 8.5 and not version 8.6 as you told me here in the forum.

    Maybe you must change your link to call the DatabaseManager86.exe.



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