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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hi Nick,

    so far as I can see, (you have forgotten to let me know) you have an AeroSoft version.

    In this case, please contact the support from AeroSoft.



    btw. you do not need to have 2 installation, one for FS9 and one for FSX,

    because FSCommander handle both FlightSimulator databases in one program.

    Please read the current manual, chapter 21, Loading databases for FS2004 or FSX.

  2. Hallo Michael,

    Du musst nach der DE-Installation auf jeden Fall sicher stellen,

    das kein Ordner mehr und Inhalt für den FSC existiert.

    Sollte dies der Fall sein so lösche den kompletten Ordner mit Inhalt noch vor der neuen Installation.

    Solltest Du nach der Original Installation und noch vor dem Start des FSCommander

    im FSCommander Ordner eine Datei register.fsc finden, so lösche diese.


  3. Hi Vincent,

    I have read the manual and this particular section several times and I am still not sure and would like a yes or no answer to the question posed

    If you have read the manual, then you must read this:

    Important: You should bear in mind that FlightSim Commander is a stand-alone program which

    will run at the same time as Flight Simulator when the two are connected. Therefore you need

    Windows' multitasking capability for simultaneously running more than one program. As a

    consequence, you cannot run Flight Simulator in full-screen mode (Alt-Enter) on a single monitor

    if you want Flight Simulator and FlightSim Commander to be connected to each other

    The answer is NO!


  4. Hi Chuck,

    I have no solution for now but we try o inverstigate your problem.

    Inthis case we need your support also.

    Please run the databasemanager again and then run the FSCommander also.

    After done please sent following files to my e-mail adress which you find at the bottom on our homepage.

    FSCDbManager.ini, FSC_Protocol.log, fsc.ini, FSC_Info.LOG, FSCDBM_FS09.LOG



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