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Everything posted by B42L8
Thanks for getting me on the right track...........I was tring to direct the install to the FSX.exe file, NOT the main FSX program, and I loaded it from the NEW W7 FSX program in a new drive.........I have FS9 in Win XP and FSX in W7, so have to get used to loading in the right drive............in any case it now works in FSX............the joystick calibration in W7 is different in that I have to calibrate in both FSUIPC and FSX??..........is there or will there be any patch for W7?? Thanks again B42L8
thanks for the quick reply, but I have run FSX for the past two weeksbefore I started to install the addons.........but I did not run it immediately before I tried to install FSUIPC, is that what you mean??.......I had the FSUIPC on my FSX in Win XP, but loaded the trial copy of W7 last week, ran it several times, then started installing programs like REX. UT2, GEX, Carenado Mooney (which only loads unpainted planes), and tried this load today and get the log note attach;ed........any of this help in getting me started??...........regards, B42L8
Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.53 This is the log report per your instructions for installing a registered version of FSUIPC4........I just installed W7 (trial copy) and now have the job of reinstalling all of my addons, not all of which work perfectly, so any comments for me and others are much appreciated!!.............Then I have to do it again in a month when the actual purchase version is available B42L8 Looking in registry for FSX install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0 Parameter"SetupPath" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0 Parameter"AppPath" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for ESP install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft ESP\1.0 Parameter"SetupPath" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft ESP\1.0 Parameter"AppPath" ... NOT found! ... ... NOT found! Asking user to find the .EXE instead ...
OK, my error (as usual), the key was on the purchase page, not the download....got it working and the separate controls seem to work very well, better that=n on FS9, got a lot of wind action so it must be correct.......Thanks for pointing in right directions :)
That was the problem, so I just bought the 4, but SimMarket didn't release the download link yet, so will have to wait for their ticket reply............(they get the order quick, why doesn't the download link come as fast??)....let's hope that gets FSX going, thanks for ponting this out!!!
Thanks for the quick reply, you may be right I bought this couple years ago, I will bo some checking and reply........thanks
this post is similar to my problem, I just installed FSX, downloaded the latest FSUIPC version, loaded into FSX Modules, started it and it shows up in ADDons (so according to the instructions) everything is good so far......now I copy the code direct form the Simmarket order, have the right name and Email, enter, and screen pops saying it is incorrect?? Have redone this a bunch of times, restarted, etc, but no luck..........the FS9 works like acharm..........what can I be doing wrong?????????? Many thanks B42L8
Got it working again, thanks
Yes, sorry to say, a computer tech put alll the latest high end components in box and did a file image, but when everything reconnected , the image did not work.........I get FSUIPC in the module, but when I try the registration page, I need the series of numbers to make it connect............All this info was on my backup storage disc and in download manager, but they all went kaput............originally bought from SimMarket
I just redid my computer and lost all the FS stuff plus alll my backups. cannot get any info from SimMarket so wonder if you can send me a link or whatever to get the reg copy of FSUIPC back on my new computer, appreciate your help (need this progranm to get all my controls to work)!!!
Bud, got all the levers to work after getting advice to put ALL sensitivities to max, that means moving the slider to catch the last three positions.....took me a long time before I figured that out.....now all is fine and great to have the quadrant!!! RRL
Thanks for the note, I forgot to say what a fantastic job you guys do in the weather graphics.........how can FS get any better :o RRL
Jim, thanks for the advice, will then have to get my quadrant to work!! Responce to earlier post, I did go to page two, but if the Mixture 1 controller dows not respond , then no heop in mapping other levers, now how do I get no 5 lever to come alive?? Read somewhere that this is a default reverser??..........Back to active sky, is this running in FS, even though I did not specifically start AV6??? RRL
No, did not know this, thanks , will do this now!!!
thanks for your comment, so it is best to have the reg FSUIPC running?? Does AS6 run without setting it up before starting FS and Just running FS with real weather setting?? The reason I ask is that I might have to shut off FSUIPC if I can't get the quadrant levers to work............thanks
Maybe this is the same kind of problem, but I cannot get the mixture levers to be controlled by FSUIPC joysticks (nos 5&6)....did the calibrattion with CH Ctrl Mgr, assignments in FS, sens max, null min, start FS, go to modules, FSUIPC, joysticks, separate mixture and cannot get any values to show up on reset, where am I going wrong?? called CH Products and they said to just use the basic FS assignment............if so, how do I turn off the FSUIPC joystick controls?? Have aregistered copy............Other question, if I have activesky, traffic 2005, etc., what does FSUIPC do for or with these programs on FS??? Sure will appreciate an answer as the new quadrant is great fun but the mixture thing is frustration.........thanks much RRL
Finally figured out how to calibrate the yoke and pedals..........this is GREAT!! not sure everything is correct yet but atleast know there is better control with FSUIP than the default........everyone with the registered version should be aware of this great feature makes flying a very different and responsive experience,, thanks for this PS, disregard my previous post, when all else fails, Read the instructions!!
I have a similar problem......read somewhere that I could calibrate my yoke and pedals from FSUIP..........tried but now the two levers on the yoke (Left one for engine 1 and right for engfine 2) do not work evenly.............tried to recalibrate on CH site and in FS, but will not overide...........any way to get them back to default from FSUIP?? Thanks, Dick Leonard :?