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Everything posted by Alti

  1. Thanks for Input, John! Sorry late Reply: NO Propellorplanes in my fleet. PMDG-B737, Justflight BAE146, ATR from John Hartmann,... all planes i am flying will go to the left while taxi. i must set rudder right to hold the line. Is there a chance to set the centerposition a little to right with FSUIPC?
  2. Hello, MSFS, using CHPRODUCTS Pedals; My pedals are calibrated correct via windows10 and works with all programs. But in MSFS i have this troubles: The 0-zone seems not correct. i have calibrated my pedals via FSUPIC for the sim. but when Rudder is centered, then the plane taxi always to the left side. How can i set FSUPC so that my plane taxi straigt forward, not left? i always (all panes in MSFS) must give a little right pedal to hold straight on taxi line. i have tryed also to give right pedal input and set this to center, but did not work. all planes ges to the left, when pedals are centered. thanks for tips. thomas
  3. Hello, in P3Dv4 i have set in "Button&Switches" that when i press a Button, then i select the LUA-Script for my Dash8 Speeds in "Control sent when button pressed. the lua-File was in the modules folder in the sim. this no longer exists. i have copyed the lua-file now into the FSUIPC6 folder, but the sript is not to choose. Where i have to put in the lua-file that i can select it in FSUIPC6 to work with my button. thanks thomas
  4. thank you Pete, but i give up. for me its not easy to understand this english in the document "FSUIPC for advanced users" and for the exampes for a luascript i understand "Bahnhof"; im not an programmer. ("verstehe Bahnhof" ->So we say in german when we understand absolute nothing from)
  5. Hello, i want to use a Button on my Flightstick to 1.st Press: Throttle goes down (hold button for Reverser) when release button then hold actual throttle setting (Reverser not always to max needed) 2.nd press Throttle goes to 0 (reverser out) its possible te realize this for one Button? thanks, Thomas
  6. Hello Pete, what for Future: when the Simulator needs more VAS, then delete more AI´s ? when more VAS for free, more AI´s in the Sim?
  7. Hello, i´m use FSUIPC to control my Stick in the sim. (Axes and buttons) i want to set the "Main Button" and "Secondary Button" on my Stick with FSUIPC. but i can not find "Alternate Static sourece (on/off)" and "propeller sync (on/off)" in the list for Buttons in FSUIPC. im sure that they are in, but in other names? whats the correct names for this in "control send when button pressed"? Thank you!
  8. thank you! i will write the programmer from the script if its possible to make an updated version.
  9. Hello, its not easy to me tis to wirte (Bad englisch) First: i use P3D 2.5.12945.0 an simconnect This script opens an window and i was ask, which flaps i use for start and landing. in my installed version 4939k did this window close from itself, after i input the flaps. whit the latest FSUIPC id did not so. i must close this self. i mean this green window it did not close:
  10. Hello, i have an Lua Script (Freeware for Dash8) loaded, but in latest FSUIPC id did not work korrekt. The Window after Work of this lua did not close... Going back to 4939k. see atachement (sorry im not permitted to upload an lua script?) renamed it into txt.file Q400VSpeeds.txt
  11. Thank you! Reverse Idle: "Throttle set" and parameter -1 works great. on an secound button i have "Throttle derease" with continue so long hold, after "Button realeased" is "throtte cut" for full thrust reverse. works perfect for all landings. Thomas
  12. Hello, one button on my joystick ist free. which setting i must give to set "idle reverse" ? On throttle cut i became idle, but how to get idle with reverser for my PMDG. Thanks for help.
  13. Thank you for Answer!
  14. Hello, i have purchased an copy of Map! with the great plane EMB-EJets2. In E-Jets Map! working great, but in other Addons or FSX-planes i getting an black Map!-window, its not showing any Map! This did not Work getting black window only: [Window18] background_color=16,16,16 size_mm=600,450 window_size_ratio=1.0 position=2 visible=1 ident=12012 zorder=110 gauge00=EFinfo!FINFO, 0, 0, 600, 450 gauge01=EFinfoH!FPL, -20, 0, 10, 10 gauge02=EFinfoH!FPL2, -20, 10, 10, 10 Thanks for Help, Alti.
  15. Hello Pete, i have now Win8x64 on Board. (i am switched from Windows7x64 to Win8 so i became new hardware) Windows8, FSX and FSUIPC4910 is registered, and new installed. I want to setup my CHJoke and CHPedals axes and buttons with FSUIPC But i can press any button, FSUIPC did not recognize any action from my Jokes. When i set up all Buttons in FSX, the work fine. How to resolve this? My FSX is not on C:\.... its on e:\FSX, and i will run it as administrator. Thanks, Thomas
  16. No Problem, My FS is running now in windowsxp Service pack3 compatibility Mode. So no Problem with These Mode.
  17. Hello Pete, great Job! My FSUIPC 3999s looks lie it should. Registry of FSUIPC and WideFS is now inside, the Programs did autorun when FS starting. thank you, greetings from Austria, Alti
  18. Hello, sorry - its my bad english: >>Sorry, that confuses e. it IS like the picture, but it is not blank? The picture shows blank. So what do you mean? it is blank or it isn't blank? I mean, that is in FS9 so like in the picture. Id did not blank this in the picture. It is so shown when i open FSUIPC. >>And it should. there is no way FS9 is fully compatible with Win7. it was written long before even Vista! >>.. your install of Win7 did not recognise FS9 as being incompatible. Thats right. My Win7 did not mean, that FS9 is not fully compatible. >>If you just copied it over from an older install this might explain things. I have changed from XP to Win7 (new clear install) 2or 3 years ago. I installed the FS9.1 new, to get the right registry in Win7, then i copyed my "everytime-backup" from FS9 over the fresh installed FS9, against its hard to install all scenerys for new, so i have a backup with acronis one time every week, and this backup comes into every system when problems with FS9. So i did this what you have for solution: ** i have set my FS9.exe to compatibility with WindowsXP(service pack3) and let it run with admin rights now. (but it seems now is nothing other then before, when i start my FS9.1) **also i have copyed the FSUIPC.ini from Flight Simulator-Dateien folder to the FS9\Modules folder. **then i installed 3.999 new. As i was asked for registrations i give the installer my registercodes, not the old from system. I registered FSUIPC AND WIDE FS. The installer says the install was OK. but when i restart the FlightSimulator, then is all the same: FSUIPC says "thanks for register..." but wide FS is not registered; it says to register WideFS use the installer. The name place in FSuipc is empty. ** so i installed 3.999r in the modules folder. and start FS9 again, FSuippc sys now 3.999r. so all other the same: any changes are saved in Flug Simulator-Dateien. new log file in folder Flug Simulator-Dateien: ********* FSUIPC, Version 3.999r by Pete Dowson ********* Running on Windows Version 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1 Verifying Certificate for "F:\FS9\MODULES\FSUIPC.dll" now ... SUCCESS! Signature verifies okay! Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL) User Name="" User Addr="" WIDEFS not user registered, or expired Module base=61000000 WeatherReadInterval=4 LogOptions=00000001 DebugStatus=127 12152 System time = 17/07/2012 23:05:54 12168 F:\FS9\ 12168 System time = 17/07/2012 23:05:54, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z) 105535 D:\Daten\Thomas\Flight Simulator-Dateien\Standardflug_Cessna_Linz.flt 105581 AIRCRAFT\c172\Cessna172SP.air 105581 Aircraft="Cessna Skyhawk 172SP" 119684 D:\Daten\Thomas\Flight Simulator-Dateien\Standardflug_Cessna_Linz.flt 120105 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded 121649 AES Link established 123225 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 135861 Traffic File #382 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_singapore airlines_su09" 136142 Traffic File #23 = "scenery\world\scenery\mytrafficcargo" 136142 Traffic File #66 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_air france_su09" 136204 Traffic File #734 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_qatarairways_fs9" 136267 Traffic File #339 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_onur air tasimacilik_su09" 136282 Traffic File #32 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_aeroflot russian airlines_su08" 136282 Traffic File #90 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_air transat_su08" 136314 Traffic File #518 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_196_woa_turkish airlines_su08" 136329 Traffic File #136 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_british airways_su09" 136360 Traffic File #475 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_094_woa_air berlin_wi07" 136360 Traffic File #243 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_iberia_su08" 136376 Traffic File #189 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_easyjet_su09" 136392 Traffic File #542 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_233_woa_csa czech airlines_wi07" 136423 Traffic File #166 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_condor_su08" 136423 Traffic File #284 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_kuwait airways_su08" 136438 Traffic File #296 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_lufthansa (regional partners)_su10" 136470 Traffic File #172 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_cyprus airways_su08" 136485 Traffic File #411 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_tarom_su08" 136516 Traffic File #490 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_126_woa_tuifly_su07" 136594 Traffic File #517 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_195_woa_skyeurope airlines_wi07" 136610 Traffic File #151 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_carpatair_su08" 136672 Traffic File #252 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_intersky_wi08" 136704 Traffic File #561 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_43_woa_air india_su07" 136704 Traffic File #755 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_tuifly_fs9" 136750 Traffic File #629 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su10_iberia_fs9" 136766 Traffic File #684 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_britishairways_fs9" 136766 Traffic File #796 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_wi10-11_emirates_fs9" 181632 WeatherOptions set, now E884B7A3 (timer=0) 193098 System time = 17/07/2012 23:08:55, FS2004 time = 11:47:56 (10:47Z) 193098 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Memory managed: 0 Allocs, 150 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** in folder Modules is a new key file with WideFS and FSUIPC registry Codes... in folder Modules is the new Install log file: Installer for FSUIPC.DLL version 3.999 Looking in registry for FS9.1 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.1 Parameter"EXE Path" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.1 Parameter"EXE Path" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for FS9 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.0 Parameter"EXE Path" ... >>> OK! FOUND FS9! <<< ... Looking in registry for FS8 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\8.0 Parameter"EXE Path" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\8.0 Parameter"EXE Path" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for FS7 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\7.0 Parameter"path" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\7.0 Parameter"path" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for FS6.1 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\6.1 Parameter"InstallDir" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\6.1 Parameter"InstallDir" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for CFS2 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator\2.0 Parameter"InstalledTo" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator\2.0 Parameter"InstalledTo" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for CFS1 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator\1.00 Parameter"InstalledTo" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator\1.00 Parameter"InstalledTo" ... NOT found! ... =========================================================== INSTALLATION FOR FS9: EXE Path="F:\FS9\" Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC installed in: F:\FS9\Modules\FSUIPC.DLL ... Version 3.999 found. Okay -- installed FSUIPC into "F:\FS9\Modules\FSUIPC.DLL" "Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder already exists. Now installing additional files into the "Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder: Installed "FSUIPC User Guide.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC for Advanced Users.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC History.pdf" okay Installed "List of FS2004 controls.pdf" okay Installed "GlobalSign Root.exe" okay Installed "FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf" okay Installed "Lua License.pdf" okay Installed "Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices.pdf" okay Installed "LuaFileSystem.pdf" okay Installed "Example LUA plugins.zip" okay Installed "SIMSAMURAI+FSUIPC+TUTORIAL.pdf" okay FSUIPC.DLL installed and signature checked out okay! Deleted GlobalSign Root fix program ... no longer relevant =========================================================== All installer tasks completed okay! Registration for FSUIPC and WideFS was successful! (result code 00) *************** End of Install Log *************** hope you can "followme" with my english. Alti
  19. Hello Pete! Thanks for answer. The Fokkersetup did install the version 3.810. And in 3.810 all files are in Modules. But my settings for the Yoke and pedals and some weatherprograms not running with the old. so i have installed the latest from your website. i have startet the program as administrator. while the install i was asked for the old registation, and the program accept this with no errors. Yes, in FSUIPC ther is looking like the pic. its not blanked. Its registered, but no name in. I have found the files: im MODULES are: "FSUIPC Install.log" with date from latest install. "FSUIPC.dll" the latest 3.999 "FSUIPC.key" with Date 15.8.2011 and the folder "FSUIPC Documents" is also in MODULES. in my Folder: Flight Simulator-Dateien (its in Eigene Dateien) are the Files: "FSUIPC.ini" with date and time from the lastet setting in FS9 "FSUIPC.key" ist there also with Date 15.8.2011 "FSUIPC.log" is also in. In the files FSUIPC.Key are the same words inside - my codes for FSUIPC, WideFS and Name with mail. these are the Data from FSUIPC.log file: ********* FSUIPC, Version 3.999 by Pete Dowson ********* Running on Windows Version 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1 Verifying Certificate for "F:\FS9\MODULES\FSUIPC.dll" now ... SUCCESS! Signature verifies okay! Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL) User Name="" User Addr="" WIDEFS not user registered, or expired Module base=61000000 WeatherReadInterval=4 LogOptions=00000001 DebugStatus=127 12261 System time = 17/07/2012 16:48:33 12261 F:\FS9\ 12261 System time = 17/07/2012 16:48:33, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z) 105706 D:\Daten\Thomas\Flight Simulator-Dateien\Standardflug_Cessna_Linz.flt 105753 AIRCRAFT\c172\Cessna172SP.air 105768 Aircraft="Cessna Skyhawk 172SP" 117562 AES Link established 129902 D:\Daten\Thomas\Flight Simulator-Dateien\Maddog_Laufend.flt 130073 AIRCRAFT\MADDOG2008\md-82.air 130073 Aircraft="Austrian Airlines" 132616 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded 135798 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 152506 Traffic File #27 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_aegean airlines_wi08" 152584 Traffic File #411 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_tarom_su08" 152600 Traffic File #276 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_klm cityhopper_wi08" 152662 Traffic File #720 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_lufthansa_fs9" 152678 Traffic File #518 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_196_woa_turkish airlines_su08" 152959 Traffic File #41 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_afriqiyah airways_su08" 153193 Traffic File #475 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_094_woa_air berlin_wi07" 153208 Traffic File #193 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_el al israel airlines_wi08" 153302 Traffic File #542 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_233_woa_csa czech airlines_wi07" 153302 Traffic File #118 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_atlasjet uuslararasi havacilik_su10" 153395 Traffic File #90 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_air transat_su08" 153489 Traffic File #107 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_arkefly_su08" 153583 AES version 2.21 active at airport LOWL 153583 Traffic File #176 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_danube wings_wi08" 153676 Traffic File #289 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_lauda air_wi08" 153754 Traffic File #230 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_germanwings_su09" 153770 Traffic File #701 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_fedexexpress_fs9" 153848 Traffic File #195 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_emirates_su09" 153863 Traffic File #650 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su10_southernair_fs9" 153926 Traffic File #189 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_easyjet_su09" 154004 Traffic File #432 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_ultimate ga citation 550_su06" 154004 Traffic File #746 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_swiss_fs9" 154097 Traffic File #517 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_195_woa_skyeurope airlines_wi07" 154097 Traffic File #385 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_sky airlines_su08" 154175 Traffic File #485 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_119_woa_flyniki_su07" 154347 Traffic File #696 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_easyjet_fs9" 154347 Traffic File #490 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_126_woa_tuifly_su07" 154550 Traffic File #613 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su10_atlasair_fs9" 154550 Traffic File #813 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_woa_vhhx_special" 158060 Traffic File #25 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic-a380 rainer mehlin" 247355 Traffic File #211 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_farnair switzerland_su08" 247355 Traffic File #138 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_brussels airlines_su08" 247355 Traffic File #296 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_lufthansa (regional partners)_su10" 247464 Traffic File #608 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su10_airfrance_fs9" 247464 Traffic File #28 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_aer lingus_wi08" 247573 Traffic File #710 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_jet2_fs9" 247573 Traffic File #684 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_britishairways_fs9" 247682 Traffic File #64 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_air france by cityjet_su08_fs9" 247682 Traffic File #62 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_air dolomiti_wi08" 247682 Traffic File #603 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su10_airberlin_fs9" 247682 Traffic File #126 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_ba cityflyer_su10" 247682 Traffic File #29 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_aero nova_su09" 247792 Traffic File #136 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_british airways_su09" 248291 Traffic File #738 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_ryanair_fs9" 248291 Traffic File #755 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_tuifly_fs9" 248868 AES version 2.21 active at airport LSZH 248868 Traffic File #65 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_air france by regional_su10" 248868 Traffic File #752 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_thomsonairways_fs9" 248868 Traffic File #238 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_hello_su11" 248868 Traffic File #794 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_wi10-11_condor_fs9" 249211 Traffic File #135 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_british aerospace hawker xp800 ga package_su09" 249320 Traffic File #178 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_dhl air_su08" 249430 Traffic File #447 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_vueling airlines_su08" 249976 Traffic File #472 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_03_woa_hello switserland_su05" 249976 Traffic File #512 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_190_woa_ultimate ga boeing business jet_su06" 249976 Traffic File #555 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_253_woa_tnt airways_su08" 249976 Traffic File #531 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_213_woa_ultimate ga learjet 45_su06" 250069 Traffic File #697 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_easyjetswitzerland_fs9" 250069 Traffic File #698 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_edelweissair_fs9" 250178 Traffic File #715 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_klm_fs9" 250178 Traffic File #749 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_thomascookairlinesuk_fs9" 250865 Traffic File #23 = "scenery\world\scenery\mytrafficcargo" 250865 Traffic File #66 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_air france_su09" 266668 NWI weather clear actioned 266668 External weather discarded 299038 Traffic File #279 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_klm royal dutch airlines_wi08" 299038 Traffic File #214 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_first choice airways_su08" 299833 Traffic File #417 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_thomsonfly_su08" 426272 Traffic File #796 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_wi10-11_emirates_fs9" 426272 Traffic File #829 = "cloud9\elba\scenery raffic" 426272 Traffic File #318 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_monarch airlines [united kingdom]_su09" 426319 Traffic File #166 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_condor_su08" 426319 Traffic File #172 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_cyprus airways_su08" 426319 Traffic File #430 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_ukraine air enterprise_wi09" 426319 Traffic File #188 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_easyjet switzerland_su09" 426366 Traffic File #337 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_olympic airways_wi08" 426459 Traffic File #350 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_peoples viennaline_su11" 426459 Traffic File #370 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_royal jordanian_wi07" 426475 Traffic File #765 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_vuelingairlines_fs9" 426475 Traffic File #681 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_bmi_fs9" 426522 Traffic File #734 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_qatarairways_fs9" 461685 NWI weather clear actioned 461685 External weather discarded 470389 Traffic File #157 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_chalair aviation_su10" 618996 Traffic File #191 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_egyptair cargo_wi07" 620915 Traffic File #803 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_wi10_alitalia_fs9" 844090 Traffic File #218 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_flybe_su11" 918315 Traffic File #502 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_152_woa_thomas cook airlines uk_su07" 918315 Traffic File #149 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_cargolux airlines international_wi08" 1173314 Traffic File #772 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_wi08-09_cargoluxairlinesinternational_fs9" 1247508 Traffic File #99 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_alitalia_su08" 1403431 Traffic File #171 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_croatia airlines_su08" 1404289 Traffic File #362 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_qatar airways_wi07" 1478717 Traffic File #726 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_monarchairlines_fs9" 1631333 Traffic File #508 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_177_woa_ultimate ga gulfstream 4_su07" 1706479 Traffic File #266 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_jat yugoslav airlines_su08" 1706479 Traffic File #243 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_iberia_su08" 1854836 Traffic File #83 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_air one_su08" 1930075 Traffic File #369 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_robin hood aviation_su09" 3200610 Traffic File #297 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_lufthansa italia_wi08" 3333335 Traffic File #75 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_air malta_su08" 3334131 Traffic File #527 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_208_woa_ultimate ga king air f90_su06" 3639752 Traffic File #456 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_wizz air_su11" 3713525 Traffic File #423 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_travel service_su09" 3762806 Traffic File #61 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_air company polet_su08" 3764631 Traffic File #127 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_baboo_wi08" 3765162 Traffic File #795 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_wi10-11_egyptair_fs9" 3769202 Traffic File #524 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_205_woa_international jet management_su07" 3770325 Traffic File #525 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_206_woa_darwin airline_su08" 3771059 Traffic File #571 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_68_woa_spanair_su07" 3780278 Traffic File #202 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_eurofly_su09" 3780793 Traffic File #310 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_meridiana_su08" 3788000 Traffic File #268 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_jet2_su08" 4126179 Traffic File #358 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_privilege style_su10" 4241417 Traffic File #43 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_air alps_su08" 4244366 Traffic File #425 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_tunisair_su08" 4248000 Traffic File #204 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_european air transport_su08" 4248000 Traffic File #257 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_itali airlines_wi07" 4248671 Traffic File #294 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_livingston_su08" 4249826 Traffic File #325 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_neos_su10" 4250106 Traffic File #408 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_tam linhas aereas_wi08" 4250762 Traffic File #501 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_151_woa_air europa_su07" 4252322 Traffic File #532 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_214_woa_pakistan international airlines_wi07" 4253195 Traffic File #566 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_59_woa_linkair_su06" 4253632 Traffic File #618 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su10_bluepanoramaairlines_fs9" 4254100 Traffic File #627 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su10_etihadairways_fs9" 4254100 Traffic File #652 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su10_tam_fs9" 4254662 Traffic File #673 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_albastaresairline_fs9" 4254662 Traffic File #687 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_cargoitalia_fs9" 4257017 Traffic File #729 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_pakistaninternationalairlines_fs9" 4382676 Traffic File #163 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_clickair_wi08" 4471503 Traffic File #452 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_wind jet_wi08" 4472314 Traffic File #208 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_exin_wi08" 4679343 Traffic File #133 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_blue panorama airlines_wi08" 4773615 Traffic File #515 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_193_woa_sevenair (tuninter)_su07" 4773958 Traffic File #629 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su10_iberia_fs9" 4927229 Traffic File #798 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_wi10-11_spanair_fs9" 5596769 Traffic File #419 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_000_woa_transavia_wi08" 5718154 Traffic File #630 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su10_iberiaregional_fs9" 6199058 AES version 2.21 active at airport LFMN 6312034 Traffic File #769 = "scenery\world\scenery raffic_su11_xlairwaysfrance_fs9" 6419488 System time = 17/07/2012 18:35:20, FS2004 time = 17:29:11 (15:29Z) 6419488 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Memory managed: 87123 Allocs, 727814 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** and these data from FSUIPC Install.LOG file: Installer for FSUIPC.DLL version 3.999 Looking in registry for FS9.1 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.1 Parameter"EXE Path" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.1 Parameter"EXE Path" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for FS9 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.0 Parameter"EXE Path" ... >>> OK! FOUND FS9! <<< ... Looking in registry for FS8 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\8.0 Parameter"EXE Path" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\8.0 Parameter"EXE Path" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for FS7 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\7.0 Parameter"path" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\7.0 Parameter"path" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for FS6.1 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\6.1 Parameter"InstallDir" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\6.1 Parameter"InstallDir" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for CFS2 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator\2.0 Parameter"InstalledTo" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator\2.0 Parameter"InstalledTo" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for CFS1 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator\1.00 Parameter"InstalledTo" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator\1.00 Parameter"InstalledTo" ... NOT found! ... =========================================================== INSTALLATION FOR FS9: EXE Path="F:\FS9" Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC installed in: F:\FS9\Modules\FSUIPC.DLL ... Version 3.810 found. Okay -- installed FSUIPC into "F:\FS9\Modules\FSUIPC.DLL" "Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder already exists. Now installing additional files into the "Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder: Installed "FSUIPC User Guide.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC for Advanced Users.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC History.pdf" okay Installed "List of FS2004 controls.pdf" okay Installed "GlobalSign Root.exe" okay Installed "FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf" okay Installed "Lua License.pdf" okay Installed "Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices.pdf" okay Installed "LuaFileSystem.pdf" okay Installed "Example LUA plugins.zip" okay Installed "SIMSAMURAI+FSUIPC+TUTORIAL.pdf" okay FSUIPC.DLL installed and signature checked out okay! Deleted GlobalSign Root fix program ... no longer relevant =========================================================== All installer tasks completed okay! Registration check for FSUIPC and WideFS was successful! (result code 00) *************** End of Install Log *************** and last: my FSUIPC.ini file: !1=[JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=CH Pro Pedals USB 0.GUID={E2123EC0-C6BD-11E0-8003-444553540000} 1=CH Flight Sim Yoke USB 1.GUID={E216F9B0-C6BD-11E0-8004-444553540000} [General] UpdatedByVersion=3999 WindSmoothing=No AutoTaxiWind=Yes PropTaxiWind=No TimeSetMode=Partial WhiteMessages=Yes ThrottleSyncAll=Yes GraduatedVisibility=Yes LowerVisAltitude=13900 UpperVisAltitude=13950 UpperVisibility=6000 GenerateCirrus=No WindShearSharp=No UpperWindGusts=Yes ExtendMetarMaxVis=No CorrectVSsign=Yes MouseWheelTrim=No MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 AxisInterceptIfDirect=No DontResetAxes=No DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No AutoClearWeather=Yes ExtendTopWind=Yes WindSmoothness=5 SmoothPressure=Yes PressureSmoothness=30 SmoothVisibility=No VisibilitySmoothness=1 MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitude=No MinimumVisibility=1 MaximumVisibilityFewClouds=0 MaximumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibility=0 OneCloudLayer=No ThinClouds=Yes ThinThunderClouds=Yes CloudThinness=18000 CloudThinness=1000 CloudTurbulence=Yes CloudTurbulence=Yes CloudIcing=No CloudIcing=Yes WindTurbulence=Yes WindTurbulence=Yes SuppressAllGusts=No ExternalOptionControl=Yes AutoTuneADF=No KeepFS98CloudCover=No ShowPMcontrols=No MagicBattery=Yes RudderSpikeRemoval=Yes ElevatorSpikeRemoval=Yes AileronSpikeRemoval=Yes ReversedElevatorTrim=No StopAutoFuel=No TrapUserInterrupt=Yes NavFreq50KHz=No ClockSync=Yes SmoothIAS=Yes SetVisUpperAlt=No VisUpperAltLimit=6000 MaxIce=-1 MaxIce=3 MinIce=-1 WindSmoothing=Yes WindSmoothAirborneOnly=No LimitWindVariance=No VisSmoothingDelay=0 VisSmoothAirborneOnly=No TrafficControlDirect=Yes CloudTurbulence=Yes CloudTurbulence=Yes WindTurbulence=Yes WindTurbulence=Yes SpoilerIncrement=512 JoystickTimeout=20 PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No ZapSound=firework ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring UseProfiles=Yes TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 TrafficScanPerFrame=10 AxisCalibration=No CentredDialogue=Yes ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No ClearWeatherDynamics=Yes OwnWeatherChanges=No FixWindows=Yes FixControlAccel=No WeatherReadInterval=4 MoveBGLvariables=Yes TimeForSelect=4 WeatherReadsFast=No LuaRerunDelay=66 MainMenu=&Modules SubMenu=&FSUIPC ... WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 MaximumVisibilityOvercast=0 MaximumVisibilityRainy=0 ThunderCloudThinness=45000 WindSmoothingDelay=0 SuppressCloudTurbulence=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No History=IKK4YG98T3B6DFJ76WP9I AxesWrongRange=No [JoystickCalibration] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=0 RudderTrimControl=0 CowlFlaps1Control=0 CowlFlaps2Control=0 CowlFlaps3Control=0 CowlFlaps4Control=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16383,128,512,16256/8 SlopeAileron=-1 Elevator=-16253,-512,512,16256/8 SlopeElevator=3 Rudder=-16253,-512,512,15872/8 SlopeRudder=3 Throttle=-16383,16383/8 PropPitch=-16253,16383/8 Mixture=-16384,16383/8 LeftBrake=-16252,16256/24 RightBrake=-16128,16383/24 [sounds] Path=F:\FS9\Sound\ Device1=Prim�rer Soundtreiber Device2=Lautsprecher (Realtek High Definition Audio) Device3=Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio) [Programs] run1=F:\FS Real Time\FSRealTime.exe run2=READY,F:\FS9\aismooth_v120\AISmooth.exe run3=READY,F:\FS9\fsw_gmap_fs9_10\FSWidgetsGMap.exe [buttons] ButtonRepeat=20,10 1=P0,0,C65752,0 2=P0,1,C1079,0 3=R0,9,C65602,0 4=U0,9,C65604,0 5=P0,8,C65876,0 6=R0,10,C65607,0 7=R0,11,C65615,0 8=P0,2,C66225,0 9=P0,3,C65861,0 10=P0,5,C66080,0 11=P0,4,C66079,0 12=P0,7,C65758,0 13=P0,6,C65759,0 14=R0,38,C65680,0 15=U0,38,C65674,0 16=R0,34,C65676,0 17=U0,34,C65674,0 18=R0,36,C65678,0 19=U0,36,C65674,0 20=P0,32,C65567,0 22=R0,39,C65681,0 23=U0,39,C65674,0 24=R0,33,C65675,0 25=U0,33,C65674,0 26=R0,35,C65677,0 27=U0,35,C65674,0 28=R0,37,C65679,0 29=U0,37,C65674,0 30=P1,0,C65752,0 31=R1,9,C65602,0 32=U1,9,C65604,0 33=P1,1,C1079,0 34=P1,5,C66080,0 35=P1,4,C66079,0 36=P1,7,C65758,0 37=P1,6,C65759,0 38=P1,8,C65876,0 39=P1,3,C65861,0 40=P1,2,C66226,0 41=R1,10,C65607,0 42=R1,11,C65615,0 43=R1,38,C65680,0 44=U1,38,C65674,0 45=R1,39,C65681,0 46=U1,39,C65674,0 47=R1,37,C65679,0 48=U1,37,C65674,0 49=R1,34,C65676,0 50=U1,34,C65674,0 51=R1,33,C65675,0 52=U1,33,C65674,0 53=R1,35,C65677,0 54=U1,35,C65674,0 55=R1,36,C65678,0 56=U1,36,C65674,0 57=P1,32,C65682,0 58=U1,32,C65674,0 [Axes] 0=0X,256,D,7,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,0,0,0 3=0R,256,D,5,0,0,0 4=0U,256,F,65773,0,0,0 5=1X,256,D,1,0,0,0 6=1Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 7=1Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 8=1R,256,D,5,0,0,0 9=1U,256,D,6,0,0,0 [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=CH Pro Pedals USB 0.GUID={E2123EC0-C6BD-11E0-8003-444553540000} 1=CH Flight Sim Yoke USB 1.GUID={E216F9B0-C6BD-11E0-8004-444553540000} ... END ... whats wrong here, some entrys are two times in file? lg Alti
  20. Hello Pete! So on my computer is any wrong? I have running the version 3.999, and in my FS9 and in my Modules folder is not any FSUIPC.ini file. i found it in Flightsimulator System-folder "Flight Simulator-Dateien" (german version of FS9). The file FSUIPC.dll is in FS9\Modules. the folder FSUIPC Documents is also in FS9\Modules. in the fsuipc is there: [Programs] run1=F:\FS Real Time\FSRealTime.exe run2=READY,F:\FS9\aismooth_v120\AISmooth.exe run3=READY,F:\FS9\fsw_gmap_fs9_10\FSWidgetsGMap.exe but all not start. so i change the fsuipc.dll to an older file and start FlightSimulator, then the programs will start. ( i see this while i have reinstalled the DigitalAviationFokker, and the setup overwrites my fsuioc to an older version) i have Win7homepremium X64 in german. is this an Win7 feature?
  21. Hello Pete! Why in the newest version for FS9 i cannot autostart my exe like in older versions? so in the older *ini i have this: [Programs] runif1=READY,KILL,F:\FS9\aismooth_v120\AISmooth.exe runif2=READY,KILL,C:\Program Files\FS Real Time\FSRealTime.exe but in the newer version i cant find the FSUIC.ini where i have to insert this. how to do this in Version 3.999 (February 2012) greetings Alti
  22. Hi, I have found a new suspect: It could be the Scenery "World Time Zones" which sparks between them since. I disabled this scenery now and made a test flight. No sudden or extensive clouds were coming to see .... To ensure this, I will make even more flights on routes that were most affected by the problem. Especially the Mediterranean Area - Africa - Europe. Alti
  23. thank you! Alti
  24. Hello Pete! I have troubles with ASE-Program: ASE did make in the depiction of clouds: set clouds on, clouds off... User did say that is "cloud-popping" in and out. Also did my ASE download the new weather from Hifi all 3 to 5 minutes, but the setting is to download all 30 minutes... "Jim" from Hifi means this: "...each download is preceeded by a FS change in location or a re-fresh detected..." can i use FSUIPC to log if any tool sets the position refresh during flight? my FSUIPC is the Version "EDIT: Yes, my copy is registered..." and FS 9.1 thanks for help, Alti
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