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Everything posted by pcssundahl

  1. FYI I have done a couple tests with 5101g. All seems good. No Errors in the log. Excellent!!!! Thank you very much Pete.
  2. I'd be happy to do any testing you like Pete
  3. We sure do appreciate the hard work.
  4. Can I do anything else to help at this point?
  5. To answer about the axis movements- maybe I believe that is from my axis being a few years old and maybe a bit dirty (One of thr reasons FSUIPC is GREAT it smooths out most of that) PS - even though I downloaded your 5101e zip the log still says 5101d. I double checked
  6. hmmmm. im on windows 8.1 no idea if that helps
  7. I tried 5101e and still issue remains. here is the log file with the 3 logging options on. FSUIPC5.log FSUIPC5.ini
  8. here is my ini file you requested. I tried a couple things. I unplugged my Saitek throttle quadrant and cleared the spoiler and flap calibration in fsuipc just to see if the spoiler axis was causing the issue. Still errors. Then I plugged the Saitek quadrant back in recalibrated in fsuipc and unchecking all filter boxes in the profile specific calibration tab in fsuipc. still errors. Now going to try 5101e FSUIPC5.ini FSUIPC5.log
  9. Morning Pete. I know I wasn't real clear and may have mis spoke about the axis stuff. I have the axies assigned in p3d. Then I only calibrated in fsuipc checking filter on every axis I calibrated. I will in check the filter option and try again. Then I will try the updated 5101e
  10. So the next flight I loaded the default V4 flight changed aircraft to the kingair and quick take off. The first climb out went good no problems (key part I think is there was no axis calibration done on the kingair) the last log was from a tds 737 after doing a profile specific axis calibration for my 737-MAX preferences. Then I exited p3d v4 and 10 minutes later did the exact same thing. Started sim with default flight and switched to the KingAir. Then did a profile specific axis calibration for the kingAir. Then did a quick take off. Problems started at about 2000 ft when I started using the auto pilot from the FSS MCP/EFIS app. Prior to that I had only turned on a couple lights and raised the landing gear with FSS Overhead+. then I looked at the log. Im guessing the spoiler armed error did not show because the default king air does not have them. BTW fss mcp/efis and fss switches is for iPhone or ipod ios 8 and later all the others are for ipad ios 6 and later FSUIPC5 log Kingair no axis calibration.log FSUIPC5 log KingAir after axis calibration.log
  11. Correct. Automatic download. So I did a bit more testing. since the last log file I sent all I did was start pc today and start p3d v4 in flight at 10000. What I notice this time is only a few autopilot writes don't work but also the spoiler armed error is coming from my Saitek throttle quadrant y axis not the app which is assigned in the axis section of fsuipc. The autopilot write error are writes from FSS MCP/EFIS. Heres the log file FSUIPC5.log
  12. I will do more test in a bit. See if I can help more.
  13. No I didn't. But I was using them. A basic quick startup and take off from active rwy. Sorry for the delay. My day job gets in the way sometimes. Lol
  14. No. Only when you operate things from the app. Reads are in a run loop
  15. To recreate what I was having problems with. After installing FSS Server and letting all 3 servers past your firewall and installing the apps from App Store (instruction for promo code will be in email I deleted all files in module folder. Run fsuipc5 installer then register. All should be fine at that point. Start sim and confirm that autopilot and engine gen switches are working. Then I set my axis assignments and calibrate and filter options. Within 5 minutes after that I start getting the write issues. You will notice when it happens, you will engage some part of the autopilot on the app and it will change back. Or you will flip the engine gen switches on the app and they will flip back to where they were. At these moments the reads seems to still work correctly because if you flip those switches in the sim they will change on the app. I will send a promo for all my apps just as appreciation for what you do. Who knows you may like using one for enjoyment. Email coming shortly. Thanks again Pete.
  16. No I can give you a promo code so you don't have to pay. Give me a few minutes I'm a bit busy but I will get it to you asap. Do you have an iPad? I will also need to privately send you the promo code so someone else doesn't use it before you enter it. I think FSS Overhead+ would be the best to recreate but I believe FSS MCP/EFIS will show the issue.
  17. Yes they do use FSS Server to interface with fsuipc. It was just an offer. I'm not sure how it could help you (your skills are far more advanced than mine). A lot of people including myself appreciate what you do and I'm just trying to help. I was thinking if you wanted to recreate the write issue for yourself. I think the issue scotflieger is having is very close to the issue I'm experiencing. Also when the errors occur it effects the eng gen write and apu and apu gen write.
  18. I think I've found the correct thread. If you have an apple device Pete I would be happy to give you a promo code to download any of my apps for free. The server to link the device with the pc is a download on my website. www.flightsimsystemsllc.com If it helps you test for a problem.
  19. Ok just responding to the other guy.
  20. I can try the hid scanner later when I get home. Btw that log was after registration.
  21. Sorry about that Pete.
  22. So the iPads operate a lot of functions with python based server writing to fsuipc (also reads). www.flightsimsystemsllc.com pruducts. No nothing gets installed inside P3D. The only other thing I can tell you is that it works good non Registered. Also seems to be good until after I do the axis assignment (profile specific). Then writes start throwing errors. Missed the other thread about Linda. Just trying give you whatever info that might help. Keep up the amazing work. ?
  23. P3D v4 - FSUIPC non registered work great. after registering works great. after axis assignment/calibration via fsuipc my apps stop working correctly. iPad via server using fsuipc(writes) & (reads) FSUIPC5.log
  24. Hi Pete, You do awesome work for the whole sim community. here is what I have I use software to connect my iPad with P3D. ver 510 and 5101 non registered works great. after registering still seems good until after I use the axis calibration. Then I have problems with my iPad apps communicating with P3D v4. these app are stable on previous sim versions but the new 64 bit obviously takes some work. here is my log file. I Hope this helps. ive read through a couple threads and it seems its hard to get people to tell you what you need to know FSUIPC5.log
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