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Everything posted by pcssundahl

  1. Sorry for the delay in my response. Life sometimes slows me down a little. Pete, You are correct about the write not being generated that's why I couldn't find it. but I've contacted the PYUIPC publisher and it seems to be a bug in that module. Which he has fixed and sent a module . I just haven't tried it yet. Has to do with a module not converting the U32 to C correctly (if I understood correctly). Thanks for the write logging example it helped me compare what I was looking at to confirm the write wasn't happening. I will respond with my results when I try the new module. After I respond to the pyuipc publisher with my results Thanks a million Pete Pete
  2. Ok I updated FSUIPC to ver 4.931 and still n1 hld still not working. here is my code "minus the error checking" and log: OffsetHex = 0x07f4 offset = [(OffsetHex, 'd'), (OffsetHex, 'd')] Data = pyuipc.prepare_data(offset, True) try: pyuipc.open(0) try: x = pyuipc.read(Data) pyuipc.close() print x this returns [0, 0] when n1 is off " using the mouse" and [1, 1] when on when write: try: pyuipc.open(0) try: pyuipc.write(Data, [1, 1]) pyuipc.close() nothing happens in fsx and the log file contains this: 1282344 Monitor IPC:07F4 (U32) = 0 1525766 Monitor IPC:07F4 (S32) = 0 I tried signed and unsigned both just to be sure Not sure what I'm doing wrong. As ALLWAYS your help and support of your product is much appreciated Pete
  3. fsuipc version 4.928 I can read the offset just fine but when I write to the offset 07F4 no error returned and no change in the logging option(I was mistaken in the earlier post,sorry about that) it is like the write never happened. to answer the other question no I am not setting the value at 07FA. but I set the value with the mouse in the aircraft(default 737) I wasn't really wanting to set the value just be able to hit the n1 hold/sync. I was planning on implementing the numerical setting for the autopilot at a later time. Thanks again Pete. ps I am using FSUIPC4929c dll that you sent me to help implementing the pushback for a nonregistered version(thanks for that by the way) note- the version I'm referring to in these posts is registered with wideclient but Im writing to fsuipc not wideclient
  4. Hi Pete thanks again for the support, i'm writing to 0x07f4 the logging option shows a good write of 1 but no N1 hold Not sure if this is a known issue or not it seems strange to me i have all other autopilot functions working well. Much Gratitude!!!!
  5. Thanks pete. I'll check that in the FSUIPC Documents and see if I can make sense of it. I seem to be good at confusing myself :)
  6. Thanks Pete I understand what's going on with that offset. I would have responded sooner but sometimes life gets in the way I see that the offset is not valid in fsx now. If I understand your response I need to send keystrokes some kind button pressed signal to the window or fsx directly? Thanks again for supporting your product.
  7. I also can't find the change document you referred to in another topic.
  8. I'm trying to switch views with pyuipc at offset 8320. i can read the value and it changes accordingly when i change views in fsx. When i write to the offset it writes correctly (i checked using the logging feature) but does not change the view. The notes for the offset says its for fs 2004. Is there a different offset to use for fax? I was also thinking this might be on the unregistered list Thanks for any feed back.
  9. Thanks for the reply I didn't think there was an offset for that just thought I would ask just in case. I'm beginning with full "default aircraft" functionality with obvious short comings in FSX."keyboard free flight" Thanks again.
  10. Lets see I created a simple server application that uses the fsuipc interface. I'm not currently using 0D0C for any of the lights the other three offsets currently do all the light function that I need. I will look into that thread you mentioned and I believe I definitely need to learn more about working with bits in bytes. thanks for the response mush appreciated. PS; Off topic but which offset operates the dc meter switch in the default 737 overhead panel can't figure it out for the life of me. Thanks a bunch!!
  11. I'm having trouble using the offset 0D0C for the lights. I can use the offset 028C for the landing lights but I would like to separate the other lights (0281 strobe and beacon) and (0280 for panel, nav taxi). The problem for me is I cant figure out how to manipulate the bits in offset 0D0C. any help with this would be much appreciated. An example of how to turn on only one of the light switches using offset 0D0C would go a long way to helping me. Thanks in advance or any help. when I read offset 0D0C and print results I get: '\xff\x03' if I use .encode('hex') on the return value and print result I get ff03. I can write that to the offset and it will work all the lights. But as I said before I would like to use the lights independently.
  12. Thanks Again Pete, works great Pushback functions perfectly. If you have an email address for the public I would love to discuss distribution "I want make sure everyone gets credit and products.
  13. Thanks Pete, I can't Believe i missed that in the docs. I will download that version and try it rite now. I'm still kind of a newby but the sdk is great another thanks for building this software and supporting it. The sim community loves it as far as i can tell.
  14. I've made this pushback work perfectly on my registered version on my windows8. But when i try it on an unregistered version of FSUIPC4 the aircraft does not response. I opened up the logging window and monitored the offset 31f4 it is writing correctly i get 0x0 for start and 0x3 for stop, when i use the keyboard command for push back i get the same result in the logging window as when i do a pyuipc.write. Again with my registered version of FSUIPC4 it works perfectly. I am very close to submitting a new app in the app store but this "at this point" is my only hiccup. If this is a result of the unregistered version thats ok with me but I'm just trying to clear up this issue any help would be greatly appreciated. P.S. I am looking for just a few people to BETA test an iPhone app for FSX or older Versions. and abso;mutely the authors and contributors of FSUIPC and fs2Interogate i would be more than pleased to give you a copy and compliments I can.
  15. I made a server using the python and the fsuipc_sdk_python and I'm able to connect to fsuipc and get the basic variables (fs_version, etc.) I am stumped though at getting the pyuipc.read() to function correctly it throws a pyuipc.FSUIPCException. So I guess I'm close but the syntax is probably goofing me up. The documentation isn't very in depth for the pyuipc module (at least for a newby like me). If I have it correct I'm wanting to read from the 0x0d0c. A short snippet of code to show me a read would help a great deal. At this point I'm really just trying to operate my lights on FSX PS. I'm a newby to this so I guess it's the syntax of prepare_data() and
  16. Ok I'll check into those libraries. Thanks again
  17. Thanks Paul I've figured out some of what you mentioned, I gave up going about tha app the way I was discussing. I made a server using the python and the fsuipc_sdk_python and I'm able to connect to fsuipc and get the basic variables (fs_version, etc.) I am stumped though at get the pyuipc.read() to do anything. The documentation isn't very in depth for the pyuipc module (at least for a newby like me). If I have it correct I'm wanting to read from the 0x0d0c. A short snippet of code to show me a read would help a great deal. At this point I'm really just trying to operate my lights on fsx. Thanks again Paul for the response. As I was reading it I relived my realization that the approach I was trying was going to be one heck of a task.
  18. I'm a newby to programing. What i'm trying to do is similar to some of the other apps out their on iOS devices. I'm trying to access fsuipc via the LAN to control a few switches. I could be going about it all wrong, I imported the Appropriate (i think) file to my project from the SDK_C but the issue is that a lot of the functions and variables are really in windows specific file types and so far Xcode and iOS don't like it(which makes sense but i know it can be done other apps are already doing this) Like I said i might be Going about it all wrong. Maybe I should be using and learning the FSUIPCDotNetClient2.0 I'm new but learning fast so any help pointing me the correct direction or working through this issue would be greatly appreciated.
  19. I'm building an app using Xcode and the C SDK. the problem is that i can't find the file to include for most of the functions. I have included FSUIPC_User.h, IPCuser.h, and IPCuser.c correctly, some of the functions are in windows.h but others like the variable MAX_PATH is undeclared. So I defined it. but there is a lot of functions and variables that are defined in windows.h but i can't figure out any way to work out the problem of windows.h not being found. Most research I've done says there is no way to include or import windows.h Any help working through this would be greatly appreciated.
  20. I've tried installing squawkbox4 with the wideclient deactivated and without wide fs running also I cant seem to get it to work. when I run squawkbox4 on the same machine as fsx it seems to be too much for my pc. i'm already running the pcc to its max. I surely would like some help with this, I use xsquawkbox for xplane on the same machine it works great. but I want to be able to use squawkbox with fsx also. thanks for any help cangive me.
  21. well i've tried everything i can think of after following the instructions for squawkbox. which told me i needed widefs so i bought it with fsuipc4. widefs is connected to fsx but when i start squawkbox and try to connect to vatsim no good!!! message saying no sim running be sure flight simulator is running. Please help i've read alot of forums and im getting very frustrated with this.
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