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Everything posted by raad

  1. Great Idea , I will Give them A call . I appreciate your help Regards .
  2. After i red the website they requested to remove the program and re-instal it . i think feelthere to send me a serial number .
  3. No i did not , And really i don't now whats going on ,,simulator wouldn't start at all .. To be honest the step you sent me on that website its complicated . Any time click start the SIM i get this message { This application has failed to start because vorbis.dll was not found . re-installing the application my fix this problem} clicking ok i get this message { filed to find oggvorbis DLLs( vorbisfile.dll,ogg.dll,orvorbis.dll} I guess if Feelthere can send me a password so i can remove the program thin add it again
  4. Hi recently when i am trying to start the SIM , I get this message Unable to locate component (the application has failed to start because Vorbis.dll was not found .re-installing the application my fix the problem ). Anyone can help . Regards Raad
  5. Talking About multiplayer.I suggest if a section could be created in the forum for those Who are interested to interact with others and get connected as multiplayer , I guess that will make the simulator more realistic and fun Anybody Agree .
  6. Most likely I will switch To Windows 7 Nothing Works .. Thanks Dick For your Time , I Really Appreciate Your Great Help And Concern . I will Advice You If Things Works Fine . Regards , Raad
  7. You are right Dick i cannot read the file with notepad , thanks why i don't no whats going go i did tried the shift button also . what i did exactly is the following steeps . 1- right click on your attached file ( save as desktop/databases file ) 2- After saving i did right click and added .exe also i did ''exe'' 3- right click again to found '' run as '' its not there , and i knew it will not be there because the file still saved as text document (notepad) just as the airport and airline file ... and i believe if i am mistaking the file should look like the tracon editor file white with blue in up top
  8. Yes Dick i Did Rename it to Schedule Creator TRACON 6 V1.exe after i down lode it by right click but nothing .. even when i open the file by notepod its become scramble word like chines
  9. Yes Dick I did . The Problem i found out the file is downloaded in my documents as Text Document file ( Notepad ) Witch is doesn't show ' Run As ' when you click right . Unlike for example the Tracon editor file , it shows 'Run As ' When i click right and it show as Administer .
  10. Hi Everyone I am Having Window XP .When I Click Right On The Tracon 6 V1 File I Don't See Administrator . Note / I Did down lode the file on my desktop and change it to .exe But still i don't see any Administer word when i click right . Anybody Can tell me what possibly could be wrong . I am Really so interesting to have the schedule creator Regards . Raad
  11. Hi Dick . Thanks for your efforts ., I really appreciate your inputs for this great simulator. speaking of the schedule creator is it possible that you will add NYC in the schedule creator Regards . Raad .
  12. HI jrbright21 what you are saying is totally correct , the ALT for The STAR is incorrect and does not represent the reality, you can edit the arrival as the gentlemen said earlier or by using tracon editorregards Raad
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