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Everything posted by Driver170

  1. Hi, I can send logs next time i go on MSFS but when i start in the sim FSUIPC fails to connect?
  2. I will try 60 but my sim takes longer than 5 Only parameter i see is StartUpTuningDoneVersion=1
  3. Hey, it wasn’t working before this morning. But after i restarted my PC it seemed to connect ok. So using MSFS FSUIPC icon launches it automatically? But using MSFS.exe it manually starts up?
  4. I started a new log and used FSUIPC launch icon FSUIPC7.log
  5. But i’m not manually starting it? I launch MSFS and shortly after all my Exe.xml entry’s appear along with FSUIPC
  6. I just changed it to =15 I start MSFS manually ans shortly after FSUIPC auto loads via the exe.xml entry?
  7. I will change that on the next start up as i already launched MSFS sorry FSUIPC7.log
  8. ah sorry about that, i did start MSFS trhen FSUIPC auto loads. what i done there was try to manually connect FSUIPC then sent the logs. I'm starting MSFS again and will send those logs
  9. Hi john , here we go FSUIPC7.log
  10. Vpilot
  11. I will attach that soon. But i have other problems with simconnect as my prosim shows not connect and also vpiloy
  12. Hi, i reinstalled packages but now when i click on profile specific i get this message. My other simconnect apps don’t connect either. Can someone help please?
  13. Hi sorry, You did say that you wanted to "trigger an audio sound with prosim" - how do you do this? i.e. what do you need to send to ProSim to trigger the sound? With prosim you can use input / gates. But i’m very limited in how all this works. Sorry you don’t understand prosim. Its confusing for me also. Prosim has something like FSUIPC 32bit U and you can assign 0x3344.0 for example Can you not trigger/play the sound file in FSUIPC using a lua script, which you can assign to the key press sent from VoiceAttack? Yes, but i’m just unsure how to approach lua scripts?
  14. Prosim said - But for a voice command i would recommend going the fsuipc way with user inputs/gates Just not sure how to approach this?
  15. But can this be sent to prosim though?
  16. I was hoping you could use it and find out how to assign the key press from the voice command to in FSUIPC which i can then use it with prosim737
  17. Hi, You can use the trial version which i’m using just now.
  18. Hi, I’m looking to activate a command via FSUIPC with a voice command. I’m currently using Voiceattack and trying to figure out this. So i would be saying “cabin crew ten minutes to landing” and this would trigger an audio sound with prosim. I’m running P3D and prosim737 homecockpit software.
  19. Those files attached are from the same day for that session. I can include the FSUIPC7 log also when I get home. regarding the wideserver.ini, i just included this as its in my folder? The wideclient on MSFS yes
  20. Ok, hope these are enough WideClient0.log WideClient.log WideClient.ini WideServer.ini
  21. Sorry for the delay been away. Yes still get this issue
  22. WideClient.ini
  23. Hi John, P3D works great and thats the only sim i use currently. I decided to try MSFS (eyecandy) to fly about looking at the scenery but it just keeps disconnecting and reconnecting.
  24. Hi, Been getting more problems. It goes from connected to waiting for connection WideClient.log FSUIPC7.log WideServer.log
  25. Thanks john. Servername worked as you know
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